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Messages - ShaMagus

I havent had an AP yet, but ive had several experiences with LD's, lsd and dmt. While i find it hard to compare the experiences, i believe the drugs are tools to open your mind and see possibilities. It is not without its price however. For me, who has a very addictive personality, it eventually lead to stronger and harder drugs and eventually iha to go to rehab to cut it. When i was doing lsd, i learned a lot of things and saw dimensions and were contacted by helpers. It alsohelped me to see an outline of my lifes purpose. But, then i started to recieve messages that i should do these tings without using the drugs. I didnt know how to and continued using. The price was milder psychosis and a downward spiral into harder drugs. What i see is that there wasnt any guidance from any physical person to lead me through these experiences, like there was in old traditions.

About two or three months ago, i smoked a lot of dmt one night. A friend of mine helped me to smoke as much as my body managed to get in. I imploded and ended up in a dimension i havent been before. All my thoughts manifested instantly and i was just floating in a space of colours. I hadnt any motion of my physical body. When i started to come back to my body, i had with me feelings of bliss and ecstacy. I had been to the other side and seen that death is not the end. After that experience, i just knew that these compounds have served their purpose for me. I know need to work on my mind nd body to produce these experiences. That is the next step for me.

So, when im lucid i feel an immense feeling of freedom and awe. I also feel more in control. There is also more time available to try out different things in comparison to be shot out into a space for 15 minutes(which can seem like a lifetime at the moment). These feelings are similar to the ones experienced when u feel connected through the use of lsd. The thing with lsd, is that its very easy to have an unpleasant experience if u dont know how the mind works. If u start feeding fear, u will have a very bad time indeed, whilst during an LD, u can just want to wake up and its over.

I also believe strongly that the feelings and emotions had during the influence of these drugs can be had while LD or AP. I think its a matter of letting go. If u experience eternity, that will evoke a very special feeling with or without drugs. I believe it will be even stronger without since its more grounded and u know they arent being chemically induced.
There are several techniques for remaining lucid once you realize you are dreaming. This is a big hurdle for the aspiring lucid dreamer to overcome. First of all, try to remain calm. You can try to focus on your hands or some other object. Someone use to rub their hands, to get a feeling they can focus on. Stay still and marvel at the dreamspace around you. For me it helps to spin my body. Try to say or shout i remain lucid, i remain lucid, while spinning as not to loose lucidity. Theres a big chance your dreamspace has changed after spinning.

There are lots of sites on the net that has more indebth information if you need, or you can pm me (i consider myself a novice so dont expect the most profound answers :wink:) or just ask questions here. A good site is There u get all the lowdown on how to lucid dream and a forum to ask questions. hope this will help u in your quest for lucidity!
Thank you for reinforcing my belief! I also have the feeling this is a time where we need to find our inner teacher and sage. Learn to trust our intuition and heart. When following in a teachers footsteps, you are following a path that has already been trodden. That leads to someone elses experiences, not your own. I dont say there arent teachers out there can help you find your own unique path, but they always draw on their expeience and that cant be objective, can it? Anyway, these answers help me to feel reassured in the way ive chosen. Thank you!
I cant only strongly suggest the use of a dream journal if you want to have better dream recall. I go from no recall to 5-6 very vivid and detailed dream recall within two weeks time. Meditation is also a recall booster. And also in my experience if you work with the dreams, like interpret and ponder them in the journal, the more dream recall you get and also increase the chances of spontaneous LDs. You get to know the dream world so well, its like you recognise it at some point and get lucid a lot. My experience anyway :wink:
Quote from: CFTraveler on November 29, 2011, 10:15:43
I have seen some very good advice in this thread, but I haven't seen the one thing I recommend- to find out where your emotions or point of view are coming from.  If you too were constantly exposed to crying and conflict and emotionally charged negativity, you have to deal with this, and then move on to things like palliative techniques, to replace the negative associations with good ones, and the rest will come together.
And yes, the process is painful, but you're already in pain anyway. 

