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Messages - Adun

Welcome to Dreams! / Having Sex in My Dream
March 06, 2006, 13:14:44
So you're saying you can release all the sperm produced in your gonads without ejaculating?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Esperanto
January 02, 2006, 07:29:42
I noticed a lot of esperanto words are also similar do portuguese, for example:

adeu - adeus
bona - bom
amiko - amigo
filo - filho
For 4 or 5 times I've tried to phase and failed. The problem used to be that vibrations (along with other hallucinations) kept me from focusing.

Two days ago I turned a lucid dream into the paralysis state, immediately the vibrations came, i thought of a nice environment (the beach) and tried to visualize it. It didn't work so i tried to visualize just an object, at some point i remember hearing the typical screaming and scary hallucinations but i managed to ignore them (they then disappeared in seconds).
As i focused more and more on visualizing the object the vibrations got more stronger until they just stopped. I noticed the paralysis was gone and went back to sleep.

My question is, when is the right time to start visualizing?
Should i do the "noticing" exercise and try to go deeper in the relaxation before visualizing? Or maybe i should just focus more?

By the way, I am aware the vibrations are not needed to phase or astral project but i can't stop them from showing up.
Quote from: moogle_assassinlucky, but u didn't AP, you OBE'd. AP is when you go into the astral, OBE is all kinds of projection.

You're focused on different areas but you're doing the same thing. :confused:
Abraham, stop evading the question and answer: what proof do you have for your "truth"?
Quote from: Abraham
QuoteI'm not christian but i know that according to the bible god didn't die on the cross, jesus did.

According to Christianity, Jesus is God, therefore "God died on the cross".

That's incorrect.
I was raised christian for about 13 years and i know for sure that jesus is not god. According to the bible jesus is the son of god.
QuoteChristian and Muslim are not the same. Muslims worship God and nothing else, and we do not say that any of His creation is Him or was Him, or that He "died" on the cross.

I'm not christian but i know that according to the bible god didn't die on the cross, jesus did.

Quotetheres only a few possibilites. Were you created from nothing? Did you create yourself? Did you create the universe? None of these are rational possibilites, so it is only rational that there is One Creator beyond all of creation.

You say that the possibility of one creating himself or "being created from nothingness" is irrational and then you say that the possibility of a "creator" creating us is rational.
And how was that "creator" created? He either appeared out of nowhere or created himself... wait a second.. that's irrational!

QuoteThats proof :its up to you to accept it, or whether you want to be arrogant of the reality. Or whether you want to attribute these actions to something else such as "nature" or "science" or "the big bang" Regardless of any of this, the reality is that "nature" "science" "the big bang" or all dependent upon Him.

I'm sorry but that is not proof.
Your claims have as much validity as saying that the moon is made of green cheese. :roll:
Quote from: AbrahamLol.

Im not Christian. Who said Im christian? I'm Muslim.

It's all pretty much the same...

You ask for proof from our part, but what proof do you have to convince us of your "creator"?
Abraham, I agree with you when you say that lots of people draw quick conclusions about how reality "works" from experiences which are affected by what they believe.
Still, in my opinion oobes prove one thing to the one experiencing it, it proves that his mind doesn't depend on the body to exist. I've had regular lucid dreams since i was a child and 2 or 3 oobes in the last 2 years, the level of "realness" varies from dream to dream (sometimes as real as waking life), but when you have an oobe it is a unique experience.

Till now i thought you were one of those skeptic-wannabe-scientist, but as I re-read your post (somehow i skipped the last lines the first time i read it) i realized that you are christian and upset because some of the members don't praise your god.
If everyone on the forum is a filthy pagan, mental retarded, high on crack and going to hell, why are you still here? :lol:
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Abbreviations
November 05, 2005, 20:20:56
I always used wtf for "what the f*ck". :lol:
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Miracles.
November 02, 2005, 10:37:14
Sorry but at least I don't believe it, the so called "guru" probabily just faked the whole thing.
This thread reminds in a way of those funny "other kin" people. :smashfreak:

And souljah, calling adolescents children was pure genius!
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Non-sense
October 28, 2005, 20:56:38
Quote- Yes you are wrong about me.
- I wasn't aware that a post was a 'stone throw'?!?
("the right topic"? That as well is demonstration of your mentality.)
- I have no knowledge of the World Religions Forum.
 Personally no interest.

- Maybe
- I thought the expression was also used in English, "throw the first stone" usually means "to start an argument". By "the right topic" I obviously meant the topic "not everyone has a soul". I really don't see how referring to it as "the right topic" shows my mentality.
- Then maybe you should go there now and then.

