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Messages - Sammie

Almost did the same thing today before entering a lucid dream a bit later. I already think and know few/a lot people can do OBE quickly on request AstralPotato, but that is not really what my post was about. I just experiment and post my experiences to encourage myself, others and to document my progress. I know it  is very much possible to astralproject by will cause I know it is like a certain state of mind that you can recognize by a feeling, but even though it is still hard for me. I have increased my OBE's and luciddreams by about 20 times more these past last few monthsin total compared to the last 4 years.
I this morning found myself in a dream of which I can recall many things one which was other people noticing a ufo from inside the bus and crazy storm weather. I could see a small ufo showing itself openly for all people on the highway. It was small and flied like a bird and seemed to wanted to catch peoples interest. I feel this may be something that is about to happen for real in the world sometime soon(whenever that is) I saw a ufo physically over 10 years ago myself actually. Well the bus continuen going and I ended up in my second home IRL and for a moment I felt some kind of deja vu that I shouldn't be there like it didn't make sense. Usually I have a lot of these moments in dream and shrug it off like nah it's nothin like I do IRL when I feel something strange usually. This time I kind of felt that the dream had it's pull put I held on to the feeling or recognizing something didn't make sense and immediately became lucid. Before I became lucid and started feeling that feeling I could feel how close the pull to staying unlucid was and how strong it was. I was extremely close to entering the house and let the dream control me, but instead became lucid. I know recognize how easy and hard it is to fall victim of a dream by simply not believing in your own will. A conscious effort is all that was needed even though it kind of felt like moving a mountain and lifting a feather at the same time. As I became lucid I started interacting and looking intensly on a wall which helped, but then I could hear a car in the dream which probably was the result of a car outside IRL and I thought I just keep focusing on this wall to ground myself in the dream which kind of worked until I started doing other things and then went back to my body. Nice experience, thoughts?
I woke up the other night with an unusual headache(pounding) probably due to lack of sleep. I then tried my own technique to remove that energy(have read people using color techniques through visualization).
I instead decided to create a vortex sucking out black energy from the area to be healed and keep it going for as long as it feels right and then fade it from black to gray to white. I have tried it  maybe 20 times and sometimes it has helped, but not as noticable as this time. This pain was intense and then when I started my technique 90% of the pain went away instantly and I could go back to sleep! Incredible! :D Any thoughts? Please try yourselves!  :) Maybe it was more effective cause I just woke up and still was in a deeper stat, who knows?
Interestingly enough I exited with another consciousness from a place I used to live before(in a dream,has happened before) and I saw a mirror on the wall, which shouldn't be there. My first
instinct was to see if I could see my astral body as many says to try and have tried. I expected to see a bluish aura of some kind, but instead I saw a physical reflection of what I have been meditating on for the past 4 months(long time experiment). I was a bit surprised to see exactly the result of what I have meditated on(speaking to cells). My conclusion is that these changes are happening at some physical rate but have already happened at the subconscious/astral levels, since this was reflected in the mirror unexpectedly. Maybe some kind of confirmation? What are your thoughts about this?
This morning I woke up and felt/heard a bit of "that" magnetic sound in my ears or third eye. Not close to as much needed for exit usually, but I though let's try anyway. Usually I can only exit when Im about to wake up not when I have actually woken up, cause my focus is then on this world. However, I thought let's just try and force my way out and the magnetic sound increased quickly, but I felt like that wasn't enough. Then I somehow momentarily shifted my focus to the astral rather than this world and realising this thought I would go back to my body cause a second ago I was awake. Instead I continued to focus back on falling through the floor and then ended up in a dream unfortunately.
Last few weeks I have had fewer chances of projection an dreams too.. as a result of a lack of sleep.I learned I need enough sleep to dream and project, otherwise I can't stay conscious it seems. So after a few weeks I got out today, not really trying to but allowing it. Strange thing was, as I got out my vision was lost and I was sucked up in a vortex what felt like towards the sky, and it felt like it was meant to be and I should go with it. At first I could only feel it, then it manifested to a vortex/wormhole of squares!? I have been in a similar purple vortex before, but then it was more circular. Unfortunately I didn't wanna go with this vortex as my interest was in another place, and as a result of resisting it I woke up, after the tunnel stopped and manifested into a room that seemed familiar.
Thank for your comment! Always much appreciated. Also something interesting, lately I have been flying in my dreams a lot like every other day in different ways, although usually not lucid. I feel very good when I fly and kind of unlimited and free. I have also started almost having an opportunity each or each other day to OBE in case I choose to try lately.
So, today I had the opportunity to exit in a dream. In the dream I was VERY tired and layed on my bed and closed my eyes and could instantly feel that my level of relaxation made
me feel my astral body and I could also partially see through my eyelids. The room, however, became my actual bedroom and I became aware somehow(at the time I thought it was a usual exit somehow).

