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Topics - the-second-man

Hi all,

I've only recently been exposed to Frank's writings and I have a few questions I'd really appreciate advice regarding.
1. Using Wave 1 to train yourself to attain focus 10, mind awake & body asleep - Assuming there are people here who have a perspective of a decade or so on this, would you recommend this for a beginner who has projected a few times but still is far from being able to project at will?
2. I understand from Frank's writings that he uses the wave 1 track 2 CD for training purposes only, but that the actual projection would be done (once mastery of focus 10 has been attained) without the CD, just going through the mental rundown on your own. After all, not much time for projecting during the few minutes before Monroe tells you to go back to F1. Am I correct in that?
3. What is it in the CD that's supposedly so conducive for getting to focus 10? Is it the binaural beats in the background (I seem to recall Frank not really placing so much importance to that)? Is it simply the progressive relaxation, and if so, could one just as well do a standard progressive relaxation as taught in hypnosis?
4. Any other recommendations regarding this particular training?

Just joined this community, and I have to admit I got a really good impression of this forum. Seems to be full of thinking and positive (two qualities that don't always appear in tandem) people, as some very knowledgeable indeed.
I'm in my early 40s and had my first OBE last October using the wake-back-to-bed method. Since then, I've had another 3 such experiences. I'm looking to develop and explore this, and of course I hope to get to the point where I can just project at will. Lately, I ran into this forum and the writing of Frank Kepple, and this is something I'd really like to explore.