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Messages - LeCosmic

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Edinburgh night flyers.
October 12, 2005, 09:52:31
Yo, i be from Edinburgh also, and would find it strange by ultimately cool if there were a few folk interested in a merry meet up.

Am i right in thinking the band Lydus is in is actually called OBE because i'm sure i saw a band with that name advertised somewhere recently.

Right then...who is really game for this? It would have to be somewhere open that has many exits...we all know how weird OBE people are.

I am interested.
Kevin .
NO problem Telos, i'll check out the other thread.

By the by, did you know your username is also a planet in the Starwars universe?
I do not believe that i am casting random theories without the benifit of experience. I did state that i've been having OBE's for some years, and though i have in no way mastered the techniques required to make them happen on command, i am not a sceptical non believer. I have experience.

What i find puzzling is that many people here seem to experience one thing [ say a normal oBE...out for a few minutes...back in time for tea] and then take it to mean a whole bunch of other things are true.
Like they leave their bodies, and suddenly Telekinesis and all manner of other amazing abilities are suddenly possible. Who says they aren't, not me.

It's such a personal thing, like dream interpretation, how can you all be so sure of things that Robert talks about? What if he describes something and your subconscious mind then accepts that mold as the model it will use to create the boundaries for your own related experience?

I am no a man who is full of doubt. I am merely trying to discuss the possibility that everything may not be as it seems.
Hey guys,

                i used to have OBE experiences all the time, almost every other night without really trying. Some absurdly strange and wonderful things happened to me during those experiences that i took to mean many things.

For example i accepted the theory of life after death because i could leave my body. I believed in spirits and elementals etc.  Years went by like this until there was about a 4 month gap between excursions out of the flesh. I began to question the validity of the whole thing as their memory became slightly unreal. Sure enough as life maintians it, i had random encounters with individuals who offered me alternative explanations as to the nature of OBE's....and even with people who didn't know as much as i did about the subject, i was often left feeling as if what knowledge i did possess was second hand and not entirely based on sound logic ans so felt uncomfortble giving them my explanations.

What if OBE's are merely something our physical bodies can an extra completely natural ability most people don't make use of? What if it means nothing about life after death or spirituality?  Many people i spoke to found their initial experiences happened when for whatever reason the wanted to escape from something in their lives, whether that be a relationship or job matter, whatever! The body, or subconscious responded by letting them escape by means of this seemingly mystical experience. Many of them weren't happy with the confines of the physical body, or the limits of life etc etc.

I'm not trying to suggest everyone who has an OBE is running from something. But you must admit given the massive amount of information concerning the power of the subconscious mind to create realities when the conscious mind needs an outlet, that some part of the OBE experience may be in fact a fake reality.

Just how real can dreams be before they become OBE's? I know the two things are meant to be one and the same. Anyway, i've ranted on enough....but still happens to me every week or so, yet no matter how apparently real the experience....i can't help thinking it's only because i have a powerful imagination.

Pah....i'd love to know either way. Half the truth is a nightmare.

Peace and love brothers and sisters.
So like fot the longest time i've been taking the OBE's that i've had as proof of life after death. But just recently, thanks to some parapsychology training, i've begun to think differently.

What is the whole OBE ability is just an extra skill that our bodies have, and in no way proves anything about God or ghosts or any of that stuff.

Scary biscuits...any thought people?

Hey guys...have any of you seen the attached picture?...i found it on a joke sight  [ em...i was researching stuff....] it's amazing...[:D]
Hey Guys,[;)]

            i just want to let you fine people know that i had my first OBE in about a year last was very gentle and brief...but there was no mistaking that old Vibration feeling [ cue Frank Sinatra ] i slipped out of my body a few feet and soaked up that cosmic Chi....A big shout out to all the nice people in here who got me back into the particular...Beavis, Jeff Mash and Fallen seeing you loons real soon on the other side...