I then decided to fall through the floor until I reached the bottom floor and then I though, hey let's ascend.. So I ascended back to my bedroom and then  remembering my last lessons about belief and trust in these dimensions I flew out of my window for the very first time!

Many times before my window has kind of been an obstacle and made me fall asleep again, but this time I just remembered my lessons of belief in your will and actions.

As I flew out of my window I started to feel a bit relieved and happy as usual, and then started to ascend. Weird thing is the landscape turned into my old neighborhood when I flew out the window and started to ascend towards the sky(I didn't realize this at the time, but afterwards I know that I had somehow exited in the dream, I was aware of everything but not the fact that the dream was a dream..). Usually my OBEs before has lasted 10-45 seconds until I somehow loose consciousness. This time I remebered that lesson of belief and how it affected my last exit and I felt that this time could last forever because of my faith in it. As I ascended the landscape became smaller like looking from an airplane, amazing. Realizing I couldn't do much up there besides watch a miniature of the landscape I descended..

I then managed to shift my astral form a bit, which I have never done before, but this time belief was an ingredient. I didn't think much more about the shift and went on the flying through the nighborhood. It seemed to be summer, but it is winter in reality... I flew around seeing a lot of people in this sunny beautiful day. Most didn't notice me which made sense. I just kept flying feeling 100% in control and flying around this place. People seemed very happy for some reason. This dream later changed appearance even though I didn't realize it was a dream completely(eventhough I was completely aware..). Cities from reality started blending into this neighborhood and different landscapes for a moment, and for a moment I thought I might have exited my body for good since I started seeing a lot of happy people how seemed familiar and parts of my life started playing before me in this dream, but it didn't really matter to me I was excited. Then I was in my neighborhood again, without any blending of cities and stuff, and I landed on ground and started walking and felt how strong gravity was and the belief of it. I got someone to notice me but I scared the person off for some reason.

I then tried flying but the belief of gravity was strong. I then remembered to have faith and successfully erased gravity and started flying to my old home to check what people was doing inside, but then I started waking up. Not because I lost conscious, but because people inside the  house made loud noises! The lessons of my past OBE made this astral projection last until physical sound woke me up! I achieved so many things because of that lesson of belief and look forward to future projections. However I can only exit when opportunities randomly present themselves, but I know how to take these opportunities. Time  duration felt like 5-10 minutes or and hour. Time was different there, IRL 3 hours had passed.

I tried composing music I heard falling asleep/waking up, but unfortunately relied on my memory and forgot the piece 15 min later when I was gonna record it.
Thank you guys for your input, but the not hearing sound wasn't really  a concern from my side. Weird thing, tonight I dreamt of a person who turned out to have contacted me a few hours earlier(didn't know).
I usually don't hear any sound in any of my dreams I just kind of hear it in my head in my dreams/telepathically or "just know". Although music has been the exception on occations. I never really thought much about not hearing sound since it always seem to have been that way. It seems it's the one way or the other.
Before going to sleep last night I was thinking about how I never hear sounds in my dreams, but I can hear them upon sleep if I induce them myself but then I can't see any images lol...
So I ended up dreaming, I think the persons I met might have been speaking telepathically, but IT WAS MUSIC IN MY DREAM at certain moments. Has happened a few times years ago.
The weird thing is that I entered a class room of young students and the final countdown started playing and I just let go and started dancing lol. I wasn't even supposed to be in there just entered
by accident.. The weird thing is like 18 hours later or maybe 10 or so I am watching a TV-series and the exact same song is in the tv show. I have never watched it before or anything like that, maybe
this is some sort of message from the higher realms?

