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Messages - Kieran99

Welcome to Astral Pulse Island! / Re: Life
January 29, 2015, 20:59:13
I decided(probably wrongly) to experience things from drug induced states and it has made me quite ill! That is all I will say because I didn't get anything I could describe in full right now :cry:
Quote from: Lost soul on November 17, 2014, 01:55:54
Recently after some searching and thinking i made up some conclusions:

every spirit chose to reincarnate to learn new stuff we all know that.

In the none physical world there is an infinite numbers of realities and dimensions.

every spirit can make - create what ever it want's

what i thought for some times that the physical universe is some sort of school for education new young god's which it's us as spirits

after learning so many things in so many life times we might reach some sort of level or rank that the Buddhists call it "Enlightenment"

which a point i believe the spirit is ready to start it's own universe and even create other new spirits of his own to raise them and teach them the way our god thought us

there are many common theories these days tells us about spirits before living a life in the physical world they make a lot planning and discussions with the who so called elders

the existence of the elders prove that the spirits are different in their ages just like us in the physical
some of us are old spirits and some others are new and young.

it could also prove that God isn't stopping giving birth to new baby spirits all the time 

i begone to imagine that reaching the Enlightenment for a spirit is a level of growing where the spirit can become an adult God and even becoming able to create life and new spirits in it's own new universe

because at that point a spirit learned so far enough to take the responsibilities of taking care it's new children and it's own universe. Just like a man becoming ready to take care his own family and house     

infinite numbers of universes creates even more  infinite numbers of universes and it's been going on like that since ever!.

which it's crazy i know. but if someone has other opinion about the cosmos let me know :)

None of us really understand how everything started from the beginning. or even if it had a beginning.

it's just my conclusions

But it you embrace the idea that time is an illusion how can you be learning anything or going through a graduation? Surely you already know everything anyway? To me each individual life/experience is akin to the human body. Each of our cells has an exact copy of our DNA. Although each cell(or groups of cells) goes on to form a unique part of the whole each cell is the same in its quality and depth of information. With scientific knowledge you may quantify them cells as being different but they aren't..they are exactly the same! Them individual cells don't know about each of the equally same cells working away at the same time but they are! You could go smaller and say this about individual atoms/quantum particles or bigger and talk about planets or suns, then galaxies..then universes etc.. we may break down or break up but we come to the same thing at the same time         
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: What is "real"?
December 26, 2014, 01:07:49
Quote from: Xanth on December 22, 2014, 19:56:18
So?  What is real?  What does that mean to you?  What is real to you?

Most people here should know my opinion on this already.  LoL

Such a simple but profound question. I remember when I was 5 or 6 years old I'd see flashes of light above me in the sky and when I asked my Mom what they were she said they were Angels looking after me  :-) I ended up going to school and asking my teacher the same question and telling her what my mother had said. She got quite angry and told me to stop talking rubbish and there must be something wrong with my eyes! So my reality at that time shifted from believing I had Angels flying around me looking out for me to thinking I was crazy or there was something up with my eyes! What my teacher said to me scarred me a bit because I didn't like this new reality she gave me. Real is really different to us all and like my experience highlights can change at any moment.
I've said in my first post on here titled... 'life' that I wanted first hand advice before I began Astral projection myself so...feel free to help me here  :|   

