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Messages - Adun

nop... not the same thing..
i have lucid dreams at least twice a week, they can be very vivid, but never as vivid as reality... but this one, it was as real as what i'm living right now...
But if we have a conscious experience in the astral, we remember everything, so we remember too anything we may have learned, right?
Welcome to Dreams! / Shared Dreams
August 03, 2004, 05:22:19
didn't ld, yet.. i always have at least 2 per week hehe[:D]
after i try it i'll post here the results
Welcome to Dreams! / Weird err.... dream?
July 19, 2004, 04:45:34
actually i was going to post it here but i did only notice the mistake after the topic was created[xx(]

thx but luckly i discovered the wonders of ld when i was a kid hehe[:D], right now i'm more concerned about aping(that probabily caused the neg dream)
Welcome to Dreams! / Weird err.... dream?
July 18, 2004, 05:11:00
well i think it was just a dream, cuz the this night i didn't have any nightmare(just the usual weird dreams lol), and woke up without paralysis[:)]
i didn't see it was sleeping already, hope i wasnt abducted[xx(]
on the news they talked about being optical ilusion caused by the light reflexting on some satellite, but reflexions dont appear in the air forces radar! we all know well what it was![:D]
btw anyone have been near the area 51?
upstream that happens in the FISIC plane, in the astral its 100% impossible! thats why i asked duh
how can an entity become pregnant[?]
that hapened to me a month ago or something...
everytime i am decided to project "its today! i will do it!" when the time come, when i become paralised "forget i dont want project anymore! i want to get back! i want my mommy"[xx(]
the day after "how could i be so stupid! i could have projected!" and the cycle begins again lol