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Topics - michael

Many times when having an OBE but more especially during a Lucid dream scenario....I have had this ..what can only be described as a "luscious eeriness" sortof feelig when participating in the LD environment..Robert Monroe explains this by referrring to it as "Going Home"...which sort of makes sense.
The feeling that you are in your "real" (spiritual) home environment..the pathos and sort of obscure nostalgia is tremendous..
Anybody know what I am blethering onabout?or can desxcribe it bettr than i can?
For the first time ever I managed to meet a close friend on the astral plane and the situation was remembered by both of us...nothing too exceptional but I was told something I did not know and this was confirmed by my friend who remembered the I am grateful I have experienced something Oliver Fox etc mentions for example.... In my case it was neither a conscious or lucid dream scenario which i had been trying for but a "dream with atmosphere" own personal description of a sort of sensation i get in either OBE,Lucid dream or "ordinary" dream..where there is a deeply felt "eerie" atmosphere..very pleasant since it means that something exceptional is happening..I know that those me..have been fortunate to OBE LD frequently will know what I am talking about...there just is a enhancing "eerieness" when one is in the spirit world for real and one knows it...anyway..long winded intro to asking for any other mutually remembered experiences in the astral plane..
I think your saying you need a concious exit from AP/OOB to remember what you did there, so you can override what went on Etherically (in the flesh so to speak).  Your brain won't deal with 2 sets of memories, so it lets one go and retains the other, but a concious return will let you force the issue?

Thank you for taking effort to share this deeply personal story.

Suicide and attempted suicide is something that has also touched my life (friends and family).  Although by comparison I can only but feel a humbled by your words!

I am sure your kind thoughts will continue to bring reassurance and be a great comfort to many!

Kindest regards,

Hi michael,

I moved your topic out of obe discussions as it seems better suited to our general metaphysics forum. If you disagree, please pm me and we'll work something out.

For my part, I haven't heard about "old" verses "new" clairvoyance and the effects of alcohol. If you come across who wrote on this, and where, please post the information. Thanks. [:)]

Very best,
Sounds cool, he just needs to bring it over to the USA :).
I'm not here to put down one method/organization/technique over another.  However, since you bring it up, I think I relate more to Monroe's material over Viera's, and here's why.

As you've said, I've always had a problem with people who coin certain phrases for things (as is the case with IIPC).  In my mind, people do this just to say, "I originated that term."  Perhaps it wasn't done out of ego, but if not, then it only serves to mystify the process of astral travelling.

For example, it's easier for me (and many new beginners) to refer to your non-physical body as your 'astral body' instead of a 'psychosoma.'  Granted, I'm sure both schools of thought are there to accomplish the same things, but to me, one is easier than the other.

What Monroe did (which again, I personally relate to better) is that he broke everything down into Focus levels.  It's much more straightforward and structured for a logical person like me.

To each his own.....

Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash - Jokes and Humor
Do an internet search for "Ingo Swann"" border=0>

Greg Taylor :)

"Whatever consciousness may be, it's not a small thing" - Ingo Swann