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Messages - Jeehad

James Muhammad was not the one who even spokea bout the distance of the earth from the sun, im trying to focus ons ceitnific theology from scientists ratehr then religious text:P If the earth was to change its discoursed loaction or path by a small amount(obviously a mm is exagerated) then it is inevitable that life would not be supported.
HeHe James ^^ With all due respect I shall begin refuting your "contradictions" :P First of all,

How many days did it take to create Heavens and Earth ?

Upon creation, the Quran is a sequence ofe xplaining Gods creation in a period of 6 ayam(in total) 1 ayam means a period. Most Arabic translations use thje word period for we do not believe the earth was created in 6 literal days but rather 6 stages or periods. Secondly, if you notice the term " the heavens and earth " used in the description of the 6 ayam. The term heavens and earth refers to literlly everything! Now if you have noticed the otehr side of the contradiction only states either the earth(which was createdd in 2 ayams) or the mountains and nourhsjmen on the 4th day and the atmoshperic layers in 2 ayams :P SO ine ssence, 6 ayam refers to the total amount for creation and the other ayams refers to the creation of that particular thing mentioned.

Allah’s Days Equal to 1000 Years or 50,000 Years?

Allah’s Days Equal to 1000 Years or 50,000 Years?

Quran 22: 47 A day in the sight of the Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning. Quran-32:5: To Him, on a Day, the space whereof will be a thousands years of your rekoning

Quran 70: 4 The angels and the spirit ascend unto him in a day the measure whereof is Fifty thousands years.

lol the verses are talking about completely differnt things....

Sun sets in mudy springs?

refer to that plz

Earth is spread out?
First of all you shall notice the (like a carpet) in

Quran 15: 19 And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon Mountains firm and immovable;

lol nowhere in the Quran does it mention anything about being flat like a carpet. Allah clearly is saying that he spread out the earth, although in many verses we see allah describe the earth as an egg shape. The Quran makes clear draws that the earth is a rather spherical object.

Is Man Created From Clotted Blood?

This will surprise you:P

compulsion in religion?

If you truly cared about my answer then you would read the links:P Every so called error or contradiction is actually not valid at all and are easily explained. Read the holy Quran and you shall see what I am talking about.
James then I challenge you to find me at least one error in the Holy Quran? Or a contradiction?and for every error I shall conjure at least 10 in the Bible. The fact is that the Holy Quran remains unchanged and errorless? This is quiet funny because even modern day literture will have some sort of contradictions, especially religious texts.

Islam is actually the fastest growing religion in the world...

Data for Islam reveal that the growing number of Muslims is due primarily to the higher than average birth-rates and consequent population growths of Muslim countries and communities.
In 2006, countries with a Muslim majority had an average population growth rate of 1.8% per year (when weighted by percentage Muslim and population size).[9] This compares with a world population growth rate of 1.12% per year.[10]
According to the World Christian Encyclopaedia, between 1990 and 2000, Islam received around 865,558 converts each year. This compares with an approximate 2,883,011 converts each year for Christianity during the same period.[6]
The World Almanac Book of Facts 1935 estimated 209,020,000 Muslims in the World. The Readers Digest Almanac 1983, estimated 700,000,000, Comparing these two estimates gives an average annual growth of 5% or 10,228,750 for Islam over these 48 years.[11] But note that this value is as unreliable as these rates are calculated from two separate sources, which may have used different counting rules.
lol James I'd be contrary to your fact :P I think many organized religions do answer many of these questions with accuracy. 
lol..... Umm well thats nice to know
Here is a nice article I want to show you!

Religion and the Scientist

...seated side by side, two gentlemen from two different world...

And there they were, on a flight from Cape Town to Durban, seated side by side, two gentlemen from two different worlds.......After the formalities were covered, the conversation continued........

Bob: I don't believe in God, but rather in science and technology, something tangible you see, but if you can prove to me scientifically that God does exist then I would consider such a thought.

Yunus: Okay, you being interested in technology, please answer this question......with regard to an advanced machine or electronic device, who would be the one to know the most about its  mechanism or functioning?

Bob: Well, perhaps the person who has invented or manufactured such a machine.

Yunus: Can we agree that it is the maker or creator of the product who would know every-thing there is to know about the product.

Bob: I don't see why not, it sounds reasonable.

Yunus: Being knowledgeable in these matters, the next question I'd like to ask you is, Just how did the world or the universe come into existence?

Bob: According to recent scientific research, the whole universe was one gigantic mass, which scientists call the primary Nebula, they tell us that it was a cosmic explosion or a secondary explosion that gave rise to the sun, the stars, the planets and even the Earth we live on.

Yunus: Is this what you believe?

Bob: Yes of course, these are established facts based on scientific proofs. In fact, this idea was realised in 1973 and termed the 'BIG BANG' theory.

Yunus: I see, well I have a surprise for you....In the Holy Quraan, chapter 21, verse 30 says. "Do the disbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were joined together, then I split them apart". Here we can see that the Holy Quraan is speaking about this 'BIG BANG' theory and let me tell you that the Holy Quraan was revealed over 1400 years ago.

Bob: I have heard about the Quraan, but can you refresh my memory.

Yunus: Sure, the Muslim believes the Quraan to be the word of God, pure and unadulterated which was revealed verbally to the Prophet _____ of Islam, Mohammed, Peace be upon him, through the agency of the Angel Gabriel. The Holy Quraan was completed over a period of 23 years, that is over the prophetic life of the Prophet _____________ of Islam.

Bob: Are you sure that the Quraan is over 14 centuries old and secondly, that the Quraan has not been changed.

Yunus: Absolutely, it is a historical fact that the Holy Quraan was completed in the seventh century and has remained unchanged ever since. Historians, whether friends or foes to Islam,  testify to this.

Bob: Well then, perhaps it's a guess.

Yunus:.....What does science say about the shape of the Earth ?

Bob: Previously, Man thought that the Earth was flat, until Sir Frances Drake in 1607 finally proved it to be spherical. Today, the term Geoid is used to describe this spherical shape.

