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Messages - Aileron

Welcome to Metaphysics! / The Return Of Jesus?
March 06, 2004, 14:31:41
I enjoy learning about all of your ideas on the ideals of messiah. Born unto the ideas we feed from, our true form formed from all aspects as one. I hope nobody finds the answer yet, it would be no fun.

"I had a dream the other day
in which my birth led to the grave.
It was a wonderful thing I think,
to have had something in such a wonderful way
but the faces peering out from the womb
also lay with me in the casket.

I felt the breath of stone flowers in bloom
but in the metal reflection of motion
my pace in swift speed
my pace in swift time
all round the edge of haste
in the kiss across my spine
and the lesser of two evils shine
in blossomes of the shade
in beacons across the belt of time
these spaces relentless of absence
pretense to the stress of muscle memory
torn back into a precept of sense
into a pretense of perception

I had a dream the other day
in which my death led to the womb
it was a wonderful thing I think
to have had something in such a wonderful way
but the faces that lay with me
and the faces peering down upon me
are such expressions of myself
and myself in the reflection of my sea"
First off I'd like to say how just completely odd it is to be having channeled beings answering questions in a forum on the internet. That out of the way, here are some questions I pose.

1)Lately I've been going mad, I mean completely insane. My lunatic logic is benefiting greatly from what I believe to be either insane paranoia dealing in circumstance to my own plane of being. Rather I'm beginning to believe things that on average a person might not think is a normal system of thought.
Basically I'm able to file away moments in time for myself and events, and then associate them with my life in relation to the filed moments and correlate them with numbers which deal with so many aspects of new age/ religious/ and spiritual subjects.
I'm wondering if madness over all should be embraced when the deepest of understandings seem to stem from the mundane.
I want to know if I should be fearing certain things, because there is always of risk of complete loss of control, but I think that somehow my mental capacity for such things over-shadows many others ability to handle mental extremis.

2)I'm wondering if there is anyway to rid ourselves of the future. Can we destroy knowledge of what the future is in order to protect it? Would we be able to store reasoning of time frame within an isolated bastille, perhaps some mental cryogenic icebox?
I feel that because we know of the future (Not the events occuring within those moments)that we are fated to destroy it.

3) If I can see an overall picture of the universe, the planets, the people on the planet and how they move, grow, adapt and react to the environment with perfect clarity and then use these scenarios, these methods as a theme in order to place smaller digits of existence into a better perception of reality, am I ok?

4) Numbers, all I can see are numbers. People walk through my head figured as figures in formulae and linear projections taking their time in the time line of things. Why is my mind so wrapped up in numerical perceptions when Im not even good at mathmatics nor arithmetic?

5) Heres one Im throwing out because the skeptical voices in my head tell me to, even though Im sure with this type of question, there could be so many reasons, excuses and results following why such a question could not be answered.
Do you know who I am? I mean do you really know who I am?

These questions are asked through the reflection of a skeptically impatient and unfettered mind, one that placates itself over and over, one that chooses to ignore nothing, to store all forms of sense, and that hides nothing. I ask these questions with both humor and love.
knowledge is awaiting a questionable circumstance.

ask nobody how the years have been represented through nostrodomus, or cultural myths, or dreams, or others who believe they know.
We all dont.

To dream the lost, is to create the found.
What is funny to me is the presumption that I find everyone holding to. I know this, no, I know this. Well you dont. accept it.
so something happens on the day you thought it to happen, so what? Does that mean you knew? No. Does it mean that you or I have powers that influence the Universe? Perhaps, why should we care though?

Definitive spectrums of innocence lost in logic toting around weights of uncomplacent live is no more a reason to give ourselves the arguement that something is bound to happen.
My reasoning changes day to day. Good thing. Why?
Because under this rapid dichromatic surface, I feel I dont want to know, nor need to know, nor should know. Why should any of us be different than the next person?
What if a resurrection of some messiah is not the literal plane? What if it is OUR awakening? The messiah was us. All, being the whole.

I understand our need to define the impossible. Or the desire to know the future. Or attempting to make amends to the dead. Or to give ourselve the comfort of unique stations in life.
I understand our hate, and our creativity. I understand birth as it was, I was birthed. I may not have a child, but I have been born unto this life, and give my life to each, to give the pleasure that birth may give.
Creation and destruction, all a winding clock that we teeter on, yet as our equilibrium and our balance wanes, we question and predict. We fall victim to the necessity of the weight within our hearts.

