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Messages - Lumaza

 My answer to this may seem strange, like many of our answers here regarding the NPRs do.

 When I am in a "Retrieval" experience, that being helping a deceased soul that finds itself stuck move on, I can take on any appearance, voice, etc. needed to achieve the task in helping the discarnate to move on. I cannot though "
decide" for them. It has to be their choice.

 A few weeks ago, I had a OBE experience from my bed that had an Entity taking on the appearance and voice of my wife that transitioned last year. For some reason, I knew it wasn't her. The Entity though used her appearance to mask it's own. Why, I have no idea. Other than the fact that it had a good reason to. It seemed like that experience was some kind of alignment, healing or attunement.

 The voices you are hearing may have been there to just have you "question them". Perhaps at that time in your life, you needed to know that there was something beyond just our physical lives. When you become more proficient in this practice, you can seek out the reasons why you experienced what you did. Don't always expect an answer though! Knowing there is something else, seems to kind of have a way to help us not sweat the small things that occur in our physical lives. Sometimes the answers to our NPR questions can have such simple answers.
 It's kind of funny. I read here once in a while how some people have a hard time of turning the vibrations on. After a few seconds of closing my eyes, my vibrations are already making themselves noticed. They can go from 0-60 quite quickly too.

 You are back on the path again Xanth. Even though it may seem like a step backwards, sometimes we need to return to the beginning before we are shown the path forward again. It's exciting, in that you are getting to experience the "bells and whistles" again. It looks it is time to don that "explorer's cap" once again!  8-)
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Re: Orion's Belt
September 16, 2023, 22:06:30
Quote from: LightBeam on September 16, 2023, 18:01:45I thought this will take long, but the moment I asked and closed my eyes, the following came through. I have to note that when I ask questions of any sort, I try to stay as neutral as possible and move my own perception of things out of the way, so I can receive as unaltered information as possible.
I asked the same thing and was told that this is because our physical bodies are "temporary rentals", not Lifers". I believe this to be true. That makes more sense to me!   :-D
Quote from: Xanth on September 13, 2023, 20:19:52We really do see that in most, if not ALL of the major religions out there.  Personally, I don't buy into organized religion... you'll never find answers in other people's beliefs.  You might find a temporary answer which helps "right now", but in the long run, it's most likely something you'll need to shed in order for further growth to happen.
The "confirmation" I meant was not in the biblical sense. It was something that you learn or experience for yourself (via your NPR adventures/experiences) that confirms your belief to be true.   

QuoteSo maybe, it really is the journey and not the destination which is important?  :-D
Agreed!  :-) In the NPRs as well. That's why I like to teach people methods of shifting their consciousness from a completely consciously aware state. It's the journey getting "there" that has many lessons and also teaches us a lot about ourselves.
QuoteI'm curious, did you end up finding that comatose/zombie land?  :)
Yes. a few times. It was not my intent to see or go there though. I just arrived and after observing, I knew I was there. People were walking around like zombies. I would say that some of the souls there were between bodies, as in, really in a coma.

QuoteI haven't done any healing, but my understanding has always been that a person can be healed if they, ultimately, want to be healed.  Otherwise, you're just wasting your energy.  I dunno. 
It is a decision that seems have to be made on many levels. Mind, body, spirit, and soul/higher self. All of them need to be in sync. Mary Jo finally admitted to having and gave into the Cancer four days before she passed. She said, "that's it, I don't want this anymore" and the next day, she was in a comatose state all the way to her transition.
Quote from: LightBeam on September 13, 2023, 17:42:23APs and feeling connected to the entire multiverse makes this life so much richer and exciting. Truly like being in a game, seeing things from a very different perspective, and not taking life so seriously, to understand why everything happens the way it happens and to be able to step outside of the world drama. To see it as a necessity to be experienced because it is by choice. To understand this is to receive your freedom.
Indeed. It changes your total perspective on what you used to think it was all about. It does often make you feel like you are on the "outside looking in" though. You don't seem to get caught up in all of the chaos and emotions. You are still watching it though. It's like you have become a professional "Observer". 
 EscapeVelocity and I had this same conversation a few weeks ago. The most important word that we found in our conversation that related to beliefs was "confirmation" of said believe. That is what truly made it "real". Many beliefs are taught to us. It's only when we find "confirmation" of that belief, that we are "all-in" on it.

