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Topics - Graelwyn

Hope this isn't against any rules now, been awhile since I have been here :lol: Sorry if I have broken any rules.  

But always remembered there are some great people here, interesting in the spiritual. Have just opened forums and chatrooms devoted to just about every area of spiritual and paranormal. Registration required to view the forum, but be nice to see a few peeps there.
My bf is trying to learn how to project to me... in the sense that he is trying to send himself to me so I can feel him without his being here physically.

So far, he is able to have me feel what he is doing...but...he is not aware of what is around him, whether I am awake/asleep, what I am doing etc.

He isn't good at understanding very complicated methods and he hasn't been doing this for what is the best way for him to come to me for fully...what can I suggest he does when he tried to project to me ?

I am sorry if this is confusing question, but I am not into all the technical terms for this.

Thanks for any help.
A wonderful uk based spiritual site that holds classes in meditation, psychic development, crystals and others in its chatroom each night.

Also has its own seminars and workshops where you can learn Trance mediumship, healing, mediumship and shamanism.

A large forum with all the spiritual subjects you could wish for, including ancient civilisations. Hope to see some of you there

Kate x
Just thought I would share another link, this one to a spiritual site that has its own chatroom and holds classes in all areas of spirituality and development. All free of course. If any from here do join, please mention when registering or in pm to linda there that I linked ya as there is a competition running! no matter if you dont wish to tho. Truly hope to see some of you there.  :)

Kate xxx
Just thought I would link anyone interested to a fairly new forum for topics of a paranormal nature. Lots of room for people to fact, the more the merrier since as with all new sites, it has to start somewhere!! Hope to see some of you there with whatever knowledge you can bring.
Welcome to Writers Corner! / Just Once
December 16, 2004, 13:58:08
Just once, I want to run in the sea,
Knowing that someone's watching me,
Ready to chase me into the water
And join me in dipping and diving under.
Just once , I want to be lifted up high
And swung round with my face held up to the sky,
In arms that never want to let go;
So here I am letting you know
Just once I want us to sit together
No matter the calm or the storm of the weather,
And gaze at the stars with wide open eyes
With hearts soaring as one through the indigo skies.

Just once, I want you to look to my face
Understanding every single line and trace,
Knowing every deepest wish and dream
As though we were attached by a beam.
Just once, I want you to hold my hand
As we dash across the sun speckled sand,
Bare feet leaving footsteps behind
For the next free spirited couple to find;
A sign that love will always leave a trace,
No matter the time, no matter the place
For a connection of souls will always remain
Through thick and thin, pleasure and pain.

Kate xxx  :)
Back in early August, I was posting on another site about how I found my gifts a curse and various troubles I was having with them and a male entered my life, offering to help, and saying I am on a spiritual path. I found out that not only did he have same gifts as me, but had had the same issues with doubt and logic questioning experience when he first started out. In fact, it almost drove him to suicide...the same year he hit this crisis, I was in crisis myself.

We started spending whole nights in a chatroom, talking about all kinds of things, and texting one another an absurd amount of times. He told me that he had never felt this way about anyone, and couldnt stop thinking about me, and basically we got quite close, as far as typed words can get close.

We found we had similar backgrounds, had coffee the same, had both played clarinet as kids...just lots of things in common. Even both share the same numerology master number, 33. Anyway, he guided me when I found my experiences frightening and after a month he came to visit me in person. We had both been very excited about it and I suppose, given that we both knew there was a strong spiritual connection, both expected it to be an explosion of feeling as it had been when we communicated online and in texts...we had both felt very strong emotions towards one another, and we are neither of us especially young, my being almost 30 and he in his late 30s. I once asked him to visit me in spirit so I could feel him closer, and he said it felt as though our energies had merged. It felt like...lightning the feeling was so strong as to almost be uncomfortable.

Anyway, when we met...there was no great explosion of feeling, and this man just seemed to distance himself from me... he was totally hyper and full of energy in order to prepare for a clearance we were going to do together, and well, let's just say I got very upset when we parted that it hadn't been as I had expected (yes, I know, one should not have expectations).