Yunus: Amazingly the Holy Quraan in chapter 31, verse 29 says, "Have you not seen how God merges the night into the day and merges the day into the night." The use of the word merges emphasizes a slow gradual change, and this is not possible if the earth is flat.

Bob: Go on.

Yunus: Further in chapter 39, verse 5, it says, "He coils the night upon the day and he coils the day upon the night." The word used in the original arabic text is "Kaw'wara" which means coils or winds, the significance of this verb is that you usually coil something around a rather spherical object. You say that this fact was discovered recently, well relatively recently, who could have mentioned this in the Holy Quraan over 1400 years ago ?

Bob: I'm not convinced.

Yunus: Fine, tell me where the light of the Moon comes from?

Bob: Centuries ago people thought that the Moon was a miniature version of the Sun and that both emitted their own light, but recently studies confirmed that the Moon reflected the Sun's light.

Yunus: The Holy Quraan in chapter 25, verse 61 mentions, "Blessed is the one who placed the constellations in the Heaven and placed therein a lamp and a Moon reflecting light." Here the Sun is referred to as a lamp for it has its own illumination, while the Moon is said to have reflected light or borrowed light, meaning not its own.

Bob: Its probably conjecture...guesswork.

Yunus: For the sake of a discussion I won't argue. Anyway, let us proceed....... When I was in school in the 80's, my teacher told me that the Sun remains stationary whilst the planets although rotating around their axes do revolve around the Sun as well.

Bob: Is that what your Quraan says, that the Sun is stationary....Ha!

Yunus: No, the Holy Quraan does not say this. This is what I learned in school.

Bob: Today, science has advanced. We have come to know that the Sun does in fact revolve around its own axis. You see, the Sun if observed with the apppropriate scientific apparatus reveals to possess the "Black spots". Continuous observation shows that these black spots take 25 days to complete a revolution. Therefore we conclude that the Sun rotates and that it takes approximately 25 days to complete one full rotation around its axis.

Yunus: Well, this is nothing new to the muslim for it is revealed in the Holy Quraan in chapter 21, verse 33, "(God is) the One who created the night, the day, the Sun and the Moon, each one spinning around its own axis (travelling in an orbit)". Here it is evident that the Sun and the Moon both rotate and further the celestial law of orbital movement is made mention of. You tell me who could have mentioned these scientific facts in the Holy Quraan which you say was discovered recently by your scientists ? Before you answer that question, tell there a difference between a star and a planet?

Bob: Yes, today we know that stars are heavenly bodies like the Sun in that they produce their own light, while planets on the other hand, do not produce their own the earth on which we live.

Yunus: The Holy Quraan mentions scientific facts not only in the field of astronomy.

Bob: I'm listening.

Yunus: In several verses of the Holy Quraan the details of the water cycle is mentioned. It explains that the water from the earth and ground rises up and forms clouds .............. these clouds condense, there is lightning and rain falls from the clouds. This is evident from the following quotations ...........chapter 39, verse 21,  "Have you not seen that Allah sent rain down from the sky and caused it to penetrate the ground, and come forth as springs.......", In chapter 23, verse 18, "We sent down water from the sky measure and lodged it in the ground and we certainly are able to withdraw it", and also in chapter 24, verse 43, "Have you not seen that God makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them a heap. And you see rain drops falling from the midst of it ........"

Bob: According to my knowledge, the first coherent account of the water cycle was presented by Bernard Palissy in 1580.

Yunus: This is the exact distinction that the Holy Quraan makes between stars and planets. In chapter 86, verse 1-3, "By the sky and the night visitor, who will tell you what the night visitor is, the star of piercing brightness", which obviously refer to the stars. The planets are described as ornaments in chapter  37, verse 6, as it reads, "We have indeed adorned the lowest heaven with ornaments, the planets".

Bob: ...............................  Hmmmmmm.........................It is no secret that the Arabs were advanced in the field of astronomy, and perhaps it was these learned astronomers that passed their findings to the Prophet _____________.

Yunus: I do agree that the Arabs were advanced in astronomy, but I'm afraid that you have the order or sequence of events incorrect.

Bob: What do you mean?!

Yunus: Let me remind you that the Holy Quraan was revealed centuries before the Arabs became  advanced in this field of astronomy, so it was the Arabs who learnt about astronomy from the Quraan and most definitely not vice versa.

The Holy Quraan in chapter 30, verse 48 mentions that, "God is the one who sends forth the winds which raised up the clouds. He spreads them in the sky as he wills and breaks them into fragments. Then you  see rain drops issuing from within them.....". While on the topic of Geography, I am sure you understand what is meant by the term "Folding".

Bob: Yes, you see.... the crust of the earth is relatively thin and mountain ranges due to the phenomenon of folding provides stability for the earth.

Yunus: The Holy Quraan in chapter 78, verse 6-7 gives us an indication of the very same phenomenon as it says, "Have we not made the earth an expanse and the mountains stakes".

Here the word "stakes" is synonymous with the word pegs as in holding the earth in place. Further the first part of this verse shows us that the earth is not flat for it is an expanse ..... meaning that you can walk and walk without falling off.

The former idea is clarified in chapter 21, verse 31....."We placed the ground (mountains) standing firm so that it does not shake with them". Here we are told that mountains allow for the maintenance of the earths stability by preventing the earth's shape to change in such a way so as to cause it to move out of its orbit. Permit me to go on ........scientists pointed out recently that salt water and fresh water do not that correct ?

Bob: That is correct.....this phenomenon is observed at various locations......for example the region where the Nile river meets with the Mediterranean sea and more especially in the Gulf stream where these two bodies of water flow together for thousands of kilometres.

Yunus: In chapter 25, verse 53 it reads, ....... "God is the one that has let free two seas, one is sweet and palatable and the other is salty and bitter. He placed an unseen barrier between them, a partition that is forbidden to pass". A similar message is given in  chapter 55, verses 19 and 20, "He has loosed the two seas. They meet together. Between them there is an unseen barrier which they do not transgress........"

