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Messages - Robert Bruce

Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Negs over water
February 24, 2002, 21:12:27
G'day folks!

All good points, and points I have pondered for a long time.

The quality of underground streams varies, as does the energy they generate.  I think dowsing can be used to tell these apart.  

This may also apply to geopathic stress points and other such underground forces.

I do not know anywhere near enough to tell how each type will affect negs. My book would have been delayed several years had I attempted to gather such information.  And keep in mind that I would have to run field tests, which means I would need active neg attacks to test them with, making everything doubly difficult.

Still water, and slow moving water, does not seem to have a great effect on negs.  Keep in mind that such places are likely to host a great many nature spirits and elementals (water spirits and etc). And these types of spirits can sometimes be nasty.

My experiments have by large been with negs in populated areas. The majority of such negs have great problems crossing running water.

The volume and speed of running water are certainly important factors. This is why, if crossing a garden hose fails, crossing a large water main will usually do the trick and break the neg attack.

Neg attacks are usually broken instantly by crossing running water.

However, some types of attacks, possibly involving 'attached' negs, take more. In this case, I advise standing over running water for several minutes (coil a garden hose and stand among coils), and that white light be imagined as flowing into the head, and black fluid leaking from the feet.  This is 'very' effective against strong attacks, especially possession attacks and heavy influence attacks. I have proven this beyond doubt in many field situations, involving myself and others I have been trying to help.

The running water countermeasures are in their infancy. These work in most cases, even though we do not fully understand why.

The ion generation of running water may indeed be a significant factor.

There are historical links to running water countermeasures.

Folklore says that witches and demons and etc cannot cross running water.

Druid law, thousands of years old, shows some knowledge of running water and its effect on negs.  For example, it was law that a doctor's house 'must' be build over a stream of clean running water. They used a kind of bridge to do this.

My book, PPSD, gives many firsthand examples, and my thoughts on running water countermeasures and how they work.  But as said, I do not know the whole story.  I do, however, know enough to use this and encourage others to use this countermeasure.  Its extremely effective against the vast majority of negs one is likely to encounter in populated areas, like towns and etc.

Take care, Robert.

Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Negs over water
February 18, 2002, 03:03:16

Good leading questions....

This is a bit theoretical, but I can't help wondering about some aspects of the theory that negs can't cross water...

1. Does the barrier have to be very close, or can the water be several levels down? ie. if I were on the 3rd floor of a building, would the water mains below street level protect me?

This is uncertain, but so far my field experiments (the only way to travel) show that any free roaming (within the real time zone) neg wanting to get at you must first find a way to get across the water mains below you.  However, keep in mind that while some negs become trapped behind running water pipes (earthbound spirits and etc that do not have the knowledge to overcome these barriers), higher order
negs usually only manifest 'near' their target.  They move from lower astral realms directly to the target, in much the same way as instant OBE travel works. This works 'around' the running water problem.

Negs can also travel over running water by hitchhiking with susceptible humans, piggy backing over it and using their temporary hosts as shields.

Strongers types of neg, like demons, can cross running water, but tests show they will not do this lightly. It drains them of energy and could be said to burn them.

All this leads me to think that any neg manifesting close enough to the physical dimension to affect humans becomes bound to the surface of the earth, and takes on 2 dimensional properties.

2. Does the general theory mean that no neg can travel between countries that are separated by water? ie. New Zealand to Australia (God forbid!)

In post modern times, yes, this would have formed a formidible barrier to lower order neg spirits.  This is much like how earthbound spirits become bound to particular houses and castles.

3. Why couldn't a neg travel "over" or "under" a barrier?

This is not possible for negs. For all we know about spirits, the very idea of spirits, one would think that they could float around wherever they like. But my work shows that they have serious limitations, and that these limitations can be used against them. Btw, I have asked many channelled spirits about this, via their respective mediums, and totally dumbfounded them. But my experiments have proven running water to be a very important factor indeed.

4. Do other "good" or even "amoral" entities suffer the same weakness? ie. elementals, nature spirits, etc.

Sorry, I have no information on this. All my experiments have been with attacking neg entities. But this is a very good point and one I definitely plan to investigate further.  This may be why, as is well known, metaphysical practices work much better when done out in the country away from cities...away from water mains. This may be a closely guarded secret, who knows, that 'any' spirit manifesting in real time is affected by running water.

