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Messages - Vicky

Thanks for the answers. [:)]
I asked because I thought that you might need some special exercises or energy work. Unfortunately I don't know how to do energy work. I was wondering how Robert Monroe for example said he could leave his body every day? Was he able to recharge it that quickly? Or does it depend on the person? For me I usually have max 2-3 out-of-body experiences per month and when they happen it seems like I have energy that lets me out with full speed but after that I have to wait for quite some time to have my next experiences. So except for eating right, taking care of myself by being physically active I also would like to know how to do energy work so that I can boost more experiences per month ( I usually have one OBE and some times 2-3 but not more than that) Thanks again [:)]
I once read somewhere that in order to project your etheric body should be recharged. Otherwise you won't be able to project. What do you think of this? If it's true then how can you recharge your body?
A lot of people experience this in the beginning and most of them say like you it is the heart cahkra that you're feeling. However some of the people like me are absolutely sure it is the real heart beating fast since I used to check my pulse. Maybe it is different for different people. You were not having a heart attack but if you generally have any problems with your heart it is not advisable to try to leave you body. I believe this occurs only in the beginning. The more you get to leave your body the less vibrations you'll experience when you leave. It's like you feel the separation instead of the vibrations. I don't know if I managed to explain it clearly [;)] But I hope it helped.
Hi Leyla!
I was wondering how exactly did you come to this information? And this development you say you have did it happen gradually or from one experience? Is the information you're talking about the Akashic records - I don't know much about them... Do you have any suggestions to anyone of how to make this development also [:)] bye for now
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / House
April 10, 2004, 01:39:18
Hi whitestorm [:)]
I just wanted to share a story I heard about some time ago. It was about a woman who had a dream house. She dreamt about it all day long and kept imaging it. All the rooms and everything. She never had seen the house but imagined it. However, one day she found a house on the market which was incredibly cheap and when she went to see it there it was - It was the same house she had dreamt about. When she asked the agent why noone had bought the house by now he answered it was because the house was haunted and the ghost was the woman herself. She so much imagined herself there that kind of projected her astral double in the house and noone wanted to buy a haunted house. I don't know if this story is at all relevant to your story but your post reminded me of it. Have a nice day [:D]
Hi Zarklon,
I would suggest to you to include your experiences first to grab the attention of the reader because all books start with explanations about the experience. If you write about what the experience is like by your own experience then some people might be able to associate it with some of their experiences and will be much more interested in the rest of the book. Only a few experiences maybe enough. I am saying this because I am reading a book about astral projection and I am re-reading things I have read in many other books and it sort of repeats itself. I liked Robert Monroe's first book where he starts with his experiences
Hi Radium,
The best way for me to get the vibrations is by getting up early in the morning (4-5am), staying awake for about half an hour and going back to bed. Some people stay awake for an hour and try not to fall asleep once they get back to bed. This can also work for you. I prefer staying awake less and I want to fall asleep because after that I get the vibrations while I am asleep and it's easier for me to get out-basicly I don't have to make any efforts to leave my body, I just leave it right away. In this way I have success almost 98% of the time. I don't know if you know this method but I just wanted to post it because a lot of people consider this a magical technique because it works almost every time. Good luck [:)]
Hi smooth, I used to be waken by the vibes very often and leave my body straigth away. This I think is the easiest way to leave your body because when you try leaving it consciously then your body is too strenious and when it's during sleep you are able to leave easily right away. I am able to leave my body this way also if I wake up early in the morning, stay awake for a while and then go to bed again. Before I used to be able to do it during the night as well. I think this happens more often when you're in the beginning to have your first OBEs , after that it will slow down and you will probably not have that many wake-ups. Otherwise that's the natural way to have OBEs I think. Robert Monroe used to leave his body waking up by the vibes. About the lenght of the OBE I have no idea if there is any limit. I suppose there has to be limit since I've read we need some kind of astral substance or something like that we need to leave our body. Well, I am not sure if my opinion is right of course. It's just my opinion :) [:)] I hope you find it useful
Hi, I just wanted to give my thoughts even though I do not have experiences with ghosts. First I would suggest if you want to pray for her to find the light. I read in Robert Monroe books how he helped dead people. He just took them by their hand and flew towards the light with the intention to help the ghost move on. Then suddenly he would feel the ghost is not holding his hand anymore and had disappeared. This leads me to think that maybe you have to help her advance  just a little bit and then the angels will take over from there. I don't know if this will help you in any way. I don't remember exactly the details of Robert Monroe's helping and I don't have the book to write it here, but that's the only thing I can think of. Maybe you just have to take her and try to find the light yourself leading her to it and then just let her go... I don't know, that was just my opinion [:)][:I]
WOW, I cannot believe this, this happens to me every night for 2 months or so. I keep on dreaming about dead people or ghosts, corpses and anything. I am already so freaked out. Two days ago I dreamt of 3 people ina row tell me that Sinthia died and I don't know such person but when the third person said it I remembered who she was, woke up immediately but forgot after waking. And yesterday I dreamt of visiting a house where there's only one old lady  and 10 ghosts.... I wonder if it really means new begining because if it so thatn I would be glad, I also dreamt of a baby a few nights ago
Hi everyone [:)]
These are my answers
1. I am an OBEer.(not all the time but sometimes not on purpose. I cannot induce it. I have only had one completely induced OBE)
2.I started having OBEs 2 years ago. I have had about 25 OBEs only though.
3.I don't think I have accessed the Askashic Register, Only once I had an OBE in which I was pulled out of my body while I was sleeping in my apartment and was shown a symbolic event that happened later.
4. I have met my guides twice and I have met other entities some of which not very friendly.
5. One strange ability that I gained after started having OBEs is that I can watch through my closed eyelids any time I want just by concentrating any time during the day. It is only a bit blurry but I think it is very extraordinary. I don't do it only when meditating but even when I am up and awake.
Welcome to Dreams! / dreams about having OBE
March 28, 2004, 11:56:37
Hi ralphm,[:)]