Bob: Maybe some Arabs whist diving or swimming made such an observation.

Yunus: Unlikely, what you fail to realize is that the Holy Quraan too testifies that it is an unseen barrier and therefore it could not and still cannot be observed.

Bob: I see..... according to Darwinism and the theory of evolution, it is claimed that all life began in the sea or oceans.........can you tell me what does your Quraan say about this.....if anything at all.

Yunus: Yes, but first tell me just why does this theory have such a conclusion.....that life began in the  Oceans....

Bob: Well, one of the reasons is that the chemical make-up or composition of human and animal life shows that water is the chief constituent. In fact between 50 and 90 %.

Yunus: In chapter 21, verse 30, it also says.............."And We made every living thing from water. Will they still not believe". Can you imagine that in the deserts of Arabia, where there is obviously a scarcity of water, who would have guessed that not only man but every living thing is made from

Bob: I am aware that Cytoplasm, the main constituent of the cell is composed of approximately eighty percent water and that every living creature is of fifty or ninety percent water.

Yunus: Who could have mentioned these facts in the Quraan over 1400 years ago ?...there are over hundreds of facts in the Holy Quraan that modern science cannot find fault with today. On the topic of theories .......Can you explain to me just what is meant by the theory of drifting continents.

Bob: Sure, all our continents were at one time parts of one consolidated land mass, then following an explosion, they were scattered or rather pushed away all over the surface of the earth. Therefore if you look carefully at the world map, you would see for example that the East coast of South America would fit neatly against the West coast of Africa.

Yunus: A similar idea is reflected in the Holy Quraan in the chapter 79, verse 30, "and the earth He extended after that and then drew from it water and pastures". It says that the Earth passed through a stage when God had caused the land masses to drift apart.

Bob: Are you using scientific knowledge to prove the Quraan ?

Yunus: No, the Quraan is not a book of science but rather a book of signs. In fact, it has over 6000 signs (verses) out of which 1000 of these deal with scientific knowledge. I am not using science to prove something correct, you need a yardstick or knowledge that is absolute, something ultimate.....

Yunus: To the educated men like yourself, those that do not believe in God, science is generally your yardstick.....but to the Muslim, the Holy Quraan is our ultimate yardstick....the Quraan is also referred to as the "Furqaan" which is the arabic word meaning, the criterion between that which is right and that which is wrong. Therefore I am using your yardstick 'science' to prove to you what is said in the Holy Quraan. What your yardstick has said in relatively recent times ...... mine has said 14 centuries ago. Can we agree,  therefore, that the Quraan is superior to science and that the Quraan is the ultimate yardstick.

Bob: Tell me more.

Yunus: The Quraan says in chapter 20, verse 53, "(God is the one) who sent down rain from the sky and with it brought forth a variety of plants in pairs". Here the Holy Quraan mentions a scientific fact which was discovered much later in history ..... that is .......the plant kingdom too has male and female types. This is also echoed in chapter 13, verse 3, "...........and of all fruits (God) placed on the earth two pairs ......."

Yunus: A branch of the field of Zoology has recently pointed out that there exists various social dynamics in the animal world. The Holy Quraan tells us the same, that the animals and birds live in communities in chapter 6, verse 38, "There is no animal on earth, no bird which flies on wings, that (does not belong to) communities like you .....".

Yunus: If I tell you that the Holy Quraan tells us of ants talking to one another, you will probably laugh, but the branch of Zoology that I am telling you about, has found the animal or insect which closely resembles the dynamics of the human, is the ant ....... for apart from an extremely 'advanced' system of communication (as is mentioned in the Holy Quraan, chapter 27, verse 18), They ..... the ants bury the dead and can have what can be said to be an equivalent of a market place.

Bob: Perhaps your Prophet _____________ was a very observant man who made notes of them.

Yunus: First I would like to inform you that history years witness that the Prophet _____________ of Islam was an illiterate man in that he had no formal schooling and therefore could not read nor write. In fact at that time a great majority of Arabs were illiterate with only a negligible number who were literate. Nonetheless, it is also mentioned that it is the female bee that collects honey ........ Do you think that anybody could be so observant as to pick this up? You have just reminded me about something even more significant; in chapter 16, verse 69, it reads, "...... from their (bees) bodies comes a liquor of different colours wherein is a remedy for men." Today the medical scientist tell us that there are antiseptic qualities and applications of honey. Furthermore, I believe that it is used in the treatment of various allergies.

Bob: No wonder the Russian soldiers used to apply honey on their wounds. Yes, and as a result, the wounds left very little scar tissue.

Yunus: In chapter 16, verse 66, the Holy Quraan described blood circulation with regard to the production of milk in the cow ....... a thousand years before William Harvey made it famous to the western world. Let us examine the above mentioned  reference, "Verily, in cattle too is a lesson for you, we give to you to drink of what is in their bodies, coming from a conjugation between the contents of the intestine and the blood, a milk, pure and pleasant for those who drink it."

Bob: Tell me ...... what does the Quraan say about human beings?

Yunus: This question calls for a dissertation, for the Quraan deals with humans from before the time of conception until after death. .....But will you accept a brief exposition on some of the human embryo logical data or proofs presented in the Quraan?

Bob: Please go on. This is interesting.

Yunus: We know that after fertilization, the egg or ovum descends from the fallopian tube to lodge itself inside the uterus for gestation. This is described in chapter 22, verse 5, ".... We cause whom we will to rest in the womb for an appointed term......". As you know, there are structures or elongations from the egg which develops to draw nourishment from the uterus which is necessary for growth. These structural formations make the egg or rather the zygote seem to be literally clinging to the uterus ....... this, doubtedly, is a scientific discovery of modern times for the western world.

