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Topics - Patrik

I don't know if these are signs of me getting close, doing something wrong, missing my "chance" or of no "importance" at all, but they are starting to get really annoying.

I am entering a trance, very heavy, getting more and more tired, my mind is getting quite "groggy". I get small conscious "breaks" for a fraction of a second, not effecting my state of mind, practise or feel. Then I get another one of these "breaks", and now all of sudden I am 100% mentally alert, heavyness gone. I wait 20 sec, and I am yet again heavy and tired/groggy.

This usually happens after about 45 minutes.

I really doubt I split, but this is starting to get annoying, and usually destroys the practise.

If anyone know what I might be doing wrong, or have any suggestions they are welcome.
This is so cliche',  but you sound like Whoopee Goldberg in the movie Ghost.

I think you may have been the first being that recognized them?  Most spirits aren't seen by the living.  This would be especially true if they don't get out much (I can't believe I said that, but it is 8 AM and I was up late).  Perhaps initially he thought you were an interloping spirit?

The "explosions" may be backwash or overflow from your techniques.  Nothing that bothers the living, but irritatting to beings of their status.  Maybe something like a flash on a camera, it bothers your eyes but does no real harm?

A whole group of them?  It sounds like you are the only person in the area that is physchically aware.  Therefore you may be the first concious astral projector they have meet?

I do not think they are evil.  Given your level of training, you would know if they were truly evil, right?  I think some of them are confused, but that's not unusual.  I think you can work something out with them, you seem to have come to an understanding with the main spirit.  Be firm and work out some rules, I think this could be a phenomonal opportunity for you to gain insight!!!
Why does he have to be a neg?

Couldn't it be a human souls trapped in the belief systems and wanting someone to carry him away to the afterlife proper?

2cents & L&L
Hi Patrik !!

For a couple of days, try getting up earlier (or much later),  eating slightly less, and exercising harder than you would normally do.

Getting up earlier is more effective that getting up later.... chances are you would be lying in bed awake. The effect this has is to change your body's natural clock, ever so slightly.

The exercise is my top tip. It will enable your muscles to relax more fully, as well as naturally sending your body towards sleep at a faster rate than normal.

After this, it is simply(!) a matter of keeping yourself from drifting into sleep !!!!

One more thing....If you go about this during a regular day, and then practise OBE before bedtime, it probably won't'll just fall asleep....or get irritated, and give up, then go to sleep.

Try this (assuming you don't work at the weekend). Friday evening: Go running / swimming till you are quite tired. Eat just enough, not too much, afterwards. Sleep.

Saturday : Wake at about 5.30...go for a run again....come back home, stay awake till about 10-11am ...NOW practise.


Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / Chakras
April 13, 2004, 12:00:35
Hey Patrik,
Have you done any of the energy work suggested by Robert Bruce? If you skipped ahead to work on the primary chakras maybe this is the result? And if not, working on the secondary ones might releive the problem a bit. Maybe try moving your body awareness to your hands or feet, which should be quite easy if you can feel your heart/brow/crown, it might take your focus off the uncomfortable feelings?
I actually know how you feel because I get restless legs, and I know it really sucks. Since Ive started the energy techniques Ive had one restless legs "attack" and focussing my awareness in my feet actually really helped :)

a good way to prevent energy headaches is to develop the surrounding energy stuff around the third eye- these are the things that give you headaches (as far as i know).

this happens a lot to a lot of people- just keep at it and it'll get better.
Hello Patrik,

That sounds really cool.  How long have you been practicing like this?  Do you use Kundalini techniques?  It sounds to me like you are umm... very experienced in controlling you awareness.  Does anyone know the differences between Chakra practices and Kundalini practices?

I think this is pretty much what I go through every time I hit that strange feeling of heaviness, lightness, largeness, etc. and any time I try to do anything other than maintain the feeling, it goes away and I feel the same way you do: like I've lost the trance and am fully awake.  I don't know if it's a bad thing because I always become very very clear-minded and awake after I've reached and lost this state.

