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Messages - erynys

ok, feeling the hate, processing the hate, rejecting the hate, trashing the hate, ok, its gone. :)
it rings a bell. but i dont remember.
um. 15....but yeah. no its not a joke. why are you so cynical? thats a little odd. anyways. good news, because of my increased energy flow, i have made progress in tk. i am now able to feel objects and their molecules. yay. its cool. cause i reached to my psiwheel, and i felt the paper, and the shape and everything. it was cool.
what pretend thing? :| :\ :?
i just got healed today. by principle. i feel great. i havent had a bad thought since then. and ive been really hyper. ive been singing a lil bit better cause i have better pitch, and i no longer choke when i try to take really big breathes. my energy is flowing so quickly and freely in my body. and when i feel my chakras, they're really healthy. its so great. there's not a demon in my house. btw, if you say their name or mention them, it attracts their attention, so i will only mention them once, and thats on this post. anyways, i can feel my energy burning so brightly in me and i feel so positive and good. :) its so wonderful. thanks to principle for being so awesome. :) i will try that pillar thing. and i dont think ill need the LBRP. i can do my own magick. it seems to work better when i follow my instincts, which have become a lot stronger lately. :) toodles.
yeah, but its not a big deal. my energy usually pulses when im stressing myself, though. so....yeah.
i sang my do. it was actually c. and then i sang the scale and nothing happened. i guess if you cant sing, it doesnt do anything. but my pitch was a tad sharp anyway. with practice, it shall get better. i used to be good. but then i quit. lol.
i think i was eating at mcdonalds. i was going crazy over some hot fudge sundaes and my fish sandwhich. :) so thanks for my healing. :)
lol. im dying here without my beer. omg aahh!!! jk. its something else thats actually a programmed habit for me. i schedule time for it. anyways. tmi it think. but yeah. im dying. haha.
cool. im so confused about separation of energy. because, to me, everything is the same, and connected. im waiting for this concept to sink into my subconscious.
yay. never thought all the small stuff was so necessary.
the spider thing isnt related to spider. it just looks like a spider EGG SACK because its a ball of web like energy and strings of energy holding it down to the timeline. and im not sure. ive never tried to look at things like that. i dont practice it much because i like the element of surprise in my life. but every once in a while ill take a peek.
ok ^.^ thanks! :) just a question though. i keep wondering what happens to the bad energy. and if unity is a goal, then how come we have to leave out these energies? think of me as a child with many questions. :)
ok. ill try. i really want to let it go. i really do.
i dont see the past. only the present and the future. i wont deny it. im not very strong, and my answers are vague and sometimes wrong. i see what i see. no im not on medication. i dont do drugs, and i dont drink alcohol very much. if youd like to know more about color cods, monday is blue, tuesday is green, wednesday is orange, thursday is purple, friday is yellow, saturday is red, and sunday is grey. :) and bt, the timeline only shows an event im looking for. so if i was to ask myself, when will my mother own a home, and a spider nest appears on her lifeline at 63 years old, then i say around 63 and tell my mother not to worry about it, because its a long way off. then she gets sad and curses at me, and tells me im going to hell for dabbling in the occult. another example is that i asked when a person i know will die, and it said 24. thats how it works. if i saw all the events, how would i know it looked like a railroad track? however, out of curiosity, i once tore a timeline open and looked under it. i saw red/orange flesh and ribs lined up in a row. it was odd.
yay. hooray for me. ok, i drink a lil bit of alcohol to numb the pain. i dont do drugs because those poisons have a greater affect, and i just cant do that to myself. alcohol binges happen once every couple months and are limited to 5 beers and 4 margaritas. ive done oui-ja board, but we said a prayer and asked for our spirit guides, then it gave a name, wandered around the board wondering why it was such crappy quality and drawn on paper, then said goodbye.....twice. um i talk TO the two negs who may or may not hang around me. i never see them, i just feel them. they dont talk back. and they dont try to scare me. and then there's some positive spirits in my house(about 4) that i talk to SOMETIMES. um....ive prayed to hecate? i dunno if that counts. ive repeated a chant to lucifer that i saw online. i dunno if that counts either. and ive done about 2 or 3 curses. dunno if they worked. one was just to use the contents of a bottle, because i needed the bottle for something else.
wait, how? why do you think its fear based? and what exactly. there's nothing scary about a timeline. if ur talking about the darkness, its not my creation. i just took a peak at my timeline and holeh crap, it faded to black sludge.
ew no. i hate being noticed. consciously, that is. i hate being noticed consciously, im always trying to get people to focus on something other than me. however, i notice that i do a lot of things subconsciously that draw attention to myself. i think its cause i dont get enough attention or something. i dont think anybody really likes me for everything that i am, and even fewer know everything i really am. but all that aside, the desire to learn these abilities comes from no conscious source. ive always been interested in metaphysics since i was 5 and christian. its just how i am.
i cant meditate, or attract good energy. the negative is stronger than the positive in me, and it controls my mind.
#70 still depressed and pained. i even mixed beer with cranberry juice and drank myself to sleep. i mean, who mixes beer with cranberry juice? gosh. so yeah.
i totally wish i could do that.
ive always thought that we should do things like that, but all the adults on here kept on acting so serious and stoic, like we werent supposed to use these gifts.
hi, im a 15 yr old kid from texas. i have suffered a lot in my life, and some things remain dormant in my mind. ive been trying to live my life, and continue in metaphysical studies, but i have many emotional blocks in me. i cant seem to just purify myself, and ive tried unearthing issues and examining them. im afraid that i have too many things that pain me, and if i take each one out to face it, and try to heal from it, i may just hurt myself so much more. please help me. i dont know what to do anymore.
ugh. any advice on how to cleanse myself? i see a therapist. it isnt working. and i refuse to get back on antidepressants. its evil. bad happy pills. and i have many unresolved issues that still bother me, that i cant fix. i dont know what to do.
thanks. and i totally forgot what AD is.