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Messages - Astral Projection

Few nights ago i dreamed that I was at the streets on New Year. Suddenly Everyone on the street stopped and looked the sky. I looked than and I saw two Moons (not full). I thought to myself that it is "apocalypse" (I wasn't lucid). Somebody mentioned that "moon projected" or smth like that. Anyway I kept looking and another moon show up and one more, so there were 4 moons and 1 of them were full. Than I saw this flash, a white color in front of my eyes and I was back in my bed again but I couldn't move any of my limbs (sleep paralysis?). After a while I fell asleep again, from sleep paralysis, and wake up.

Does this dream have any meaning?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / UNDER 18 AP goers
October 26, 2005, 06:59:59
Whazzzup :P :P
I'm from Serbia and Montenegro (ex. Yugoslavia) and i'm 17 yrs old. I'm interested in all kind occultic knowlege for about 2-3 years (only) :(
Welcome to Astral Chat! / AP Chat?
October 26, 2005, 06:54:05
I think that IRC is the best idea for AP chaters. Astral Pulse should open IRC server or maybe Jabber.
kooler, you are too lazy to read books? :P :P
I had another weird experience this morning. I won't open new thread, I hope that someone will read this :)

I got up few (three) hours before I normally wake up. I had some business to do, and when I got home I went to bed. First I tried astral projecting, but I was to tired and I decided to go to sleep, and try project when I wake up. Whole time I knew that I was dreaming, but I wasn't lucid, I let the dream process 'naturally'. At some point I decided to become lucid. I came ahead a wall, closed my (dream) eyes and tried to pass thru the wall. I had fealing that I hit the wall with my head, then I found myself in my bed with vibrations.
I started separation process and I opened my astral eyes. Everything was SO blurry and I hardly saw anything. I decided to open my eyes 'MORE'. And my physical eyes were open. It was like my eye lids moved for 360 degrees. I knew I ruined my attempt to project and I started to falling asleep. I dreamed that I was out of body, and trying to get into my body. I found my body in the car, and my body had eyes opened. I stoped for a little long and just watched my body and then I flew back into my body and wake up.

Why I couldn't pass thru wall?
Was this astral projection?
What about this 360 degree eye lids 'opening' sensation?
Ok, I thought that I dreamed this, that there was no separation at all, only hallucination.
I had weird experience last morning. I woke up few hours after I normally wake up, and I tried to project astrally. I started with relaxation. After a while vibrations started and I separated. Whole time I kept my eyes closed. I got into the middle of the room and I opened my astral eyes. With astral eyes, my physical eyes opened, so I was able to see my blanket and in the same time I was able to see my room from the point I stood.

What this means? Is this split of consciousness
Yes, I think so...
Well, I didn't asked why France... patapouf did that.. :)

Catholic Church wasn't the only Church. Catholic & Orthodox were one Church until 1054. Protestant Church is something else...  I'm just asking why not Orthodox Church?
I had the same experience...
I had many coincidences lately. Are they really coincidences or there is not such thing? I will tell you some of it.

I dreamed that my brother gives me CD which has inscription "Quake". Something woke me up... Few minutes later soil started to shake. Earthquake... Few minutes after that soil started to shake again. It was another earthquake. So, is it coincidence that I dreamed that inscription Quake? Does that have something to do with earthQUAKE?

Another night I dreamed that I'm in my friends flat. At one point I realized that he (my friend) moved out, and now he lives in another flat. When I realized that I became lucid... My teacher lives in that flat now, and another day that teacher gave me F grade. Another coincidence?

I also had coincidences when I think about some person (ex. girlfriend) she\he calls me at that moment. Since I got interested in occult, every day I find some book in my house on that theme which I didn't know that it exists.

I must mention Deja Vu. Many many times, when I see some scene I thought to my self 'I dreamed this'. I saw that scene before, but I don't know if I dreamed that...

So, is there such thing as coincidence?
Why France? The Da Vinci Code is a fiction. Conspiracy Theory. Brown 'attacked' Catholic Church.. Why not any orthodox or protestand Church?? And whole idea life of Jessus Chirst is old, he just recycled it and gave it new look. Just to make money I think...
It happens me very often. I usually dream that I'm falling from skyscaper and then, instead hitting the ground, I "hit" the bed..