Muchos Respectos.....   ~K~   [:)]

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / OBE IN THE PUB.....
September 30, 2003, 01:52:33
Hey my Brothers and Sisters!![;)]

                                 i've noticed that my ability to succeed with AP is increased dramatically when i've been talking or thinking about the subject a few hours before. This makes sense becuase it's still in your conscious brain as being rooted in reality.

Now coming here and reading the words of all you fine folks have taken the time to write is great for that....but i would love to be able to know a group of people in my general area whom i could meet up with maybe once a month to chat about all things Astral/ could be done in a pub or park or whatever.....the point is that it would be conscious reality based affirmation of experiences which lets face it, can sometimes blur over into vague dream territory....and i think that's a crime given all we have to learn from the ability....

So, what i prepose is that anyone who's interested in this a message saying where they live and if enough people get involved then hopefullly lots of little OBE groups will start to spring up around the world...and just think all the coolio friends you will make!!...[:D]

You may say i'm a dreamer....but i'm not the only one...

Kevin....from Edinburgh  [:)]

Hello Brothers and Sisters!![;)],

                                I'm a newbie to this here forum, i just got my official welcome froma few charming of whom, KAZBADAN [ hey bro [:D] ] asked me to rely some of my astral/OBE here i go...get comfy now.

Ok...this happened about 3 years ago, i've had many since, but none that i have been able to prove to other people, let me explain.

I was staying over at my partners house in a little place called Penicuik, which is about 13 miles outside of Scotlands capital Edinburgh. So there i am lying in bed...sort of half asleep, i'd been reading up on OBE's but hadn't actually had one at this point. So i'm very close to the line of sleep, and for a split second i go under the water of sleep...just for a second...but as i later realised, that second was enough to bypass my conscious mind and start the OBE process on autopilot....BAM!!!i'm out my body like a rocket...literaly thrown into the middle of the room at an impossible i'm flailing for purchase like a falling...em.....thing...i was aware of the ticking clock and my physical body behind thing i know...i'm not in  my partners bedroom any more...without any kind of real movement...i'm somewhere else...a room i don't recognise that is well lit, interestingly i appear in this room in the same relative position i left the old one...[ you guys still awake?.. ] i barely have time to take this all in when my younger brother Paul walks into the room!! [ Paul at that point was living in i said..13 miles from my body] he was wearing only a pair of jeansand holding a joint. He stops at the rooms door and looks right at me......i tried waving to him but it seemed he was looking through me for he moved in my direction and then WALKED THROUGH ME!!....i got a blast of low vibrations as he passed though my a car chase camera angle from the movies my vision just reversed to follow him.....a crazy scene lay before my eyes....there was a bed in front of me with an unconscious man on to him was a young woman, pushing and slapping soon as i could see these people i could suddenly hear....but not before which is i move in close without thinking about it....i'm right up in this guys face as the woman starts screaming at him to wake up.....for some reason i though  OH GOD!!!...that me on the bed and if i don't get back to my body i'm going to die!!! [ the man looked nothing like me but my thoughts were hard to control ]

Next thing i know i'm slammed back into my body..i sit up in bed with a start and sharp intake of heart is pumping ten to the dozen and i'm sweating partner wakes up...i tell her what happened...i get the classic..." it was a dream response! " [ as a side note...we don't see each other anymore...[:)]]

Ok...pretty cool experience eh?....but it ain't over yet my friends...the next day i'm back at my own flat in Penicuik and i get a suprise visit from my little we're shooting the excrement and playing some guitar....but the experience from last night keeps demanding my Paul is not a spiritual i gently ask him what he was up to last night...he sort of shrugs and says not much....unhappy at this response i ask him if anything weird happened in his flat the night before....

