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Messages - Zephyrus

I agree that planets have a little bit of influence on us. But that's nothing compared to other factors such as:
- did your mother conceive you in autumn or in spring? (temperature has a influence on the sex of a child)
- what did your mother eat when she was pregnant?
- how did she feel? what did she think?
- and most important: what's her and your father's DNA?
And after that: where were you brought up? By whom? Etc...

Now, imagine the sun as a soccer ball, then:
- Earth would be a size of a head of a pin, distant 30 metres from the sun,
- Jupiter would be far away for something like 160 metres (and probably not bigger than a table tennis ball)
- Neptune's distance frome the sun would be nearly one kilometre.

Electromagnetic fields are strong when you're near them, but since planets are extremely small, and they are extremely distant, I don't think they influence us very much.

I'd risk saying that a long time ago, when people didn't know science that much, they searched for a way to explain things in a way they'd understand it. But a lot has changed since then...
It's better to start research without holding on to astrology, rather than giving it a doubtful scientific explanation.

That's my point of view.  :-)
As they say... anything is possible, but I came accross only one descrpition of an OBE interacting with physical reality. I guess it was Bob Monroe (or Bruce Moen?) who, while being out of body, pinched a woman and she got a bruise on her hip.

I think it's not a good idea to target on such skills, as it may require real mastery in projecting and manipulating energy.
Neither Gods, nor Elohim sound really reliable to me. Maybe it's just a different perception of the same thing?
The culture changes and so do the beliefs - once there were angry gods that needed sacrifices and ghosts of ancestors, now we have scientific beings doing experiments and UFOs. 

A lie said 1000 times becomes truth. I'd be careful in believing in something only because it sounds more realistic.

But I do believe in other entities! ;)
Whatever caused such condition - your choices or your surroundings... don't give up! Things do change, if we let them. It's good to have your friends and family close when the time is hard.
I found it on amazon. Customer reviews sound nice, but I'm a bit afraid that it will be the kind of book that Monroe or Moen wrote - nothing new. ;)
Nice post and a really good summary for newbies. :)
There's a symptom of upcoming vibes that I would add: heart beating faster. As far as I'm conserned, it's common among beginners.

I've also think magnetism has to do something with development of human body / mind. A pity that there's not much research done in this field.

It's also interesting that some people have "magnetic abilities" - metal objects stick to their skin and don't fall off. Others have a more subtle magnetic power: they can stop watches by touching them or disturb the view on the computer screen with their hands.
Sounds like deja vu. This can be either some kind of premonition or, as scientists recently showed, it may be caused by some sort of "misplacement" in our brain. First the impulse must go to our conscious mind then it goes to subconscious where it is stored. Sometimes it happens inversely: it goes to subconsciuos then to conscious, so it seems like we just recalled something.
I also think that the healthiest attitude towards the whole "2012 matter" is just: wait & see & stay a little sceptical. People who are completely sure that they are right about the future sound to me like those Christian fanatics, but in a slightly different way. :P
Well, I recall a philosophical problem called "Zeno's arrow paradox".
QuoteIn the arrow paradox, Zeno asks us to imagine an arrow in flight. He then asks us to divide up time into a series of indivisible nows or moments. At any given moment if we look at the arrow it has an exact location so it is not moving. Yet movement has to happen in the present; it can't be that there's no movement in the present yet movement in the past or future. So throughout all time, the arrow is at rest. Thus motion cannot happen.
Wow, nice pics :)

I wonder if it's your aura doing it or something else.

Have you tried taking such photos standing closer to water (river bank)? Or maybe another place where water isn't running like swimming pool or a lake? Is your shadow needed to trigger such a phenomenon?
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Re: 0 = infinity
September 30, 2007, 15:27:50
So, in brief, you're trying to tell us that "if something doesn't exist, it is infinite"?
Well, in a way it is, but in another way it isn't. I'd say that even speaking of something nonexisting makes it exist in a sort of way:P

I wouldn't advise you to mix your thought with mathemathical facts. Maths is very precise and conslusions like:
"There are 0 numbers between 1 and 2, but there are also infinitely many number between 1 and 2, so 0=infinity" are wrong.
It's like saying that dog is a mammal, cat is a mammal so dog=cat.
As far as I remember, R.Monroe pinched a woman while being out of body and left her a bruise on her hip. ;)
But hey... he was a really advanced astral-traveller. I guess the card trick is much easier and pretty reliable method.
I think a bit of skepticism is good. People tend to believe what others tell them. It might be a condemning Christian God, it might be Mayan End of The World. Truth is most likely very plain and normal.

It also might be a self-reinforcing delusion. We want the end of the world and we see signs of it coming everywhere.

I recall reading books from the 80's about how humanity would change before 2012. As far as I see, nothing really happened.  :?
Maybe this movie triggered something inside you. I also experienced such state after a couple of inspiring movies. I think that is because the concious mind is switched off during movies we really like - you don't notice the time passing by, it's like being hypnotised or having a meditation. ;)
I think that the case that people don't reply is just psychological.

