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Messages - Tantalord

Hi to everyone,

I was doing a little search recently and I have found some very interesting CD's that help in meditation and healing.Their author is Grand Master Choa Kok Sui,who has written many books about Pranic Healing.I have read very praising comments for his Meditation CD's and ,the one that all the most people know,is the Meditation on Twin Hearts.

Here is a link of his products

...and since I am interesting in buying some,I would like to hear any comments and experiences from anyone that have used any of those.
Do you need to visualize in order for these CD's to have effect?
Also any comments from Pranic Healing Masters should be very helpful regarding Pranic Healing.

Are the NEW techniques those that being described in Robert's Bruce e-book ''New energy Ways''??
Finally last night I achieved my first fully conscious OBE after 8 months of trying...All this time I had some weird lucid dreams and some semi-conscious OBE,but nothing like what happened yesterday.

Usually before I go to bed,I plug my headphones to my MP3 player and i am hearing some BrainWave Generator presets for OBE's.I did this last night and i heard a Chakra stimulation and Balance preset.Its duration is 1 hour and during that i do some breathing exercises to relax and use the mantra Om to clear my thoughts.Nothing remarkable happened during this session and i felt asleep at 1:00AM.

Suddenly during my sleep i felt some kind of mental barrier to ''break'' and i woke up in a hurry.It was 4:40 AM and i was confused because i felt that it was morning,the usual time i wake up around 8:00 AM.

I closed my eyes again,and then all of a sudden my body felt to go in a deeper relaxed state and my body filled with vibrations.I started to float,with my astral eyes wide open and head for my room's door.I opened it and started to fly around my house's room and finally i went outside.I don't remember the exact details of what was happening,but in my mind was to go to a friend's house.Also I tried to go to bed but I was afraid to face my physical body laying down,because i have read that this could be a frightening experience...It is like you are dead.

I went back to my body twice and in the third time i projected,i went to the kitchen and could move any longer...I was being pulled back to my body because i think i run out of energy.Suddenly i thought came to me,like someone guiding me,that i should have my physical body layed down with my spine straight in order to project with greater success.

After that i fully awake.It was 6:20AM and slept until morning.

I am very happy that my efforts paid out,and i hope from this experience my OBEs to be more often and more vivid.Also I would like to tell to those who try and don't have immediate results ,as expected,they should never give up and have the intention when they try projecting that they will have an OBE.

Love to hear any suggestions and thoughts....

Thanks for your time.
Really there is a wide range of Reiki attunements to take,but in my opinion is better to consentrate on one or 2 systems.

Also andonixto did you take the Gold Reiki attunement from Steffan? I plan to have it next month....
Does the NEW techniques being described in Robert Bruce e-book?

In order for you to meet your guide did you used some specific meditation?

As for the TRICKY thing,I have read that when you are with your guide you feel his loving energy.
Welcome to News and Media! / is this real?
April 07, 2006, 18:20:43
OMG...Something fishy should have been going in the background,like some experiment or something.
living_being_reiki is a great internet source for Reiki attunements.I have already signed up  :razz: .

But i have a question.What is the ''energy exchange'' they refer to.I received an email from them concerning this matter but i didn't fully understand the way it works.Do i need to send back energy if i receive an attunement?
You ask the Higher Self only to attune other persons,and He is not involved to  your own attunements.Of course you ask Stefan.
Something i forgot andonitxo...I have read in the Angel Aware site that in order to receive Gold Reiki attunement you should be a Reiki Master first...I believe you should take a look at that

If you schedule and receive any attunement from Angel Aware please let me know your experience,I am kind skeptic about them but I would love to receive some attunements that interest me.Thanks in advance

As for people staring at you,i have had something similar...I was a very shy person before reiki came to my life's path and haven't had much success in relationships,either friendly or love...I have noticed that many people,that are total strangers,now come and talk to me and for a long time i have been meeting old friends from school periodically and even past relationship that haven't seen for a very long time.Generally I am more open to create new friends and I am not so shy as i used to be before...

For sure Reiki has a critical part in this,and i consider this a miracle for myself because i have never imagined that i would overcome my shyness and feel so much euphoria in my life.
Many thanks dea,I just enjoy to share any useable info with all in AstraPulse.


The after-effects of the attunements for some people are instantaneous but for other take some time to be consciously feel-ed.As you use Reiki more often you body becomes more comfortable to he energy and its vibrations higher.As an example I have been attuned to Usui Reiki level 1 also,and 2 months after the attunement i have felt heat only once and some tingling spontaneously.

I believe that Reiki,any kind that have been attuned,has helped me with OBE's and lucid dreams.It does not matter the system that you use because Reiki is the same kind of healing energy at all.

