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Messages - Grenade01

Good luck!
was your nickname the same before?
I posted on those sucky forums sometimes too

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Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Buddhism
June 03, 2002, 01:10:27
I like alan watts
even though he was a big alchoholic or whatever
I still think he is a genious

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Welcome to Dreams! / Balloon Effect
June 03, 2002, 01:09:35
I guess I'll mention that most the time when I get this effect
its either warm out, or Im taking a warm bath and meditating
i feel like my aura is expanding several feet away or something

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Just wanted to mention ..i was kind of joking up there when i said i autta move there
Im not a huge fan of marijuana myself
but I think its neat once in a while
it just gives you that weird perspective on reality thats nice every once in a great while

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Welcome to Metaphysics! / Reality check!
June 03, 2002, 01:05:42
Reality is trippy

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Welcome to Metaphysics! / Scratch your head
June 03, 2002, 01:03:34
Ive jokingly tried stuff like that before, but never had any response

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Ive read a little bit about energy centers outside the body, and although I am not knowledgable on the subject, I have often felt that there could definately be some type of energy center or something similar about a 6 inches above the head.
im not sure though

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I was just laying flat on my back. I mentioned when it happened my neck wasnt straight and I had trouble getting it past I moved it to be straight at the sacrifice of bringing myself out of the trance a bit for a while, and I was able to bring the energy up to my head..
So I think the spine does need to be straight, although I have nodea if legs play a part in it
seems like it would help if they were straight as well too, but then yogi's always use lotus so i dunno

Yeah kundalini is crazy..and itchy..and weird... I kind of wish i would have kept going with it
Ive been to tired lately to have any success..hopefully im not to tired tonight, but i think i am

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A lot of times when I meditate in bed, I turn a fan on the foot of my bed and stick my feet out from under the covers because of the "hot feet"

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Not sure what franks method is
but the other night when I had a little kundalini experience
i mentioned i felt like all these energy started to form a halo-ish type thing around my head and i felt like all my mind/body awareness was starting to pool into it
it was odd
it did it completely by itself tho
All i can suggest (if you want to try and repeat what I did)
is raising as much energy via new as possible
then focusing on stimulating each energy point open
then try and bring some energy up your spine until you feel a warm running water type sensation going up and down from your crown to the tailbone...well thats what it felt like for me anyway....

anwyay i felt like if i would have gone with the energy halo ball thing, i would have projected into a very high level lucid conscious obe
but i was scared because there was just to much energy flow for my tastes

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To each his own

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Steveb:  Im not saying that it's cause for everyone to go and start smoking marijuana or anything.  I just think you should be able to do what you want with your own body.  kinda Seems like a freedom that you should be born with..

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Haha I dunno about that
From most of what Ive heard about, the medical thing never holds up once you get caught.
I read a lot of drug news, and I hear some... I think a lot of whats going on is in northern california and I live near LA so I dont think theres as much going on around here (although Im not saying there's none)
Authority around here sucks... I know someone who got jail time for having 1 plant
and my friend has to go to court for possession of about .2 of a gram
youd think theyd just be like "im confinscating this"

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Well you speak more clearly than I do...and it's my native language.

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Welcome to Metaphysics! / Reality check!
May 31, 2002, 23:34:53
Holographic universe tripped me out like that too.
That book is rad...

I wanna see that umbrella thing hahaha

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Distant bell: Yeah! heheh

Adam:  Hmm Thats weird..Well I love and I love myself.. I always heard people who are indulgent in food / drugs / sex are likely to have a weak throat chakra...well thats me! Hahaha (funny because Im overly skinny and I eat like a pig!)
But No..Im a quite well balanced person..I never feel anger...rarely feel sad..and Im usually pretty easy going and patient.  Hmm beats me .  As for being irrelevent to spiritual development..Well That doesn't bother me because it really has very little to do with my spiritual development.  I am a slightly spiritual person..I am always contimplating my views and such... and evolving...but my interests in the metiphysical are mostly for exploration and interest.  Also I feel meditation really helps my concentration and personality.  So ????  Im reading about 3 different religious books and I have a few metiphysical books lined up to even though I pursue both...they really aren't related as far as Im concerned. I dont prey or ask for protection or anything like that when I explore.

AstralC: MAN!  Your description of kundalini sounds like exactly what happened to me, and on top of that I got really itchy and had a few rashlike spots on my palms/neck/and near my ears..which went away about 10 minutes after i stopped

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I think attunements are just like corrections to your energy flow.  Even though you are attuned to conduct better, you may not have learned reiki yourself. So this can help with health and energy raising, even if you don't know how to heal.
At least thats the impression that I get.

But as for the finger, your guess is as good as mine.  affirm it will get better, send it energy via NEW and visualize good healing energy and all that stuff...and take some pain killers before the show! Just kidding haha
Good luck
wish i could send you healing energy =(

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Nothin unusual here

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Hey bitsmart:
What color am I thinking of riiiiiiiiiight NOW.

Hahah Just kidding
well actually not really..I visualized a color and repeated it a few times
I know im probably insulting your intelligence (because thats not what your talking about) but give it a shot anyway hahah

I wanna see if you get it

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What do you guys think of the techniques for LBRP on this website?

The website seems to have quite a lot of stuff, but I don't know if its quality.
Check some of it out and let me know if you guys think I should/could give anything a try, or If I should just go out and get the book afterall (Ive got a ton of books to read right now tho)

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Man the two times I tried ecstasy I felt so crappy for 48 hours after
I dunno  how you can become addicted
but I guess not everyone gets that =)
The stuff is neat..and it feels great and all...but It just seems kind of boring to me
I just sit there going okay I feel really good..and everything is fine..and well...thats all
I feel good and fine anyway haha  And can make myself feel pretty euphoric with the right meditating

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Way to go Inguma haha
I guess everyone has their preference
every time I have used K, it has given me slight adverse after effects (mood swings and mild depression)  which is odd i guess..but very noticable so i stay away from it

I agree about its safety though
Youd have to snort so much to OD
and that would a dirty experience before it even hit you with that much crap in your nose
even a little bit burns like a mofo

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That happens all to often with me

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I was combining new with a kundalini method actually
It was like the NEW stimulated something else, but I also mentally imagined a hum (like Aum/om) and rolled my eyes up to point at my brow center.

I felt some big time blockages the likes of which ive never felt before, so I think I may have possibly had a taste of kundalini, but not really a true experience with it.  my throat center felt really messed up and i felt held back by a few other spots that i wasnt willing just yet to force clear

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