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Welcome to Astral Chat! / Past lives?
May 03, 2012, 22:01:48
Has anyone used AP to find out about past lives?
I've been reading about remote healing recently and practicing on my husband but he's not a believer so he won't be returning the favor.  :roll:  :wink: Any how, I have a head cold that's been kicking my butt the last two days. Can someone send some healing my way? I'm genuinely curious to know what it's like to receive now that I've learned how to give some healing. I would be so grateful for some help!
I experienced rain during an OBE this morning for the first time. I could feel cool rain drops on my skin and falling on my head. It's been very dry weather lately where I live. I don't know where this rain in my OBE came from. The weather has always been clear in my OBEs before. It made me wonder what everyone else experiences when they are out of body in regards to the weather. Is it normally clear?
I saw the timer method posted in another thread and decided to try it this morning. I haven't had a good OBE in weeks. I keep fall asleep or nothing happens. I was hesistant to try the timer method because I was afraid it would just cause insomnia and again nothing would happen. I'm happy to report that it worked very well and I was able to have multiple OBEs within an hour or so time frame. I was very tired and stressed from work so I ended up falling into dreams alot during my experience this morning but I'm encouraged that this method worked and can't wait to try it again when I've had more sleep. I used my iPhone as the timer. I setup multiple alarms for the different intervals and turned the snooze setting off for each of them so the alarm would be quiet with just one tap to the volume down button on the side of the phone. I put my headphones in and chilled to some binaural beats (also an iPhone app) for about 30 mins prior to the first alarm going off. I hope this helps someone else like it helped me. 
The other morning I was meditating around 5:30 am with headphones on. I finally took them out, put them away and just tried to sleep since I could not relax enough to project. I knew that my kids would be up around 7 and I might get interrupted if I did manage to get out so I gave up. My 3 year old daughter was the first one to get up. She always comes straight to my room to get me. I took her into the kitchen to start breakfast and she said in a lecturing tone of voice "mommy, don't put those things in your ears because you can't hear me". I knew she was talking about the headphones but it wasn't until later that I realized she had not seen me with the headphones on because I had put them away long before she was awake. As a matter of fact, she's not ever seen me with them on since my meditation always takes place pretty early in the a.m. and I've only just recently started using binaural beats. She loves to tell me about her deams when she wakes up but I dismiss a lot of it because she's only 3. I swear I think I hear her coming into my room sometimes. I hear the floor creak and the sound of a little person coming up to the bed but when I open my eyes, she's not there. I usually dismiss this as just me anticipating her waking up but now I'm starting to wonder if she's projecting. Thoughts???
I'm new to the world of AP. I've been at it about a month or so. I started having premonitions of various types-- some visual, some just feelings/thoughts. They've subsided somewhat but now I'm experiencing crazy emotions that I can't really explain. One day I was on the verge of tears and just sad for no reason. Not like me at all really. Today I felt all anxious and unsure of myself as soon as I walked into work. Later, I took my work friend (who is the first person I always see in the a.m.) to lunch and told her how I was feeling. She said "OMG!! I feel the same way!" and explained why. She had a good reason to feel that way but not me. It dawned on me later that maybe this roller coaster of emotion I've been feeling is a result of AP'ing or maybe a new psychic gift emerging. I hope someone can offer some insight. I'm not usually this emotional and was just starting to think something was wrong with me.
I have been unsuccessful in my last two attempts at AP'ing. I decided to give it a try back in my own bed vs the uncomfortable couch.  I played pink noise constantly on my headphones after doing binaural beats for about 40 mins. I began feeling vibrations and kept my excitement contained this time since I think this was an issue the last two times. I was soon rolling out and floating to the door. I couldn't see my surroundings so I used clarity now a few times then looked at my hands. Things brightened up and I took off flying above the trees and having fun. It was the best flying I've experienced so far! It was bliss!!! Then I remembered I wanted to see a friend so I asked to be taken to him. I recited his name and email address like that would help. :-) I was pulled into the darkness and was going fast, sometimes spinning. I could hear what sounded like an old fashioned modem like my friend and I were being connected literally that way. LOL! I didn't succeed but found myself back in bed in a false awakening. I knew it was false because I could still hear the pink noise even though I was trying to remove the head phones. I was telling my husband to help me wake up and getting a little frustrated. But then I decided if I was still dreaming why not take off flying again and that's what I did! Total freedom and lucidity inside my FA! Woohoo! I tried a second time to visit my friend and was successful! Same thing happened with the modem sound and blackness then the next thing I know, I'm being dropped off in his front yard. I walk right through his window and into his bedroom. I see him in bed. I call his name softly and his eyes start to open. He smiles sleepily and says "where did you come from?". I smiled and was a little embarrassed but quite happy with myself so I left. I found myself in a FA again but it felt so real that I could even feel myself pinch my arm to see if I was dreaming. Again I could hear the pink noise still when I took the headphones out so I was suspicious. I decided not to panic and walk through a wall to make sure it was a dream since the pinch test didn't work. I went through my bedroom wall and was delighted to know I could be free yet again from this FA. So I decided to imagine I was riding a horse as fast as the wind just like when I was younger and had horses of my own. At first I was flying above a beautiful horse that was running across an open field but then I lowered down onto its back. I grasped its mane with my hands and felt the wind in my face. It was so lovely! A third FA began after that but thankfully my dog made some noise a few times so I was able to wake for real and remove my headphones. I think I will keep the pink noise routine from now on! It sure does beat being stuck in multiple FAs! I can't wait to find out if my friend remembers me coming to visit! In hindsight, I should have stayed longer and talked to him more so maybe he'd have a better chance at recall. I'm sure it won't be the last chance I get though to visit someone now that I know how to do it.  :-D
Anyone else in the same boat? My husband doesn't believe me. I didn't seek this type of experience out. It found me recently when I had an OBE one night. Now I'm very interested in it all and have visited the astral a few times since.  It's life changing and wonderful yet hubby refuses to talk to me about it. He looks at me like I'm crazy.  Ouch.  :cry: We normally tell each other everything. I don't know how to deal with this.
