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Quote from: Skyes on August 09, 2014, 21:01:04
Hello everyone. I have been practicing Astral Projection for 6 months now, but still can't leave my body. I see I am getting closer, tho.
I lay down on the bed, and close my eyes. Then I let my thoughts calm down, and begin to clear my mind (sometimes using mantras). Then I lose the feeling of my limbs, specially my arms. I begin to feel soft vibrations all over my body, as if it was trembling or shaking. After that, my body gets really heavy, as if I can't move it, and I feel it expanding and contracting as I breath. I sometimes feel as if my body was weightless, floating above my bed. Golden images and runes begin to appear in my mind, and sometimes I hear sounds as well. But that is it. That is as far as I can go. Nothing else happens, and it has been like this for months. I read on the internet that after the Vibrational State, you just have to leave your body. It sounds so easy, but I dont know how to do it. I have tried many exit method, such as the rope or rolling around the bed, but I cant move my spiritual body. Another day I tried so hard to move that I ended up moving my Phisical body and everything stopped. Today I tried to meditate with my eyes open to see if I cold get a better result. So I focused on a spot at the wall, and then everything began to get blurred and shinny. I felt my body sleeping, and everything at my room seemed to gain an "aura" of different colors, but I still couldn't exit my body or move my spiritual body, even after 30 minutes at that state.
So, finally, what am I doing wrong? Could anyone give me a clue on what I could do to finally realize what I am missing? Thanks in advance :)

Edit: I forgot to mention that I am practicing 2, sometimes 3 times per day. As soon as I wake up, around 3 or 4 PM, and before sleeping. Could this influence in a good, or bad way?

You need to force if with power, that's all. The only thing you need is power, and a method like - rope, or train, or free fall - whatever.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: seriously...
August 09, 2014, 22:18:58
Quote from: desert-rat on August 09, 2014, 02:34:07
I am not sure if the op of this thread sees astral projection as real or not .  Also I would guess that English is not there first lang.  As to real and subtle body , the way I understand it is that we all have 4 bodies .  Phy. , astral , energy , and mental body , or higher self . 
1)Absolutely real, i didn't say anything about unreality of Ap.
2)Yep, not even third :)
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: seriously...
August 09, 2014, 22:17:46
Quote from: Kzaal on August 09, 2014, 02:51:14
If you focus on only one thing you will be missing out on the other important things.
Spirituality and energy is worth all it's time for me.
That 95% of the other stuff we are focusing on, is the 95% of the 100%.
by that I mean, that 95% is VERY important, if we focused only on 5% of the thing then we wouldn't really be advanced would we?

And humanity absolutely no advanced at all in any sphere, be it spirituality or whatever.
Quote from: Machine1k on August 09, 2014, 12:29:50
...or they are aliens too, maybe also extra-dimensional beings, and/or many many other things we don't know about or understand just yet, and/or all of the above.  No need to limit to just a certain group of definitions and beliefs, the universe and multiverse are a very big place for all the answers and beliefs  :wink:
1)There's no Universe,
2)This world is a playground for them - like a Disneyland or smth, make Wars like in chess or computer game, kill all people with Time and Aging - and see their sufferings, and make fun of the whole humanity.
Quote from: Stillwater on August 09, 2014, 12:55:55
I think it is a little difficult to say that with such final authority. This world is a pretty big place, and may admit of several kinds of life or beings interacting with this world. They don't just have to be one thing... It is entirely possible that humans have been engaging with extra-dimensional beings as well as beings inhabiting physical space in our galaxy with us.
Unfortunately /or fortunately there is no galaxy ^^
ps And no Universe too  :-D
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: seriously...
August 09, 2014, 21:58:54
Quote from: LightBeam on August 09, 2014, 02:05:42
Please describe "development of real subtle body"
All experiences regardless, including the physical reality, play roles in spiritual development.

Developed subte body expressed in a minimum amount of "Effulgence" - spiritual light, which called in old sanskrit texts as a Brahman effulgence or Brahma-joyti. Minimum amount are around 40+ cm in length, and you could share with that particular energy with people/persons important to you.
"Original" subtle body is translucent-crystalline like in appearence with added Energy around outline.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / seriously...
August 09, 2014, 01:09:47
From all the posts, and all the Just one question - how much of you doing real, classic AP with "correct" body ie - crystalline plus Energy - Effulgence/luminosity?
It looks like 95% of you wasting time on different things like LD, Phase, RTZ, etc, without any development of your real subtle body...
Quote from: darksidessj25 on August 04, 2014, 16:40:20
Well, yesterday night I did a meditation a sutra for about 15 minutes and another 7 minute mediation to clear karma. After that I went to sleep and had an OBE. It started off in my bathroom where it usually starts for some reason. Floated up to the ceiling and fell into a past life. I think I'm accessing the akashic records now which is pretty cool. And yet again I was a girl. I remember 2 scenes briefly. And the other scenes I can't remember cause I was stupid enough to not immediately write them down. 

1. A guy tried to kill me buy throwing me off a boat and leaving me to die in the middle of an ocean. I remember my body skimming across the water.
2. Remember seeing my family there was a little girl and 2 other's but I vaguely remember what they looked like.

Congratulations! You just wasted 22 minutes of yout life on Non-existent things :)
Quote from: DreambreaX on August 07, 2014, 16:56:56
Again, anyone OBE here?

this near Saipan island are full with mysteries

UFO's are not Aliens or smth, UFOs are Ex-Humans - Gods of the past, ei - Vishnu, Shiva, Zeus, etc.
There are no spirit guides, lol
People do not continue, except if you have a)An anchor - any close/known being, who would-could help you b)developed Astral body with sufficient amount of energy. Nde has nothing to do with real-conscious AP, why do you think you are conscious during NDE? Aha ;)  :evil: