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Messages - Manix

Took him 10 minutes to guess Helicopter, and he had to give me 12 options to choose from AND get help from some wierdo in costume.
Reading palms is more than just looking at the lines in your hands. The person doing the reading also looks at how you present your hands. They can tell alot about the person their reading by the way they offer their hand for a handshake, what their fingernails look like, and how they first present their hand for the reading.

For example, a person who presents their palm with hand relaxed is more open and truthful while a person who presents a tense hand has a tendancy to hide things about themselves.

Simply looking at a photo wouldn't give you the most complete reading you could get.

I've haven't attempted to read a palm in awhile and it's been awhile since I read into it, but let's see how acurate what I remember is.

The major hand, the one you use, is suppose to reveal what you do with your life while your minor hand reveals more about your personality. I don't remember much about the major hand so I'll look at your left.

Your palm is more oblong than square, a longer hand suggests a more artistic creative person.

I can't see the heart line too well so I'll skip it.

Your head line reflects your mental abilities. Yours however, has a huge break in it. This suggests that at some point you weren't using your mental capabilties to their fullest or you made a major choice to change directions. Maybe you decided you wanted to do something else with your life. Other than the break, the head line is well marked and easily defined meaning that after the break you were very confidant with your descisions. Your head line is somewhat short meaning you are quick to make descisons but it curves toward the wrist meaning your creative.

The Life Line reflects your pyhsical well being. Yours comes well across your hand suggesting your an energetic person who loves life. Your life line is deep, clear, and free of any breaks meaning you've enjoyed a reasonably healthy life without any serious illness or depression.
I've read about methods by which you can use the Life line to predict how long you'll live, but you usually require some marking on the life line that represent previous points in life. For example if you had too major illnesses that show up as two breaks in the life line, you can tell how much time passed between those two marks then use that distance to judge the remaining line. Now if I could only remember which end the life line marks the beginning of your life.

There's alot you can supposedly tell by looking at the finer lines of the hand, which I can't see from the pics.
Again, all this came from books I've read and I haven't had much opportunity to see how how accurate it is.

Ok, now tell me how far off that mess was LOL.
I attempted the transition into Fz a few nights ago. I was surprised when I saw the slats you described actually appear. The first two times I've tried this I didn't get far at all, mostly becuase I wasn't lucid enough and lost focus. My most recent attempt happened two nights ago. I say the view in front of me devide into blackness and I walked into it. Nothing happened immediately so I took a few more steps and heard water splashing as if I were walking through a puddle. I thought I woke up then becuase I suddenly found myself back in bed. I had to still be dreaming though becuase I saw a water droplet fall and hit me in the face. I then fell back to sleep. Do you think I might have been close transitioning into Fz?
Well this week has been a first for me. I've always had trouble going through walls and such but this week, for the first time, it hasn't been an issue.

I'll share a bit and try to be breif. The first projection this week was on Sunday night. I had woke up early in the morning just enough to realize I was still deep enough to attempt an AP. Only later did I realize I could see around the room when I did this so perhaps I was still asleep.  Anyway, I found myself floating straight up, light as feather. AP is normally a struggle for me, so this was a first. I then attempted to float through the window. It was as if the window was not there at all! Also a first for me becuase I normally get stuck in the wall or window.
Once outside I saw someone waiting on me. Also a first, I NEVER see people. There was a wolf on the carport roof, a wolf in the driveway, and four horses. Two were loaded with packs and the other two had saddles. The horses leads were held by an individual who resembled an indian. He also carried a bow. He started moving away when I approached him so I stopped. He then turned around and looked at me. After this the AP takes on a more dream like appearance so I won't bore you with this.

Now for last nights AP. Ever since Sunday I've been thinking about the Indian. Last nights AP started out very similer but once I drifted outside I saw no one. I also suddenly found my self being pulled in a northernly direction. I saw the foundation of a building that had burned still on fire and off to the side a group of young men whos appearances varied. Among them was the Indian. After this everything became "unstable" and dream like.

I've heard of Astral wind before is this what I experienced?
I was considering this last night before bed. I thought back to something I've read here or in Astral Dynamics. If your projection can occur without your consciences then perhaps the rocket launched sensation is simply your consciences suddenly catching up with your projection. Another words, maybe your consciences is simply going from your physical body's local to your projections local, of form of shifting your awareness.

