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Messages - Grenade01

Nobody claimed it was a long term spiritual goal, but some people who have tried repeatidly to have OBE's to the point of being frusterated into disbelief or quitting altogether may benifit from even one little drug induced obe just to give them something to shoot for.  Im not saying thats the right path for everyone, or anyone for that matter, but your body is your own, and if you feel adventurous enough to experiment with something potentially dangerous, then more power to you.

I agree about ketamine.  The experience I reffered to was a K-hole, and I didn't like it one bit.  

Salvia is nothing like a K-hole, and much much more like a normal OBE.  Although I still don't recommend it be used regularly it is worth trying out.  A salvia experience can be very frightening though, so I dont recommend it to anyone who thinks they cant handle talking to various sometimes scary beings in another realm while dealing with the fact that you feel increadibly stoned at the same time.

read about salvia divinorum, and salvia divinorum experiences

A website to order decent quality salvia products (its among the cheapest but there is cheaper)   Http://

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didn't get your pm
sure you spelled it Grenade Zero One

I pm'ed you
so i think you can reply to that

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haha good one daniel

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Ides315: But then I've heard that can be dangerous as it brings to much energy to the brow which supposedly can also cause you to go insane.

I don't think it's really important how you do it, as long as you listen to your body and mind, if you feel anything unpleasant beyond a slight discomfort or notice any negative effects of course quit what your doing and try something else.  I think experimenting is okay though as long as you don't push it..... Im not afraid of kundalini  Ive read a few hindu books that talk about how some people would pin dangers on kundalini awakenings and they say its basically rubbish, but usually they do suggest you have a guru to help deal with it..So I dont know... I dont have a guru, but then I never really have for anything ...other than books and forums.  May as well give it a shot.

So last night I was meditating.  I started with NEW for a bit.  I reached a trance very quickly, unintentionally (often by the time Im done with my NEW routine I am in a full trance)  my energy body was very receptive last night.  When I was done drawing all the energy I focused more on specifically opening each center (from bottom up..all of them! hehe)  I felt like the energy was flowing pretty well So then I began to use a kundalini meditation.  The actual meditation said visualize a snake coiling up your spine or something, and breathe deep, but more importantly slowely.  I didnt visualize the snake, but instead kind of used a method more like NEW to draw energy up my spine.  At first I felt like there was a drop of warm water by my tailbone, then as I was drawing it upwards it felt like the water was slowely dripping up my back.  Each time I hit an energy center, it would begin to midly vibrate..except for my throat which suddenly felt very uncomfertable and constricted (Ive suspected I have big time energy blockages in my throat for a while now though) At this point I couldnt get it above my neck, I figured it was because my head wasnt straight but rather kinked to the side to avoid to much slobber buildup (they always talk about the spine needing to be perfectly straight)  So I moved my head so that my spine was took me out of the trance momentarily but it only took about 20 or so seconds to return to this state.  when the dripping water feeling reached the back of my head and then the top, I felt my brow become open and the top of my head started vibrating like the others, only it gave off a faint deep low pitched hum. At this point my whole body felt like it was submerged in warm, vibrating was very odd.  This is kind of embarrasing but i had an experience kind of like AstralC's friend Hrmmm I didnt just admit that.... it felt more like a full body orgasm though than like merely a sexual one (kind of like the effects of the drug ecstasy) At this point It was getting a bit intense (my energy centers felt kind of hot weird)  I kept having random parts of my body float out of a leg or an arm.  Although I did not achieve a full out of body.  Also I had this feeling like I had a big ball around my a hot energy ball (kind of like those pictures of saints with the halos) it was a weird feeling.  The more I focused on it the more my Awareness began to withdraw into this ball.  I felt like I was almost becoming the ball.  Im certain if I would have focused on the ball I could have moved all my awareness to it and Astral projected into possibly a high realm.  But I was a bit afraid I was taking it to fast so I stopped the session right there.  (i Know boo boo haha but seriously that was a lot for one new type of meditation and I didnt want to cause any problems)  

That was it. I had only about 6 hours of sleep and I feel great (usually I need about 10)  
I may or may not give it a shot tonight
Im thinking about just doing my normal routine for a few days before I try again just incase...

