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Messages - halfphased

Talk about syncronicity(sp?)...  I haven't been here in years and this is the first post I read.

I was at a similar place around the same time as you.  Never messed around with a psi wheel, but pretty close to everything else you described.  Then it went away.  I know why though.  I changed my lifestyle.  Besides the injury, have you changed anything else?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Anyone heard from Frank?
November 24, 2005, 02:47:45
QuoteThe old health issues have been bothering me of late. But I'm sure it's nothing I cannot overcome.

How goes it spaceman Frank?
They call me marble mouth
because the truth comes out
in unpredictable bouts.


in other words it is an attempt at automatic writing which has its hits and misses.  Misses more often than not  until I look back at it about a year later and see the gold glittering up through a murky stream.
Cleaning cleansing bear sways the furious banter of expatriated eagle gullies.

Singing lullabies to the fickle manor inside existing he is
but self expectingly  crucially inspecting thee
from the knee down to toe top

wild bison bore down on the flexed finger of overbearance
the crevece wept

To them it is the time of raven feathers and roach legs
for me the fasting comes and the singing takes away mind's spirit nature

Two pencils and one sharpened
a box half empty
filling to be full
Crow knows he who cowers is she who nurtures cowardice

Green pistacios glitter in the poison of my dripped blood
smeared and splattered
grandma smiles
we walk the two step dancing our ways into the dark where the sun shines finally.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Controlling your brain
August 21, 2005, 03:56:53
The thing is do the emotions trigger the release of chemicals or do the chemicals trigger the emotion?  

If you know the answer, then how in the world do they measure it?
Can't charge people for "medicine" unless they are "sick"

Doesn't take a genius to figure out that those crazy chemicals that take 20 letters to spell which you find in processed food probably are not the most healthy things to put into your body.

Funny how rare it is to hear a doctor tell a person that they just need to eat healthy and exercise regularly.  

Of course, it doesn't help that our fast paced society creates unhealthy and stressful life circumstances which also wear down our bodies.

Fast paced society x not knowing how to properly maintain your body = $$$ for Krispy Kreame and big pharma
I don't wish to steer too far off topic, but I highly recommend "Summer for the Gods" by Edward J. Larson and "Creationism on Trial" by Langdon Gilkey as highly informative and very well documented accounts of the Scopes trial (Summer for the Gods) and the ACLU's case against creationism in Little Rock (Creationism on Trial).

All the misconceptions and twists in history are highlighted masterfully and you will never think about Creationism in the same way after reading these books.  The history of how evolution was pitted against Christianity is not as clear cut as I thought.  In fact they have not always been seen as conflicting.

The books also offer a discourse on the difference between religion and science and the domain of each.  Gilkey's discussion on the difference between primary and secondary causes is highly enlightening.  Forgive me for not typing it out here for you, since I am on a tight schedule at the moment.

If you only read one book then make it "Creationism on Trial."  But I highly recommend both.  (No, I do not recieve any commision off of the sales of either of these books.  hehehehhehe)

My Mom really takes her faith seriously - I remember her arguing with a Jehovah's Witness for about 2 hours once. You can't shake her faith in Jesus.

'Faith'...  What a misused word.  True faith transcends our ability to put it into words.  True faith is beyond our ability to defend or explain through logic and reason.  If my faith is based upon a certain set of conditions then I have no right to call it "faith".

The "faith" of most people is nothing more than fear covered in powdered sugar.
I have a spare computer that I would gladly give to you.  It may not be a fancy smancy brand new computer, but it can get on the internet and load a word processor and e-mail program.  I believe it is a Pentium 3 running somewhere between 350 - 450 Mhz.
hehe, we have similar stories as far as it comes to our Christian upbringing.  Church and Sunday school on Sunday, youth group on Wednesday, attended a Christian School, and my father is an ordained minister.

I also started to seriously break from Christianity around 17 or 18.  Mostly due to the many holes in the Christian philosophy (at least in the way Christian philosophy has been packaged and presented in modern times.)
I still dig most of the teachings of Jesus though.  

Personally, I would just be honest about your feelings and beliefs.  I can not say that I have sat down and told my parents detail for detail what exactly it is that I believe, but they do understand that I am not a Christian and they respect that.  Of course, I would not say that my dad is a typical Christian.  He has also seen the holes and inconsistencies between what is said and what is done, but has somehow managed to reconcile the differences and find his own Christian path.

Perhaps what I am saying is that you do not need to go jump off a cliff the first time you have the "I am not a Christian" discussion.  Perhaps you do not even need to say the words "I am not a Christian."  If someone were to ask me why I do not go to church, I might have a discussion about the things I do not agree with.  I would never deride people for going to church, (except if they were attending a church that was spewing some hateful trash and telling people it was the teachings of Christ) because most people that attend church are very nice and attempt to lead an upright life.  Of course, I don't expect that every Christian I meet is going to "get it".  I am sure that there will be obvious inconsistencies between their lives and what Christianity teaches.  Just as there are insonsistencies between what I believe and what I do.  Same goes for the Buddhist, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Jians, and every other religious community.

It can be difficult talking to people about their beliefs.  The best thing I have found to do is not to attack them directly.  That will only innitiate trench digging mode and you'll probably find that they will become emotionally unbalanced.  It's like taking a child's security blanket and ripping it to shreds right in front of their face.  Rather, I have found it tactful to offer alternative viewpoints or evidence that may highlight inconsistencies within their philosophical system.  No need to push them too hard.  Just say "what about..." and see how they respond.  If they become aggitated then I would consider changing the subject, but you might find that they don't say anything at all or offer a "hmmmmm..."  

Of course your loved ones are going to want to save you.  heh, I might be concerned about your relationship if they did not.  After all, they believe that if you are not saved then you will spend the rest of your eternity being poked in the butt by a silly looking red guy that has horns sticking out of his head.  Take it as a compliment that they are concerned about your future.  

You may be able to help these people with what you are learning.  You may not...  I believe that everything that happens is of some value.  We are learning all the time.  Sometimes we are not open to what is happening around us and we miss an opportunity to learn something...  Some will be open and some will not be.  I also do not wish to see anyone spend eternity in Church Land, but some people seem to require such an experience before they can move past that.  When they are ready to move on they will move on.  You can only help them as much as they allow you to.

If all your experiences are an illusion then how do you know anything?
If your experiences are an illusion then isn't it possible that the idea of hell is also an illusion?

I have a little test that popped into my head one day.  It arose from the idea that if God is the creator of everything then everything that is created is a part of God.  I just could not comprehend how God could be perfectly happy with the idea that he would be seperated from any part of his creation for eternity or that God's love was conditional.  I mean how does God seperate himself from himself?  

So my test was that if I could not find one person that I would want to suffer for eternity then certainly any God worth her salt would also be at a loss to find one person that she could allow to go to hell.  Guess what?  I could not find one person -- not even the devil himself.
Hello James S,

I was just wondering if you have come across any books or websites that explain chakras with a lot of the mumbo jumbo cut out?

Namaste :) :) :)
Welcome to News and Media! / UFO's?
August 04, 2005, 13:52:18
Heh, and I guess the sightings in this link:
were due to luminous space gasses!

NASA Transmission
Showed Distinct UFO

Tonight at approximately 2:15 Central time on DirectTV Satellite channel 376 (NASA) they were broadcasting a shot from the Shuttle/Space Station of the darkened earth, where only the city lights could be seen apart from the faint corona around the edge of the globe. I could not tell if this was live feed or not. This went on for roughly five minutes or so from the time I tuned in and then suddenly, an extremely bright, solid white disc appeared in the lower portion of the screen and shot inward, toward the earth, at terrific speed (leaving a tracer on the camera in its wake). As soon as this happened, the feed went black and returned to their standard map of the globe showing the orbital paths of the shuttle.

If anyone was taping around this time, double check your tape for this. It was definitely not space debris, was perfect in shape, appeared to be self-luminous and moved at a terrific velocity away from the camera, toward earth, getting smaller as it went. Below is an illustration of what was seen.

Ralph Scavone

Jeff, I was wondering if anyone else noticed the sphere that came into the live shuttle feed just after the astronauts entered the shuttle Monday? It was a video feed of the open cargo bay doors at the very end of the spacewalk mission It entered the picture from the lower right and floated near the docking tube then left the picture to the upper right of the frame. the whole incident lasted about 4 seconds and sure didn't look like an ice crystal to me! Just was curious if ANYONE else noticed it and could possibly explain it? (P.S I think it was about 10:28pm Chicago time)

Thank you,
Ralph Scavone
Tibetan Yoga

"Carefully kept secret by a lineage of Tibetan monks, so that they could cash in on the consumerism of the 21st century."*

Yay capitalism!

Not that it demeans what is contained on the video, but I just find it strange that people try and sell something that the Tibetan monks most likely gave them for free.

Streaming video seems to me like the more appropriate way to distribute this, with dvd purchase as an option.
At least a webpage with typed instructions and perhaps a couple of photos or illustrations...

But perhaps I just have some monitary karmic issues to work out.

* not a real quote found on any website
Heh, maybe runlola can help me out with my blockage.  I often have pressure in my forehead.  It is not debilitating, but it is also not the most comfortable and relaxed feeling in the world either.
I guess I should clarify my original post.  When I was talking about communicating with someone, it seemed that I was talking to a physical person... but not the physical part of that person.  It felt more like I was merged with that person.  For all intents and purposes I was that person when the communication was occuring.  

It is hard to describe.  Perhaps it would be more clear to say that I felt I was merged with the subjective energies of the person I was communicating with.  (Not that I am exactly sure what I mean by 'subjective energies', although they feel like the correct words to use.)