I haven't yet achieved a fully conscious OBE,but after i have been attuned to Kundalini Reiki 6 booster with Stefan,i have a more often semi-Obe's.
I use the word semi-Obe's because the fact that i never have had an OBE i don't know how it is,but i have some weird experiences that look like OBE.I feel and see me getting up from bed and starting to wonder within my house and this feeling last longer since the attunement.Also my astral sight is more clear and for the first time today,when i was out of body,i saw from my windows many people floating around.This happens when they are out of body and dreaming.
Has anyone taken Kundalini Reiki 4,5 and 6 from Stefan...These 3 are call Booster Attunements and make Reiki 100% more powerful..Did you experience some more intense feelings after these attunements...I decided to take them and i will post my experiences.
Welcome to the Healing place! / Text Removed
February 03, 2006, 18:27:49
For anyone to send Reiki to her,must first grand her permission...It's is not allowed to do it with out her approval.Al thought it can be done,and maybe her subconscious accept it,its forbitten without her knowing.
Welcome to the Healing place! / Really need healing
February 03, 2006, 18:08:44
I will sent some Reiki in order to help...I used to have depression for a long time and believe medication doesn't do much if you don't have strong will and some professional like a psychologist to assist you.Hope for you the best
Thank you very much Squirrely.I love to share info here in the forums that can help people.I have received all the first 3 Kundalini Reiki attunements from Stefan,and I have see some minor changes.Althought I have also been attuned to Usui Reiki level 1,and I can say that this experience was much more intense that receiving Kunadalini Reiki remotely.I have a very helpful Reiki Master that can explain me a lot more than just a single pdf.But both attunements have the intension to heal any unbalances in your body,if you do daily self treatments...And this is what matters most

The experiences of receiving Reiki and being healed varies every time you do a treatment,either distant or by hands-on.When hypnotist1 send me i felt some energy going down my crown chakra.Because i am not too sensitive to energy i don't have any intense feelings although Reiki is always working no matter what you feel.When someone is being attuned to this Universal energy by a Reiki Master,he can use this healing energy doing self-treatments.The more he uses it,the more positive effects it has on its own physical,emotional ,mental and spiritual aspects of his life.Blockades are being released from his body and he is being detoxinated from low vibrational thoughts,like anger and fear.It's a ''tool'' for spiritual development as also a spiritual path.


That was great...That wasn't definitely Reiki but the intend to send energy to achieve OBE is the same in both situations.


It sure can heal anything you intend to in the physical.When hypnotist1 send me Reiki for my damaged ankle,i felt in the beginning some pain and then some energy flowing in there.The other days i felt some lightness on my ankle and it was as i have never sprained it.
Recently i was attuned to the Usui Reiki level 1 and i have been told by my Reiki Master that i can send Reiki to any situation in my life that i wish for.So i came up with the idea to send Reiki to me in order to achieve an OBE.Until now i haven't achieved a fully-conscious OBE and I look forward to try this method.I will post any results that will occur.Does anyone here have tried this and if yes,what 'phrase' did he use when he send Reiki to this state?
I also see sometimes light orbs moving around very quickly but only with my peripheral sight.Whenever i try to see them directly they disappear.I believe that this i caused of energy going up from the root chakra to the crown.Through this route, when the energy reaches the third eye, you see these lights.Maybe someone that is more experienced in this forum can give us a better explanation.
Congratulations...Reiki will change your life...I have gotten the first 3 Kundalini Reiki attunements from Stefan and i have seen some changes.
Yesterday i felt some energy on the base of the spine and for some time i was seeing flashes of light and felt bliss.This must have been the Kundalini!!!!
Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! / Rolling
January 08, 2006, 16:06:48
I did that tomorrow morning and guess what..I felt really strong vibrations and felt like someone was shaking me...I firstly believed that the vibrations came from the pre-OBE state but what was it really....the earthquake that stroke Greece this morning  :shock:.I got up and saw everything going up and down...That was really a shock  :eek:
Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! / Rolling
January 08, 2006, 13:29:10
This happens because you ''trick'' the mind,that you are going to wake up but instead you continue your sleep.You are more aware at the time you start to sleep again so when you enter a deeper state of consciousness you can see some strange things that occur.For example the separation of the astral from the physical body and more lucidity of your dreams.

I actually put the clock four hours before the usual time to wake up,I get up,drink some water,wash my face and go to sleep again.This way i had many interested lucid dreams and i obtain some semi conscious OBE's.
Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! / Rolling
January 08, 2006, 10:13:55
I had just the same experience a few times.I believe that is the astral body that is rolling and for me it usually occurs when i wake up in the morning and go back to sleep again.After 5-10 minutes i get the spinning feeling,i face upward and i get off the bed.After i begin to go around the house in a semi-lucid state and actually i fly all over the place.Its not an a fully conscious OBE i think but like some sort of a dream.
I received the confirmation after 2 days...Maybe Stefan is too busy.I am sure he looks at all the e-mails