Nobody here is wrong, nor are they right. None of us give to each other while we neither take also.
The halos we wear crack over time, they rust and the glow disapates.
I hope you will someday realize this nothing, yet you could find everything here.
I'll give pacino there credit for being so blatantly honest. What can you expect from an insane crime boss though? [;)]
I agree though that this has to be the most interesting thread I have read as well.
Lots of people in all shapes and sizes and opinions and here, you can have the handlebars.

Heres my own story that involves a squirrel.

I hiked to the top of our summit to stay the night in a cabin that was built about fifteen years earlier by some high school kids I know only through siblings.
I had stayed there before, but never alone. I got there and instantly I was bored. I hung out and became paranoid that a cougar would attack me, so I had my buck special with me.
While I was hanging out, two old hipsters randomly hiked up to the cabin. They were probably in their forties or so. They arrived and introduced themselves and told me that they had helped build the cabin. Then they proceeded to smoke me out and left. Having partaken in herbal delights, I then became increasingly paranoid because the two hipsters left. As if by some odd reason they came up there to find me and leave. For a few hours I then rocked back and forth in some partially delusional drama that involved a squirrel scratching on the damn walls of the cabin and crawling in through the holes. I covered the holes with ducttape and went to bed. In the middle of the night i heard more scratching and looked up to see the cute litle paws insanely tearing at the ducttape from inside the walls. Then its head popped out and peeked at me then left. I went to bed not too long after and woke up to leave quite early because it is a loooong helluva hike.

(The moral of the tale is that whatever happens happens so have fun with whatever delusions you may be having.
btw, this tale neither endorses, condones, nor condemns drug use and its abuse, as the use of illegal substances in the US is and should be a personal choice as long as it is only a choice of the individual and affects nor harms any other persons)

(dissassociates self from self becoming an abstract thought)
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Ku Klux Klan
January 19, 2004, 22:53:34
you are beautiful people. If even half of this thread was spoken aloud with emphasis and expression to any ingorantly intelligent rascists/clan members/supremisists or what have you, perhaps thought would become a dominant effect for a short period.
I have something to say though.

We take the time enough to reveal the ignorance in white superiority and our despise of such acts, and with good cause as the clan and others of like mind have perpetrated horrible unexcusable acts, yet we let slide other racial pride symbols.
I have nothing against people being proud of their heritage, but I seem to see slight hypocracy in telling these types of people what they do is wrong, when I see Somoan Pride/black pride/mexican pride/etc stickers and other things while the majority of these people are grouped together because of ethnic/economical and financial backgrounds. I know people dont bring this up because the majority of them, have never made such an ugly impact as the KKK have.

I just find this to be odd, as well as other issues. It seems its hard to make any type of solid opinion stand ground when the issues are subject to hypocritical reflection. It stands to reason to that religion is in the same boat along with politics.

Survival Adventure 2004 - 2011

2004 -2005 a bit

2005 -2006
Begin to truly write and create an epitome of nuance and flavor, hopefully inspiring some madness and free flowing epiphanies.

2006 -2007
write...more martial arts training, speculative theory based programs revolving around free thought, free will, free choice.

2007 -2008
Perhaps marriage and a child?

2008 -2009
Rigorous wellness activities and wilderness survival. Find peyote blessed by a medicine man and get lost in the desert.

2009 -2010
Street lectures

2010 -2011
plan trip to any one of these places containing high energy fulcrums: Tibet/Nepal, Korea, Middle East, Japan, Alaska, etc

2011 -2012
Prepare for potential anything by fasting and producing anything from minimilistic thought, to the thousand things cycle of thought process

Dec 1st 2012
begin meditation for twenty days. No human contact, no physical abuse, emotional abuse, nor mental abuse.

21st 2012, December.........*

this is a minimal agenda, not really thought out except for the final two years. Not to be taken too seriously...unless Im me. agh
The better the student, the better the teacher.

A wonderful expample of cycles is right here in this forum. People start, expand on, conclude, reitterate, start again, expand and so forth.