This is only the second time I've been successful at consciously projecting. The first time I didn't make it very far and couldn't see well. It only lasted a short time. This time was a lot different though! I woke up at 4:15 am, did some reading for about 30 mins then settled back into bed with some binaural beats playing through headphones. I asked for a guide to help me and thought about being protected by light surrounding my body. After 20-30 mins of not being able to get as relaxed as I needed, I just took the head phones out and rolled over to sleep. At some point I woke up, rolled on my back again and tried to project. I tried to focus my mind on one thing in my room- a chair. Soon, I got the intense vibrations and just enjoyed them for a little while. Then I rolled out with ease and went to my front door by just thinking about it. I remembered to say clarity now! and could see so well. I stood in my front yard marveling at what I could see. My focus turned to the sky and the bright stars.  I tried to go there and was jumping to try to take off but I kept floating back down to my front yard. I was so thrilled even though I didn't go where I wanted. I was brought back to my body several times but I just rolled out again. It seemed like good practice so I was fine with that. I then became increasingly aware of something gripping my forearms tightly. Sensing it may be my guide that I asked for, I relaxed and said take me where you want me to go. I was then traveling in the dark with him just enjoying the weightless sensation.  I was giggling so much I almost woke myself. I did some back flips and then decided to turn and face my guide. I could only see a flash of green light as I looked around but nothing else. I said "hey, I wanted to see you!". I felt an embrace and warmth filled me. As we floated through the black, I became aware of Christmas music. I heard Jingle Bell Rock and I'll be home for Christmas. There was a third tune that escapes me now but it was three male voices singing.  I remember wondering if it was my guide singing. If so, he had a booming, wonderful voice. :-) I then came back to my body and rolled out again. I turned to see myself laying in bed but I was blurry. I saw my husband much better so I went closer and tried to grab his foot. I could hear him snoring. I tried to exit the house through the window next to the bed but I lost clarity and could only sense I was standing in my back yard. It was at this point I finally woke up so I could write this all down! In a previous OBE where I wasn't in control, I was frightened by the darkness that I was being pulled into so I wouldn't go any further. I think the singing was my guide's way of reassuring me that the darkness is nothing to fear when astral traveling. I had no fear at all this time! It was awesome!
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Hi from Alabama!
December 28, 2011, 22:03:21
I just found this forum a few days ago. I had an OBE about two weeks ago and have been reading everything I can since. I believe my first OBE actually happened as a child. I remember flying over mountains and houses at night. It seemed so real and so wonderful! My grandmother also had an OBE during an operation she had and was able to confirm it by recalling the conversation her son was having with someone down the hall while she was in the OR. I've always been fascinated by that story! I seem to come from a family of open minded people. My father also has very good intuition and dreams that will come true from time to time. I had this ability as well as a child but lost it when I got tangled up in an abusive relationship. Now that part of my life is over and it seems my abilities are re-emerging. I am also a mom to three young children. The oldest seems to have some abilities as well. He has frequent nightmares so I hope to teach him about lucid dreaming so he can take control when he's dreaming about something scary. There's so much to learn! I'm glad I found this place and look forward to participating more.
I had about 6 or 7 of these in a row yesterday morning after I listened to some binaural beat music and drifting off. Each one became more and more realistic. I was amused once I did awake but also kind of weirded out for a little while because I couldn't be sure I wasn't just dreaming again. Does anyone have any insight or tips in regards to false awakenings? Is it just a side effect of AP or trying to AP? Can it be avoided or is there a way to train yourself to recognize what's happening so you can go ahead and really wake up?
Thanks!  :-)
I had an OBE for the first time about a week ago. It felt like something grabbing my feet and arms and pulling me out of my body. It took me flying around my house and showed me something in my attic then pulled me way down into darkness where I saw a dark figure in the distance waiting. I got fearful so I went back to my body. I have since consciously AP'd but my vision wasn't as clear and I lacked coordination to get very far. When I did it consciously, I didn't feel pulled. I just felt the floaty feeling. When it happens without me trying (twice more since my first experience), I feel pulled by my feet. What does this mean? Thanks!  :?