 When I first began to have OBEs, I sought out all those different levels/NPRs that Robert Monroe did. I was looking for the comatose/zombie land, the belief system territories, etc.. All the things I had read up on. Indirectly I found some of them, but that was only when I wasn't looking for them anymore.

 I found areas that Retrievals were happening, but this was "before" I had read anything about it. I didn't know anything about OBEs and such, not to the fact that people were talking about them, that is. I know that when I was young and spontaneously throughout my life, that I found myself flying and all kinds of fun things in the NPRs. Like everyone else, I just figured and dismissed it as a cool Dream.

 Not everything was fun though. There were a lot of nightmarish areas that I visited too and still do. It seemed when I started to do Retrievals myself, that I came across a number of those nightmarish areas again. Many Retrievals occur in the Soul that you are attempting to helps own "hells".

 But and this is a big but, what I have found and been taught defies any beliefs I ever had and because of that, it has created new beliefs. Case in point, I always thought that all people could be healed. Early in my life, I once again, by accident, found out that I could help people with their pains. Whether that pain was physical or emotional. I just had this natural ability to aid them. But then I was shown that that is not truth.  I was shown that some souls have decided to move on, but their living host would be fighting tooth and nail to fight to live. With my Wife, I was shown this firsthand. Then I saw it in others that I knew.

 Now on the flip-side of the coin, I have witnessed "medical miracles" as well. Actually, I met a lady and her friend at a show I did last year. Her friend has brain Cancer. This lady began sending "healing Prayer" emails to all of her friends, myself included. They are meditations, kind of walkthroughs that she creates to aid in the healing process. After a few months her friend's tumor began to shrink. I saw the ladies a few months back and her Cancer had disappeared. She did not have any medical intervention. It was all done by the peoples' intent.

  I always thought that Suicide was the worst thing a person could do. But then I was shown that suicide is for the "living", not the person that passed on. It had a profound effect on everyone that was around them. Next was my belief, that disasters, mass deaths, etc. were the worst things ever. Once again, that changed when I was told that the people that perished were playing their part in the "play". That one really knocked me for a loop. It took months to allow and accept that kind of thinking into my reality.

 So yes, I had many beliefs, like others do. I have always lived by the adages "see is believing". I guess you could change that to "experiencing" is believing.

 I remember one NPR adventure I had about 10 years back wherein I was on a train. I could see everything outside of the window beside me. This train though was passing through different levels, possibly frequencies of dimensions. There was no talking. No explaining what was happening. This seemed to be to show me what possibilities could lie ahead. Never in my wildest dreams could I have conjured that up. It was so extraordinary. The highest levels defy a human explanation. I have never felt like again!  8-)
Quote from: LightBeam on September 11, 2023, 21:20:09Wow, I go away on vacation for a month and come back to a complete surprise :)
Very happy things worked out. If something is stuck, it will be shaken to get unstuck and force changes. This applies to anything in life. I can see how this scary at first but necessary change needed to occur for the Pulse. Forcing closure, but finding a solution in the end. I see a lot more discussions and new members taking interest. I am very happy :)
Once again, "everything happens for a reason". Many times, that reason is not apparent to us.

 Welcome back Lightbeam! I hope you had a fun vacation!  :-)
Quote from: lostsole on September 11, 2023, 17:43:21I liked your on topic spelling snafu, You flubbed the word but kept it in the genre. Lol. "Renasissance Faries"
It's a good thing we have an "edit" button on this Forum. I hate how the computer tries to find the word I am about to spell before I fully type it. It is very annoying!  :roll:

QuoteAs to crystals, etc., I'm no pro in that area, but for the purpose of EMF radiation protection, I have quite a bit of type 2 and 4 shungite around the house, black tourmaline, selenite, smokey quartz crystal skulls, and other minor amounts of other minerals.

A few years back, I met a guy over seas that had a pricey specialized meter that measured torsion fields, and he showed me how torsion fields emitted from a wireless router affected the meter, and then what happened when you put different minerals, like shungite by the router. It changed the spin of the torsion field, to a supposed "healthier" spin direction. Pretty cool at the time.