Did you know this appearance of clinging is described five times in the Holy Quraan. For example, in chapter 96, verses 1 & 2, "Read, in the name of your Lord who fashioned man from something which clings". Similar ideas are found in chapter 22, verse 5 - chapter 23, verse 14 and chapters 40 & 75. Furthermore, foetal growth is described in great detail in chapter 23, verse 14, with regard to the development of the skeleton. "Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood; Then made that clot into a lump (foetus); then We made out of that lump Bones and clothed the bones with flesh ............" ........ the verse goes on further in this manner of description.

Also with regard to the order or sequence of the senses, the Holy Quraan in chapter 32, verse 9 says, "......... He gave you (the faculties of) hearing and of sight........". Today, medical cience cannot argue with this sequence  development of the senses in the foetus for it confirms that the development of hearing is completed by five months of pregnancy and that the eye is split open by the seventh month of pregnancy.

These facts and more have been brought to light by the western world as late as 1940. Furthermore, Professor Keith More, an embryologist at the university of Toronto in Canada, was asked to make a comparative study of the Embryo logical data in the Holy Quraan with that of modern scientific knowledge and he responded as follows, "The 1300 year old Quraan contains  messages so accurate about embryonic development that muslims can reasonably believe them to be from God."

Bob: If this is true then how come it has not been recorded in the media?

Yunus: But it was ....... check the archives ......for example ....... the citizen, a Canadian Newspaper dated 22 November 1984, under the heading "Ancient Holy Book 1300 years ahead of its time". Or the times of India,  New Delhi ...... dated 10 December 1984 under the caption "Koran scores over modern sciences."

Bob: This is really fascinating......don't stop..........continue....

Yunus: At this point I am reminded of a very powerful verse of the Holy Quraan which appears in chapter 41, verse 53, "Soon shall we show them our signs in the (furthest) regions of the earth , and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the truth......".

Yunus: The holy Quraan even speaks about  diabetics.

Bob: What do you mean?

Yunus: You see, certain foodstuffs are declared unfit for human consumption and are therefore prohibited.

Bob: While we are on the topic of food ....... tell me why is it that a muslim is very particular about the words Halaal and Haraam ...... What do they mean?

Yunus: That which is permissible is termed Halaal and that which is not permissible is termed Haraam and it is the Quraan which draws the distinction between the two.

Bob: Can you give me an example ?

Yunus: Yes, Islam has prohibited blood of any type. You will agree that a chemical analysis of blood shows that it contains an abundance of uric acid, a chemical substance which can be injurious to human health.

Bob: You're right about the toxic nature of uric acid, in the human being it is excreted as a waste product....... in fact we are told that 98% of the bodies uric acid is extracted from the blood by the kidneys and removed through urination.

Yunus: Now I think that you'll appreciate the special prescribed method of animal slaughter in Islam.

Bob: What do you mean ?

Yunus: You see.....the wielder of the knife, whilst taking the name of the Almighty, makes an incision through the jugular veins, leaving all other veins of the neck intact.

Bob: I see.....this causes the death of the animal by a total loss of blood from the body, rather than an injury to any vital organ.

Yunus: Yes, were the organs, example the heart, the liver, or the brain crippled or damaged, the animal could die immediately and its blood would congeal in its veins and would eventually permeate (spread throughout) the flesh. This implies that the animal flesh would be permeated and contaminated with uric acid and therefore very poisonous ...... only today did our dietitians realise such a thing.

Bob: Again, while on the topic of food........ Why do Muslims condemn the eating of pork or ham or any foods related to pigs or swine.

Yunus: Actually, apart from the Quraan prohibiting the consumption of pig flesh, fact the Bible too in Leviticus chapter 11, verse 8, .....regarding swine it says, "of their flesh (of the swine) shall you not eat, and of their carcase you shall not touch; they are unclean to you." Further, did you know that a pig cannot be slaughtered at the neck for it does not have a neck ..........that is according to its natural anatomy. A Muslim reasons that if the pig was to be slaughtered and fit for human consumption the  creator would have provided it with a neck. Nonetheless, ........all that aside, I am sure you are well informed about the harmful effects of the consumption of pork, in any form, be it pork chops ...... ham ...... bacon.......

Bob: The medical sciences find that there is a risk for various diseases as the pig is found to be a host for many parasites and potential diseases.

Yunus: Yes, even apart from that we talked about uric acid content in the is important to note that the pig's biochemistry excretes only 2% of its total uric acid content...... the remaining 98%  remains as an integral part of the body. This explains the high rate of Rheumatism found in those who  consume pork.

Bob: Let's fasten our seatbelts ......I think we are going to land shortly .... I guess its true - time does fly when you're having fun. I've never heard these arguments before and I'd like to hear more.......just what is the basic theme of the Holy Quraan anyway ?

Yunus: The basic theme is of salvation, in this life and in the life hereafter..... it does not fall into the category of any known arts or sciences of the world, but since it addresses itself to mankind, it touches on almost all the disciplines which concern Him. Thus the Quraan surprisingly encompassed truths which were to be discovered and confirmed much later as our discussion has shown.

Yunus: This reminds me of the wise words of Sir Francis, who said, "It is a little knowledge of science that makes you an Atheist, and it is an in-depth study of science that makes you a believer in God Almighty".

Thereafter nobody said a word ........they each sat back and looked forward waiting for touch down.........
rooj the heart beats approximately 7000 times per hour, the earth is actually at a perfect distance from the sun. a Distance such that life may exist. According to our theorietical views life cannot exist withotut he basic nessesities such as oxygen and water. We know this fact because nothing on this earth has proven to coexist without the basic nessesities. On the basis of mountains. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who lived between 570 and 632 A.C. is quoted to have said that "When Allah created the Earth, it started to shake and jerk, then Allah stabilized it by the mountains."