I feel quite confident that this will come quite naturally to me going by my dream history and sixth sense. I'm quite comfortable with other worldly things and saw dead people when I was quite young. I feel on fire with this project in my life and have a burning desire to make this work and bring projection to a wider section of the population. I don't need to verify it because I instinctively know that it is as real as anything I can touch and feel. Thanks in advance people 8-)
Welcome to Astral Pulse Island! / Re: Life
December 26, 2014, 00:07:29
So to make things more clear....I was having so many experiences with my dreams and I was beginning to classify them myself. After so many Google searches and reading the same old shi*te I came across this site. On that first page was this guy frank and I ended up reading most of his posts. Logically I should have then looked up 'methods to Astral travel' but I never do anything important unless I have first hand advice. So that is where I am at...I won't do it until I have first hand from somebody how to do it! One thing that has always kept me going is I have 2 birthmarks on my one below my right ear in the shape of Africa and another below my left in the shape of a lot of birthmarks I see oblong shape. Do I think I'm special because I have these birthmarks? No I instinctively feel we are all special but people have always commented on them and I do feel they are a marker for me to look beyond 'the normal' somehow. I've never met anybody with birthmarks like mine and it makes me feel alone strangely  :cry: Like I'm waiting to meet somebody somehow! or something? They effect me everyday because strangers will always ask me about them. and I instinctively know they have great significance to me somehow! I also see ghosts.
Welcome to Astral Pulse Island! / Re: Life
December 25, 2014, 23:36:21
Quote from: Szaxx on December 20, 2014, 23:46:37
Hi and welcome to the Pulse.
Being able to transfer the 'you' within may take a while. Can you give an example of what your desires are?
What do you expect to be capable of actually doing?
It is possible to project your conciousness far from this physical reality almost at will. It will take some time, this amount of mental development and control is quite rare to find.
With enough intent and a passionate desire it is quite possible.
I don't know.... I've been drawn to the Astral travel over meditation and one of the first things I came across was the posts of Frank on here. It just made a lot of sense to me because I have so many lucid dreams. In fact I have so many different level of dreams and I needed to try to understand this. I know sometimes I'm in an environment of my own creation and sometimes I'm part creating that. Other times I'm meeting people and I can have really profound moments where they are showing me stuff on maps.  The moment stays so real to me but the stuff on the maps/scrolls are not in my language(English) so in the moment I understand them completely but when I wake up I can't! I do sense different levels though. I know when I'm experiencing my own mind or a shared experience. Usually if it is beyond what I class as 'dreams' I will hear music and experience other languages.... I'll be shocked into lucidity by experiences I could not have possibly made up in my own mind. I've never even tried Astral travel but I know instinctively I need to. I'm only 29 so I feel I have plenty of time and welcome help doing this  :-)     
Welcome to Astral Pulse Island! / Re: Life
December 20, 2014, 04:53:08
Quote from: LightBeam on December 20, 2014, 04:29:07
Hi Kieran and welcome!
For me, my dreams are a direct replay of something that had held my attention during the day, either good or bad. For example if I watch a movie with volcano erupting, I will dream of such scenarios. For me personally my dreams are a temporary thought formation of my subconscious emotions triggered from my physical life. And sometimes, not even from my own physical life experiences, like the example of just watching a movie with intense emotions. That's why I don't pay much attention to my dreams. But for some people like yourself they may be prophetic or teach lessons. On the other hand, I have many APs, which are very different from dreams and during those explorations, I have no fears no matter what I encounter. They are 99% very pleasant, enjoyable and exciting, because my consciousness leads the experiences. Many times I ask questions related to my own life and receive answers.
And although dreams also take place in the astral, to me they are more symbolic and as I said instances of thought molding energy, surrounding your physical personality. Sometimes my dreams are very bizarre, then I just laugh when I wake up, what is going on in my sub consciousness LOL. That's why I am more focused on my APs.
Again thanks for the welcome :-) The reason I came to this site in the first place is I do want to explore the idea of going from a lucid dream to the position where I could possible conciousnessly move between a waking moment here to somewhere else seamlessly! I have no doubt from reading stuff that this is entirely possible and I think that is where my realit seems to be moving right now!  :? 
Welcome to Astral Pulse Island! / Re: Life
December 20, 2014, 04:05:06
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on December 20, 2014, 03:18:46
Hello Kieran99,

Welcome to the Pulse!

Like you mentioned, your dreams can serve several purposes and this depends on how much importance you give them in your life. For most people, dreams simply serve as a kind of daily housekeeping and working out minor/major issues and the emotional energies involved within a symbolic context. As you pay more attention to your dreams, as you have done, your dream material will gradually shift towards opportunities for gaining dream lucidity, followed by challenges to your understanding of emotional control within the dream; you only get so far by responding with anger and aggression, as you have found out. This is just one of the first of many lessons to learn.

As you continue to actively pursue greater awareness and control within your dreams, you eventually come to realize that these experiences are indeed lessons that once learned, expand your consciousness both here in the Physical world and in the Non-Physical world.

We have experiences which teach us in the Physical;we have experiences which teach us in the Non-Physical.

