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Topics - Robin

Tennis player Mark Philippoussis described watching himself winning the Davis Cup for Australia...,5936,8083062%255E2764,00.html

I felt as if I was standing on the sidelines watching play rather than actually being on the court myself.

He recalls a story that Australia's Golden Girl sprinter Betty Cuthbert told him about an experience on the way into the stadium for the 400m final at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.

It was like a time warp, she told him. Somehow I knew that I had won, not that I could win, this event.


Neil Primrose had a swimming pool accident that almost cost him his life. Convinced death was near when he saw faces of family and friends flash before him as he began to drown.

"I attempted to move but my whole body felt floppy and paralysed. The seconds ticked and I started to see a tunnel of yellow light appear in front of me." He continued: "Then, I saw a kind of slide show and there were hundreds of faces flashing past me of people I knew at school who I hadn't thought about for years. I saw images of family and friends and I realised I was coming face-to-face with my death.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / 9 11 dreams
September 13, 2002, 07:30:03
I had two 9 11 dreams that came true. You can read them they are marked I wanted to know if anyone else out there had dreams of 9 11 that came true?



These types of experiences happen all the time.  If you would like more information about this, other than looking at posts on this website, visit the website of a UK scientist, look up Morphic Fields and I believe you will be very interestied in his findings.  

wow, thats a great story, i really like the part when the mom said it was the only head injury that made someone smarter haha[:D]

i saw a tv show called "walking after midnight" basically it was hosted by ringo starr and talked about various celebrities paranormal experiences,

one story talking about betsy cline who was a famous country singer and how she died in a plane crash,  well a young girl was born named K.D. Lang, in canada, she claims that from the ages of 3-10 she had nightmares about an airplane crash,

kinda cool, considering that they both sound very similiar, any who just thought id share that.
Hello Robin,

Robert Bruce (the author of Astral Dynamics) explained in his book that he had an obe during a rain storm. He explained flying through the rain and skimming the tapered clouds. He also explained the sensations of thunder while your in your projected double is utterly amazing. I hope that day will come to me sooner than later :)

Blue Giant
Interesting article Robin, thanks for sharing it.

More common then people realize.  Coma victims have often experienced the afterlife and NDE.  It's actually quite a common occurance.  The problem is that if they try and tell doctors or something the doctors credit it to some chemical brain reaction or something.  But to have an OBE or NDE during a coma... well... many, many books are written about such experiences.
There's lots of entities that assist people, not just angels.


Originally posted by Robin

Oregon woman who was hurt in a fall while hunting and lost both legs to exposure, credits her survival to angels

The former home health worker says that during her struggle to survive, to angels appeared and remained with her, radiating warmth and keeping her from dying of hypothermia.

"The best way to describe it was two golden bright lights, just in the shape of two people," she said. They appeared on the second night after she began to pray for help, they never spoke and disappeared at daylight, but they were with her every night until she was rescued, she said.

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Why?
February 12, 2003, 08:04:13
I'd like to think that people like us (those who are interested in our soul and seek to know answers) were chosen (by God or whoever you would like to believe in) and that one day we will possibly have a task because we are more spiritually advanced and we actually care more than most people do. I'm not saying those people who do not care are bad people, they just weren't supposed to care I guess? I guess we'll all find out if this meant anything in the end.

Thats freaky. Have you ever seen the scary movies where the evil thing is a leperchaun? He had rotted teeth sorta like you described.

Do you think it was a form of low astral wild life? If so, do you think it took on a form that thougt would intimidate you, or if it really 'looked' like that.

To many stars, not enough sky.
Welcome to Dreams! / being blind in a dream
August 14, 2002, 19:28:53

I too had a dream just 3 days ago inwhich I was in a car driving down a road backwards.My face was close to the ground and I was struggling to see also I felt slightly sedated.It was totaly dark both in front of my face and around me.I was very aware of the moving direction and had sensed that I would be okay though I wondered if I might hit something.

Note*  I often wonder if in fact dreams like that are not just low key o.b trips.In the past with dreams like this i`ve come to realize that im o.b and upon catching cliaity am often fatiuged to the point inwhich I make a simple note and return to bed.


Wow, now that would freak me out.  Glad it's never happened to me." border=0> Did it continue just holding your hand, or did it stop eventually?

In Tibetan Buddhism there is something called Deity Yoga. It involves deliberately creating experiences like what you describe. There are many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to choose from and the teacher is supposed to do the choosing. Christianity is a lot simpler until you throw in saints and angels. It sounds like your choice is clear if you want to look into how Deity Yoga works.

I hope you had fun with your experience. I find that all projections are VERY spiritual and fun. My first projection was quite possibly  a lucid dream but i doubt it. I got to experience flight and also feel what its like to pass through a brick wall! I have only had that 1 projection but I HAVE experienced lots of meditation and I enjoy energy body reactions ALOT. One funny thing not many people think about is that when your in your energy body, you don't refelct your physical body. Nobody can feel bad about their side/weight when in trance because you can't feel your physical body and + you enjoy the feeling of trance alone. I really want to project into a storm sometime. I felt EXTREMELY weird the other night during a full moon. I didn't project but I felt a strong feeling of being lighter in weight. My energy body was expanded and light and it felt great! I highly reccomend you go into trance and toy around with energy centers. its SO MUCH FUN