The belief of many have never outweighed the belief of the few, or the one.
I find myself wondering about time.
Not about fate, or maya, or people who believe themselves holier than art thou, or cycles, or ridges of events, or even good and evil, just about time.
I see it in its thick unsubstantial form and wonder if I could float upon it without movement.
I search through the crests and tides that break and attempt to see the different points in time. In one of those points I see people communicating in ways never thought of or imagined in the past. The people talk to each other about the future, they talk of planning and strategies, their beliefs and their paranoia's. They talk of comforting things and humorous light hearted subjects to keep the topic fresh. Yet throughout all the discussions the people just seemingly only glance around the environments they are in, seperated from the people they talk to by hundreds, perhaps thousands of miles. In their environments they see only what they have been seeing. They feel only what they have been feeling and attempting to understand what they want to understand.
They look around. They still feel, yes, they are still human beings.

Whats the difference of agony when desire for knowledge of the futures outcome accompanies mental and emotional confusion of the present.
I can tell you, only because I seem to succumb to anguish between what I want to happen, what has been forseen to happen, what will probably happen, and what I could create.
There is no difference...the agony will always come in so many forms and ways that it is at times difficult to realize what being human really is.
I suppose we can learn from each other, we can form bonds through belief. Yet, in the end, we are all alone, no matter what comforting things can be said or myths told. The maya were just that...the illusion.

that doesnt mean thouh that they did not exist, and that they're an unrelevant civilization. It means their society has the ability to teach the present civilization enough to gain some spiritual composure, but we weep for ourselves as we continue to climb this ladder.

there is nobody that has the ability to comfort me because I believe to find the pain to be rewarding.
The lachrymose child awaits the learning parent, for the birthed give to the born a gift of patience.

god i think im going mad
I hope people aren't basing the future on anime (And I'm not just talking about DBZ here which in no way is an insult, otherwise it would be to myself for I am one of the saddest DBZ freaks around), because although enjoyable to watch and even when pertaining to realistic subjects, it is still only images of fantasy and imagination.
I'm also not about to expect demons or the end of the world to reign supreme during 2012 or beyond either.

In all honesty, this thread in itself seems almost...I dunno, without merit, as it seems to concentrate(And you can correct me if Im wrong) on surviving something that might not even occur.
Training is wonderful, being prepared is wise, but expecting the worst is basically setting your mind up for;

1)A possible gigantic let down
2)A fantasy dominating your surface perceptions
3)Your own forced hand in your beliefs
5)Social alientation
6)Dominating emotions stemming from the topic fantasy
7)Narcissistic disorders engaged through fantasies revolving around your own part being played in the belief

I in no way think people should be acting one way or another, but filling your mind with demons and other negative aspects such as Aries pointed out, only instigates behavior that can at times seem almost compulsive, delusional and paranoid.
Neither am I stating that none of this will happen, far be it from me to tell everyone the future, but when your looking at aspects such as these, it is possible to lose yourself in what is real and what is only a wish and a dream.

Beavis makes a good point. At times, not unlike society itself, threads are and can be uncontrollable and unpredictable. Kind of hard to put a leash on the chaotic, wouldnt you say?

2012...plans...are we paranoid?
The only plan I have at this time, is surviving whatever events befall us all, and on my birthday I shall meditate until the equinox on the 21st. Perhaps somewhere aligned with strong energies.
No strategies are needed, just peaceful mindset for an "unpredictable" event.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / 12/23/2012
January 11, 2004, 16:15:41
Im not going to make this a debate, there is no need to apologize, I was not offended. I am not religious, I study religions, spirituality, and the human factor.
Believe what you will, thats fine, but dont confuse the prophecies here. Every walk of life had their own, and all were very different but very similar.
Im sorry, you may have beliefs similar to christianity, but to call yourself a christian is to relegate your postition as one who is religious. Christianity is a religion, not much you can do of that. The belief in the book, the prophecies, church, affiliation and all the rules that apply; if you are involved with this, you are involved with a religion. Now if you read the bible, believe in it and christ, but do not go to church then you are believer but not christian.
Theres nothing wrong with that. If you think you must call yourself Christian in order to get into heaven, then that is where I will debate.
If you call yourself a Christian but do not consider yourself religious then those are your own personal terms for your beliefs and not any others.

