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Topics - Tia

Greetings Tia!

Thank you for your comments!

I have not received any other reports about the speed. It is flying along from here, and my server is at another location. At the foot of each page, there is a report that states how long it takes to generate each page. e.g. this one "This page was generated in 0.42 seconds." I don't know of any reasons why it should be slow.

Is anyone else having speed problems at all?

With best regards,

Hi Tia!

I'm happy for you, and I can relate to the disappointment too! It's like, it's a blast and expands my sense of what is possible and what might be real (very very cool) but on the other hand I want to travel the universe, meet a guide, see the light, and get absolute verification of it all to boot.

Still, each excursion is a 'step into a greater universe' or something, right?

Congrats again!

Hi Tia! I believe Robert says in one of his articles that there are some energy exchange ports on the lips and tongue, so it's quite possible that this creature was feeding off your energy, but hey, who can blame someone if they're hungry? I've never been out, but from reading on this forum for 6 months now, I believe that's a pretty likely explanation for your experience.

Keep posting,

Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / World Blues...
August 21, 2002, 04:51:03
I know nothing of any meaning to life or such terrible acts. But the whole world is not just terrible acts. The news seems to want people to think that things such as this is all that happens, but it is not. I suggest you stop watching/reading the news for awhile and take a break. I know I have to do this at times. Instead look at all the possitive things that happen around you. There are probably more than you think, you just do not pay much attention to it. How many people have been nice to you today? Anyone let you out/over while driving? Just yesterday I was standing in line at the store with just 3 things to buy. There were two ladies in front of me with many more things. They were nice and let me go in front of them. At times like that I feel reassured that there is still good in the world. Though their act was nothing big, it still was nice. If you want the world to be a brighter place you must do your part. You cannot expect others to be nice if you are not. If you want to make the world a better place be nicer to people and look towards the positive and try to ingore the negative.

When I first learned about chakras, it was only the primary centers. That was where I started. There were times when during attempts to meditate I felt like many small insects were crawling on me, but did not see them. The odd energy effects should change after a while. Most sources don't even try to deal with secondary centers.

Have you tried sending energy to the area where you usually experience pain while not in trance? It is possible that the increased concentration and awareness you experience in trance is magnifying the pain and discomfort. If you can direct energy into it often and lightly while in normal consciousness you might have more luck with it.

Aaaahhhh man! Cool! It sounds like you were really OB and laying on yourself (hee hee! I always find it funny to think of us squashing ourselves, breathing down our own necks, being afraid of our own shadows....  Might not be funny in person but I love the thought)

I was really bumming last night because I was trying to hold a blank mind, get some vibrations or something, and couldn't.  Sometimes a reminder like your post is what helps me remember that persistence pays off -

I am so excited for you!

I have been practicing NEW for about a year now, and whenever I raise energy normally, I almost NEVER get strong sensations.. I am subtly aware of the energy moving through my lims, and through my body, but that's about it. However, if I concentrate 100% on the energy, and apply mental "force" to it, I find that I can feel the energy much more, and when I raise energy this way, I become very energized and upbeat.

I had my first experience of healing today.  I had such a blocked nose (allergies) that I just started 'stirring' my sinuses and around my nostrils.  I didn't raise any energy but I felt energy sensations in response to the stirring.  I then got that almost painful ache/ relief when your sinuses open up - it worked, immediately.  I also got a rush of energy in my head so maybe I overdid things, I usually do.  Do you do the full body circuit?  When you bring the energy down over your face take it through your eyeballs.

Good luck with your experiment.  I think that 'intention' is real important in these exercises, as in what you intend the end result to be, ie; clear sight.  And then let the energy figure out exactly how to do it, I dont think it's necessary to guide it with imaginative instructions - but I could be way off in my thinking, so I am very interested to hear your progress with this.

I dont know about no 5.  If you are heading for exams you will be under stress which affects the eyesight.  Dont rush things, let the healing take it's natural course, wear those glasses in the meantime.


 Tia, simply put, it just means that you're body has most likely cleared the majority of the blockages (eg strong energy movement is a symptom of lots of blockages), and you're body such be "online" so to speak.  Are you a physically active person?  Are you less prone to sickness? Etc.