Read that article about the seismic impacts of mountains on the structure of the earth :P

Could there be other planets? Who knows! Only God does, What I am trying to proejct to you is how perfect our unvierse is. Perfection doesnt happen due to an accident or some sort of evolutional cycle. Perfection is made by a perfect being I.E God almighty! I am sure of God existence lol I don't see why that is wrong? I have faith for sure but logic plays a good portion of my beliefs. I don't think it is logical that we came into  exsitence by some explosion which eventually SOMEHOW created bacterium which evolved into compelx species. I mean nowhere in scientifical records do we see speciies mtuate into compelx forms. I believe in genetic mutation but to the extent of what darwinists claim is absolutely absurd.

How were we created then?

YUSUFALI: Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?

Then He turned to the heaven when it was smoke...  (Quran, 41:11)

"Verily we created the heavens and earth and we have caused the expansion of it"

This is what the God revelead to humanity 1400 years ago on the creation of the unvierse. there are many verses saying that the universe started out as nothingness, then he made it a cloud of smoke which expanded into life itself. You must admitt this is pretty significant? How a man living in Arab 1400 years ago could have said such things....
God is surely real! I mean, the complexity of our existence is phenomenal. Our heat beats 7,000 times per minute pumping rounds of blood in seconds, that testifies to his existense. The Earth is in ane xact location that if we were to move a milimeter from its orbital point we would freeze or burn, that is testifyign to God almighty. The mountains are palces in exact co ordenance with eachother so that they hold the earth together, that testifies to God almighty. Our basic nessesities such as water,earth,food are all contained on this planet. The cycle of life is in perfect balance with eachother. Everything created on this earth is perfect according to a divine law, a divine code. Everything in the heavens and earth and everything between them testify to God almighty. How can an accident? Or even a random series of chaos be able to produce such a perfect universe? ONLY if this "Accident" or series of events was perfect in every aspect of its existence. The one who created us is the ever perfect, the merciful, the masterful, the mighty, the great..... God.
Indeed each religion does have its similarities and differences and specialties. But, which religion does seem the most logical, the most faithful, the most answering? is the question in which people should ask:P Learn about differnt religions then come to a safe and profound conclusion.
Paola I shall try explaining all your questions to you inshallah ^^. First of all, let us judge the religion and not the followers! For I do agree there are people who are distorted and twisted in there views and ideas but it should not be a representation of Islsm and may God spare mercy on them adn direct them to a riteous path. Anotehr thing, the covering for women is optional! Many people in the west believe that Men force there women to cover up but this is nto the case. The prophet Muhammad specifically states that the covering is a choice and onyl performed if she is right. Islam gives equal rights to both men and women! So, if you chose to wear a pink bag instead of a black one even though it contradicts the fashion trend its no problem correct? See, Muslims in general are pious people.... Oour struggle to liev what God has chosen contineus through out our lives. Read my previous posts on laws and such since I do not want to repeat them:P Another improtant fact, the reason why we believe Islam is the indisputable truth is because the Quran (the revelation sent down to Muhammad) contains amazing things which appeals to many people. Islam is the fastest growing in the world(conversion rate), so thinka bout it for a second if it truly was an opressive religion then why are people turning to it? The existence of God almighty is all around you, you testify unto yourself of his existence. The earth, the trees the wind the stars testify unto tiself of the existence of God almighty the supreme the most merciful. So ask yourself where did you come from? Why are you here? Learn and read and inshallah may God open the path for you and show you the reality of his existence.

Peace and blessings.
lol, its not 1 verse its a bunch:P
Tafsir (Sura 39: verse 42) - To die/to sleep
Added April 15, 2006

Sura 39, verse 42 reads as follows:

"God takes the souls (al-anfus) at the time of their death, and those that die not during their sleep; then He withholds those on whom He has passed the decree of death and sends the others back till an appointed term; most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect." (Qur'an 39:42)

Verses such as these are not easily susceptible to an analytical approach since they hint at realities that are not readily amenable to scientific, experimental, or discursive knowledge. They point at metaphysical truths which we can attempt to unravel through various means but which ultimately we cannot know with certainty except through actual experience, whether that experience is gifted to someone while they are still alive or whether we experience it, as we all ultimately will, after our physical death when metaphysical realities which we only fuzzily and abstractly understood while alive will become piercingly clear to us. "...But now We have removed from you your veil, so your perception today is piercing...." (Qur'an 50:22) Of course, at that point we will not be able to return to describe what we learn. So we are left with revelation, the guidance of the Prophets and awliya, the various writings of those who have wrestled with such questions, and our own struggle to understand and attempt to discern possible meanings. And our understanding is subject to many limitations - we are restricted to seeking analogies and likenesses that may provide only a partial conceptual understanding of realities that remain largely unseen and unknown.

To unfurl the possible meanings requires interpretation and interpretation is dependent on the type, level, and depth of knowledge and understanding - which is why it is prudent and realistic to indicate that any given interpretation (of such verses) is only a possible meaning and not a certainty - since all understanding is hemmed in by our many limitations (and complete certainty was only in the experiential knowledge of the Prophet and the Imams).

In the verse "God takes the souls (al-anfus)...", 'taking the souls' at the time of sleep does not necessarily refer to any displacement in space. In other words it is not necessary to think of it in terms of some mysterious force or ghostlike substance leaving the physical body and then later returning to it.

During wakefulness, our face is turned towards this world and experiences a particular mode of existence and during sleep it is turned inwards and experiences another enigmatic mode of existence.

When we sleep our consciousness fades and we are no longer in charge of our own selves - our hold on our self becomes very tenuous - automatic regulating processes step in and maintain us while our consciousness sublimates to a different level. Our nafs (our self) is no longer in "our" charge but is held in a different alternate state. God has set up a system by which our nafs (our individual self) is held intact in some manner until we wake - He "takes" and holds our nafs.

"And He it is Who takes your souls at night (in sleep), and He knows what you acquire in the day, then He raises you up therein that certain conditions may be fulfilled...." (Qur'an 6:60)

As well, "taking" can have the sense of bringing something close to oneself. Proximity, in relation to God, cannot however be conceived of in any physical sense.