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Nah Adam, I think your energy comes across quite well with that post, if one listens for it...
I agree with you for the most part.
I think my girlfriend thinks I'm blasphemous when I say that I think we are part of, and from God, and not only "made in his image".  But whatever, everyone has their own beliefs and I'm sure the most of the are true for the most part.

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Either or
Usually when Im in a good trance all of my body is numb and sometimes my neck and head as well (when my head gets numb I tend to slobber a bit haha)  and I reach a point where my mind is calm and absolutely no thoughts are going through my mind.

Then for a second I'll realize I'm not thinking anything, which is a weird feeling, and I'll have a sudden little surge of thoughts, then I bring myself back to the inner silence as best as I can.

When I start trancing, I may only get 10 second intervals of mind quiet...but the more I bring myself back to it the longer it lasts, until eventually I can hold on to it.
Sometimes you dont even need that much though...10 seconds of a quiet mind (if your body is asleep as well) can be enough to obe for me.

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Tisha: Your cool Hahah

I thought I'd go into more depth with what I meant by the weird people because well...the family reunion thing you mentioned kind of reminds me of exactly what Im talking about.

Often I get a feeling from people in my dreams that I just know them.  Most often I have this female presense which seems very loving a weird its a motherly take care of you way, but at the same time its also a very sexual way..but not at all like a relationship way. Anyway I experience this presense the most...she often saves me in my dreams (even though sometimes she will take different faces I always recognise her).  I also have a presense of someone who often tries to drug me...he doesnt usually try to harm in in any physical way..he just trys to drug me...and to keep me from doing whatever im trying to do in my dream...often I feel like im really actually *stoned* in the dream and my memory will suck during these periods of being drugged..I dont like the feeling I get around this person... but i recognise it almost as well as the female vibes... there is a couple other minor ones that make appearances in my dreams...but these two seem to be very personal
I wanted to talk more about them because often times I will have crazy wacky dreams that make no sense and are completely bizzare..but the one (or sometimes two) thing(s) that feel completely real are these people (or rather whats behind the mask of these people)
I cant explain the vibes...but like you said ..they feel like family..even the guy who trys to drug me often ...he feels like he's related to me in some deep way...
i dont understand it because they appear so often in my dreams and like i said even if the faces are different ...i know its them

I guess I cant really explain to you how ....big a thing this is for me.  Im not that interested in dreams... (think i mentioned that) but its such a strong vibe I get...I cant resist contimplating it a lot.  I swear to god its such a strong strong freaks me out a lot

often when the female chick vibe leaves..I try to chase her..I really dont want to leave her..

people talk about spirit guides all the time..hell maybe its my spirit guide (if they exist)... ive asked to have contact a million times ..but i think my sceptacism keeps me from it ..if its real...I dunno but there are a few other nuetrel vibe people as well that appear rarely

sorry to ramble on...and sorry about my spelling/grammer
this is a horrible post hahaha

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Welcome to Metaphysics! / Strange...
May 30, 2002, 00:32:40

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I find that using drugs always induces very strong experiences when used with new or attempting AP ...BUT  it does seem to produce a weird reaction where I cant feel energy very well or project for at least a day or two (even with marijuana)

But i find my experiences to be worth a couple days of drained-ness
but thats just my opinion (i say that a lot)

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From what I gather (from reading a lot of hindu literature...although Im retarded so dont quote me)
Generally a kundalini awakening brings energy up your spine  all the way to the top of the head.  Its often referred to like a serpent coiling up the tree of life or something like that.. I guess the leaves and branches would symbolize the way a crown activation causes energy to sort of sprinkle over you.  It seems like kundalini refers to a more volatile inner energy then that of the easy going energy we suck up through our hands and feet.
some say that hatha and kriya yoga can help
but I dont know
I rarely feel energy in my spine, but on the few occasions I have...its been a bit weird
Ive been focusing a lot on my spine lately...

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You guys really use the LBRP?  Ive thought about checking it out, but Ive never been one for rituals..Im more of a just do it practically guy.  Thats what attracted me to NEW and astral bruce.