I also bought a meter called the "Experimental Life Energy Meter". It measures orgone energy I believe. I did a ton of experiments with it, and it does work, quite well. One of those experiments, was I bought a wide array of powdered minerals (cyrstals, etc.) all the exact same weight of powders, and then measured the life energy coming off of each. Most of them emitted very little energy, but a few of them pegged the meter, like quartz, shungite and some others I don't remember.
I am very familiar with the Russian research on "Torsion Field Technology". They created a device know as the "Scenar" that is used to heal ailments. It's funny because for years the West here called it all "Pseudoscience". Today the Scenar is being used in medical centers and Hospitals all over the USA. No credit was ever given to the Russian inventors though.

 I also own a few Golden Section Pyramid replicas. One is pure crystal, the other is pottery with Crystals in the four corners. Each one was charged in the actual Golden Section Pyramids in Russia. I also have an number of unique stones and Crystals from around the World, Shungite included. Oh, can't forget the Egyptian Healing Rods either. They were charged in the Pyramids as well. My wife and I bought some of the GS Pyramid replicas to sell years ago. They weren't used to wholesaling them at the time, so our wholesale cost was very close to the actual selling price.

 My 6pt directional focus that I use in my Doorway technique utilizes more of Torsion Field focus as well. There was a Physics Major here named Vessen Hopkins on the Pulse years ago that created something called the "Vehram System". He based it all on an energy outside of our bodies that was reminiscent of Torsion Field Technology. You can find out more about that in this thread here:!/the-vehram-system-is-truly-brilliant!/

QuoteAnyway, I have interest in the sort of things you sell. Do you have a site where I can see your products?

As for me, sometimes people open up to me like that, which can be quite strange when it occurs. Mostly though, I think my energy intimidates people, which I don't mean to cause. I'm just an intense person in every way. Lol. 

I don't have a website or sell online. I sell only in person. That way the person buying can "feel" the purpose that I created the piece. I believe people have already ordered it on some level. I am just the conduit that manifests it in this physical reality. Years ago I began to spontaneously channel and that has never left me. I see the new designs I create in my Phase soak sessions. My Phase soak session is basically Phasing while in the bathtub. I learned after a while that Archimedes did the same thing too. Soaking in the water seems to open me to quite a bit. It is my "go to" method of NPR exploration.
Quote from: lostsole on September 11, 2023, 12:19:46This ties into what we are discussing from another highly experienced OBE pro. From what I understand he's saying, we create all of our experiences on the other side, good or bad.
True. But, if you go in there looking for negative things. Negative things you will find!

 There are groups of gamers that call themselves the "Demon hunters". They all go into the NPRs to battle Demons. They have created an environment that seems to feed off of their group focus. They are very successful with it too. The video games they play in a way have actually become their NPR reality.

 I know how those games can really get in your head. I used to play Tetris quite a bit, until one day I started getting the "Tetris's" and had to stop. It was during me crazy, lol. The "Tetris's" is when you close your eyes to go to sleep and automatically find yourself playing the game over and over and over again. At times, it feels like you have no power over it to stop.

 Once in a while in my shows I came across the "Dream Walkers". These are people that are almost always Lucid in their Dreams. It was cool though because it seemed to get passed down to the kids too. I remember one show I was doing, a Mother and Daughter were telling me how they actually share their Dreams together on a regular basis. They then talk about the experience the next day.

 I am a merchant at various Renaissance Faires, State fair, Craft shows, Mind Body and Spirit show, etc. So, I come across many like-minded good-natured people. It is amazing how total strangers seem to open up to me. I am creating and selling Elemental Dragons, Crystal Amplfiers/Crystal Beings and various other unique things though. So that shows them that I am "open minded" as well!
 I had that inner guidance as well. It's like the little voice in your head. Should I, shouldn't? Sometimes it can be quite "chatty", lol. Now it's my deceased wife that is in there.

 In the beginning, I was fortunate. After a while of visiting the NPRs from a consciously aware state, I suddenly saw my deceased brother-in law. At the time, he was the furthest thing from my mind. He was a good friend here in the Physical though.  For a time there in the NPRs, he had become a Mentor of sorts to me. He taught me how to navigate my new surroundings. He taught me depth perception. The most important thing he taught me was to "take it all in before you react". This coming in his repeated reminder to "passively observe".