Also in my dream that night or another dream, I went to bed in another bedroom which was my usual bedroom in the dream and I started playing music in my head as I can do at times ina deep state when going to sleep and christmas music came forth which I don't usually enjoy too much, and I started singing wonderfully just letting go and going with the flow, eventually it was all in my head(in my head in the dream) and eventually this music had kept me through to a deep state where I could probably have astral projected IN THE DREAM!? This has happened before, but still astral projection and achieving deep states in your dream with another consciousness..?? Any thoughts or input from more experienced people? :D
Been a while since I managed to exit and have a short OBE, but finally had the opportunity tonight an learned some new lessons from doing things differently this time! :D
Unfortunately I won't write it here since I don't want my site or this site to get bad search engine trust so I will post the link to my post about it for anyone to read and please give me
your opinion here in the comments, it is always much appreciated! :D
So Im just curious if anyone here has experienced a blending between dimensions/realities/dream. I remember back in 2012 when I one morning woke up and felt an expansion in my head which one would refer to as the pineal gland being fully open. The thing is that I was fully awake and for 15 seconds or so I could see patterns and entities blending through in patterns and all kind of stuff. It was amazing but I was a bit chocked then. It still kind of happens now. When I wake up in the night I can for a while see weird letters, nonsense or figures in the air. Still not as much as the experience in 2012. I still at times feel a short time where my 3d eye expands and that is when I can see images temporarily, been this way since 2012. Can induce them 50% of time when i go to sleep but only for a few seconds or I loose myself. I even received messages from other dimensions few times when this state comes in. The same goes for being able to play music in my head, I can do it if I kind of wake up asleep or when I fall asleep for a while until I accidently focus on this reality more than just being there.. Anyone experienced similar things? Especially the 2012 experience type? Also I don't get why I in 2012 got through so much easier and images came to me vividly and 100% memory when I slept during the day. I even accidently entered a heightened state while playing a game in sports in 2012 cause I was so relaxed and I heard some weird ufo sound . In 2012 I would consider the year of my awakening, also I could even hear messages/guidance a lot more clearly than today even though I make great efforts to improve again for some time now. I listened to those messages and visualized what I wanted and listened for answers and I literally got everything and more. Then a lot of change came my way I let go of what I had learn, a lot is still here today automatically but just not to the same degree.
So I have over the last 2 years gotten in touch with what I could call my gut feeling. I will at times instantly now something to be true, feeling that I need to do something or even feeling a push towards doing something. Im happy for that and I can feel that it is accurate and not really guidance from this mind of my own. But I don't get why I can't get these gut feeling answers when I really want or need an answer, it only comes when I really need it or when I don't really expect it but have been thinking about something. When I get these gut feelings it feels the same as when I sometimes before sleep get mental images from beings of higher dimensions I've have tried contacting or who have contacted me(few occations, deep state of mind). I would really like to hear how someone here managed to develop this ability further to be able to get these gut feelings by will when asking a question or making a statement. Anyone out there with that knowledge?
So I have now meditated for about 2 months every day, focusing on deepening conscious and so on to experience astral projection by will and such, but not much  success yet. I am however curious as to me not falling asleep when meditating anymore. First 1-2 weeks I could easily fall asleep in meditation after just a few minutes same when I meditated unregularly. Now I never fall asleep, but can get close to a state where you experience dreams and such. Same things goes for when I am to sleep in the night, I am can easily not fall asleep, but that doesnt help much with astral projection or lucid dreams. It can instead take 1-2 hours for me to fall asleep now I dont really now why...  Im like half asleep kind of like in meditation and this goes of and on each other day or so. Maybe I need less sleep or something I don't know.. Anyone experienced the same issues?
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / I am calm?
October 13, 2016, 21:52:35
Just curious if anyone have had the same experience, a lot of adults or older people who seem, either wise or a bit more aware have on several occations said that I am very calm or that they sense