The only point I was trying to make, is that religions are all the same. If you see one over the others as having more pertinence to your life then that is probably what you were meant to believe for certain reasons.
If you are going to debate about religions not being similar get ready for a long long long discussion with someone who does know what they are talking about.
My knowledge doesnt just come from a desire to know these things, it comes from a pull, whether fate, god, the universe, whatever you may deem it, I followed my path for reasons just as you have yours, this doesnt make me any less special nor you, but know that because you were raised one way or decided to go one way because it felt right, good, but never attempt a theological argument about the only religion you have made apparent to want to know with someone who makes attempts at every angle to know as much as possible about the subject beyond the topic. That entire sentence I wrote was completly pointless, and I can admit to my faults and laugh at them and accept them..hehe (giggle giggle).

I hope I have not offended you, or tried to come off as more competent, that was not my meaning, I just become passionate about these topics because of how much involvement I have had with many ideas of beliefs, and it is difficult at times to restrain myself.

My final thought though, just because I learn about all these things and try to research them and put my entire being into them, does not mean I don't have my own belief. These things I do strengthen the bond with my belief, as I believe it does with everyone when they can see from all sides of the spectrum rather than the one they refuse to let go of. Yours is your own...
Welcome to Metaphysics! / 12/23/2012
January 11, 2004, 10:44:10
Let me be clear about this, the maya existed long before christ, their prophecies, their astronomy and mathmatics were well beyond in relation to our own current status, any average means.
The bible is a book, written not by one person, but by many, translated and missinterpreted many times, and always individually interpreted(Which is the most important way to interpret it). It is a good book, not one for which I myself believe wholly in because it should be obvious to the reader, although I am not criticizing anyones take on it, that only parts of it could be true or closest to that, and many other parts are not to be taken as literally, as they are symbolic personally/emotionally/eventfully/spiritually.
If you feel the need to put "blind faith" into such a religion as christianity, go into it without any misconceptions about what religion itself actually is. It is not spirituality, and it is not about being close to god, it is about massing together and following guidelines/rules that man has placed before us in place of god. Spirituality is a personal thing, that can be found at times through religion, or through other means.
You tell people to read the bible, but the book isnt the answer, its yourself that holds the answer. What you need to do is not just read the bible, but other bibles as well, from the Qua'ran(Koran), to the Bhagavid-gita, and the mormon bible, to the satanic bible and the Urantia Book.
Don't ever limit yourself when it comes to spirituality, because although you may hold the same beliefs you have now, you can also find for yourself different paths to follow in the same light.
The mayan prophecies does not "fit" with revelations, revelations and many many MANY other religious myths/prophecies/legends/truths/stories fit with each other and the mayan prophecy.
Chronology isnt even important when it comes to this subject, but realize, that christianity was in no way a new concept, just a new form of that concept.
Jesus, like Pacal Votan, helped his people and became more than human. Many different opinions on these subjects, so I'll try to make the rest brief.
Faith in yourself is one thing, blind faith is another. It is not scary, it is absurd.

I hope you realize that your belief does matter, but don't let that confuse you with the truth....and there are many.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / 2004 predictions
January 09, 2004, 15:41:45
to those who seem NOT to understand the spectrum of perceptions. I have spoken of this and explained the underlying topic of hopes for war.
Let me say again, I do not wish to see people dead, but I will come out and tell you that if it costs me my own life just to change things, please, by all means load your rifle.

Inevitably all life must come to conflict, animals, insects, even plantlife. The environment surrounding that conflict is saturated in what would be known as a phoenix blanket. The surface waits for the destruction, because over time, that which is destroyed, is rebirthed. Not by magic, divine providence, or earthly forces or even science, but because this is how nature reacts.
When a human tongue is severed it repairs itself after some time because it has only slight regenerative capabilities.
When you grab a certain species of lizard by the tail, the tail comes off and regrows.
When you make a footprint in an uncivilized muddy forest area, if left alone, plantlife regrows in and around the print.
This is nature, this is the way we are meant to find answers. Given answers come at times readily available for us in less than thermodynamic means, but we can't sit around and expect to eventually be communing telepathically or sending forcewaves to each other, or hovering around without any kind of technology to keep us afloat, or even evolve spiritually without a means to reason out where that change came from. Why would we change, when the world changes anyway? Thats the point, change comes, and you CANNOT avoid conflict, at least not forever.
So to all those people who believe that we can settle our differences through peacful means....your right.
However, not every difference is seen the same way through each pair of eyes of which do see them. Some differences must be settled through conflict, not just because it is inevitable, but because the strongest lesson learned, is the lesson learned through blood.

