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Messages - Adun

Every single person i know with an internet conection downloads ilegal stuff, even if it is just mp3 lol...
It's not ilegal to download mp3, games and movies if you own the original, you ARE allowed to own backups if you bought it.
Those companies like APG and RIAA cannot ckeck if you own the originals through the internet, the only way is to search your home or something. :lol:
When i finished reading your post I looked at the clock and it showed "16:11"
Welcome to Astral Chat! / haha
May 29, 2005, 12:38:28
"witchcraft" haha
Well good luck and from now on try to keep your explorations to yourself. :?
The "being in a nirvana" probably comes from the placebo effect. If they did extract the soul from his body, he wouldn't be there to talk about it.
When Frank mentioned Schizophrenia I got curious because I never read what the symptoms are so I did a little search. It seems "psychiatrists and other mental health professionals" divide Schizophrenia into 5 subtypes, i got a big laugh at the "Residual Type":

"A type of Schizophrenia in which the following criteria are met:
-Absence of prominent delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior.
-There is continuing evidence of the disturbance, as indicated by the presence of negative symptoms or two or more symptoms listed in Criterion A for Schizophrenia, present in an attenuated form (e.g., odd beliefs, unusual perceptual experiences)."

Why didn't anyone told me this was a forum for schizophrenic people? :lol:
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Talking to yourself
April 18, 2005, 07:26:46
I do that too. When  I understand something complicated or interesting usually i start explaining it to myself like i was explaining to someone else (i don't really "talk" to myself, the conversations are all done by thought).
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Death of Pope.
April 06, 2005, 08:21:23
Not at all.
I have that when waking up from most of my lucid dreams, it isn't a dream. Don't panic and it will go away quickly, or if you want you can try to get out.
Quote from: beavis
QuoteAm I the only one here that finds religious fundamentalism to be incredibly stupid?

Because you read you will.
Yes there is, 2 years ago i saw the IAC Portugal president on a tv show talking about out of body experiences, that's how i got to know about ap :D
Welcome to Astral Chat! / is it true
February 10, 2005, 17:22:05
Lentation is a tech or something that allows you to rush adrenaline into your blood(i'm not sure if that's how it works), anyway, it slows down your perception of time giving you the slow motion efect.
But of course there's a lot of damage you would cause to your body by abusing of the adrenaline.

Waste your time trying to project instead..
Welcome to Dreams! / LD at will
February 08, 2005, 08:45:50
When i was a kid i got interested i had my first ld and started recording my dreams and controlling them more and more, that interest only lasted for 2 or 3 months, but the lds stayed, i have them every weekend(it's when i sleep peacefuly), they just happen, suddently with no reason i realise i'm dreaming, sometimes i'm lucid from the start of the dream. Also in those weekend days that i sleep a lot, i usually wake up early but go back to sleep, that causes me to have lds, just yesterday i had 2 lds that way (plus the one i had during the night).
When you go to sleep know that you will have a lucid dream, or think about what you would like to dream about (this one works best for me).

I'm still trying to figure out how to have sex in lds, the dream always starts to fade away when i try to do it, that's why i only try when i'm done with the dream and don't mind waking up, any hints? :lol:
You can always rip them off by downloading a crack or the full version...
And what's your plan to make the AI self-aware?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / what does it look like?
January 06, 2005, 13:26:12
Does that make any sense?
The real problem is how to stay out...
Quote from: iankim a gods reject, a walking nothing.. could i still learn AP.or will he send me to hell??

Instead of believing in that "god" that has no problems in sending his sons to spend the eternity in hell, try to believe in the value of YOURSELF!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Hyperdimensional Resonator
December 31, 2004, 13:54:07
But you still can time travel out of the body
If evolving and learning means losing my personality and becoming part of an elite of souls that think exactly the same way(aka robots), then i don't want to be part of it, i don't want to be perfect!

But that's not the case, ego is not individuality, so i will continue learning while keeping my personality! If you want to get rid of yours, go ahead, i know i won't! =P
If i accept that oobes aren't real then why should i believe waking life is?
I wouldn't
Welcome to Dreams! / Flying in a Lucid dream
December 21, 2004, 10:45:40
During school days i don't lucid dream much because i go to bed thinking "oh crap tomorrow i have to get up early", now that i am in christmas holidays i lucid dream almost everyday :D

In a recent lucid dream an old man told me that my life would change and have more "adventure" sometime during the first six months of 2005..
I don't know well what he meant by that but lately i have been thinking that life here on earth couldn't be more boring lol
Welcome to Dreams! / Black and White Lucid Dreams
December 20, 2004, 09:30:12
just yesterday i had a lucid dream in cartoon style, but not so well drawn, it wasn't even fully colorised(don't know if it's the right word), all looked like it was drawed by someone in a hurry, so yea black and white should be possible too
thanks for the replies
the fingers didn't scare me, it felt like the intention was just to annoy me, i forgot to mention that i said "get out of here" and the felling faded away.
When i had my first oobe i freaked out and had problems with sleep for a week, now the fear is way smaller, maybe i'll have a good one soon!