Great advice here! This is key in any type of healing. Understanding of where the issue arise from, dissolve it and release it. The way to do it, are many. Ive dealt with these kind of issues through meditation, prayer, dancing and drumming. Also, im throwing in the diet advice again as it seems that negative emotions tend to get stuck in the system physically as well and a detox can help release toxic emotions. But that is maybe more secondary. Most important is to start moving the energies inside out! If you need more advice on this, feel free to ask as i feel i have some experience in this field :-)
Nice and interesting topic! All through my adolesence irepressed my sexuality because i heard somewhere it was wrong. I felt horrible inside for having the desires i had. This made me put on a mask to try and not let people see what was lurking in my darkness. I watched a lot of porn to live out my desires as i thought i was the only one with these desires. I was a part of the hare krishna scene at one point and there sex is sin! I mever bougjt in to their whole philosophy, but some of their dogmas got to me. I also did a n amazonian plant diet for a year, which means no sex, not even think about it!!! After some months it started physically to hurt. I supressed the sexual energy instead of pulling it to other places in my body to use it. I tried to do that, but couldnt. A year later, i got testicular cancer. Hmm, funny coincidence. I think that was the final drop.

After i realized what i had been doing to myself, i started going to places to explore my sexuality, like biodanza, tantric massages and tantric workshops. These places really opened me up to see that i was normal. There was nothing to be ashamed of. That was nothing but a revelation to me. From that point i could really start to channel my sexual energy to any part of my system also i could use it for healing. What i want to illustrate with my story is that, many of us has been suppressed by different dogmas and ideologies given through our ancestry. It takes a certain amount of courage and time to open up and dare to see whats inside. We are all conditioned one way or the other and we need to take a serious look at our beliefs, but we also need to be aware of our blindspots to have our beliefs put to the test.

In my opinion is sexual energy one of the most powerful energies we can work with as it is the lifegiving force. If we have a perpective that its dirty and unclean, this is what we get. It always boils down to our perspective. Now, i have the perspective that sexuality is sacred and our body is sacred. Then a sexual act becomes a sacred act. If im filled up with pornography and have sex, this is what will manifest. Also, i actually dont see any wrong in that anymore either. Its all a journey and we are all learning. Without the bad, you cant experience the good. Yin and yang, light and dark all of that. After i accept my sexuality and embraced my "dirty" stuff ive found so much freedom and not to mention pleasure. Never forget that we are all on a journey of discovery. I pray i will not judge anothers actions and will always keep in mind that we are learning beeings.

Dr. Ruth
As a hobby herbalist and nutritionist i would also recommend you to look at your diet and also maybe to look up some herbs, maybe st. Johns wart could help in this case. But, i would advice to seek up an herbalist if there is one inyour area. If not, i can give some guidlines on how to take herbs and try to find herbs for your condition. Diet is for me the best way to do changes. Ive heard that grains is a cause of mental illness and that cultures where grains are absent have a very low appetance of mental illness. Dont know if this is documented scientifically, but it jives with me. I try to eat mostly organic stuff to reduce the amount of toxins in my system as these are promoting bad health and energy. For me its worth theextra price, since i started to eat more consciously, my whole being has been taken to the next level :-D combine agood diet with some medicinal herbs, mindfullness and maybe some other exercise and you can come along way IMHO  :wink:

By the way, feel free to ask questions :wink:
I just want to share a beautiful dream with you that i had two nights ago. It was just before i woke up. My girlfriend and i was in a beautiful space. So pure and pristine. I started to sing to my girlfriend and while i was singing i was connecting my girlfriend with a shiny bright light from all directions. From all around her, over, under and inside. It was such a healing dream and i woke up with a clear and serene mood. Did i give her healing or did i heal a part of me? Maybe both? I dont know and it doesnt matter. The important thing for me is the feeling i am left with. The feeling of something bigger out there working through us and a feeling of connection.

Thanks for letting me share and i wish everyone a beautiful day!
Since stumbling into the world of AP and started fumbling after that special technique, ive come across more teachers or gurus that say they have THE key to make me succesfull. While offering the key, they also tend to discredit a lot of other teachers or gurus work and claim they have the easiest, most reliable system out there. It makes me confused, to say the least. After having been through training with several masters in other spiritual discoplines, i had decided to be my own teacher and master. In my experience is everything i need just an armlength away. I trust my intiuition and my heart will take me where i need to go.