My concern was that if this was happening at PF4, then it is possible that if the person was only aware of PF1 at the time that they would not be aware of the communication.
I certainly believe that there will come a day when we are fully in control of our physical evolution.  For some reason I have an aversion to integrating mechanical parts into humans.  I am more comfortable with technology that allows a human to interface with a computer without having to build that interface into humans.  For example, I see no need to replace our brains with computers.  Our brains are more powerful than any computer, we just need to learn how to use them fully.  

As far as our bodies go, it would be ineresting to see what they could do if they combined nano technology and organic compounds.  We could create bodies that could morph and all sorts of other craziness.  I really have no interest though in turning myself into a hunk of metal.  Of course, that just shows I have way too much attachment to our bodies as they are right now.
I can just imagine the mess that will be created the day they invent virtual reality.  These games are adictive enough already!
lol, someone figured out the inspiration of my post.

which is good, because it answers the question that I did not ask.

However, it still seems to me like Frank goes a little deeper and the general impression I get from reading Frank is that it is not exactly the same thing.  

But if it is the same then wow!  a lot of things start falling into place for me.  It means that I've ventured into these trans-dimensional areas of consciousness, but only briefly since I start to loose all sense of who I am.  makes me feel like I am going to die so I am immediately snapped back to physical awareness.
I thought London cops only carried billy clubs...  Perhaps, I was misinformed :(
It exists because you are experiencing it.  However, that does not give it any solidity.  We must keep in mind when we throw words around like 'exists' and 'reality' that we are speaking subjectively (in other words, in relation to the sense of self or individuality that most of us carry around) and not objectively.  When I say "objectively" it means that something exists absolutely regardless of who is experiencing it.  We only know things exist because we experience them.  If something does not exist, then we can not experience it.  In fact, it does not even make sense to talk about something that does not exist, for then it would be a non-thing.   How are you suppossed to talk about something that does not exist?  How are you able to describe this non-thing?  It may be that it only exists in your mind and not the physical world, yet it still exists and is "real" to a certaitn extent.

Anything that exists is a construct.  It exists because it is a construct.  If there were no constructs then there would not be anything.  In other words, everything that we percieve as being real takes its meaning or identity from the relationships between it and the other things that we know of.  This means that there is no one thing that exists by itself of its own accord.  Everything is dependent upon everything else for it's meaning.  I could also say that a thing is actually defined by what it is not.  A sculpture takese on its definition because of what we have taken away from the block of clay.

If everything in the universe were identical, how would you describe any one thing?  Would you know what it was for something to be big or small or yellow or bitter?  How do I describe anything without drawing a comparrison with something else that is different from it?  I could not even say that this and that are identical.  If they were identical they would be existing in the same position, same moment, and having all other properties being exactly the same.   Which means that there is no this and that.  There is only this.  And there would be this only if this was aware of this.

I can see how that would not make much sense.  ;) hehehe
but really, I need to figure out a way to simplify my explaination.

I try not to use the word creator, because a creator is a conceptualization.  A creator only exists in relation to what is not a creator, which implies that if there is a creator there must exist at the same time something that is not a creator.  In other words, up until the moment something is created there is no creator.  This givies us a paradox, because the thing that the creator created creates the creator.  So, who is really creating who?  Am I creating the creator or is the creator creating me?  I like to think that I am as much of an illusion as the creator is, but this is not to dimish the role of either of us.  hehehehehehehehe ;)

Master of carefully illuminating confusing clarity?
I think I am getting my head around the concepts you are trying to express.  However, it is still confusing.  To talk about something as it is at its source is hard for me to come to terms with.  I guess from the point of view of a person who is focused in PF1, it is difficult to come to terms with the idea that "all simply is."

I'm just wondering where the creativity comes into play.  This may be a terribly silly question, but does it get incredibly boring being in PF4?  

How is it possbile for the subjective to become objective?  

Is raw subjective energy energy that has not passed through any process of conceptulaization?  It just simply is and then I can use it to create anything?  (Like molding clay?)

To merge with that subjective energy seems even more mind boggling!  How do you maintain any level of awareness?  Are you even you at that point?
Yes, I was joking :)

In terms of actions I was doing, I'm talking about just simple ordinary stuff like breathing, moving a finger, that kind of thing.

This is most certainly not what was occuring with me.  I have no idea what the concept behind breathing or moving a finger would be.  In fact, the very thought is mind boggling to me.
Hrm, would you be able to go into more detail or give an example of this happening to you?  I think I know what you mean when you say "you perceive the concepts behind the actions you are currently experiencing."  However, if you could describe an action you were doing and then describe the perceived concepts behind that action, then I would know for sure.

lol!  Deja-vu on steroids!  what have you been smoking? hehe
Never mind Runlola.  I did my own reading.

Thanks again!
This is a highly strange thing to say, but I always had this idea that the seizures were being caused by people becoming so focused that they started to enter different states of consciousness.  Given that these people had never realized that such a thing was possible they would have no way to interpret such a thing,and would not understand what was going on which could cause them to become "lost."  The body would respond in a seizure in order to aid in moving the person's awareness back to the physical world.

edit: I was taught to use run-on sentences whenever possible