I first got interested in OBEs when I was at the age of 14 but I guess I was too scared to do it then so they started 2 years later. However, my mother used to be interested in all the paranormal things in the world so ever since I was little I used to watch documental movies and read books about anything paranormal. That's why I never questioned the existence of paranormal things. I cannot remember having OBEs when I was little but it is possible. I dream every night very vividly and at least 2 dreams a night. I aways remember them and I have premonition dreams a lot. My first OBE actually strated from a lucid dream when I just wanted to leave my body. I wonder why I started to have more blurry OBEs than before. My first OBEs were always on the physical plane in real time. Sometimes I would go on a different plane without me wanting to. I have had a few OBEs in which I met other entities and recently I had trouble of leaving my body mostly because I had a neg in my room. He was atacking me everytime I would leave my body leading me to non-stopping fear of leaving my body. So I would do everything not to leave my body because of this fear but I think I no longer have neg at home so I can continue practising ap-ing.
I don't think that it's better to have an OBE that just happens. I think any way that will bring you an OBE is good. People who have OBEs naturally I think their souls are more advanced and ready to explore the astral world - like Robert Monroe. This of course doesn't mean that people who doesn't have them naturally shouldn't try to have them. We should always try to advance. During one of my OBEs I was taught a lesson that was this in a nutshell: Time matters and the sooner you do things the better. It counts about everything - even housework. Well, my post got very messy I guess [;)] [:D] Take care
Welcome to Dreams! / dreams about having OBE
March 26, 2004, 16:07:36
Thank you for your answer ralphm!
Before I used to have completely conscious OBEs where I was completely aware of myseld exactly as I am right now but gradually my ObEs turned to be a bit blurry with less awareness. But I could still separate them from a dream and the less aware I am the harder it is for me to distinguish them. Is there a way I can make my awarness higher as I used to have it before. By now I've only had about 20 completely conscious OBEs and after that it's more dreams about it than the action itself. Some of the dreams seem realistic but they still seem dreams... Thank you for your answer [:)]
Welcome to Dreams! / Worst Nightmares, Anybody?
March 22, 2004, 01:05:16
For a week or so I have this dream of me leaving my body. And it aways happens on my previous place where I lived. So I leave my body, hang around and then I see a corpse. Sometimes I would see its spirit leaving his body. Or sometimes a ghost would pass me by leaving me totally scared. In the last dream I ask about my astral sword for protection and a man and a woman come and give it to me. I ask them if they know my guides and they say they wouldn't tell me because : " you are all like that, once you reach your guides you don't leave them alone" and I said I would be different and asked about the name of my guide and they said Karmen. Here the dream ends. As I say in the last week I have been dreaming of leaving my body and seeing dead bodies. [xx(]
And some time before when I used to have a neg in my room I once dreamt of leaving my body (I guess I dream about this all the time, I wish I do it consciously rather than dreaming of it) and I meet an entity right outside my room and I ask it about its name. It said INFINITY. I even asked him to spell it for me. Then I was pulled to my room and saw the neg who looked terrible. I screamed and woke up. Then I fell asleep again and in the morning the first thing I did was to check this word INFINITY because believe it or not I didn't know it before the dream. English is not my first language. It is possible that I have seen it on the forum somewhere but I have never known its meaning before so the meaning is quite odd to me.
Well, these were my nightmares. [:P]
I really don't know how he did. He just told me he had taken it and that I no longer have it. And I really felt it was gone. I hope no other neg will be attracted to my place again.
Hi, I had almost the same problem for about six months. Every time I would leave my body there was this awful neg in my room. I was so scared that I would even try not to leave my body at all. It was on the contrary catching me and trying to keep me from going back to my body. I felt very depressed about it every day and could feel its presence around me all the time.Six months of waisted time. But then I got a message from a member of the forum offering me to take the negative enrgy from my home. Right after that I felt it was gone. Now I truly am alone when I am alone :) [8D] So I am very happy about gotten rid of it. However I just want to give you a link that I think will make you very hopeful about your next possible OBE -  It is by Robert Bruce and I think is great for defending yourself when out of body. I hope it will be useful to anyone who have these problems and haven't heard of this story yet. I hope noone minds of me posting this link here. I don't think it is anywhere on this site. But I think it is entirely and very positive and gives a lot of hope :) I was very positive about reading it and not that scared a few days before getting rid of the neg. Even though I didn't have a chance to use that method. Well, see for yourself [:)] I wish all luck :)[:D]
Hi, I have an unregistered version of bwgen and I can use it with no problems (limited of course) I have no knowledge of the brain waves or how these sounds affect the brain. But I was wondering what if I try to create a sound myself but going into very low or very high HZ like a sound that would go from 8Hz to 70 Hz in just 2 minutes. Will this be really dangerous. I tried going from 16 to 4Hz in just one minute and listened to it and it felt really weird like everything started fading and blurring so I forced myself to stop it. What do you think?
Hi, I took my time to download it ( about 5 hours with dial-up) and tried it immediately. After 10 min listening to it I started feeling strange sensations like my legs were separating a little bit. The strangest thing I felt was a ball of energy literally alive under my left hand. I could feel it pulsating, getting big and small as well as lifting my hand a little bit. It was incredible and I was totally awake. Afterwards I became falling in kind of trance so I drifted asleep I think. But I think this is really great and can help AP-ing. :)[:)][:D]
Ok, here is my answer :) I think this is very true that women prefer very confident men. I myself got married for a one [:I] who used to captivate all of my friends hearts. He in my opinion is perfect - self confident. He doesn't say (usually) Where do you want to go? but says: I will take you somewhere. insetad. So, yes, the too romantic men are a bit boring  and irritating. But that doesn't mean a guy should not be romantic. He just has to know the limit. My brother used to have a girlfrined who he would do everything for and she took him for granted and felt maybe even too good about herslef. So she broke up with him and then he started ignoring her and really not caring about her anymore and then she "realised" how much she loved him[?] She started chasing him literally. The more he would ignore her the more she would be after him offering him to go out bliah bliah. So, that was my opinion [:I] I do think that a man has to be good in first place, respectful and confident :)
Hi Patrik,
I once had a projection right after lying on the bed, maybe 10 min or so and it was my only fully conscious projection where I am not asleep before that. But I have to admit it is much harder to keep your physical body from moving when it is that conscious, because when you were first asleep and then project your body is "locked". I think the easiest way to project is to get up early in the morning (4-5am), stay a little bit awake and then go back to bed. That's the best that had worked for me. :)))))
Hi, it may sound strange but I also found this swaying method to work for me, Only I do it when I reach the vibrations point and I sway with my astral body - that's how I leave my body. I jump out of it by swaying in two directions, :)
This happened to me everytime I projected during the vibrations. Some people think it's jsut a sensation of your heart beating faster but it actually is the physical body. During vibrations I have always felt faster pulse and heart beat
I tried it and it helped me relax a little bit but that was it. It seems ineteresting though
Originally posted by Leyla