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Well...Im going to use mushrooms soon for the first time in a couple years
Hopefully nobody cages me

Im not going to crush beer cans though

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Seemed pretty mean to me
but like I mentioned before I was so fearful when I woke up I could have just been projecting my emotions onto him

But he would be the only real "intelligent" appearing entity Ive ever encountered

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I remember this guy Zyrill on spiritweb who thought he was "stimulating" people to think, but all he really did was cause trouble, and ultimately get the board shut down.
So far I have like most of your posts, and you seem like a good person
I just hope you remember this is a place for sharing ideas, not trying to force others to think like you
Id hate to see another zyrill appear because that was a mess
=) Keep posting im very interested

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I agree with Tyrone to some extent
But then I also think there is legitamately strong attacks that go beyond preying on our fears
I just dont think there are very many people in the world at this time that can accomplish this type of attack

so thats why I somewhat agree with Tyrone
It seems a lot of attacks are simply preying upon our fear and self fullfilling prophecy
(what you believe will come true does)

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Yeah Im familiar with it
thats why I dont stress over it, otherwise it would seem bizzare and Id be trying to solve the problem more assertively

but...I figure I will eventually get better at it
it doesnt seem to be a big deal other than the fact that it causes my OBE's to be confusing while they are happening

hopefully I get past it

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I think Ive read that

man Ive read so much stuff for so long my brain is swimming with random stuff that I cant remember..or Ill remember one sentance or point from but cant quote

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I still get the nervous flutter now and again if i start to feel exit symptoms or my mind slips into a trance...and yeah it gets annoying because it draws you back instantly
but the more you do it the faster you can recover from the nervous feeling that you get
but mainly
there will be one time every few times where you keep perfect control and you will have the experiences then

like sometimes i still respond just like its the first time im feeling these things and i freak out even though ive felt these things a million times

i guess sometimes it just comes easy..sometimes it doesnt

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Who knows... anything is possible. Generally one would trance before AP (although its not neccisary for energy work with NEW)  or one would spontaneously wake up with exit symptoms or out of body.... thats not to say its not possible to project from a fully conscious state.. I think Robert mentioned before how he was experimenting with it at the time of writing his book....I wonder if he ever perfected it???

Lately the more I trance, the better I get at it.  I can actually feel a brain process which turns the trance on.  Im barely getting the feel for it, but I can usually get myself into a trance within a minute...sometimes in seconds.  I wish I could explain how i feel this process, But i cant seem to ..its just something I feel..then i reach for mentally, and get

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Out of body generally refers to a projection into the realtime zone near your physical body both in location and dimension
which means close to our reality

Astral projection usually refers to the higher dimensions of which I have yet to venture to
(robert bruce talks about them a bit in his book)

At least thats what i percieve the difference is

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Astral c:  "...the main personality is usually aware of most if not all the others."

From what I read it's not ??  Both in my psychology book (yes Im taking psychology right now) and on the internet.  Do you figure the possibility of the main personality knowing about the others is just not accepting by modern psychology yet?  I want to know your reasoning on this, because your saying the opposite of what seems to be the psychological standard.....or something

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I dunno, but if it were as slow as some I post on, I would have given it up by now! (as i eventually do the slow ones ugh)

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A hot bath is the ultimate awakening drug ! I swear ! hahaha

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By the way
Its funny because my most fully conscious obe's were barely using any method.  alittle energy warm up and just a lot of relaxation.  when i use techniques i generally do obe, but I just kind of wake up obe with no recollection of the exit (during or after )

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My conscious OBE's are usually not conscious until I come back and merge so to speak.  Like I will have the exit sensations, then exit, but as soon as Im obe I forget all that and I get confused and wander around a bit, then I come back and as my physical memory merges with my astral memory or whatever, I remember the exit and realized I obe'd.  So its kind of weird because I cant remember having the consciuos exit until after I'm back so I still have confusion and trouble when Im out.  
usually when this happens my exit symptoms are very intense
rather then when I wake up with them randomly and they are only semi intense

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