Well what can you do with energy?  Tons of stuff.  Have you learned how to project yet?  Gain focus, knowledge, use the energy in a positive or negative fashion, whatever you'd like...don't limit yourself....^_^



 I would have to say that THAT is disgusting, a company would prey and CHARGE an AIDS patient exuberant amounts of money for 'free energy'.  There are plenty of people who would do it for free, or better yet the poor fella could've started on NEW, ...something.  Eh, this is my personal experience, and I can understand instances (eg college student) where you might charge a minimal fee for attunement...but wow, the things people will do for money.  ^_^  
At the same time, stupid is as stupid does.



Look, I don't want to sound rude, or anything, but my posting to this BBS is the first time I have ever made contact with others on this whole subject.  

I just want to say that the "Astral Realms" are pretty flaming wierd.  You cannot start questioning, "Oh, I saw this flashing light what am I going to do?"

In the Astral Realms there are lights you could never imagine you would ever see.  There are sounds that you couldn't possibly describe. There are different kinds of beings you come across that you could never imagine existed.

But they are all within you, and you must have faith in the fact that you can never be harmed by it all.  In the sense that the whole experience is a natural discovery process that the "supreme being" is wanting you to have.  

Gosh, decades ago, I was SO scared of every little sound and every little vibration caused a fear... a fear so big that it felt like someone was about to end my life at that moment.


Hm, that's a tough doesn't sound like a block to me, more like a hypersensitive reaction.  Psi can cause increased blood flow, and of course involves increased nervous system activity.
Pushing this one might be dangerous, but you might try moving SMALL quantities of energy into that area, and holding it there, waiting for your heart rate to decelerate again.  Done on a regular basis, this might desensitize you and reduce or eliminate the problem.

--Winged Wolf

 I have had similar sensations for many years now.  I first noticed them when I was about 14... that would be 8 years ago.  It starts with a cool rush down the top of my head.  It usually starts on one side then spreads away and down, if I concentrate on it, spreading goosebumps all over me.  I used to get them whenever I would hear certain music.  Now I can make it happen at will.  I have been playing with this for about 2 months and have found that if I repeat "FATHER" loudly in my head and sponge awareness down, sort of opening the gate, that it greatly magnifies this effect.  I haven't tried to store any of this energy because I'm not sure of its nature.  It seems harmless.  I was kind of hoping that some other people have had this experience and could tell us what it is.

  Now about the nightmares...  I have had some doozies in the past 6 months.  I think it's caused by having stored energy and the effect it has on making dreams more vivid.  It's really strange to read about other dimensions and astral spirits and astral parasites, I know that it is enough to give my very imaginative sub-concious ample material for vivid nightmares.  Kind of like when kids watch horror movies they have nightmares.  I still have nightmares about zombies .  When you learn about the possiblity of astral beings that we aren't even aware of, it has the tendency to make your self-preservation instincts kick in and start you running through scenarios in your mind (at least my mind ) trying to prepare you.  Anyway, I haven't had many dreams lately that I can remember.  I haven't been raising as much energy at night lately and that seems to have stopped my nightmares.  

Of course thats just my point of view, I could be wrong.

I was laying on my back one night when I had a very weird experience, I didn't know then that it was an OBE, so I struggled awake.  I opened my eyes, patted the sheets down, all was well, until I closed my eyes and was instantly 'there' again.  I struggled awake again and assumed that it was my sleeping position ie; sleeping on my back.  For months afterwards I slept on my stomache!  Of course, now I sleep on my back every night hoping to experience it again.  I read somewhere that it is easier to OBE when lying on your back, something to do with the magnetic field or something, dunno...

Hi Tia,

It truly is unfortunate that most people equate metaphysical development with insanity. I feel extremely lucky in that I have a small group of friends who are all tolerant of my weirdness. I once had a girlfriend though (big mistake) who didn't like my interest in paranormal subjects. I think she felt deceived because she originally thought that I was a "normal guy", but I later turned out to be a "weirdo" . Glad I got out of that one!

"I'm starting to feel like my interest in these things is becoming a dirty secret"

I think this is one of the reasons why practitioners assemble into groups/covens - to provide moral support and to reinforce each others' beliefs, interests, and discipline. I believe that metaphysical stuff is the best stuff, and it's strange that the majority of the earth's population thinks the opposite. Strange, but not surprising. Aren't we all conditioned from birth to be as "normal" as possible so that we'll fit into the popular reductionist paradigm of modern society?

Take Care,