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Messages - TK

Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Failed a Test?
December 27, 2012, 16:02:07
I'm trying to get to that gateway point, where in the dream you realize your dreaming. For me there starts somekind of an "tunnel" where music plays and I'm flying or  falling. I remember doing this horizontal maneuvering and I got sucked into it. Fun stuff started after that.  Dimensions, hear me knocking huh!? Coming at ya!
So free will is overridable? Cool! :evil:
I've had quite a ride last few years manifesting. First it started having with third eye opening and made some experiments with it and last couple of years more manifesting things on this wake-reality. Quite amazing stuff, but manifesting things with pen and paper is pretty limited. Need to learn that phasing stuff more. Once I did it but it was by an accident. Or some showaround by someone. Hehe!
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Hello you all
January 12, 2009, 15:20:11
My name is Toni (am a dude tho). Been depressed since I was a teen. Last 3-4 years I have been on the bottom and I have been drinking heavily. I have always been interested in spiritual things, but what can you do when you're lost yourself? A week ago I got a little wake up call. Things went so overhands that I realized I'm gonna be dead soon if things continue like they did. I have been suicidal so to say.

In the last week I have been evaluating new priorities and things have been really interesting. Had one really fast obe (I think) and 1 and a half of sleep paralysis :), one just before I wrote this message. I have a new fuel for my life, and it ain't no alcohol. Now I really hope this lasts.

I have been lurking this site for years now, always hoping that someday I have something worth writing down here also.

Thanks for reading, Toni.