But since started reading up and visiting different sites and forums, i would again like to have a guide so i can bypass a lot of unnesessary mistakes. The problem is, i feel everybody is selling something. I have no problem ith people making a living, but for me it doesnt mix to blend the two things. I feel like im becoming a customer instead of a student. I like the old school way where we exchange energy in other ways than money. Ive also seen that there are techers and guides waiting on the other side to help me, but i first need to get there. So my questions are, which teachers are out there who are genuinly interested in ME and not only my money? Is it nesessary to have a teacher? How much time can i cut down by getting a teacher? And last, how do i know hat program to go for? In advance, thanx!
Yeah, staying somewhat isolated and focused does seem to give results! Curently im in a hospital with lots of time to practice! I can get up, like today at 4:00 am and do some meditation, hemi-sync and read up, before the day has even started. Then have some breakfast and go back to bed for a nap and more practice. Hehehe :wink:
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Hello
November 28, 2011, 22:23:13
Welcome! From one newcomer to another :-D
Thank you for your replies! Ive been doing meditation for some time and my sessions last between 15-60 minutes. It all depends. What im aiming for in this thread is to try and find a balance. When i start out something like this, i go all in. Almost get authistic. Spend every minute of the day and night in search of the keys. I get obsessed, but in a good way...i hope :wink: From experience i wonder if i overdo it. Right now i dont have a job, because of illness and i have a lot of time to practice. I really enjoy doing this. The reading, the practicing and the writing. It seems like a lot of previous experiences gets put together in a bigger picture and i get a bigger overview of everything. Connecting the dots i guess.

To give an impression, i will give an outline of my day:
Get up to practice between 4-6. Back to sleep after maybe one hour or so. Get up to do some meditation. Then i eat, shower and start getting my treatments. My treatments last four hours a day now, so i read a lot and use the forums ive come a cross. After i practice and take a nap. When i wake up i read some more and have something to eat. After i meet up with some friends, talk with my Woman or play or make music. When i go home, i read and practice before going to bed. My mind is also occupied with OBE or other spiritual development stuff most of the day.

Hope this clarifies a little :-)
Monday November 28
Wanted to try out Michael Radugas method this night. Ive decided to try it out for 14 days and see if i get any results. That means I will be trying to get an OBE several times the days Im trying, since its possible to use the technique after daytime naps as well. I will give a short description of the technique for those who are not familiar with it. You get up from bed after 6 hours of sleep. Do some stuff and get back to bed after 3-50 minutes. Re-read the technique and set an intention to separate or phase upon wakening. Now focus your attention on what Raduga calls Cycling Techniques, which are separation techniques used for 3-5 seconds and then you change it with another. You should alternate between 2-3 techniques. E.g. i have chosen three such techniques, the swimming technique which is to, ah, swim, imaging which is to look at your closed eyelids to see if images arises and rub the hands  technique which is to rub your hands close to your face. So, now you will wake up every now and then. When u wake up, lay still and separate. If that doesnt happen between 3-5 seconds, switch to the cycling technique. Give them 3-5 seconds each and fhange if they dont work.when u have gone through the three techniques, start over with the first cycling technique. Do this four times. If it doesnt work after four times, go back to sleep and wait for another awakening, where you do the whole process again. Will post what happens.

OBE Attempt
Got to bed at 11:30 pm and got up at 4:00 am. Re-read the technique and went to sleep with the intention to separate and phase upon awakening. I also set some intentions for the OBE which were: to look at myself in the mirror, to meet my grandfather, to get healing for my illness and travel to sirius. I chose a few just in case i ran out :wink: what can i say, im an optimist! When i wake up i focus on letting go and to separate. Nothing happens. I switch to my cycling techniques. Nothing happens. So i go back to sleep again. To make a ng story short, nothing happens the whole night. I didnt have any sensation what so ever. This could be a good thing, since it tells me im really focused on my cpnsciousness and not my body. I will stick it out these 14 days as ive told myself. Will keep posting.