I do not condone, nor condemn war. I have my opinions about how things should be, but I do little to interfere because I found that nature takes its course and winds its own path, with or without us. We can stop a war here and there....but dont believe that peace is such a simple prospect that all we have to do is stop fighting and there it is.

Your american brothers and sisters by the way jen, are the same brothers and sisters who are fighting in iraq, who went to vietnam and did both heroic and evil things, who lied to us about WMD, who try and control the world for the rest of the world, who give and take just the same as the rest of the world.
American is just another word for seperation by wealth of technology.

(places the chocolate head of pacal votan on a platter before everyone)

Welcome to Metaphysics! / 2004 predictions
January 05, 2004, 22:14:34
had a meteor never struck pangea, do you think humans would have emerged? Do you think the dinosaurs would have continued to evolve and adapt, and if so, for how long until that one single continent was depleted of resources, and environments in which to adapt to?
I am readily accepting of my destructive desires, but when I say I want these things to happen, know, just realize, it is not out of the want to see wanton destruction, it is out of the understanding that bad things do happen, and must in order to regrow.
There will be a time when we can willingly let go of the agony and hate that consumes the planet. There will be a time when we can communicate through collective conscious, and when we marvel at the beauty in the world and see only this.
That time has yet to come, and I'm not saying that we couldnt create this world if we actually tried, but know that we are not ready, and everyday life is an example of this, for change in only a positive spectrum. Every single moment that moves through you, you must see the dual role of everything. Male/Female, destruction/creation, christ/antichrist, good/bad, goes on and on. Our world is a place of balance, and to know it, to understand it, look for methods of patience. A war, even twenty wars starting tommorrow might not change the world when we want it, but it triggers the ideas, the love, the need for companionship, the leaders and the followers, the involvement of better opinions, different perceptions leading to cause and effect. It makes a better world through experience, through suffering and agony. We need the calm quiet, the peace, the love and happiness only because it is the treasure sought after through sufferance.
Yet if we destroy ourselves in this process what does that mean?
It means we had no patience, it means we weren't ready for the future we are liable for.
You don't walk into an unknown without some wish for prior knowing of what it is you might be risking entering into the unknown.

I'll tell you one thing I do believe. That it is time. Look around, things might be much more advanced than they were twenty, ten or even two years ago, but that does not mean we are in the epoch of our time. We are staggering, stumbling along an edge between awareness of true humanity, and ignorance.
We won't be able to make the plunge into either side until a marker has been made.

It doesnt take a genius, or even a prophet to know what will happen. It is, and has been always a cycle, always.
Don't fear what may come, it was always to be. If you accept it, you will have a much easier time learning from it.
Of course if you still disagree, then that is yours.
I only display my opinions and hope others might see a string of understanding. To give the memories of old a new image.
There is nothing wrong with good or bad things....only with stagnation.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / 2004 predictions
January 04, 2004, 17:47:27
Well although general predictions of events with a slim chance to occur, I hope they all happen.

civil wars(revolutions) arent always just so easily squashed by mandates on cities and towns. Just because martial law is put in place, does not tend to dampen hopes for justice. I would hope this happens, I would hope civil war breaks out. Aside of the deaths that already occur in this world and from any resulting from civil unrest, the experiences we live tend to mold our society, and even the events that seem terrible, can in fact be positive in consequence.
I side with nobody but the eyes of fate, and any governmental institution that forces my hand in "their" wars and nonsense would be looking to the wrong face. Patriotism is pride, and excuse me, although I am not religious, I know I am living in one of the most religiously colorful countries, but I thought Pride was a sin? What is up with the bumperstickers talking of pride. I am sick of the media and the stars of media making comments that might or might not get slurred, and the people are then afraid and comment saying, "That was taken out of context" bovine excrement. I live in America, I appreciate america for what it is up to a point, but i am not an american, I am a human being, which is far more important than any national pride or patriot.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Plague coming?
December 28, 2003, 19:50:44
plague of something yes. Black, total of all.
Perhaps the plague your dreams are feeding from is in actuality the total of virus's, bacterium, and other sickness. Possibility.
The flu, SARS, West Nile, AIDS, etc.
Who knows, but plagues have always been a constant fear in society. I would not worry about the dreams until they become more apparent and detailed.
If they begin to swarm around loved ones, specifying effects of certain diseases, reveal designed implications, then I would worry. Until then, don't worry, we've all been surrounded by death all our lives.
The neurological concept of self is defined consistantly through experience and the different levels of awareness which is defined through the minds understanding of current and present.
When we are experiencing reality through substance, we are still expriencing reality, but we will need to differentiate between what is realities concept of the spiritual, astral and ethereal self, and what is just what we desire to see, or what our mind plays with.
Really whether we are hallucinating by way of substance, meditation, fasting, dream, or just fates hand, its up to our individual selves to understand what it means and how it is interpreted.

