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Messages - Card Storm

Hello, I see the number 11 everywhere. First off my name is 11 letters long. Secondly my birthday comes out to 11 when added up in numerology which is what I just found out. I too have always felt I had a special purpose, but with this 11 stuff it has just proved it too me.

Its kind of strange that our current president has 11 letters in his name "Barack Obama" and the vice president has 11 letters in his name "Joseph Biden" and both the first lady and obama have a life path number of 11, and joe bidens is 2. Also President Bill Clinton is a life path number of 11 as well.

Barack Obama-8-4-1961 8+4+1+9+6+1=29 2+9=11
Bill Clinton-8 -19-1946 8+1+9+1+9+4+6 =38 3+8=11
Michele Obama-1-17-1964 1+1+7+1+9+6+4=29 2+9=11
John Mccain- 8-29-1936 8+2+9+1+9+3+6 +38 3+8=11
Joe Biden-11-20-1942 1+1+2+1+9+4+2 =20 2+0=2.

The 11 master number in numerology is said to be everything that 2 is, plus whatever the traits are of the master 11. So regardless of your political stance it really seems like everything is in place like this. Like it was all planned. By someone not human.

Those calculations above are facts. Your telling me that's coincidence? Can't be.....

I notice that a lot of famous leaders with 11 letters in their names and have a life path of 11 achieve tremendous goals.

Other than that bit...

In numerology the name JESUS and the name LUCIFER both equal to 11.

JESUS 1+5+1+3+1=11
LUCIFER 3+3+3+9+6+5+9= 38 3+8=11

JESUS CHRIST is 11 letters long.

Did you know that the M-theory brings all of the string theories about the universe and parralell dimension together and researchers are able to calculate the moment just before the big bang by adding an 11th dimension into the equation.

Also the sun has a solar cycle every 11.11 years. As well as the blackhole of our galaxy spinning every 11 minutes.

I have been seeing the number 11 is the craziest of places and not just the clock either. Other than it being all over my name and birthday, I have gone to a restaraunt, ordered wings, got my change back which was exactly 11 dollars, then got home to realize that I had 11 wings, then looked at the clock at realized it was exactly 11:11. This happened after asking god to show me a sign that 11 is of him and not a trick.

People need to wake up, the spirit world is out there and it's crazy.