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Messages - GottaGetLow

[?][?] does the site have real information and facts i am going by there prospective and im not getting results, mabye someone could go the site and check it out because im not sure if its me or it is false information

[:D] i am a member of msn messenger and i am making a clan on there and i was wondering if you guys could give me a short description of what ki is and a good attention getter. not trying to offend the people who get mad when i say ki
is a transferal of energy possible like helping others or taking it from the enviorment[:D][8D][:)]

DOes the energy that we emite affect the people around us i mean .. like can u really affect what happens to a person by your energy??
is there a bowel chakra????????????
Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / help
January 31, 2004, 17:11:06
Hello, i was doing a normal exercize and i was doing chi ball and i looked down and seen a very hard to see blob of black like materalistic almost,
                    please contact or please just post

 i am what i eat
ive been practicing my third eye  and ive think ive got it but back to the subject with third eye you can see ghost demons ect. im just wondering if it is somthing i need to look out for? will i have to fight them? will they............KILL??????????????
thats ok i once made a site on ki and i had over 500 rude bad and very evil comments and put downs
[:(]but that avatar doesnt mean anything just because i like dbz doesnt mean anything but it really doesnt matter i can agree with you in a way but i try to ask the right questions or say the right things without beeing detting mad at
[:(\well im sorry kerrblur i thought that he was reffering to the sticky about dbz i thought that he was telling me about the new kind of stuff we post not dbz and i thought that he thought it was about dbz and so many people make rude come-backs that when i tryed to post all i would get was very rude comebacks so it was only a missunderstanding and sorry to you to kalonek
[:(][:(!] opps i made a typo What do you mean by new
[:(!][:(!] my lord i was asking if you knew anything. i seen it on a web site i was just wondering if it is true to transfer mean by NEW
anyways not trying to be vulgar but you really didnt answer my question
[:D][8D][:)]a lucid dream perhaps[:D][8D][:)]
[:D][:)] a possible lucid dream perhaps? im not positivlly sure
Everything is made of energy.. everything that is made has an energy amount and can rejuve energy accordingly
[:(][:(] well to tell you the truth i was once to belive in anime like energy it inspired me. so I created a more sence of reality than gluing your eyes to a tv and i will start over and do it the way its meant to be

by the way does have the resorces to help me?
[:D] yeah is auarseers kamehameha and stuff like masenko and genki dahma like un der beginner techniques intermedient advance ECT. is it true or no
I dont think so,your 3rd eye is something that psyical damage will not effect.

ps. My cousin thinks that your 3rd eye cant be damaged, but it can be closed for a long period of time before being able to be opened.
A injury would not harm your third eye anyway