Take care, Robert.


Sorry, but outside the astral environment this is a bit difficult.  I know of no way to make such energy balls. You can do this in while out of body, re astral combat techniques, but it kinda loses its effect if done in body. My 14yo son, Jesse, has asked me this question many times, as have an unusual number of early teens.  Methinks they all watch Dragon Ball Z; which rocks!

You can, however, make energy balls using visualization. If you are in the trance state, and have astral sight, you will probably even be able to see them.  But what you can do with these and what effect they might have, I am not sure.

Take care, Robert.


I agree in part with some of your points, but, please reread my retort carefully.  You will see that I attacked Greg's logic, his argument and his underlying paradigm.  I did not attack him as a person.  

Keep in mind that Greg attacked not only my work, but insulted my integrity as a person, which you agree is unfair.  I worked hard to try to overlook these snipes and to answer philosophically.  My only other choice would have been to just ignore his post, which maybe I should have done.  But I chose to make an exception in this case, mainly because of the turnaround he made after his original two posts.

Strong critique can be argued effectively and politely, without getting personal and starting a flame war. But it cannot always be argued quietly and nicely.

Take care, Robert.


Yes, wake induced obe requires quite a mental balancing act indeed. Most people need a fair bit of practice before it will all come together.  I've had spontaneous obe's all my life, but it took me several months to learn how to get into trance and wake induce obe's.
It can be quite frustrating, but patience and practice pay of.

I recommend to most people that they do all their exercises, and early obe attempts, in a hard backed chair with no head support. You must balance your head perfectly.  This is more difficult but has far greater training value.  If you can trance in this position, you are doing well, and obe's will be easier. I also suggest that obe's be attempted from this position.  This is great for short obe's, say up to 30 seconds long.  Your head will tend to fall to the side and drag you back, but this also has the advantage of helping download the obe memory.  This helps train obe download pathways, which makes it easier to remember obes.  

When you get jerked back, use dream/obe memory recall techniques.  Latch onto a memory and pull the rest back. It might only be a short and boring obe into your back yard, but its a genuine obe that gives you something to build upon.

Note, I do the majority of my obe's from my office chair, which is a very old steel, low backed swivel chair.

Take care, Robert.


First, yes, the show will be streamed live on the www.

Secondly, a little bird just told me that they planned to record the show on Mp3 and stream it from their site.  They will post a link to this on the forum.

Take care, Robert.

ps, when you log onto the Astral Pulse website, hit 'refresh' (F5) as we have just moved the domain to the Isle of Man, on a high bandwidth server.


I also do not have a credit card, and have not used one in 12 yrs:) But this is becoming a right royal pain, so I'll soon need to get one.

Hopefully someone will record the show in Mp3 format, and share it around.  Maybe someone could tape it and give you a copy? I don't know if I'll be allowed to stream it live from my site; probably not.  I will, however, be streaming some audio interviews from my website later this year.

Take care, Robert.


I've read about this.  A yoga breathing technique is used. If I remember, this involves breathing in through one nostril, holding the breath, then breathing out through the other nostril.  

Take care, Robert.

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Real-Time Sight
February 15, 2002, 23:49:39

A good topic, and good questions....

Real time sight is like seeing through your closed eyelids.  The room around you looks quite dark, but you can make out the walls and windows and furniture, as if seen in a fairly dark room by moonlight filtering through the curtains.

Astral sight is vivid and bright, much brighter than normal reality.

Both types of sight depend upon the brow centre, re this is the visual centre that is connected to the sight centre of the physical brain.

The brow centre and astral sight ability will develop naturally through OBE and related exercises, yes.

The brow centre is stimulated by energy work, and by trying to use it.  The 'extra brow centre work' given in Astral Dynamics, for high level projection attempts, is good for this.

Auric sight practice helps stimulate the brow centre.

Increased daily consumption of calcium also helps.  When I am doing a lot of brow centre work, I take a soluble calcium supplement called 'Sandocal', which is a brand name.  The solid tablet forms just don't seem to do the trick.

