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Messages - Vice

Dogs and animals can AP but its (almost) never conscious AP.  They don't have any memory of it, like we don't when were not conscious of it.  I'm not sure though if you really saw your dog's astral body.
yes it is very possible that some parts of your astral body seem to get stuck in your physical body.  This is because that part of your astral body does not have enough energy to get out.  Try chakra energizing techniques for that part of the body.
Try to relax and clear the sensations and pounding from your mind.  Rest your mind at ease because it is not really your heart pounding, it's your chakra located right near the heart, and your not really vibrating physically.  Just know you are completely safe and tell yourself that your mind has projected many times, and you should be able do it with ease.
360 degree vision occurs during an obe.  The brain however is only used to focusing on 220 degrees so it's hard to take in everything around you.  If you were to focus on what was behind you, you would see everything in a mirrored reverse.  (I do not recommend doing this because objects can get stuck that way!)
yes its possible, good luck.
Try asking your guide to help you with this.  I call this the Scrooge method. 
Trust me you'll know right away when you are getting vibrations.  You're doing everything fine so far, you just need to be patient. 
If you tell the other person that they are dreaming and try and get them to astrally project with you do u think it will happen?
I also feel my heart chakra pounding and the one located below my naval, sometimes i also feel the my brow chakra pounding as well.  It is very difficult to ignore.
Try to become aware of your physical body while lucid dreaming, this is very difficult to do and it may just wake you up. But if you succeed you may have an obe.
Personally i've never been to these temples, but i've been told by astral travelers that Einstein himself would visit them during his frequent cat naps in order to learn quantum physics.  Supposedly you can go there and see thousands of books and scrolls containing a wealth of knowledge from the past, present, and future.  I've also learned there is no internet or computer database there, since there is simply no need for them.
This is how i perceived this phenomenon:  Obviously there is a strong gravitational pull in our galactic center.  In 2012 the sun will block the Earth from the center sort of like an eclipse  This block will throw off the orientation of the Earth's axis. (The earth rotates on its axis).  This will completely reverse Earth's magnetic field causing great catastrophes.  However the earth will become almost supercharged with electromagnetic activity, which will heighten mankind spiritually. 

Do not take my word on these events actually happening, but if it does the world will change completely.
There are places sometimes referred to as 'temples of wisdom'.  Here you can learn anything.
Say you sleep with your spouse every night, and one night you project sideways and go through your spouse's body.  If this happens you may experience all of your spouse's emotions.  But no you won't take control of their body.
Well i'm sure this doesn't pertain to everyone, but when i wake up i'm almost certain that i didn't have a dream the night before.  But when i go downstairs or when i'm in the shower, suddenly i'll remember my dream the night before.  If i didn't lucid dream i'll recall how silly my dream was and wonder how i managed to 'believe it' without waking my consciousness.  I am able recall all my dreams in the past month simply because i repeat 'I will remember my dreams' about 5 times in my head before i fall asleep, so in the morning i will remember them.
Yeah hearing voices is perfectly normally. You may hear voices that egg you on or voices that try and get you to break concentration, this is perfectly normal and the voices do not really exist it is all in your head.  Once you 'pop' out of your body the voices and noise i refer to as static will cease along with the vibrations. 
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Vibes!
August 03, 2008, 00:16:50
To me it feels like i'm being electrocuted but without the pain
I myself have listened to that same binaural beat mp3.  They are trying to get you to imagine you are doing this so your awarness shifts into your astral body.  However as i went on listening to the track it became to confusing for me to follow and I just decided to fall asleep.  That night I too had a fantastic lucid dream, so even though i didn't have an obe the binaural beat did give me the opportunity to have a lucid dream.
 The rising sun on December 21st, 2012 will align itself directly with the center of the galaxy. This wobbling of Earth's axis changes our orientation to galactic center and this opens the way for the beginning of a new world age, a re-birth into an entirely new participation in the greater whole. This 2012 solar galactic alignment offers all of humanity the opportunity to assimilate the complete understanding of returning to galactic center. It will augur the complete understanding of the ascent and decent of our higher minds and spiritual understanding.

This momentous end cycle moment will create a never before experienced spiritual and metaphysical phenomenon, a bridge to galactic center. This moment in our history will create a new re-birth as a result of the churning of the Milky Way ocean.