LSD, mushrooms, mescaline/peyote, and other such substances have always been linked to spiritual visions or spirit quests because they are part of a certain cultures religion or mythos. What needs to happen is control in order to lose control.
LSD will gather sense towards designer chaos. In this you will have a difficult time understanding the self, but still interacting with the subconscious.
Mushrooms are similar yet have a unique effect in that you will have the ability to sleep, and control what feels untcontrolled
Mescaline/peyote has been the primary spiritual substance in that the negative and positive aspects of the drug enhance what you make out of the experience. Such as being in the desert, seeing a coyote and following that coyote to a tower. The tower sinks into the ground and a single monolith is left standing in its place. An epitaph apears on the monolith which you cannot read, but you know. The knowledge of the epitaph create a connection to both death and life, and you see then that the tower represented you and your temple(YOur body)and the coyote is the path you must follow in order to understand and acknowledge your body in order to keep it from self-destruction.

Drugs are drugs man, just learn what drugs do what, and how to seperate reality from vision, and vision from insubstantial hallucination.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Marked
December 28, 2003, 14:55:34
That is quite the significant understanding. Maya itself is illusion, and being attracted to this culture more than anything else and drawn to it unconsciously I suppose could in itself mean illusory meanings in all the coincidences.
His life is blessed in so many ways. He does love, and gives as much as possible.
So many things he has brought to my attention though, and I desire to help him for the fact that even if nothing is there, if all these things mean nothing, then he might be driving himself insane.
He has questioned many things such as the holy bloodline/holy grail, the templar and reincarnation of different types.
He has told me of his different ideas on the return of jesus, and that perhaps the bloodline may be important, but not as the reincarnation of christ, but of what could be considered the antichrist to many. Perhaps a return is not the expected christian view, but through a vessel learned of many different aspects in life.
He has told me of his own theories of Pacal Votan reincarnated as Jesus and that each messianic version is that cultures true icon but not as some heroic and divine or galactic messenger, but as a human. A flawed person who makes the mistakes, accepts them and is able to move on and attempts to teach others of his own values he has taken.
Even through his ideas which I fear for most may be the root of phsycological disorders and paranoia, he stands in control. His affront, if it is one, is quite stable and though he has admitted that he does not think of himself as any messiah, you can see in his eyes, the fear he has of talking about it.
He has had enemies in his past, but has always made it appear as though he has forgiven them. I have seen his darker sides and they are rage and fear, but the things he has done in life and for people, is just that, good.
Does this make him a good person though? A man does good things, though he may be evil?
Is it the intentions that make a person who they are?

He has talked many times of deja vu, all the time, and how each time it occurs, he knows he is on the right path, as though the deja vu are just beacons for him.
I can't sit here on a computer and spit out that I think of him as a messiah, but the things he has done cannot draw out anything less than significant and important.
He has revealed that he would know if he could his destiny but never motivates himself to figure of his past lives, nor attempt to truely astrally project or remote view. He has never condemned himself to searching out the answer, but the pitfalls of this he does not care.

I admit, were there any messiah, or prior thoughts of one, that the clues leading to the arrival would not drift around on the internet, or be talked about over coffee at the local starbucks, but I still question.
The words he spills out when he writes, and talks are thoughtful, people do not often understand or attempt to think out the things he talks about, and this he does not care about. He seems to just allow them the benefit of the thought and they may do with these words as they may.
He understands that not everyone will like or love him, and for this he appreciates. He tells me of the experiences being the most important thing and learning from them. The people that we hate or whom hate us will still teach us that which is needed to be taught.

THere are so many more things I could talk about involving the things he has gone through, but it would seem almost trivial to attempt to put across. It would seem as if I was trying to prove something which I am not. I have just seen things I would like answers for, to give and perhaps learn along with him.