I don't have any definate answers, but I think I'll just try to focus on sticking with it for longer meditation periods.  Instead of reaching this state and trying to project after a few minutes, I think i'll try to maintain this state for an hour or so.

From what I gather, the biggest proplem with my inability to project is a lack of long-term dedication, but I'm improving.  I used to not want to meditate for more than an hour, now I wish I had three hours most of the time.  The point is, I'm just going to keep trying and continue to improve.  Looking back and noticing my progress really pushes me forward.

I guess basically what I'm saying is take things one step at a time.  If we keep working with the trance state, mental focus, and especially energy work, we should both be able to project sooner or later.

(My heart does the same thing sometimes and I know its not my heart chakra.  I'm not sure what to tell you, but your probably right in that it's not that big a deal)
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Attacked ?
March 29, 2004, 02:07:30
Do you know the Bellilin? you seem to know the conjurations and the COP so i assume you know how to sing the bellilin.
Before your astral attempts sing that, and then do the COP.
If you manage to get to the astral, and see/sense any negative entity then do the jupiter conjuration.
What you have to remember is that nothing in the astral can harm you in any way at all, you have control of your state there, and the best state for full control is one of passive awareness. Be aware of where you are, but do not allow any emotions to arise greatly, as you will probably return to your body.
If you are being attacked it is most likely by a Negative Entity, in which case the conjurations should work if done properly.

Hope you fare better next time.
if you every feel that you are moving up and down but not physicly try laying down and go with it. Always smile[:D]
hey patrik,

you were saying that when you thinking of cats more apeard right? it kinda sounds like you are see through your astral eyes. next time you can see through you eye lids think hard i wont my sight to be clear. also next time piture your self swaying back in forth and maybe if you close to obe you might "pop out". well good luck
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Weeiirrd!
March 17, 2004, 09:01:48
ROTFLMAO, your bed must have been fitted with antigravity plating.
Hi Patrik,
I once had a projection right after lying on the bed, maybe 10 min or so and it was my only fully conscious projection where I am not asleep before that. But I have to admit it is much harder to keep your physical body from moving when it is that conscious, because when you were first asleep and then project your body is "locked". I think the easiest way to project is to get up early in the morning (4-5am), stay a little bit awake and then go back to bed. That's the best that had worked for me. :)))))
Hey Patrik!

I think phasing is more of your conscious taking the trip.  I am just starting to experiment with this myself and am finding it is more like a tv/movie screen.  You do go into the picture, and you can call it stepping into it, but your just a giant head. [:P] that is how I describe it.

Like I've said....just started testing the waters in this part of the ocean, I could be wrong...[;)]

We can learn together! [:D]


I know what you mean but the only advise I have is to forget about reaching the state, to forget about not reaching the state and to forget the state even exists.
Just let it happen if it will. Don't force it in any way, don't even think of not forcing it. Be cool, like [;)]

2cents & L&L
There are probably as many techniques as there are people.
I usually just move my awareness to the area but any one of the methods you described works.

The sensation of pressure you described is indeed the result of the brow chakra being active. The stronger the sensation the more activity there is-at least that's my take on the matter.

2cents  L&L
First off, try looking for the hypnagogic imagary using the interrupted sleep technique, that might help.  That is, sleep for 4 hours, then get up, walk around for about 30 minutes, then go back to bed for another 4.  When going back, focus on the imagary.  

EDIT: by focus I mean watching passively, not actually direction lots of attention or moving your eyes or willing anything to happen, just keeping an active mind on the imagary, but at the same time not trying to influence it in any way, the act of doing so will cause the images to disappear.  Basically watch but don't will.

Secondly, the very act of trying and failing may be causing a mental block preventing you from succeeding.  But then again, maybe not.  I just focus on the images, and eventually they appear.  If they ever get so clear that they are movie-esque, that pretty much means that lucid dream and/or obe is near.  At which point I wait for a scene to form which I'm in, then I simply start moving:)  

These movielike images I believe are brought on by REM sleep onset, though I'm not sure on that.  Which is why I suggest the interrupted sleep technique as you can hit REM sleep within minutes of going back to sleep, as opposed to 90 minutes at the start of the night.  Naps are good too for this.