Just a thought.
I had a similer experience Tuesday night. I remember "waking up" and trying to shoo a misty form away that was hovering over the bed. I assumed it was either the house spook or my imagination and simply wanted to sleep. I shooed it away three times then suddenly I was yanked upward and found myself plastered against the ceiling. All I could say was, "Huh, guess I'm asleep." Apparently, I had been asleep the entire time I thought I was waving off the smoky annoyance. It was a different experience to say the least.
Happy Belated Birthday Frank. I made an attempt to get there on time, not sure I got there at all. Hope you had fun!
I guess I'm behind the times on this subject. I know it has been disccused repeatedly. However, this is the first time it's been explained in a manner that makes sense, and I happened to be reading.

How do you go beyond F2? References to previously expecially helpful threads would suffice if it takes too long to explain yet again.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Adrian book
April 12, 2005, 19:15:36
Quote from: no_leaf_cloverA little off subject, but does anyone know if Adrian plans to get his book into bookshops?

I ask the same question. I'd love to read it, but am unable to order off the net.
Quote from: FrankHi:

Again, many people fail to realise that it is perfectly possible to shift your perception in consciousness but not actually change your area of consciousness. All you are doing, it sounds like, is shifting your perception within (according to the Phasing model) Focus 2 of consciousness. Here is where most people have their dreams/lucid dreams/astral projections.

The only "people" you will generally come across in this region are your own aspects of yourself. Like most people, you will have quite a number. If you want to meet people who are, how shall I say, "independent" of you, then you have to shift to Focus 3 of consciousness. This is known as the Transition Area and it's chock full of all manner of people.


I haven't read to much into the levels of Focus. I thought there was a link somewhere on the main site that reads further into this. Perhaps that's where I should start. Could you provide the link if you know it?

Thank you everyone, for your helpful replies.
I still can't define the line between dreaming and AP, but regardless of which I'm actually succeeding at, the same problem remains; there's no one to talk too. Whenever I become lucid or experience something that could be AP, the only thing really on my mind is finding someone to talk to, someone to learn from. Unfortunately, at these most lucid moments, there's not a person in sight.

I've attempted to call out to someone and have had only vague responses. I suppose the problem is that I'm not trying to contact anyone in particular. Or perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way. Advise is most welcome, I feel like I'm talking to someones voice mail and not getting a return call.

This a little off topic on my own topic, but what are some differences that you notice between reality, Dreaming, and AP?
The way text appears, and the behavior of appliances I'm aware of, but what about wind and sound? For me, these have always been percieved deferently, but somehow I did not notice until recently and this makes me wonder what else I may be taking for granted. Are wind and sound scewed for everyone?
What are some other things that behave differently or do/do not exist between reality/dreams/ and AP?

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Vengeance
April 05, 2005, 12:23:36
I know this isn't a very sympathetic reply, it's difficult to lose a pet even under natural circumstances. But where I live, it's perfectly legal to eliminate someones animal if it's found wondering on your property.

Not all people are cat lovers. I'm not a huge fan of them, especially when I find one of my favorite squirels, chipmunks, or birds killed by a cat. Nor is it pleasing to dispose of the victims when they are left in my yard for all too see.
I hate to see cat tracks on the hood of my, just washed, car.

It's not the cat's fualt though. They are just doing whatever it is cats do. I beleive cat owners should take more responsibility for their pets. In my area there is a leash law. It does not exempt cats. Yet I've seen only a handful of the hundreds of cat owners actually keep their cat's on leashes when they leave the house.

I don't know what the laws are in your area. If your cat can roam free on other peoples property without legal worries, then find physical proof against the man that killed your cat. If your nieghbor has a right to kill animals repeatedly roaming on his property, maybe you should find a way to keep your cat on your property.

Find out who is in actually in the legal wrong, and fix the problem there. It may not be nice for someone to kill your pet, but is it nice to let your pet wonder where it doesn't need to be?

Good luck finding a salution.
Welcome to Dreams! / Lucid dreaming kit
February 12, 2005, 20:37:22
Just 59.95... Haven't seen this particular kit before, but many like it. It's just a money gimic. The only "kit" you ever need is yourself and a little determination.
I think it means that if you've made an effort to grow and learn your efforts will be rewarded (presumably in heaven). But if you've sat idle and not done anything with your life when you were fully capable of doing so, what you had is forfeited.