Nearness to God is not dependent on any kind of spatial or temporal motion since concepts like place and time are not applicable to the One who created space and time and through Whom these qualities of the material world subsist. Rather the nafs may be said to have extension into different levels of reality than the one of which we are consciously aware. It has a simultaneous existence and presence in this world and others (in this level of reality and others). In sleep, we may have flashes and glimpses of these other levels - of a realm in which traits, tendencies, and knowledge can take on forms and shapes not dependent on the physical matter of this world (much as desires, fears, anxieties etc. can take on symbolic forms and images in dreams). This is possibly why sleep is said to be a likeness of death - it can provide a glimpse into another mode of the nafs existence (one in which our internal knowledge and character traits manifest as external forms and events).

In sleep we lose consciousness of the material world and we may receive a glimpse (through consciousness turning inwards) of other realms as well as fitful and fleeting symbolic indicators (of the state of our own souls) in the form of dreams. We enter into the world of our nafs which manifests its contents in varying ways during sleep. So our consciousness moves from one modality to another. It has a simultaneous existence on multiple planes although in wakefulness we are only aware of one of these. In sleep our awareness of one level weakens and recedes and we enter into a different modality and different awareness.

This occurs in regular sleep and it also happens in the permanent sleep of death - where one suffers illness or injury which causes suspension of consciousness. In sleep or on the road to death (no matter what form that death takes or how slowly or swiftly it arrives) there will be a transition (even if only a momentary instance) during which consciousness withdraws from its awareness and perception of this world. If this withdrawal is only caused by sleep then the consciousness is able to later transition back to wakefulness in this world - otherwise (if caused by death) it will remain intact in the other.

None of this requires any physical displacement as the nafs may be likened to a configuration (relating to the individuality of the person) rather than a thing in and of itself - a configuration which overlaps lower and higher worlds. Along with its existence in this world it has a simultaneous presence in higher (deeper) worlds even though in most cases it may be intellectually and consciously unaware of this. If the physical form is destroyed in this world (through injury, age, illness, accident etc.), the nafs continues its existence in the other higher realm – it’s configuration, it’s form is maintained in that realm - "...then He withholds those on whom He has passed the decree of death...." (Qur'an 39:42)

Note: Existence has a unitary but hierarchic quality that is suggested by the Qur'anic verses which describe the various gradations of existence as a hierarchy in which the higher levels envelop and subsume the lower levels (see sidebar text). “He regulates the affair from the heaven to the earth…” (Qur'an 32:5) So the configuration of our world is congruent with the levels which envelop it although these other levels remain unseen to us. So nearness and remoteness in reference to these other levels is not a reference to physical distance since the levels envelop one another (from higher to lower).

If the nafs is the psychic (not physical) form (configuration) that has a concurrent presence in multiple worlds then the destruction of the physical form only means that the physical matter which held that configuration is no longer capable of holding it - but the configuration continues it's existence in another higher modality - a modality which encompasses and overlaps the lower modality.

The nafs has an essential connection (and presence) with these higher modalities.

The first trace, the first characteristic that was laid down for every human nafs is the reality of our acknowledgment of God and the recognition of His Lordship. This is the covenant mentioned in verse 7:172 of the Qur'an.

“And when your Lord brought forth from the children of Adam...all their descendants, and made them bear witness against their own souls: Am I not your Lord? They said: Yes! we bear witness. Lest you should say on the day of resurrection: Surely we had no knowledge of this.” (Qur’an 7:172)

This represents the first key characteristic of the nafs - one that represents a foundational experience and one which defines it's essential quality, since it occurs above space and time and thus is free of the limitations of space and time that characterize and delimit our existence in this world. Verse 7:172 concludes by stating that this experience removes human excuses that they were unaware of the reality of the human situation - this is because the nafs is pervaded with the ability to know the reality of God's Lordship since this reality was shown to it at a higher (deeper) and more substantial level of reality than this material world we are currently in.

As the Qur'an asks: "Certainly you have known the first state of being. Why, then, do you not recollect (the higher/deeper reality)?" (Qur'an 56:62)

God unfolded all human beings (in a realm above time and place) from Adam in a pure unexperienced state and took a covenant from them - the taking of the covenant was to allow them to later recognize what he had woven into their essential, unclouded nature (that, at root their nafs was connected and bonded to Him - that their existence had a real presence and connection beyond the material world in higher worlds) - this covenant and our ability to recognize it is encoded in our nature. Then He allows human beings to emerge in various times and places in the world of matter and within each one a nafs unfolds that is a combination of many varying and different knowledges, influences, abilties, and restrictions. But at its root, each nafs has a connection to it's point of origin and through this connection it has a simultaneous, vertically connected existence rising through many levels. The physical matter of the body is perishable but the nafs is the root through which individual human existence persists after death.

"Every son of Adam will decay and be eaten by the dust, except for his root. With this he was created and with this he will be recomposed." (Prophetic hadith)

Note: The Qur'an is said to have descended in an instant in it's entirety upon the Prophet's (spiritual) heart - it was then subsequently gradually revealed to him and manifested in individual sections and fragments over a period of 23 years. In a similar way all of Adam's descendants were simultaneously in their entirety brought before God (in a spiritual realm and made to understand God's Lordship) and then folded back into Adam to be subsequently born in different times and places throughout the entirety of human history.

Because of this first substantial relation of our nafs to God, our knowledge of God in this world is, in large part, predicated upon gaining knowledge of the essence of our own nafs. God shows us His signs "...on the horizons and within our own selves" (Qur’an 41:53). External existence is a sign of God but in order to become aware of the relevance of the signs we have to have an internal configuration attuned to seeing the world with a particular level of awareness and sincerity. It is not only the thing seen that is of importance but the vision and the perspicacity of the one doing the seeing. God always has a relation of nearness to us - "He is nearer to you than your life-vein" (Qur’an 50:16) But for us to draw nearer to Him, we have to embark on a journey of knowledge of what is configured within our own selves.