Last night I was lucid in dream. I was flying around and then I remembered that I read somewhere, when you fall from some high object (in dream) you go to astral. I did that and I sliped into another (lucid) dream (I didn't hit my bed, for the first time in my life). And after a while I have false awakened. Was this second lucid dream infact astral projection or still lucid dream?
Welcome to Dreams! / How much do dreams last?
May 07, 2005, 07:23:02
Is it true that dream lasts only 5-20 seconds, rarely 1 minute?
Also, is it true that all our dreams are black and white, but we remember them as colorful?
I had another experience yesterday, and I'm not sure what exactly happen.

  I came back from school, and I was very tired. So I went to sleep. When I was lying on my bad I tried to fall into trance state. Next thing I remember is vibrations and noise. Vibrations & noises were constantly increasing & decreasing. So I tried to 'separate'. But I wasn't able to do this. Like I was paralyzed. Then I tried to move my 'astral' hand. So I did it. I wasn't sure if that was 'astral' hand, and I opened my eyes to see if it was. I'm not sure what eyes I opened :) ('astral' or physical) but I saw nothing in front of me (there suppose to be my hand). I started to move my fingers and whole hand in front of me. But I still saw nothing. I placed my 'astral' arm 'in' physical arm. Then I thought "Maybe I can roll of bed". And I started to roll and roll and roll but nothing. When I saw that I can't project I got out. Whole time I was hearing some noise, noise like charger of my phone makes. But when I woke up charger wasn't there... The funny thing is that my body wasn't paralyzed. In the middle of vibrations I put my arms on my stomach and I felt it...

Is this the beginning of having AP or some dream? I'm starting to think that I will never experience AP..... until I die... :(
I saw that on Frank speaks about life after death. When person dies, it "goes" to Focus 2 (I think that I understood it well). So person then travels (again) within itself? What about silver cord? Is it "hallucination"? And what about 360 degree view?
I'm interested if anyone of you read The Da Vinci Code, and what is you opinion about HBHG (Holy Blood, Holy Grail) theory? Was Mary Magdalene really Jesus's wife?

I'm orthodox christian and I don't believe in this. The book is so interesting, and there are people who believe in that.

Maybe this is not a right topic for this forum. If moderator\administrator thinks that this topic stinks just delete it :)
So, you are saying that there is no such thing as astral projection? That APers actually travel within their own selves? What about meeting other APers or OBE in RTZ?

Stephen LaBerge proved that lucid dreams occur in REM state. So people claim that only difference between AP and LD is that while APing you are aware of whole separation but in LD you don't remember separation. That's why I asked is AP occurring in REM sleep. :)

Do some of you have some web site where are described other "planes" (Buddhic, Nirvanic, Adi...)?
I hope you will forgive me because of bad English :)

Few months ago I started to read about AP. One night when I went to bed I was so obsessed whit this topic and next thing I remember was that I was feeling vibes and hearing some sounds. And then I, kinda, forced myself to leave the body. I was floating above my bed for approximately half minute and then something forced me back to my body. I'm not sure if this was OBE or just dream about having it.
Anyway, up 'till today I wasn't able to project (again, if I did it). I can't fall into trance state. Every day or night, I lie in bed and I relax my body and concentrate on breathing. About hour I lie down and nothing happens. How much time do I have to stay in this relaxed state, to fall into trance?

I read that in astral body we have 360 degrees view. Is that true? Is it hard to get used to it?

On I read about areas of consciousness. If I understood it well, Frank says that there are three areas. So, are Mental, Buddhic, Nirvanic worlds also areas of consciousness?

I also read that time in astral is extended. That minute in physical world last about hour in astral. Is that true? If it is we can be in astral for 10 hours and that would be 10-20 mins in physical world, right?

Do I have to be in REM sleep, to experience AP? Lucid Dreams occurs in that stage.

Again I will tell what I read.. :)
Future Wind... When it takes you to the future are you in RTZ or in Astral?

That are my questions (for now:))
P.S. Can you tell me what do you thing about my experience? Was that OBE or dream?