Taping a small magnet to your brow centre can also help trigger brow centre activity, or rather to trigger its visual aspects out of dormancy.  I'm not too sure which side of the magnet is best, positive or negative.  I know one is better and there is a way of telling the difference, but I don't have this info to hand.  This is dealt with in the book, 'Capturing The Aura' which I coauthored. Its available on  If anyone has this information, please post it here.

*Warning, do not sleep with the magnet in place.  Hard experience tells me that this can cause strong headaches and eyestrain.

The best way to exercise basic astral sight is to attain full trance in a chair, and to 'feel' yourself moving inside your own skin. Try to move your inner self to each side, or to turn around and see behind yourself.  This takes a lot of effort in the beginning, but it kinda 'loosens' your etheric double and promotes astral sight.

Astral sight will normally only occur in the full theta or delta trance states, or when you are close to OBE.  It also occurrs frequently during waking paralysis (also called sleep paralysis).

Experimenting with this during walking trance is a very good idea for an experiment.  

Take care, Robert.


There is a kind of biospiritual-release-astrological cycle of rises and falls involved with all aspects of development work. Astrological forces may be involved. Sometimes you hit a patch when nothing seems to work, and even dreams die off.  These 'patches' are particularly strong during the early years of spiritual/metaphysical development. These waves progressively even out in time, but big downers and even 'dark nights of the soul' can be expected by everyone from time to time. I've just come out of one of these big lows myself.

So, its possible that you are in a low part of your cycle.  I suggest you concentrate on your physical body and life and work on empowering yourself.  Concentrate on diet and health, and exercise regularly. This is a good time to catch up on your reading,  or to visit friends and go for long walks and think a lot, etc.  Introspection and contemplation are extremely beneficial, and should never be overlooked.

The above helps to 'refresh' your energies and revitalize your inner being, which I think is what you need more than anything. The energy body also sometimes needs a rest, just like the physical body does, so it can heal and rebuild and refresh itself.

One exercise I have found that helps is deep thinking.  Pick a time when you will not be disturbed, and take the phone off the hook. Sit in a quiet, semidark (candelit) room in a hard backed chair with no head support, if you can. No music allowed. Just relax deeply and allow your mind to wind down and settle.  Examine thoughts as they arise and then push them gently aside.  Think about your life and your aspirations.  Take your time over this. This must be done slowly and thoroughly.  Continue this for at least two hours, but the longer the better.  You may feel frustrated during this exercise, but will have to overcome this.  In time you will learn to love this practice.

"Man, know thyself" is the wisest statement ever made.  Above is the way one can to begin to accomplish this.

Note that you will tend to drift in and out of trance during the above.  

Take care, Robert.


As wake induced OBE takes a lot of practice, I suggest you make occasional OBE attempts earlier rather than later. But, you must be prepared to go through with a full obe exit, if this happens.  Many people make the mistake of doing a partial obe exit, to see what its like, and then panic and abort the exit when sensations get too strong. Rapid heartbeat chakra sensations, strong pressures, and strong whole body vibrations can be very intimidating. When I first got these I honestly thought I might be dying.  If you back out during an obe exit, you can cause a psychological flinch reflect to be created. This will disallow you to experience such symptoms again, and makes achieving wake induced OBE much harder.

So, go ahead and make regular obe attempts, as this is good training and will speed your development. But, if you start to exit your body and get strong sensations, be 'fully' prepared to go all the way.  

When you first get out, take a quick look at your hands and watch them melt, then dive back into your body 'shouting' your success. Then get up and 'write it down' lest you forget.

Take care, Robert.


As far as I know, David will keep his original Astral Research forum running.  David's forum is a html research project, and also an open forum that does not require membership, etc.

Take care, Robert.

ps, I go onto Art Bell's radio show next week.  See below for details.

Robert, we are confirmed for Wednesday, Feb. 20th, 11:00pm-2:00am PST -- Thursday, Feb. 21st, 3:00pm-6:00pm Perth time (West Australia).  This will be the actual on-air interview with Art Bell.  Art will be calling you during his commercial break at the top-of-the-hour.  The program starts 6 minutes past the hour. Typically, he will interview for the first two hours and then open it up to callers for the final hour.