This becomes possible through the substantive bond we have with God through our nafs. To draw near to God we unfold the capability and the knowledge that is at the root of our own nafs - a process which is tied, to a great extent, to our self-knowledge - to understanding and mastery of our nafs. This relation and connection between knowledge of God and the nafs is indicated in the famous hadith "He who knows his self (his nafs) knows his Lord.” It is a journey from unawareness towards awareness and a movement of sincere and profound transformation of one's internal configuration - a transformation that emerges from an understanding of the true state of affairs.
Allahu a3lam, I mean people claim to see spirits when there out... I'm quiet sure its a figment of the imagination or the jinn which would be haram. Hmmm, The spiritual essense in Islam is very interesting indeed. I find it awesome how every aspect of life is within the Holy Quran. Allahu Akbar^^
Np Beware, Inshallah(if God wills) he shall reign his mercy and blessings upon your soul.
Salam out of body dude.... First of allah, All I can tell you is not to make clear assumptions:P In ISlam when a matter is left in the hands of God we say allahu a3lam. I don't know, you dont lnow, only god almighty knows. It is possibly but probably not likely. An angel decended with a horse creature to take him to jerusalem and then to the 7 heavens. Now, what is more profound is what the Quran has to offer about the souls departure of the body during sleep. this clearly tells us that in fact the "other realm" or the spiritual world is in fact within our own minds proving astral projection. Thre are alot of refrences to this, where during dreaming and sleep it is a "taste of death." Inshallah I hope I helped answer your question.
This is a very enlightening post, but I have a small question. Is astral projection haram or halal? and Are there any records of muslims performing it?Or hadiths talking about it?
MustardSeed its pretty funny how you claim abrogation is "mind blowing" when you cant even reply to any of my rebuttles... OH yes your SOOOOOOOO educated! Im sure benny hinn would be proud of you. About the Roman council thing which you were speaking of. I totally agree and as does Islam! We believe that Jesus DID IN FACT teach the message exactly the same as Muhammad, and moses and noah, and abraham and soloman! But the people of that time eventually changed and corrupted the message! Christianity now is a complete transformation of the word of the roman council and the lost propogated words of the Romans who used it to suit there needs. When Islam came into its final form it said to turn worship away from Jesus and Redirect it to God almighty, and rule under Gods law. In Islam we are not permitted to rule under any man made government ssytems. Tell me MustardSeed is democracy really working in Iraq??? Is demcoracy really working in chechna? Is it even working in America? Do you really think people have freedom of speech? Do you really think people are able to walk through the streets without fear? Just look at your own society before judging an Islamic doctrine which you have no knowledge about.  Your interpretation of shariah is that portrayed by your opressive and closed miknded government, you are the same as them! A zealost bigot who's linear train of thought forbids them to learn the truth. Its a shame you don't get it...
That was an enlightening post, which you have written James. I completely 100% agree with you. It is not the religion itself, which is in danger! Dictators and men of power like to use people's beliefs to stir them into there own wills instead of Gods wills. Unfortunately the people who fall for such actions are unlearned about the religion itself. Lets not even blame Islam for the treatment of women. Any historian, or one learned in Middle Eastern culture will tell you about the call to Islam. Before Islam spread in Arabia, the country itself was engulfed with barbaric behavior. Women would be raped at will. Female newborns would be buried alive, many women were forced into marriage at young ages. Muhammad saw the evil in the society and god taught him ACCORDINGLY FROM THE QURAN to rid all this behavior. How does a religion, which abolished the mistreatment of women turn out to be accused for mistreating women?  What my Muslim brothers and sisters are doing worldwide is not a good representation of Islam............
I agree with you completely James. The danger is the interpretation of religious doctrines and not the religion itself. I dont agree with the use of religious "leaders" in any religion. Because there opinions and interpretations get projected throughought the community allowing a change in the society. In Islam when a matter is not sure of we are obliged to say allahu a3lam(Only God knows), I think that the people who perform these terrible acts are presuming and unlearned about the Islamic scriptures. I don't think that we need to literly TAKE AWAY Islam from these people, but rather teach them it... The Taliban,Alqaeda,and various groups in war should not be turned away from Islam but rather learned. I think this is the solution to stop these crimes, and injustices, become learned in the religion. Now, in the matter of shariah. During the rise of the Muslims through ought the world. It was apart of this religious law that people of all colours and skins may live among eachother. In many Muslim countries, Jews,Christians, and Arabs lived side by side among eachother without persecution. Court orders would be taken according to the plaintiffs religious beliefs. Churches, synogogues and palces of worship were permitted. I just wanted to emphasize that the Sharia doctrine governing people many centuries ago was actually quiet humane and modern in the eyes of the community. When spain was reclaiemd by the Christians, the Queen Isabella actually kicked out all Muslims and Jews and allowed ONLY roman catholics to be apart of the country...... Now on the basis of woman. I agree with you that there few countries which do not give woman equal rights to men, but I will disagree that this is an islamic doctrine. In Islam women have a choice whether they marry, wear the scarf, get a job, drive a acr etc etc. But, can you really say that solely afghani women are being treated badly? With all due respect, take a look at the USA. The rapes being done to women, the pornography and blatant uncovering of skin on woman? The Divorce, abuse, and untreatment can be FAR WORSE THEN MANY MUSLIM COUNTRIES. You need to understand it is not MUSLIM MEN FORCING WOMEN TO WEAR THE SCAR, but it is they who choose to. The "burqa" is not mandatory and it simply tells men to look at my mind and not my body. Personally, I'd choose a sharia then a Bush and Blair democracy....
looool Every Scholar nowadays knows that the verse that allegedly allows "wife beating" means to leave! The word Darb has multiple meanings and by understanding the root word of such we know what it truly means. It actually means to reject or leave, Therefore on the basis of "wife beating" God says that if she cheats on you at least twice you are allowed to leave the relationship.