QuoteAnd you decided to step into the middle of it....wonder why?

I read your posts saying how everyone "bashed" the new user and thought i could try to clarify a few things for you. But it seems it was useless and you are going to persist.

Again i may be wrong but it seemed to me that you took advantage of some of my errors in English to criticize me. So I'm "sorry" if my efforts to learn another language didn't give perfect results. :roll:
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Non-sense
October 28, 2005, 13:34:11
Souljah, I may be wrong but you seem like the kind of person who likes to start arguments just to get some attention and look important.

Nobody "attacked" neutrino, he was the one to throw the first stone.

Instead of posting in the right topic he created a new one
claiming everyone who thought some people didn't have a soul were wrong (that post alone shows what kind of mentality he possesses).
In addition there are other posts in the world's religions forum he made in which he calls everyone who disagrees with him a "lost soul".

You're making a big deal out of nothing, i wonder why...
I was going to argue with you but instead i'll just offer you a nice warm cup of shut the f*ck up.
Really, no one wants to hear how you're more spiritual and superior than all of us who don't follow your "truth" (or should i say dogmas?).
Got it? NOBODY cares!

"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. --- Colossians 2;8"

It's curious you appraise that quote when you are doing exactly what it says you shouldn't do.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Age
October 19, 2005, 12:23:42
Quote from: kenshinnup mrloki, i beat you by a year, i'm 18

I beat you by two, i'm 16 years old.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Newbie here
October 18, 2005, 17:02:45
As far as I know only the bible is against it, some argue it isn't, but who cares?
What really matters is that there is no danger at all in oobes, you can not be hurt in any way.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Attention! Attention!
October 03, 2005, 16:40:49
Debunker, stfu please.
Friday is my birthday, I'll try to be there.
I've had 2 or 3 oobes before, but all of them were a few seconds long, plagued by vibrations and buzzing sounds and just in the first one I had vision. That gave me the idea of the out of body environment being scary with fears manifesting at every corner.

I was having a weird dream of pushing a guy I don't know through a course with electrified objects, in the end we got both killed and out of body. Then the dream turned into a third person dream, I wanted to be in the dream but then I realised I was in my room watching the dream in my computer screen.
I remember being happy for not seeing any fear manisfesting, that was no surprise because I wasn't scared at all. I did the first thing that came to my mind, fly.
I went through the window flying(I don't recall any special sensation). My vision was 100% real but the weird thing is that I had some difficulty looking up, still, I managed to look to the sky which was cloudy (after the experience I confirmed that the sky was cloudy when i woke up). At first only my sight was realistic, the rest of the senses weren't much strong, it didn't quite feel like I was there having the experience. I tried one technique that usually doesn't work well in lucid drams for me, spinning, I did it and it worked. After that all my senses were 100% REAL, no distinction from reality, I could even feel the cold morning wind when flying!
I thought of going back to the building were I live (I was a little far now) and try to see a friend which lives below me, in the first floor. As I was approaching the building I did woke up. :?
After waking up I was able to see that in the experience my town was a little different from reality.

Anyway, I'm happy because I think from now on I won't have any problem in oobeing.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Is this possible???
September 14, 2005, 15:28:52
Of course not.
I have a question, have you ever wrote a post that wasn't about Paul Curran?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Channeling God!!
September 04, 2005, 22:34:23

The thing is I don't believe in god, even if I did I wouldn't believe in the tradicional christian god and I don't think he could be "channeled".
If god existed he would be more like a presence than an entity, he wouldn't be something you could have a objective talk with. Once you did contact with him you would instantly acknowledge his will instead of having a normal conversation.

I once believed in the christian god (because I was raised christian), but as I left childhood behind and as I started having oobe and oobe related experiences I quickly stopped believing in the christian construct of god and adopted a more logical one. Later I stopped believing in any kind of god.
So you see, the "little hints along the path of your life to make you think" have been given to me and they didn't led me to believe in god, they did the opposite.

In conclusion I don't believe you are "channeling" god.

This was a quite long post, I apologize if my english isn't very good.
Quote from: Interesantyes it proves that in 2 and a half years NOONE from an entire forum of AP met .

Cpt. obvious to the rescue!
That's the same as saying a wall being white proves it was painted white.

The fact that a meeting never happened in ap island doesn't prove oobes aren't real.

Quote from: InteresantI think my question was quite specific . If someone met another person on THAT ISLAND .

Does the place really matter? What matters is that at least two persons have met out of body and remembered it.