My only experience with my personal guides was disappointing because I did not find the warmpth, or love, or bliss that is supposed to be found with heavenly beings.

They seemed like royalty, or military, and wanted a sort of "status report" on my development. They were "checking up" on me.

I knew immediatly these were high upper dimensional beings and did not sense anything negative about them, the spitituality was amazingly pure.

pure but cold.

This is the part that gets to me:

I recognized them at once and knew I had been with them many lives before, but when I ran to embrace them, as you would embrace a loved one you haven't seen in a long time, they immediatly impressed upon me a sense of "formality."


I have heard that upper level angels have a "loving detatchment."

That worries me. Is that what we're supposed to strive for, ideally? No real highs or lows, just detatchment. Strictly controlled emotions?

I thought before I met them, that heaven as supposed to be about love. That there is a sense of pleasure that goes along with purity. And that's not what I found.

I have been disappointed ever sense.

Help anyone?

This happened to me also although it might be a little bit different. Once I was awaken during the night by this big black and gold man or something. He looked a little bit angry and very determined. He said Come on! and tried to pull me out of my body. At first I was so scared and surprised that I probably produced the biggest scream in the astral world, but then I relaxed and tried to help him take me out. But it was all disturbed at that moment because of a different reason, so I didn't leave my body then. But before that I once called my guides and two creatures appeared. They seemed very nice and friendly. I don't know if the black and gold one could have been one of the others. It's possible

hi harlequin_star,
I cannot believe there is someone doing exactly what I can also. I am not sure if this is either remote viewing or anything else. I only know that I can look through my closed eyelids as if they are open after I concentrate. It is really weird and by now I never heard anyone to have it or to explain it as close as you did. Please contact me if you can to discuss it more.