I guess you could think of it this way. If God gives two people unique talents; one person has a skill with Music and one person has a knack for Mathematics but the two people use their skills differently in life. Let's say for whatever reason the person who's talent is music decides he can't make a living from it and doesn't even try to utilize his natural talents even as a hobby BUT the person who is a whiz for Math and numbers goes off to learn some trade that can use his skill to his best advantage and becomes even better with it. Both the people die and now face God and have to show him what they did. God looks at the successful man who used his talent and got the most out of it he could. This would show God that he appreciated the gift he had been given and, according to the verse, he is rewarded with even more. However, the other man (who may or may not have been successful in life) shows he has done nothing with his gift. This shows God that the gift he gave the man was wasted and not appreciated at all. What would be the point of letting him keep the talent he wasted, let alone give him more?

I've been wondering why this thread has caught my attention and now I think know. My talent is art. Sure I'm not the best, but if I had went to school for it I would be that much better. I did not go to school for my art, I learned Drafting instead. Yes, there is some design aspect involved but it does not utilize a natural talent if you are expressing someone else's ideas. Six months into my first job I've found my self becoming restless and bored. I hadn't touched an easel since my interview. I'm not bored with my job, I love it, but it doesn't USE what I've been given nor has it allowed an opportunity to do so. I started painting again over the weekend out of shear frustration and though what I did was minute, I felt a huge difference. I felt like I was taking a step in right direction. It was relief to simply pick up the brushes again. I know I have to use this talent for SOMETHING. I may never use it as a means of income, but it shouldn't left forgotten simply because of it. Thank you Telos, for reminding me of this.
Quote from: Telos
QuotePerhaps it's not so much that it's avoided entirely but more like it's simply not mentioned as often as other subjects are.

That's mostly what I meant.

Manix, in your opinion, why do you think this parable is not mentioned as often? It seems like it would be more applicable to people, and it seems like the story would be more readily accepted.

For instance, imagine a preacher on a street corner. Which do you think people would respond to more?

"Repent! Accept Jesus Christ as your one true God, lord and savior, and enter the halls of righteousness!"

- or -

"Use your talents for the wealth and advancement of all! Invest resources into worthy enterprises! Go to work! Learn! Use your mind and your soul, and explore its capabilities!"

Honestly, I have no idea why it's not mentioned more often. But I can only speak for the one preacher I can ever remember hearing, he doesn't bring it up becuase he has his favorite sermons and obviously it's not one of them. He's preached his favorites so often my family has dubbed them with titles. The only time I ever learn anything new is when I go to Sunday school. We actually look at the books as a whole and not individual verses.

Your absolutely right though. Looking at it logically, it's a less frightening message than the "Die and go to hell" message you normally hear. The parable is common sense that anyone can use. Who can argue that if you work hard enough at something your already good at that you won't get better or learn something new? This also applies for things that aren't natural talents. If your determined to learn something, you will. If you give up you won't.

However, if you put yourself in that guy standing on the street corner's shoes, you think about it from a less logical view point. That guy is there for one of two reasons. One, he wants to help people, or two, he wants credit for looking like he wants to help people. If he's there to truely help people (save them from hell) he's not worrying about their talents, he's worried about their souls. So in the brief moments he has to make an impression on people passing, he shouts out the most important part of his message. The most shocking and hard to believe portion of the story. A few might listen, but for the most part he's passed off as the crazy evangelist shouting about end times. The real question is, if he did start off with the easier to except stories. The principles that both believers and non-believers can apply to their everyday lives, would people be any more inclined to listen in those brief moments they hear him as they pass?

The same might be said of church sermons. The only chance you have to witness to someone is when they are listening. The preacher has maybe 30 minutes to explain why Christ is important, only a brief amount of time to effectively make someone question thier previous beliefs and convince them to at least give it some thought. Which sermon is going to get the point across, the common sense sermon or the sermon about Christ dying for our sins? That might explain why all those wonderful stories like the parable of talents are so rarely heard, there's a more important message that must be recieved first. That's the only explanation I can think of.
I'm sure this parable is interpreted differently by others, but I've always thought it meant you should use those gifts given to you or you lose them. Not necessarily meaning material gifts but literal talents. Whether that talent be Art, music, etc... If you don't make use of your talents or talents and attempt to get better at them (jn essence doubling them) then you lose them. Much like if you do not use your muscles they atrophy. You've always heard you can't take it with you. This is True and False. You can't take material things with you, but you can take what you've learned and an account of what you've done.

Back to your origional question Telos. I'm not sure I understand. Why wouldn't they teach this parable? What groups are defined as protestant and why would they not wish to teach it? I've always been taught that Babtists are generalized as protestants...and I learned about the parable at a very early age. Granted, I haven't heard this tought for many years, but this is becuase my pasture has his favorite sermons that he tends to go over again and again. Perhaps it's not so much that it's avoided entirely but more like it's simply not mentioned as often as other subjects are.
"What would a law abiding citizen want/need with an automatic assault weapon anyway?"

