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Messages - CaCoDeMoN

Western Union money transfer costs about 20$, and 20+10$ is not as small amount of money in Poland that it is in US. And think about Ukraine, where average teacher earns 35$ per month....
I think that it would be no problem with payment, but in many countries like Poland, other western europe countries and all third world countries Paypal is not available. It would be unfair to divide forum members into classes, making some "elite" better than others, because they do not live in US, or do not have enough income to get a credit cart.
Coraz wi#281;cej ludzi z Polski posty pisze[:)]
(sorry if there are any grammar errors in this post, but English is not my native language)

mactombs wrote:
" Well, I suppose if you tell a schitzophrenic to stop taking their medications, they'll start seeing all sorts of things too."

As far as i know schizophrenia isn't connected at all with hallucinations. When someone having this mental disease will stop taking their medications, they will just think and talk things that do not make any sense.
Indigo children - is this something connected to that James Twyman's sect?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / recalling past lives
June 06, 2004, 04:40:46
I've heard that it's possible to recall past lives using hypnosis session
Why don't just download Holosync and Hemisync cds, and try out what is better?
Who's this WhiteWolf?
Maybe math that I am studying in Poland is different from this in U.S., but I've always tought that any number cannot be divided by zero...
I think that those magnets are too expensive. Much cheaper and stronger magnets can be found inside computer hard-drives.
What are "reptillian" aliens?
About 10 days ago i've had sleepless night. At 6.00am vibrations started,  and i've got a 5 second OOBE.
I think that satanic or not, AP is a good thing, because i don't need to take any drugs to have a cool trip:)
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Servant Chicken Man
April 26, 2004, 06:39:24
i've told him "just die", and it worked[}:)]....
I've read about banana drugs in "Anarchist Cookbook". If this is hoax, why so many parents are telling their children, that they should not eat banana peels? About cheese: I've heard that it works best with white cheese.
Cool! I wonder how it can have only 64kb...
Welcome to Astral Chat! / skeptics
April 10, 2004, 13:31:16
(sorry for the spelling and grammar, but english is not my native language)
I think that it's not true. I have a friend that doesn't believe in OOBE/existence of energy body and all other paranormal things. He is very intellignet person, but i think he's afraid of loosing his reputation by believing into such things. One time he told me that he believes only into things that are scientifically proven. I've asked him why does he believe in god. He did not answer.
The best thing if you want to stop a depression is to relax listen to music that you like
Yes, it's something like a hypnagonic state, but normal hypnagonic imagery does not have any sense
Thanks! But I have a question: I should imagine that neg or see it in my mind's eye?(this is possible, but only after primary energy centers work)
Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / Music?
March 28, 2004, 13:52:21
One time i've nearly had an AP when listening to TooL-"Parabol/Parabola", and other songs from "Lateralus" CD can give cool energy sensations. I don't think that meditation with music is a good idea, but it is much easier.
hmm... Most my friends that tried NEW felt strong/medium energy sensations first time they've used it...
Thanks for reply!

I think,that it wasn't hypnagonic vision, because all hypnagonic visions that I have look like simple pictures, and are showing for a very short time. This was far more complex, and the colours were really strange.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / please help
January 23, 2004, 13:26:28
I don't know what is going on, but it is REALLY unfair...
Why someone who lives in UK/USA/Australia is better?