Forums Bugs Reports and Questions / Cookies!
February 14, 2002, 06:16:11
G'day Folks!

If you still have problems after taking the above admin advice, try deleting your cookies manually.  Load explorer, go to your Windows directory, and then to your 'Temporary Internet Files' and delete all the cookies.  This will not harm your computer in any way.  But if you have a problem with the dates and displays on this forum, this will solve your problem.  I had this problem for a few days, and told IE 5.5 to delete temporary internet files, as admin in the post above advises, but still had problems.  Manually deleting them solved this problem and the forum now works perfectly.

Note that you will rarely ever find an actual problem with the forum itself.  The majority of potential problems will be with your browser and its settings.  But please tell your problem in this forum and get advice to solve it quickly.

Take care, Robert.



Yes, astal meetings can be held, in real time or in astral realms. But the difficulty of course is to find two people who can reliably project at roughly the same time.  Occult societies meet in the astral all the time. They usually have prepared realms in which to meet.

If two people are more than a few miles apart, using an astral realm is easier, to avoid too many reality fluctuations, etc.

It is also possible for a projector (if they have the skill) to enter the dreams of another person. But this would not prove the difference beween LD/WILD and OBE.  The only way to really tell the difference is by monitoring the seemingly physical sensations associated with the start of each type of experience. For example, during OBE exit there are vibrations, rapid heartbeat and other chakra type sensations, and a distinct feeling of separation.  During LD or WILD, none of the above are present, but REM (rapid eyemovement) is often present.  You would probably need to be hooked up to an EEG machine to really tell the difference. But, basically, unless OBE exit symptoms are felt, you are in some kind of dream.

No, the astral plane surface skin is a 'set' type of structure.  I have no idea why Monroe missed these, but I dont' think belief has much to do this matter. I had no preconceived ideas of what the astral planes looked like, or even that there was such a thing as a surface skin entrance structure, until I stumbled upon it one day during an OBE. Note that in my early days I, like Sylvan Muldoon, found myself stuck in the real time zone.  I did not find a way into the astral planes until I was much older.  I still project into real time, and stay there unless I deliberately enter the astral planes.  

Most people tend to slip into specific parts of the astral planes, into astral realms, which does not allow the surface skin structure to be perceived.  and moving about among realms, from the inside, also does not allow the surface skin structure to be perceived.

Yes, it is possible for a strong projector to enter the body of another person. I have done it.  This can be likened to temporary possession. I have dealt with this in my new book, PPSD, because it relates to the topic of possession.  I do not, however, provide the technique whereby this can be achieved, for obvious reasons.  However, this is way, way beyond the capabilities of average projectors.

I may try to organize some joint OBE meetings later this year.  I have no time at all to do this now.

Take care, Robert.


Core images will often just appear in your minds eye, but if not it is quite ok to visualize them.  

Yes, it can take quite a long time when you first start doing this. But like everything else, you get better at it with practice, and it becomes a faster process. 10 - 15 minutes is quite reasonable.

Take care, Robert.


The sharp pains you felt were probably some kind of neg interference.  This is the most common area to be affected. You responded well, as body awareness actions are the correct countermeasure.  You could also do a small banishment over your foot, signing the banishment pentagram and banishing with Godnames. This is very effective.  But I would not worry about this. It is just something that happens occasionally. This kind of thing is mainly caused by small energy feeding astral wildlife.

As for the mark on your brow, yes, I've had this appear on my brow from time to time.  It may be indicative of your brow centre activating or coming out of dormancy, etc.

Take care, Robert.

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Looks good....
February 13, 2002, 00:31:51
G'day Muzza!

Glad to see you on board.


ps, I appear on Art Bell's radio show next Thursday at 3pm - 6pm WA Aus time.  This is Wednesday, 11pm - 1am Pacific Standard Time.  

This should be a buzz.....

G'day Donni, Forum Folks!

Nice to see our new moderator being active in the new forums.

A very good question, Donni, and it thus deserves a good answer.

