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Messages - Sepultura123

Welcome to Dreams! / Flying in a Lucid dream
February 06, 2006, 20:23:34
Yesterday night I had 2 lucid flying lucid dreams.

When I was a child I was already doing flying but I was not experimented like today.  It was a long time that I didnt do LD and it was very fun.

Before starting my story could someone tell me if everyoby that does LFD are always outdoor near his house?

Because im always there .

So I was outdoor beside my house entering a ramdom dreams. So I began been lucid because that was a long time that I didnt and I read about it a little. I started to think about flying and after I jumped into the air to start. I was in a Matrix Style position head first ... But that was weird because everytime I was head first it was more fast but drew me to the ground and in a bird style I was getting higher but with less speed. So i alternate the two positions and that was a great feeling. I was in the road but I was not seeing car  :razz:

Im not an expert of flying dreams about doing loops and things but im good...

After that I awake and return to sleep... I was already doing another flying dreams but this was the same!  :grin:
People so experienced that goes into your head when your in projection state. Thats almost inpossible I think. First , they got to sleep at the same time as you. If they live in the same country as yours ok maybe it could happen at the same time (and its highly doubtful because two people at the same time doing an projection ,personally its rare.)

And they got to be really experienced to enter your head ? How could they do that ? How someone could enter your astral plane ? Thats fairly impossible and if they do very lucky .

And for last how could someone like me know your best friends ? The entity that haunted you , if he's human cannot know your best friend like that I think , unless you said it.

Thats surely just an astral entity that just wat to annoy you a little. Don think they are soooooo evil !
Anybody have success project himself in sitting position ?
Its natural like talking in your mouth.
This post is so weird...
Cars are everywhere . White cars too. A car is easy to imagine , thats not necessary that white car that you saw in your astral projection. But maybe yes.
Dont think you got to be in sleep paralysis to see swirling colors
I woudl like to experience them too but they look like too confused to me. Im not an expert in Astral projection term.
Me too I agree
but it could be just a dream too , what make it a parralel life recall ?
Me too my eye flicker time to time when im trying to project , its just normal I think but its weird. I dont think we making an epilepsy !
I know the first one is for lucid dreaming but whats the point of the second and expecially the last one ?
Try to get in lucidity in your dream and not after instead.
How can vibration go away ?

I felt all the time the vibration and I cant think about how can you project without vibration. You don't know when your in the good state of mind.

Do you project yourself without vibration , how do you do ?
You think you really can be trap in astral world with these 2 evils being ? I dont think so...

Just try for a few days to chase them of your memory , im sure its only your mind that always thinking about them.

Try another AP and let me know if they are there again.
I dont think he saw that in real life...
Wow that look so cool , I got to try your aong , Can I download them ?

Adn what kind of music is this...
Oh man you're so lucky , That my most wanted dreams to play heavy metal music in a show full of crazy fan who mosh !
I would like to try this technique , but my parent would think im insane to make the clock alarm ring every 15 minutes...  :confused:
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Thoughts
February 05, 2006, 12:18:02
I completely agree that its better when you don't think about your body but I had experience that I was thinking about the sensation of my body and I would project myself a little , at least...
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Death
February 05, 2006, 12:15:45
The problem is as long as human live they will never learn what is beyond life on earth because it would disrupt things...
It look like a brillant idea... but I dont think astral body is sensitive to magnet if yes , not in the same way as in our world.
For Shyguy at first I was very curious , but you gotta say to you that is no danger in AP and there just dream while you trying to get in transe.
Its weird hoe you often hear sound in the physical world that so tiny to you but come so big when you're on transe.