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Messages - Aries327

Quote from: SS_Patrick"I have never used drugs and I don't socialize with people who use them. Actually, I think that drug users are weak and inferior people."

"I will teach my children to despise drug users."

A bit narrow-minded eh?

Do you personally know anyone that uses drugs? I think you might be using the wrong connotation of 'drug' Some of the wisest and kindest people use drugs, but you are better than them? who are you to say you are better than anyone?  I sure hope you never teach your children to despise people they don't know!   what a pity :sad:

Sorry everyone for adding negativity to the boards,

Marijuana  (for me) is very spiritual, but while I feel motivated to meditate every time im high, Its alot harder to trance because Im always thinking, I can never really space out when under the influence.

I absolutely agree that it is probably alot better to astral project while not on drugs,cosidering the fact that you have complete mental control over yourself, but I don't think taking natural, herbal drugs like Salvia or Iboga (previously stated) Is bad at all,I actually recommend it, unless of course Its not your thing. :smile:
:neutral: Elaborate please ,What are you talking about and who is Paul Curran?
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Eyes
May 30, 2006, 07:31:00
I heard that the easiest way to AP is to do it with your eyes open, in pitch black.

I'd assume doing it with open eyes in light would be terribly distracting.
You can easily go in a "super human" state If your on
-Mind altering substances- Like certain hallucinogenics or PCP, you can throw yourself into a raging, bad trip. Thats one method vikings would use to go berserk, they would eat redcaps and go fury-insane, to the point where being sliced and stabbed with no armor wouldnt even bother them.
Quote from: VilkateWelcome, Seth!

I think we will all reach our goals sooner or later, so don't worry - keep up working and practicing, try keeping the process natural, not worrying too much about the technique or the results you await. Just consider falling deeper in trance is very, very natural and there is nothing you can do about it, but keeping yourself conscious.
Oh, and what helps me - I just keep saying to myself "I am going to leave my body, I am going to leave my body.." over and over again. A little self-hypnosis, I assume, this makes me feeling sub-consciously that going out of my body is just a normal part of my daily routine.
And have you tried the binaural beats music? Some of these tracks have helped me, though they will not take you in the astral realms all by themselves, you've got to put a little effort in it, too.
Hope this helps. :)

Thanks for the reply :grin:  I will keep practicing, and your advice is very appreciated.

Ive never tried binaural beats music, because I dont know where to get it. Ive looked for astral frequency's, and i could never find any free "songs" on the web.
Hell projection?

Well isn't the "Lower" Astral Plane considered hell?
Im also sure that you can project yourself into a plane as negative as the connotation of hell. :firedevil:
Hello evrybody, My name is seth and I have been into astral projection for about 3 years. I have tried astral projection many times but never successful  :sad:  The closest I have ever came is when i had guided meditation , the technique the speaker used was counting down from 30 to 1, every number going down, my trance was going deeper, which worked but i felt that my trance was being rushed, and not natural.

Ive wanted to project so bad, and for the longest time, but im giving up hope of my ability to do it anytime soon. I also tried to do a dream journal, but i get far to lazy to write down my dreams in the morning.

Im wondering if anyone has any suggestions? Im also thinking about trying Salvia Divinorum, but do not know if that would help on what im trying to accomplish.