After this, there were a lot of problems...he got quite ill and barely stayed in touch and I took it the wrong way and he cut off contact for over a month. during which time I left my bf of 6 years, and his wife of 16 years left him (which is what he had wanted). In short, we both had same things happening in our lives when we were apart.

He contacted me again after this break, and since then, I cannot describe nor understand what has been happening... I have felt more connected to him than I ever have to anyone... when I think of him, I feel these surges of warmth spread through my heart area, and often, I will see an image of a little boy and myself running down this deserted street....almost like a past life memory.

I have come to realise that when I am struggling and feeling terribly low, he is also, which makes it hard to know who's emotions I am feeling! When he was unwell and hadnt spoken to me in some days, I had a dream in which he came and told me he was ill. but he seems entirely unaware of this, in spite of being spiritually advanced.

From his spirit, I sense such warmth, love and free spiritedness, but the earthly person is detached and distant from me now compared to how he was before.... how can he now not feel what he felt before simply due to a flesh and blood meeting? I often feel him around me, which is absurd because he does not consciously spirit travel to people... is it possible for someone's spirit to travel to another without them being aware of it?

I had a message from spirit telling me that he is me and two are one and that this love is not to be taken lightly and will not be like what I have known before...and to not 'let them win'. (we are both going through an influx of problems in life at the moment). considering I didn't feel any explosions when we met in person, why have my feelings for him grown so much since? And why has he detached himself? I would be grateful for any answers to my questions and any input on this from those wiser than myself.

Kate xxx
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Interpreting my guides
November 30, 2004, 18:14:42
Ok, I met my guide as an adult about 5 months ago... I apparently spoke to him all the time as a child, but had blocked it all out from the age of 10.

I am getting frustrated because the quality of my messages is varying so much. He will give me for example, a date...but he wont give me why that date is important. My first few readings were very accurate with names and dates and details, and even views of the person I was reading when they were a child, right down to childhood nicknames, but he does not seem to give me names anymore, and if I get names, they are wrong!

How am I supposed to learn to trust in spirit and lose my self doubt when the messages I am getting are so disjointed and sporadic?

One week, I will get excellent info, and another, I will have an almighty struggle and end up giving a load of wrong info among the accurate info.

Any advice gratefully accepted here!

Kate xxx
Welcome to Book Reviews! / two books to recommend
November 25, 2004, 20:13:48
I highly recommend firstly a book called 'The Lovely Bones' by Alice Sebold. A fictional book, this is written from the viewpoint of the spirit of a murdered 14 year old girl as she observes the affect of her death on those left behind, and explores her own personal heaven. I have not heard a bad word against it, and it has been much acclaimed here in the UK.

Secondly, I recommend a book called 'If the Spirit Moves You' by Justine Picardie. This is an autobiographical account of one woman's quest to find evidence of the survival after death of her beloved sister. It is a very gripping and thought provoking book!

Hope some of you will seek these two out.
Kate xxx
Am hoping I am allowed to do this, but just wanted to suggest a great site for spiritual development. It holds free classes in various things most nights in its chatroom and they really are a lovely gang there. Here is the addy

Kate xxx[/url]
Welcome to Writers Corner! / LIFE-a poem.
November 15, 2004, 20:47:16
Would appreciate input on is only poem I have written that had not felt as though it came of my own mind  :lol:

LIFE-                JUNE 2002.

Time passes its shadows over all those who wait
Patiently for the stars, infinitely vivid, infinitely
Eternal in their obscure nature of light.
Lost reason, as the maggot gnaws perpetually
On the flesh of thought, removing by careful
Segmentation the philosophy of logic.

History extends the catechlismic split of desolate
Waters, stagnant in black blood of ancestry,
Destructive beneath the hand of Mars.
Nature writhes in the discontented passions
Humanity spews, as the blind vision betrays
The eye of long forgotten wisdom.