 Once his duty was complete and after sitting at a bar and having a beer with him, he disappeared and has never shown up in any of my NPR adventures again. That is, he has never revealed himself to me again.
Quote from: sac_boy on September 11, 2023, 14:23:33I love that edge state, where it feels like just about anything can happen.
Yes, the anticipation of it is hard to harness, but you must. This is when you either move forward into or have destroyed the momentum that you had. You need to "passively observe" at that point, with an "air of curiosity". Allow your curiosity to draw you further into it and you will be!  :-)
Quote from: Xanth on September 11, 2023, 11:11:44Yeah, I've never been a big proponent of the focus model for this very reason.  haha

So, Focus 10... I'm reading the TMI Focus Model page, does indeed state "mind awake/body asleep" as Focus 10.  I guess I've been assuming this stuff all wrong.  I guess it's more of a deeper state than I first anticipated.

What focus level does TMI list "The void" at?  Cause I have always been saying Focus 12, the point where the blackness gains that sense of depth.

Ooooooh:Focus 15!  Hmmmm... ok all this is going to seriously change the way I look at some of this stuff.  :D

I'm gonna have to mess around a bit more in those states and figure this out. 
My focus levels have always been "deep", "deeper" and "even deeper". I could add "deepest", but I don't really know how deep it gets!  :-D  I have never attempted to or even subscribed to any of the actual written focus levels. They always confused me. I guess that's because I have always lived by the adage "KISS", keep it simple stupid. In that adage I find that I don't need to know all the "nuts and bolts". I just experience what is shown to me!
Quote from: lostsole on September 10, 2023, 19:58:05Yes, I agree with all of that. And, again, normally I know better. I do not know the phasing term, but saw it elsewhere on the forum. I'll try to read more about the concept. :-D
I have to apologize to you. Even though I quoted your words, my comments were not directed only to you. If you have questions or concerns on a Forum, especially of this nature, chances are that other people have the same questions and concerns too.

 Here is a great place to start with that:!/what-is-phasing-and-how-can-i-do-it/
Quote from: lostsole on September 10, 2023, 19:12:45Lol, yeah, good ol'e Yoda. I know better than to use the word try. Consider it a slip of the fingers on the keyboard.
I know that Yoda/Star Wars made that saying famous. I learned it from studying Hypnosis. Phasing utilizes a form of self=Hypnosis, aka "mental conditioning". Hypnotist will use the word "try" when they know there will be failure. Example: Try to lift your arm. The person can't. Lift your arm, success.

 The same is with nighttime affirmations. "I will be Lucid Dreams" will change to, "I am Lucid in my Dreams". That positive reassurance shows it is already done or happening.  Small changes and being conscious of the words/terms we use make a big difference between success and failure with a number of things in our lives.
Quote from: lostsole on September 10, 2023, 18:16:22Maybe I can stir up the old desire to try again. I'll keep reading here. : )
Change that to "maybe I can stir up the old desire and do it again" and you will find more success with it.

 I know I harp on the "do" over "try" comments, but it is the truth. Change your words to "do" and you will see it is already "done"!
Quote from: lostsole on September 10, 2023, 15:28:46Chocolate chip cookies! Well, then he and I have something in common. : )
I brought up the chocolate cookie thing because not only am I a connoisseur of chocolate chip cookies, but years ago I helped a girl in our mall get over repeated nightmares that she had. I will explain that.

 My wife and I had a Kiosk in our local Mall. We were selling Himalayan Salt Lamps and Dragon Sculptures that she created. One day I was talking with a husband and wife and somehow the topic changed to LDs and nightmares. They immediately both looked at each other than they told me how their 14-year-old daughter was having nightmares every night. Many times they would be the same. She was always being chased. I told the parents that I think I could help her with that.

 A few days later the daughter came to see me. She told me that some large Ogre like beings were always chasing her and that she was terrified. I thought on it for a moment then I said that she was in another dimension/World where everyone there was Ogres, and that she was the one that was different. I said to turn around and give the Ogre a chocolate chip cookie. A few days later she ran up to me and gave me a hug and whispered in my ear that she had found a new friend.

 Ever since that day I have used that to help people that found themselves in Sleep Paralysis and confronted with either the cloaked Entity or the Hat Man. Like I said above "thought = action" in the NPRs. You just need to learn how to control those thoughts, especially the initial ones you have.
Quote from: tides2dust on September 10, 2023, 16:29:30It tells me we can perceive, even awake, things that we sometimes think are reserved for the nightly sojourns we call OBE's.
Very true. Once we learn to rid ourselves of the constant distractions that we are constantly being bombarded with, we can finally open "all" of our eyes and see, sometimes for the first time!  :-) !
Quote from: lostsole on September 10, 2023, 15:28:46Chocolate chip cookies! Well, then he and I have something in common. : )

I read a good bit about the Hat man a couple of years back, and both my wife and I were very surprised that so many years later he was such a common experience. I actually read an experience where he was kind to someone. I don't recall what he did that was nice, but the person who was terrified at first, soon realized he was there for support. So, is he benevolent or malevolent? Even malevolent beings could like chocolate chip cookies! Lol.
One man's villain can be another man's hero. It's all in the context and perspective!