"The Arabic word used in Noble Verse 4:34 above is "idribuhunna", which is derived from "daraba" which means "beat".  The thing with all of the Arabic words that are derived from the word "daraba" is that they don't necessarily mean "hit".  The word "idribuhunna" for instance, could very well mean to "leave" them.  It is exactly like telling someone to "beat it" or "drop it" in English."

Taken directly from an article on the arabic language written by doctor tariq al suaidan. Now is it really a erligions fault for a mans misunderstanding of the religious system?? Can I blame Americans for misunderstanding the role Bush played on the role of Iraq and solely blame the deaths of innocent Iraqis on them? NO I cant... Secondly, Shariah law is actually a democratic system.

"...Do not retain them (i.e., your wives) to harm them...(The Noble Quran, 2:231)"

"If a wife fears cruelty or desertion on her husband's part, there is no blame on them if they arrange an amicable settlement between themselves; and such settlement is best; even though men's souls are swayed by greed. But if ye do good and practise self-restraint, God is well-acquainted with all that ye do.  (The Noble Quran, 4:128)"

Narrated Mu'awiyah al-Qushayri: "I went to the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) and asked him: What do you say (command) about our wives? He replied: Give them food what you have for yourself, and clothe them by which you clothe yourself, and do not beat them, and do not revile them.  (Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 11, Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah), Number 2139)"

He who believes in Allah and the Hereafter, if he witnesses any matter he should talk in good terms about it or keep quiet. Act kindly towards woman, for woman is created from a rib, and the most crooked part of the rib is its top. If you attempt to straighten it, you will break it, and if you leave it, its crookedness will remain there. So act kindly towards women.  (Translation of Sahih Muslim, The Book of Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah), Book 008, Number 3468)"

"O ye who believe! Ye are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should ye treat them with harshness, that ye may take away part of the dower [money given by the husband to the wife for the marriage contract] ye have given them, except where they have been guilty of open lewdness; on the contrary live with them on a footing of kindness and equity. If ye take a dislike to them it may be that ye dislike a thing, and God brings about through it a great deal of good.  (The Noble Quran, 4:19)"

"And among God's signs is this: He created for you mates from amongst yourselves (males as mates for females and vice versa) that you might find tranquillity and peace in them. And he has put love and kindness among you. Herein surely are signs for those who reflect. (The Noble Quran 30:21)"   

"Women impure for men impure. And women of purity for men of purity. These are not affected by what people say. For them is forgiveness and an honorable provision. (The Noble Quran 24:26)"

The Islamic empire was a system known as the caliphite which allowed the people to vote for a leader. The system compared to the other systems present at that era seemed very noble in the lights of such an age. Now, shuld we incorporate the laws of the babylonians? The laws of the israelites during exile? The laws of the romans? No, they are past civilizations, they are past laws to rule mankind and seem barbaric in the lights of modern day. But lets be real here..... the Study of an Islamic system and a democratic system are really very similiar. There was a lecture I went to in Toronto on this topic. It stated how the system of sharia law actually is not implemenmted today in society. NO COUNTRY HAS AN ISLAMIC SYSTEM NOT EVEN IRAN!! An Islamic system must have a caliphite which I do not see any of this today. The laws for punishment of execution and jail time is permissible but under certain circumstances. execution must be done after a terrible deed that the person commited such as murder, or possibly rape. Although, YOU MUST BE 100% SURE OF THE INTENTION AND CRIME COMMITED. There are also many rulings which explain such consequetive actions. I'm pretty sure if the western societies governments were more lineant on punishing people instead of offering an easy way out of it would set a good example for people. Look at Saudia Arabia.. although the system is a monarchy(which is against Islamic beliefs) it still offers some views on islamic law. Such as, death if one was to murder... Such as Death as to someone was to rape. The thing I see in such a country is that the rape and murder rate is one of the lowest in the world. It bears witness to the effectievness of such a system.. although, there are some aspects to this system which I think are unislamic and nowhere in the Islamic religion overule such doins. Such as... women not driving cars? The Quran CLEARLY shows that man and women are equal!  So in retrospect, I think all modern politics is corrupt and that the political systems people try and convey are to tehre own humanly desires and not of thd divine... hope I answered your questions.
hahaha are you kidding me? Why don't you compare these numbers to Islamic countries where the population of Muslims is triple the rate in the Us Denmark Scandinavia and wherever you may think of! According to your logic muslims become angry rapers when they enter into a new country? Orr maybe! According to your logic all those priests and pastors who eventually lead to touching little children are Muslim arn't they?
It really is absolutely stupid and I know what your trying to do.. This is what happens to someone that cant accept the truth. Instead of backing up your claims you choose to provide propaganda to "prove" your "point."
yes the saudi government forbids soccer... but yet invests in U.S oil.....
You know whats funny? How theres no such thing as a sharia law in any Muslim country, if there truly was an Islamic government system then we would have a caliphate and I'm sure you realize that its non existent!! Your so called "American Democracy" is ruling our nations but yet! Do you see any results in that? Do you see any change on the democracy in my nations? ! Your looking at 2 countries WHICH YOUR NATION F-ED UP and portraying it as the Muslim world. Look at America! A Christian nation! But yet rape, oppression,murder IS EVEN WORSE THEN ANY MIDDLE EASTERN COUNTRY!! How about you compare the rape rate? The Murder rate? Why don't you disprove my claims? Why don't you prove me wrong? Refute my rebuttals?
Hello Gzaod I agree with your message,I agree that we can all get along peacefully. I agree that debating eachother is not the answer. I agree that we have more similarities then difference. But I disagree with the message of Christianity! Although you must understand the root cause of this discussive debate. The bible is a peaceful and beautiful scripture! Although the interpretation the Christian church is giving the bible is completely false! The ideology of Jesus being God almighty is completely wrong! I ask where on earth does the bible say such a thing? Where does Jesus blatantly says he is God? The Quran says that Jesus was a man, a teacher, a noble prophet of the One true God. MustardSeed has been proposing claims about Islam which I have easily refuted! but he chooses to ignore the claims which I shall make about Christianity... so be it mustardseed!