" Like what? " he replies getting suspicious....i ask him if anything bad happened to his flatmate Steven....i'll never forget the stunned look on his face....he started to explain what had happened and i took over and told him what i'd seen....he was totally freaked out....maybe only a little more than i was...basically his flatmate Steven's sister had been up visiting from Glasgow and they'd been out clubbing...they both got back and Susan had went out to get some food whilst Steve stayed in....he promptly took an overdose and passed out....Susan came back, found her brother gone and started going crazy...Paul...who had been getting stoned in his room next-door whilst listening to Pink Floyd..had heard the commotion and stumbled through  wearing only his soon as he'd walked into the room and realized what was going on he'd thought of me...and wished i could have been there to help [ i know first aid...and i'm his big bro ]......we sat in stunned silence for a long time after the story was told......

But there you go....a genuine OBE that was proven by a second party...the info i brought back with me was solid and's never happened like that again...not quite as fact based.....but's a good story...i have many more...some pretty cool sexual ones that sadly don't occur anymore...and some scary biscuit ones that gladly don't happen anymore......i'd be happy to share all my theories etc i'm sure you all's not often i get the chance to talk about this stuff without i'm very excited about what i'm going to learn here......

Peace and love all

PS...anyone from Edinburgh in the house?[;)]

Hey peeps[;)]

            picture the scene, i'm lying in bed after reading the now legendary " Journeys Out Of The Body " by R.Monroe....i manage to get the vibrations to come on...but i can't seem to get up and out.....the next thing i know there is a female body on top of astride me so to i had my eyes closed so as not to mess with the vibrations...but i could see her form in my minds eye.....and boy could i feel her!!!....i found i could raise my spirit hands up our of my physical ones and touch her form...she even has nice spirit breasts!!....this is great i remember strings attached fear of need to buy drinks or any of that crap[:D] [ only joking ladies...i love being]  but for some dumb reason i wanted to open my eyes a little and see my new friendly soon as i tried an image of what would happen if i did flashed in my mind....she[?] showed me that her face....which was indistinct in my minds eye...but pleasing...would morph into a horrible looking demon thing, showing it's true vampiric, energy sucking form.....i proptly panicked and forced the vibrations to stopped....i opened my eyes to an empty bat out of hell she had gone...leaving me with an eager souvenier and a frown......i never even knew her name....[:)]

I know now i was that night accosted by a Succubus, who used my partial OBE status to cling onto my spirit body whilst it was still close to the flesh so it could get a taste of skin and bone[r]  hee's never happened again......anyone have anything like this?...any thoughts?.....[?]
Hey guys,[;)]

           i was wondering, being new here, if anyone has brought up the idea of using sexual energy to fuel OBE's?. I used to have them all the time, but then i got involved in a full on relationship...and well...i was doing " other " things at nightime to be interested in Flying around town [:)]...but things have changed and now i'm a single man again [ Boo! ] i'm going to devote myself fully to mastering my latant OBE skills....ANYWAY...

I was relaxing the other night and trying to take myself down the the levels of deepness i used to be able to.....eventually i got there...full on paralysis....but no vibrations....curses i thought....then out of nowhere i had a strong sexual thought and BAM!!!!!in come the vibrations with a vengence!!....i turned them off with some small eye movements..then just to test the theory....went back down and started thinking jolly thoughts...once again in came the Vibs....though i had some trouble smoothing them out....has anyone else found this link?....or is it just an example of how sexually charged i am?[;)]

Peace guys.....

Welcome to Astral Chat! / A Big hello..
September 27, 2003, 12:02:12
Hey brothers and Sisters!!

I've just completed my registration to this lovely place that i found quite by accident [ wink wink ]. My nicknames Koz, short for Cosmic, i've had loads of weird OBe type experiences that i look forward o discussing with you guys....but that will come i guess....just want to say Hi Ho.....i'll pop back in tomorrow....happy flying.....respect....

                                Le Child Cosmic
Thanks for the great responses folks. Lots of huge preconceptions and assumptions which i find to be incredibly arrogant, but hey i guess i'm the only one who realises how little i know even though i've read things in books that tell me otherwise.

I still think OBE's are not conclusive proof of any kind of afterlife. But yeah, live in the moment and if death is the end of consciousness, then no regrets.