I have never stated that I believe that there are no good spirit beings that might fit the bill of being spirit guides. But I have never seen anything that would lead me to believe that there is a heirarchy of spirit guides, and that every human being is assigned spirit guides from birth, to guide and protect.  I do, however, believe in the spiritual heirarchy above us, but not in the way that this is popularly conceived today.  My experience leads me to a more traditional conception of a heirarchy of deities, archangels and angels and masters, etc. This is pretty much the same thing as is popularly believed today, I know.  But its the bits between this and humanity that I think require further exploration. Note that I do plan to explore this area more in the future, and have been doing so for years.

However, I have known and read about many people who do seem to have some level of active spiritual guidance and support, and do not deny this. I have seen and experienced strong spirit interventions.  But my experience shows that this is not a universal given. It should thus not be taught as a given, because this is grossly misleading.

I have read the words of channelled spirits in books by Allen Kardek (various spirits, said to be of high degree) and Jane Roberts (Seth), but I take issue with some of their statements that defy personal experience.  These spirits state, for example, that everyone is born with at least one spirit brother/protector.  But I have seen and experienced way too much to believe this is true.  If you read my article 'Popular Model Conundrum' I may my thoughts clear on these matters. If this were true, and spirit guides and protectors were assigned to everyone at birth, then in many cases they seem to be doing a decidedly poor job indeed.

Following your own reasoning, it would also fit that if everyone were assigned good spirits (what you call spirit guides) to protect and assist people from birth, then they also must be assigned bad spirits from birth to hinder and harm, to provide opposite forces. In my experience, the popular monothestic approach to spirituality is unworkable in real life.  Its a beautiful concept, but somewhat akin to an ostrich sticking its head into the sand and seeing only what it wants to see, selectively.

In a nutshell, on the matter of spirit guides and the role they plan in the spiritual evolution of humanity, individually and collectively, my jury is still out gathering data and life experience. So forgive me if I leave this one hanging.

Further along these lines (man can I waffle:) I have argued all the above points at great length and depth, with some of the finest newage minds in the world, including my publishers and many published authors.  Without hard evidence, these arguments becomes circular as it is difficult for either side to provide enough evidence to prove or disprove key issues. It often comes down to a matter of faith, and to what one chooses to accept or not. In the above mentioned arguments, almost all points ground to an unresolved standstill, with neither side giving way. These arguments included the validity of spirit guides.  

The only point I always win hands down on is that (according to modern spiritual and newage doctrines) very small children and babies of pre-language age (and animals), should not experience neg psychic attacks.  A small child's spirit guide/protector 'should' by default prevent such attacks taking place.  But this does not happen, and such attacks take place regularly throughout the world. I have seen this happened, and aided and protected such children, numerous times. It was for this very reason that I deciced, over 15 years ago, to focus on children and on developing practical anti neg countermeasures that anyone could use to help protect them.

The importance of this evidence is that there are no understandable reasons for such attacks taking place, as per modern spiritual doctrines.  The reasons given, as per Kardek and Roberts, for any kind of neg spirit attack taking place, are that like attracts like and thus the victim has within them thoughts and emotions that are attracting negative spirit beings and allowing attacks to take place. In a nutshell, it is said that such people are listening to evil spirits and ignoring their spirit guides, and that this results in neg psychic attacks and etc.

My main point above is that small children and babies of pre-language age are incapable of holding such thoughts and of making such choices.  They are therefore incapable of consciously or unconsciously attracting bad spirits to them, this blowing the standard theory right out of the water.  This is because if any theory has exceptions, it is proven to have faults and therefore needs rethinking, yadda yadda yadda.

At this point, my opponents always cite karma and pre-life choices, in that for some reason such children have 'chosen' to experience neg attacks and influences at that age. Karma is another issue that I will not go into here, but it sounds reasonable, albeit unprovable and based on belief.  

Next we get into the debate as to whether or not we are helping if we try to protect such children.  Are we, by so doing, interfering with karma processes?  Many people, stumped for solutions, have said that if this were the case then such children are best left alone and unaided, to suffer their karma in peace, even unto death.  

As said, my jury is still out collecting evidence and thinking along these lines. But I know enough, and have enough evidence, to stand up and ask some serious questions on these matters. And I will keep asking them until I get some answers.

Take care, Robert.