From my current perspective, any experience which teaches me something is REAL.
Thanks for the welcome and thanks for the insight my friend :-) I look forward to happy exploring here 8-) 
Welcome to Astral Pulse Island! / Re: Life
December 20, 2014, 02:43:34
Quote from: Xanth on December 20, 2014, 01:51:50
First, let me welcome you to the Astral Pulse.  :)

Secondly, let me point out that this is a message board.  It's not an instant form of communication... it can take time for replies to happen. 
It's also Christmas time, things tend to slow down greatly around here around this time.
Perhaps waiting a bit longer than 1 1/2 hours is good.  :) 

With that said... my own perspective can be summed up by saying: Anything you can experience, is real.

ANYTHING... you can experience... is REAL.
Thank you for your response and welcome :-) I'm just a bit sad that you have places like twitter that are so busy full of people not really saying anything and then you have a great site like this so'dead'..when in reality it's content is more alive than anything you can find on the web. But I'll stay as long as I am 'live' 8-) thanks again for your welcome
Welcome to Astral Pulse Island! / Re: Life
December 20, 2014, 01:32:38
Quote from: Kieran99 on December 20, 2014, 00:05:17
Hi,  I go through 'life' just like most people but the difference is I will give validity to things that most people will dismiss because it scares them or 'proof' can not easily be offered.

I love dreaming.....going to sleep is a pleasure to me and I never know what to expect. I remember just before Princess Diana died in 97, I was 15 at the time and dreamt 5 days before of crashing in a racing car into a wall with a blonde woman in the car with me. After she died it took me a few days to realise the significance of my dream and tbh the significance of dreaming as a whole. Since that 'wake up' moment I have always looked upon dreaming as an extension of my life rather than 7-8 hours in bed revitalising myself for 'life'

'Life' to me is what I perceive so when I dream I give it as much respect as when I am in the waking world. Dreams fascinate me. I've had phases where I will analyse them to the nth degree about meaning and had belief they were some scheme to help me work out my waking moments(to me they can be) I've also had the prophetic moments like I mentioned but the dreams that fascinate me is when you become lucid and the dream becomes..'life' To begin with these were sometimes quite negative and I would find myself confronted by some negative entity/person and I would get quite angry and become quite confrontational...I would literally attack some horrible things with pure anger that they were any where near me. But over the years my dream lucidity has become ever more positive and mellow to the point where I rarely have a bad experience asleep.

In relation to the above though how much do you consider your experiences asleep with your waking moments in terms of 'living life' How real are they? Do you see them as prophetic? A way to work out waking world problems? Or as real as that waking world?           
The lack of response really sums up life in this world. If I was talking about sex my god there would be an explosion! Does nobody have anything positive to say about anything I've mentioned? We are living now not tomorrow
Welcome to Astral Pulse Island! / Life
December 20, 2014, 00:05:17
Hi,  I go through 'life' just like most people but the difference is I will give validity to things that most people will dismiss because it scares them or 'proof' can not easily be offered.

I love dreaming.....going to sleep is a pleasure to me and I never know what to expect. I remember just before Princess Diana died in 97, I was 15 at the time and dreamt 5 days before of crashing in a racing car into a wall with a blonde woman in the car with me. After she died it took me a few days to realise the significance of my dream and tbh the significance of dreaming as a whole. Since that 'wake up' moment I have always looked upon dreaming as an extension of my life rather than 7-8 hours in bed revitalising myself for 'life'

'Life' to me is what I perceive so when I dream I give it as much respect as when I am in the waking world. Dreams fascinate me. I've had phases where I will analyse them to the nth degree about meaning and had belief they were some scheme to help me work out my waking moments(to me they can be) I've also had the prophetic moments like I mentioned but the dreams that fascinate me is when you become lucid and the dream becomes..'life' To begin with these were sometimes quite negative and I would find myself confronted by some negative entity/person and I would get quite angry and become quite confrontational...I would literally attack some horrible things with pure anger that they were any where near me. But over the years my dream lucidity has become ever more positive and mellow to the point where I rarely have a bad experience asleep.

In relation to the above though how much do you consider your experiences asleep with your waking moments in terms of 'living life' How real are they? Do you see them as prophetic? A way to work out waking world problems? Or as real as that waking world?