Life ravages it's spectral watchers as the clock
Fragments, splintering faces to reconstruct
Gargoyles of nightmare's creation.
Night ventures forth to obscure the forsaken
Sinews of limbs, outstretched in prayer
To the prodigal son of creation.

Death deconstructs the hollow vessel of birth's
Substance, infested by reality's maggot,
Drowned in the cloak of knowledge.
Time curses itself as the universe observes
Humanity's fatal flaw; knowledge thirsts
As persists the decay of progress.

Kate x
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Heya guys!
November 15, 2004, 20:41:23
Hey all, joined here a few days was recommended by a medium friend who said it would help me in learning to protect myself and develop my abilities further.

Site looks excellent, though not sure where to start with the energy raising and astral material... I shall have a hunt for the basics at some point. Something I have done unintentionally but not very often at will.

Hope to see more of you all once I get moving on the posting.  :)

Kate x
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Where am I headed?
November 15, 2004, 20:29:11
Hi all, pretty new here and apologise in advance for a rather long post-please bear with me as I would love advice if possible.

Basically, I am finding all the discussion on energy raising, kundalini and the like rather confusing, having always simply well, struggled with gifts as they showed themselves to me. I have read a certain amount, obviously, but never really put work into things..just took what came to me really.

As a young child, I would often dream days that would come to pass, and have nightmares, about such things as World War 1, of which I had never been told anything, nor even read about. I would see spirit and on one occasion went into my parents room to ask why there were children standing around my bed. I always felt different for some reason,and pretty much lived in my own little world.

At age 10, all of these gifts seemingly blocked off... I dont really remember experiencing anything spiritual anyway...after I was abused, and only resurfaced when I began going to haunted places about 6 years ago. I found I could wake my ex bf simply by calling out things to him within my mind (telepathy I assume) and I found I knew things about people simply by being in their energy. I could feel the emotions of others incredibly strongly, to a point I would sometimes burst into tears in the presence of someone who had been down.

It was only a year ago that I started exploring my spirituality and realising I had some kinda path..I mean, seeing as I survived 4 near deaths, someone must have some purpose for me, right?  :D Almost as soon as I started seeking a path, I had a series of native american visions (the culture of which I knew nothing about) in which another language was spoken and I was shown things I had never seen before! I had to ask around native american chatrooms to find out what was what. I was also given a name in these visions. They were beautiful and very intense and I felt totally at home in them.

Anyway, soon after this, I met a man in a native american chatroom with whom I seemed instantly drawn on a spiritual level...the connection we shared was amazing and I thought for sure he must be my twin flame(I know some do not believe in such things, but I do to a degree). Well, this lasted 4 months and then problems his end (usa) tore him away and not seen him since.

In quick succession after, 2 other native american men became drawn to me, but I felt no draw to them...and I was left pondering, what is the lesson here? am I being tested? Why do I keep getting false leads?

After this, I began to explore my gifts more actively, and discovered I am clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, an empath, a healer and can remote view. I have felt a strong pull this last year also to devote my life to working for spirit, guiding others and a strong pull to be with my true soulmate whoever they may be...but I keep having obstacles thrown in my path and false leads that leave me confused...every male I meet now, I seem to be spiritually connected to...I mean one I recently became acquainted to, was told 2 years ago that he would meet me, but neither of us knows for what purpose...he is almost my complete opposite!

I seem to be moving so fast. I now hear spirit most of the time, and get periods where I feel totally full of power? I know that sounds bad, but I get periods I just feel like... I am totally at one with everything and can achieve anything. I am also constantly getting these shivers and like energy surges that go right through my body.sometimes when I go out, it feels as though the earth is shifting beneath my feet. I seem to have knowledge of things I shouldnt have.If someone asks me ofor guidance, the words i give dont seem to come entirely from me.  I have been getting bright white flashes behind my eyes frequently and just so many things seem to be happening... I am starting to see the lessons in all I do and it is very strange.

So, what I ask is this..what the hell is going on? And is any of this the beginnings of a kundalini awakening, because I sure dont know. These things just happen to me!

Kate x  :)