Peace and love all.
I've heards lots about these astral spiders, and i think they could be negative energies beings, interpreted by your subconsious as spiders because they cling to us, feeding of our negative emotions...i once, after being attuned to Reiki, had a sudden healing in my flat....3 beings of light [ i know how chessy that sounds...but bonk man thats what they were] came into the room and rebalanced me inside myself...after the healing i saw a spider like the ones described here try to come in through my ceiling...but it was stuck fast by something [ the healing i presume] and couldn't get at me...i sort of faded away...but yeah...i don't think they are to be encouraged...parasites if you ask me.
Hey Electric dreamer....

                       funny you should mention the full i am a Cancer Boy...which for those of you who don't know is a star sign ruled by the moon...[ we get crazy sometimes [:)]].....i sat at my window before i had the experience and watched the moon for a few minutes...and i swear i could almost feel a pull towards a magnetic force....maybe it was all gravity....interesting thought....
[:)]Heh heh...someone been talking about me again huh?[;)]....

PS...thanks for the info...i downloaded the energy thing...but i haven't looked at it yet.....
Hey Fallen Angel,[B)]

                would you be so kind as to suggest how i might do this?.....tis not fair to tell me i need to do something then not explain the action dear sir....are we talking Tantric sex here?...internal orgasms?...whit?...any info would be much oblidged by myself....and the whole female population of Edinburgh[:D]

Respects my fellow flyers!!
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Mirror Meathod
October 05, 2003, 02:32:44
If i'm not mistaken...i believe this is the method of AP taught to initiates of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn...of which Aliester Crowley was once a member....i recall it from a book i was given as a child....interesting method..
Hey beavis!

          maybe i'm not doing it right buddy[;)]....but i always feel drained after any kind of sex, be it astral or otherwise....alive and content yeah...but the amount of chi that goes into an orgasm is immense, it drains all of the Chakra's a little...could it be that you are being a little selfish with these Succubus's[:)], maybe orgamsing in a matter of seconds so they don't take any of your energy?....[:O]
Hey guys!![:D],

          i just want to thank all of you for getting involved in this dicussion....when i first posted it...there was no reply for a bit and i thought i'd broken some kind of etiquette rule ranting on about i see everyones at it   [;)] i just want to echo jeff's point about rampant astral sex ending my's just too much of a physical thing..

and as a side point to someone else made....whenever i Ap...or even come fact whenever i wake up from dreaming...i always have an erection...and there is strong evidence to suggest sexual energy is linked directly to astral experiences.....

Respects to my sister and brother out there....keep it loose y'know...[:)]

I didn't feel drained at all after we got it on.....having said that....the whole experience only lasted a few minutes [ NOT AGAIN!![:D]   ]  before she showed me what would happen if i tried to look at her and i ended the experience.....maybe if we had gone onlonger she would have stolen my Chi....or if i had actually had an orgasm i would have like shrivelled up into nothingness.....but yeah...i kind of miss her sometimes.....[:P][:P][:P][:P][:P]

Thanks for replies guys....i'll post another one soon.....
Aw man...i've been thinking about trying ye old Magic shrooms for some time now....your post has just settled the moral dabate....ALTERED STATE HERE I COME!!!

What i'm thinking is that if i get a wee helping hand from the mushrooms then i'll know what to strive or feel for when i attempt to recreate the experience again on my own....sorted....cheer muchly
Hey Bro, [;)]

             sounds like some higher being sent you a very blunt message in a way you'd understand....can't think why they'd suppose you aren't ready.....what are your reasons for trying to AP?....
Doesn't Sia babba created things in the astral world whilst still in his body and force them to materialize in his hands?.....didn't Jesus Christ do exactly the same thing?....if that is he even existed..but the theory is sound...visualize something with so much energy that it manifest right before your eyes....

When i want something in my life i do this...but it takes a week or so to appear...and it's not always in the way i thought...guess i'm an amatuer...