some kind of serenity in me. Im surprised by how many times it has come up, but only by people who are older or somehow wise. Im not sure, but are they aware of my aura unconsciously or something? Anyone had a similar experience?
Im not sure what to make of it, but you seem to have a lot of proof some change happened to your sister, maybe a so-called walk-in? But why would that person whose body she is now in avoid telling you if she was really your sister?
So this morning I woke up terrified feeling some dark force and then it felt like someone lifted my bed cover. After feeling terrified in the physical for a while I realized it was just sleep paralysis, im not even afraid of it but there is often "this bad feeling". I didn't really realize what it actually was until I woke up as my mind was a bit fuzzy. I figured that I should just relax and go to sleep and maybe Ill have another chance and if so I'll roll out. So what happened is I woke up in the vibrations hearing them and increasing them. Strange enough recently it affects my physical ears when doing this lately... Then I kind of got out except for that I kept spinning my body around my head in a circle and saw my bed very vividly as I was spinning around my head.... Strangely enough my room and bed changed color as I was spinning around.. haha I was very aware and had a physical like vision but clearer as I concentrated on the textures of my bed.. It seems physical illness is felt when I get to the vibrational state..? Am I wrong? Im also curious why I sometimes end up sinning around my head(physical heads location)., maybe it is still stuck in the within the physical? Also interesting that when I just decide to relax in the morning without really caring if I get an opportunity to exit I will often get it, but if I care at all it will usually not happen. It is like when you don't care the universe has exit written in stone.
Thank you for your reply. I mostly try to empty my mind or focus completely on something else as counting numbers or creating a dream. If I empty my mind I will eventually find dream images, but in this state my mind isnt really aware but just observing and I can't proceed there. Also when I do loose track of my body in these dreams or counting numbers I end up checking the body after a while and find out that the body and mind is getting much more tired somehow and not in a relaxed way. I have varied my meditation since I don't get much results, so now I sometimes imagine myself floating out, just relax, focusing on third eye, relax and focus on third eye, relax and focus on allowing dream images or something else. Im not quite sure how do describe the energy moving but it feels like it is It kind of automatically feels like when one tries to get the astral body moving by inducing a feeling of swaying to left and right or spinning.
So I have been meditating again every day for almos 1 and a half month now, with hopes of learning to astral project willingly at any time. So far not so much progress.. Which is strange considering I made  a lot of progress in 3 weeks in 2012.. Anyhow, sometimes when I meditate now I feel an energy moving through or with or without my body almost like my own breath.. Im wondering what this might be and if anyone else has experienced it?
Welcome to Dreams! / Visiting friends in a lucid dream
September 26, 2016, 10:36:44
I went to sleep last night and found myself going in and out of dream images that I made come to life. I was instantly in that moment or dream and made eye contact with some old friends in this crystal clear dream world, even though it only lasted like 10 seconds a time. Usually I will be able to induce clear and vivid images before sleep, but rarely enter  a very lucid dream temporarily or the past or whatever it was. Sometimes before sleep it seems to be easier to induce states like these and it is in states like these I can listen to vivid clear music in my head by just thinking of a song or just make one up instantly and I can also see vivid images or in this case enter a vivid dream or moment.
I've started to feel this in the recent days again? It feels very nice indeed, but im still unsure exactly what this is or means.
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Re: Purple tunnel
September 14, 2016, 17:58:16
Well, I can assure you it is not a fear test. I have tried going into it, but it is hard without trying to use irl eyes and maybe I should spend some more time trying to enter it. I actually remember once when I was disconnected from the body going through this tunnel and it became more like a worm-hole and I heard a metallic sound, that was in an OBE like state though. One thing is for sure and that is that it seems to always appear when I am relaxing or disconnecting from "this" world. I can also see it with my eyes open, but I prefer closed.
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Re: Purple tunnel
September 14, 2016, 13:41:11
The thing is that if I focus on it it just seems to continue forever if I am actually focusing on it.