There are several advice that you can try to stay lucid. You can rub your hands, start spinning around(ive had some success with that one) and also shout out; Increase lucidity now. I believe the trick is to get some sensations through your non-physical senses. Also, and i know this is hard, try not to get to exited. Try to stay focused. Other issues tha can make you drift is to do stuff while lucid, that is very desire oriented, like having sex. For me when i was having lots of lucid dreams, i felt like i was in a learning process and when i got stuck, my desires overcame me and i conjured up sexy woman and had sex. Then i drifted out of that consciousness and into normal dream or waking state. Just wanted to put it out there :wink:
Welcome! Looking forward to share the journey with you  :-)
Yup, to get an idea of what it takes and the ammount of work needed I wonder if some of you could please share how your day looks like. Do you practice each day? Has it changed from when you started out? How much meditation do you do? Also other activities. I realize that we are all individuals and need to find our own disipline, but some guidelines would be nice :wink:
Sunday November 27

Got to bed at 1:30am and got up at 6:30 to practice. After waking, i started reading School Out-Of-Body Travel by Michael Raduga. I read the first chapter and as always when reading a new book with new techniques, I want to try them out. In this book it is said thatmany people have success after 3 attempts. These aretempting arguments for a newb like me. So, I dont know how productove it is to fill up my mind with all these techniques. I think its better to go all in with just one or two of these techniques and really get into them. On the other hand, it may be a good idea to try some out first and see which ones seem to fit my person and go from there. Think I go with that option for now.

OBE attempt
After reading Contenteos post yesterday, I wanted to try out visualization/daydreaming as a means to phase. I went to bed and started putting my attention on my breath. Ive been practicing meditation on and off for many years now and it gets easier and easier to turn off the internal chatter. When i reach the state where i just am, i can also feel a shift in consciousness. Its like i snap into place. Its the sensation of going to sleep, but snap back and things are just clear, calm and soft. From that point i start to daydream. But now it gets tricky. I start to think and you all know what happens then. I start to wonder if this is the point where i should start to daydream, am i ready, what to daydream about etc. I can see that more preparation is needed. To be insecure about how to progress leaves the mind open to speculation and I dont want that.

So, I needed to calm my mind again and I managed. I started to drift into daydreaming. Just waiting for an image to drift into. At first I saw in first person, but switched to third person after a while. These were all conscious acts, but after some time i could just sit back and be part of what was going on. Seems like inthe beginning i need to program my mind and after I can just relax into it. I was daydreaming about juggling with my firesticks, cross country skiing, being with my girlfriend, running through the forest etc. At some point I would always 'loose' consciousness and snap back. I believe that is the disconnectedness Contenteo is writing about. After some attempts at this, I just become so tired and cant continue and drift of to sleep. I dont know if I felt some milestones or not, since My whole attention was on the daydream.

Lessons learned
First of all, I see that I can visualize and feel the disconnectedness. What I need to do further with this technique is to keep at it diligently and dont give up. Maybe i was close, maybe not. Also, I need to read up and be sure I know what to do, so I dont become insecure. Insecurity is an opener for the thoughts and they bring me back to waking consciousness.
Big ups from a newb! This is a treasure house of information and knowledge put neatly into words so even I can understand :-D i was just posting in another thread that i dont have it in me to maintain an image in my consciousness for long and that i would rather just focus on my breath, but after reading this post i must say im convinced otherwise. Im very good with daydreaming having practices shamanic drum journeying for several years and i see now i can use my experience in this work!

So just to be sure i get your approach:
1. Get out of bed after 4-6 hours of sleep and wait for the 'thats it, im going to bed' feeling.
2. Lay down in projection spot, not bed, and relax. Dont move!
3. Wait for novacaine milestone(amazing!)
4. Visualize or daydream. Keep visualizing no matter what i feel or experience.
5. Projection will occur naturally.

Hope thats it, if not i need to edit this post :wink:
Hi all!
Im in the beginning of discovering AP and want to document my practice here, so thati can get some advice along the way. I also want to start documenting my experiences Like David Warner Does in the thread :
Why, Can't I Project? - InvisibleLight Book Reference - For Beginner to Advance
I realize i have to give this all i got, but with ease and softness, to make this work. Guess my taiji training will come in handy! Will appreciate suggestions on parameters to document as all of this is pretty new to me. Will use the ones David has used for his documentatio, but maybe there also are others i need to take into consideration.