1. People that need help often feel as victims of the illness. Rather than looking for a specific help they prefer to just throw a post and wait for saviors. The more the better, surely one of them will have some powers to help.

2. The first step is always the hardest. If someone eventually asked you for help, experienced some positive changes after the session and wrote them here then other people would get encouraged and probably also asked for help.

3. You ask for PM with some data, while it's easier to write an anonymous topic on the board. People are usually very lazy when it comes to internet boards (first write, then search, first write, then think). They also fell a bit safer when the relations are public. PMs are, in some sense, more personal than posts.

I wish you luck  :-)
I think you should just concentrate on the bright side of the life and develop spiritually as you do know. In time you will realize that you feel better. It won't happen in one moment in a fierce battle between concious and subconcious mind. Based on my own experience, it takes months or years even to gradually "reprogram" yourself. And don't loose hope, you're in a process of becoming a better version of yourself!

You can try out a very simple exercise that once showed me how pitiful my thinking was.
Take a sheet of paper and a pen.
Sit in an armchair and observe your thoughts.
Whenever a thougth appears in your mind write it down in a few simple words, like:

"school, stress"
"lamp is horrible"
"what time?"
"leg tingling"
"what dinner?"

Then, try to categorise these thoughts. Are they negative, neutral or positive? Are they about past, present or future?
If you do it long enough you can learn a lot about yourself.

Hope this helps.

I feel energy like a gentle electric current and warmth. When I really gather a lot of energy I feel as if the limb is floating, but when I overwork I sometimes feel pain.

As for practicing...
I also fall asleep but only when my awarness in concentrated inwards i.e. my thoughts, visualisations. It's easy to get lost in the world of thoughts and then you automatically enter the dreamworld.

When I concentrate on practicing NEW (like brushing legs with awareness etc) I get exactly the opposite effect - I feel very fresh and full of energy. That's why I avoid exercising in the evenings, I just can't sleep afterwards. ;)

I think you just have to pay constant attention to your physical feelings. You can even tell yourself in thoughts "I am aware of my legs" or "I'm drawing energy to my hands" every few seconds. It helps me, it might help you :)
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: "But it's poop!"
April 23, 2007, 17:03:48
Awwwwww, you sure do have a wicked sister  :wink: :evil:

But even excrements in dreams might have a meaning. Maybe it's about something unhealthy you eat or you feel guilty while eating something fatty or unhealthy?
Well, think that most of the people on this board never had an OOBE. You're very lucky and some may consider you're really gifted. :)
Don't waste your talent - explore and develop it. Remember that you can't actually be hurt in anyway during astral projections. Read us much as you can, it will help you realise that there's nothing to fear and it may make you a better person.

I sometimes had dreams when someone (or something) was chasing me, until I read a couple of spiritual books. The I had one dream when I was walking in the forest. I thought that there might be some wolves there and indeed - in the moment I thought about wolves, they suddenly emerged and started chasing me. I started running but I knew they would get me, so I thought "hey, this is just a dream - I can fly". I floated in the air so that they couldn't reach me. My next thought was "If I don't fear them, nothing will happen". I floated down the ground, wolves approached me and... nothing happened. :)

I hope this helps.
I wish you luck :)
I think the poll lacks one option "Nothing really amazing will happen".

Changes come gradually.
A bit drastic example but it ilustrates what I mean: a terrifying event such as the second world war couldn't just pop out of nowhere. Hitler had to look for followers, gain popularity and finally come to power. It took years to develop.

So the end of humanity in 2012 is just a fairy-tale to scare people, in my opinion.
The same goes for the birth of new era.
I'm sorry for criticising, but thinking by your own and being reasonable is more of a virtue to me than looking back at what prophets and ancient civilisations wrote down.

To me, the year 2012 is a symbol. A symbol of a new vision of humankind, more spiritual, more aware of the fact that science and spirituality are not separate. It mobilizes me to work and develop spiritually. :)
I first encountered "Messages from water" in the film "What the bleep do we know?". There was also a nice quote in this film: "If thoughts can do that to water, imagine what our thoughts can do to us"

It's fascinating :) Not to mention that our bodies are made of water in 90%.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: "The Fountain".
February 06, 2007, 16:22:31
I expected the film to be better actually, more optimistic and inspiring, and I found it a bit depressing. The music theme is sad and the main hero can't accept the truth and searches anserws to questions in the outside world. In the end when he finally accepts his wife's death, you can still see an expresion of grief on his face, as if he never would be happy again.

A small tip: don't watch the trailer or you might ruin the effect :)
AstralVibe: Thank you for the links. :)

Novice: I must admit your points are true and wise, you will never know it until you experience it. But everyone sometimes needs a bit of motivation or someone to look up to. I find some movies more inspiring than books.
Amazing videos! :)
Usually the videos ar either fake or nothing happens. These ones look genuine.

QuoteI guess everyone can already do this?
Someone HAS to. While looking through the forum I saw once or twice that somebody said that he could do psychokinesis (and pyrokinesis is a form of PK), like moving chairs or door.

Can't do it myslef, though. :P