QuoteThe sad part is, seems like over the last decade our experiences have dwindled to nothing. I don't have any of the cool stuff I used to get in meditations, rocking, or feeling like a snake is trying to burst out of my third eye area, no hypnagogic type imagery, on and on. Now days, I just get numb hands. My wife's had nothing to report either. Maybe it's just a quality or lack thereof, of getting old. : ( Would love to use Hemi-Sync some more, but it makes my tinnitus extremely bad. So, I just read about others experiences now days.
Something led you here. Perhaps we can change that!  :wink:
Quote from: lostsole on September 10, 2023, 15:00:22Thanks Lumaza for your comment!

Here's my other stories, which are fairly short.

Another brief story on the part of my reluctant, supernatural oriented wife, was a few years before the vibrating bed incident, she had another state of sleep paralysis while we were both in bed. (She woke me up to tell me this after the fact.) In the open doorway of the bedroom, she saw what is known now days as the Hat man. I'm sure most of you have heard of the phenomenon, but this was back in the 90's and we'd never heard of it. Anyway, the man was in silhouette, clear as could be in the doorway, with the hat, and a cloak. She said she just stared at him for a while and then he vanished. Terrified her of course. She didn't see the red eyes some claim to see. I imagine she might have been a bit out of body, or at least watching him with her astral eyes, since she was sleep paralyzed. But, she never made the claim to being fully OBE like in the earlier story.

Then in that same home, right around the same time as the Hat man, we both woke up to a flute playing a short diddy in the hallway a couple of times. We never knew quite what to make of that. No flute players in our home and no radios or TV were on.
Your welcome!  :-)

 The Hatman. I hear he likes "chocolate chip cookies". At least that is what I say to people that have experienced him. Once again, changing your mindset changes your reality. I see him and the cloaked Entity as not only your first "fear test", but also as a welcoming of sorts.
 Just live up to your name. Become a "NPR" Seeker!
 I have found that changing your mindset in turn will change your reality. Visting the NPRs often will show you that to be true. You need to "de-program" a lot that has been programmed into you throughout your life. That being that you are only a "physical being". You are consciousness having a physical experience. That doesn't mean that you "have to" have that as your only focus!  :wink:
 Seeker. to find success in the practice I find you need to be a silent "Observer" first. Do not question what you see. You could have internal dialogue, but there are things that are counterproductive. One of the worst I find is that when things are beginning to occur and the stage is set, you all of a sudden have the thought "here we go" and because of that, you go nowhere, and the session is done. I got caught up in this countless times. It was that little burst of excitement that killed the experience. Recognizing where you went wrong is crucial.
 Seeker. I was recently reading some old posts that I made here in the past and came across this one here. I think this might just help you in your situation. Learning how to "hold" a focus is very important in the practice of Phasing.!/new-challenge-focus/
Quote from: Seeker75 on September 10, 2023, 10:08:40I still wonder, though, what you can or should ,,expect" to experience in order to know that you are ,,ready" for a certain focus level.
"Expect nothing". "Experience everything"!  :-)
Quote from: Seeker75 on September 10, 2023, 13:09:28Thank you very much, this is a helpful advice, the tunnel-allegory is priceless.
Your welcome. We all come here to help, learn and share!  :-)

 You will find that with continued practice, it takes mere seconds to actually begin moving into that darkness before your eyes, whereas in the beginning that would take 45 minutes to an hour and half to do. That is what continued "brain entrainment" will do for you. In a way, it becomes your "new norm"!  :wink:

 Tom Campbell used to say, "the NPRs are just a simple focus away"! We just have to learn how to, "allow" and get out of the way so that new NPR can appear.
Quote from: lostsole on September 10, 2023, 11:23:51I have some other interesting stories. I may share them at some point.
Welcome to the Astral Pulse!  :-)

 We are all ears! When you are ready, share away!  8-)