So, without further ado, here is my third day of trying to project:
I wake up at 6:45 to do some meditation. I read some threads in the forums to get into the mood. I lay down on my back in bed and start to relax my body. I start with my feet and end at the top of my head. When i feel relaxed, i turn my awareness to my breath. When thoughts are coming, i recognise them and let go of them. Without judgment. After some time i remember an advice about focusing on an object. I have been given an image of a pearl on a velvet cushion that is a strong symbol for me and i start to hold my awareness on it. I find it hard to keep the i image in my mind and my mind starts to wander. I try changing the image with one of my dream teachers, The Moon and i feel calmer at once. When i regain my calm, i automatically switch back to the breath.

After some minutes i reach what i think is focus 10. I feel very calm and present. No thoughts in my mind. I feel a sensation of expanding. I feel expectation is trying to do something, but i just let go and floatin the darkness. I notice small tingling sensations now and then. After some time i get a sense of light in my vision and places on my body starts to itch. I also snore a bit in this stage, but my mind is fully awake. When not scratching i feel i go deeper into the state. I feel there is some sound coming from far away. I focus on relaxing and not to expect anything. When it feels like its about to happen something, my body jolts from several twitches in my stomach and i feel the practice has come to an end. And i let that go as well.

What im left with i feel is valuable experience to build upon. Like, i think for me its easier just to focus on my breath and relaxing than to hold an image in my mind. I know fromprevious experience that im good with visualization, but not for a prolonged time. Maybe iwill get better, but for the time being i stick with my breath. I also feel im doing a little progress each time. I can see that expectation is the big obstacle right now. I want this and have so for many years. Feel now ive reached a level of maturity and ready to dedicate myself.

Serenity NOW!
So, im new to AP, but have been doing LD for some time. But for several reasons ive not practiced for a year and now im rebuilding my skills. Ive been drawn to start practicing AP and for that ive started my meditation practice again as i realize it is paramount to learn to be able to go deep into different states of consciousness to AP. While practicing meditation, i also read up A LOT andfill my mind with everything AP related, so its possible i will have spontaneous AP, since i realize it takes a lot of practice to induce one from waking state.

What i then do while waiting for the spontaneous AP, is to practice at least 30 minutes of meditation each day and also get up early in the morning around 6 to try to meditate myself into a consciously induced AP. Been feeling sensations of expanding, floating and also of a presence, but not heard the buzzing sound. Also, i think ive felt small tinglings in my body, but i get excited and must start somewhat over :wink:

If anyone can help me to improve this protocol, feel free to reply.
Thanks for the warm welcome!
Looking forward to get back into it, but for now the journey getting there also gives me a great possibilty of learning new stuff along the way. Having 9 LD's per night was a great achievement, but it was very natural. I was working a lot with my dreams in the time of isolation. I could wake up after a LD and reflect upon what happend and what made me drift off and then go consciously back into the dream from being awake and work with that issue. Often it was about going after my desires that made me drift off, so i had to learn discipline, also in waking life.

Still working on that disipline. Started again with my daily meditation after 10 months break due to illness. Now after being drawn to AP i have another incentive to practice diligently. Been reading up on focus 10 and start to realize there is so much ive not been able to comprehend before, because of a lack of knowledge and people to talk to about this stuff. Will be doing some reading and start posting elsewhere than my intro text :wink: So, im very happy to have found this forum. Thanks for keeping it alive!!!
Time for my introduction. I had my first experience with LD for almost 20 years ago. It was a spontaneous experience. Since then ive been practicing on and off. This january i was the most stable and could have up to 9 LD's pr night for a couple of months. This was due to me working intensely with myself under the guidence of an amazonian shaman and staying isolated in the rainforest for some months.

When i got home, i got sick and ive been sick for almost a year. That has made me not to prioritize meditation and so ive lost my LD abiliy and dream recall. A couple of weeks ago, i started from scratch...again. Writing my journal and working up my dream recall. Now Im very drawn towards AP also, which i think is same as LD only another approach. So, I look forward to share this adventure with all of you and hope that together we can free our consciousness from the ego, so we can feel free!
