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Topics - jc43

I listened to a binaural beat practically guaranteed to cause astral projection. I relaxed myself to the extreme as if I was about to try to project as usual, then listened to the 30 minute beat. It didn't cause projection, but when I got up I felt like I was high...REALLY high...For a couple minutes. It was pretty weird.

So it didn't work the way it was supposed to, but it was a free one on youtube. I found some elsewhere on the internet guaranteed to cause astral projection in minutes, somewhere around 20$ for an mp3 download. Is this a rip-off, or do you think this can really work? I'd prefer an answer from someone who's tried this. Thanks!
Being eager and insanely excited about the possibility of astral projection, I need the book that'll get me there the quickest. Please don't misinterpret this as me being impatient enough to sacrifice the quality of my education on the subject. I'll go through each step as carefully as possible, I just need to know that the steps are effective enough to be worth the time and effort. I don't need any books filled with persuasive essays for skeptics, or the science of it, or any of that, all that can be saved for after I've finally had my own OBE.

Thanks for any help
I'd like to open up my chakras, but I have no idea where to sart. How do I know which of my chakras are closed or open? Is there a chart somewhere on the internet of the characteristics of each chakra?
I've been very interested in astral projection lately and I attempted it for the first time a couple weeks ago. I heard some people get it on the first try, some take years, but that a typical time frame is a couple months. On my first try, I think I atually got surprisingly close! I relaxed more than I ever have before and tried the "rope method" and felt some vibrations after a while. I've still only tried the rope method every night since then, but have never gotten as far as that first night...In fact, I think I'm getting worse and worse at concentrating, and I don't really know why! I can't really silence my mind, I'll be trying to focus on the rope-climbing but something will creep in my head and sort of take priority. I guess its because I've always been a deep thinker, when I had first heard of spiritual people in cultures such as ancient India trying to silence the mind my response was "why would anyone wanna do that?" So my mind is just always going and I'm always thinking about philosophy, music, art, my day, my friends, my band, girls (lol I am a teenager yaknow...), politics, religion, my family, and whatever else pops into my head! If anyone has any advice for SHUTTING MYSELF UP I'd greatly appreciate it!! If I can't fix this problem I'm worried I'll be trying this for years and never accomplish it!