WAIT! Give me a minute, I'm sure there's a sane explanation for wanting one somewhere around here...perhaps in the gun cabinet.
Welcome to Dreams! / Strange Dream-Hidden Meaning?
October 25, 2004, 14:29:50
Hmmm, now that you mention it, I think I did read somewhere about the luner eclipse and the planet thing. Is that in another thread somewhere on AP? I might have broused through it a couple weeks ago and it's just now showing up in a dream. Thanks for reminding me! Now my dream doesn't sound so weird just kinda cool.
Welcome to Dreams! / Strange Dream-Hidden Meaning?
October 25, 2004, 09:07:26
This one was so strange I just had to share!

I dreamed I woke up suddenly from a sound sleep and rushed to look outside. In the dream I am staying at a high rise hotel that looks out over a bay. I'm not sure exactly where this place was supposed to be but far across the bay you could see the distant lights of a large city.
My room has a balcony with a set of french doors which I throw open to go out onto the balcony. I stare out at a clear starlit sky and a full moon. I watch a luner eclipse take place and notice 5 very bright stars (red in color) in the sky spaced to form a pentagon. I automatically recogonise these as planets. After the eclipse is complete I see three comets overhead, all have a blue/yellow luminescent hue. Directly following the comets I see a large meteor plumet through the sky. The orange flames reflect in the dark, still water of the bay. The meteor strikes the city in the distance and kicks up a huge shock wave that starts to rattle the windows then builds in stength as it nears. I dive behind the kitchen counter just as the windows are blown in and shards of glass, dust and other debri are luanched across the room with a defeny roar.
After the comotion settles I creep out of the room and down the stairs to find machines of all sorts going haywire. I run back up the stairs to avoid them. As I'm running up the steps I'm met by a tidal wave of some sort of black mass crashing down the steps. I stand amazed on a landing as this wave of black rushes around me. Instead of water the black wave is actually a mass of serpent like creatures. What was even stranger is that I wasn't scared. The only time I paniced in the dream was when the glass blew in from the shock wave. Everything else I was simple amazed by.

I wake up from the dream to a false awakening, and remember staring into the eyes of black horse standing in my bedroom! Then I woke up for real and fell back to sleep after comitting all the details of the dream to memory.

Now my question to you is, what do you make of it? Just another crazy dream, or could it have a deeper meaning?
Looking back at the experiences I've already lived through, which are all health, self image, and confidance related.  I beleive I'm here to learn to to overcome and get past these issues. Also, from  a dream I had when very young, I beleive I've been specifically placed here to help someone.
Thank you for those links!
I can't help ya on the telepathy question, but Robert has an excellent download on seeing Auras located here:
BAHHAHAHA! I found the card (it was hiding amongst some old bank statments).

Last election I wanted very much to vote, but my card did not arrive in time (has been hiding in the bank statments ever since). Sadly, the paper work didn't come through until AFTER the election was entirely over. This will be my first opportunity to vote. So, now that the card has made it's appearance, I'm starting to think about this a bit more seriously. There will be alot more people to vote for other than the pres. So rather that using the any-mini-miny-moe method, I want to have some names in mind. But where do I start looking?! Is there a state home page that lists the canidates for the various offices appearing on the ballot?

Sorry for veering off topic!
<goes to google to begin search>
Welcome to Dreams! / Dream life phenomena
October 19, 2004, 08:30:08
I was naive enough to think I was the only one that this has happened to! You'd think I'd know better by now...

So, yes, I too have experienced this. I wake up nearly every morning wishing I could go back to that other life. I've even noticed two or three different lives. In each one everything seems perfectly normal...until I wake up in the dream and the memorys of this life overlap the other and I have difficulty telling the difference in the places and people within the dream. It can get very confusing! In one of those alternate lives (the one I remember the best) I actually have two brothers! An older and a younger, both wonderfully annoying!
I began noticing the different lives by the house I found myself living in. Houses I've never been in kept showing up repeatedly in dreams and I finally took notice of them as well as their associated landmarks and towns.
I haven't noticed so much strange people that seem familiar but rather people I'm still friends with in the dreams that I haven't seen in years in real life. Like events in real life took a different turn in the dream life and created a new chain of events and memories from that.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but it's still pretty cool.
Well, it doesn't look like I voting for either at this point...I can't find my stupid voters card!

Should the card choose to make an appearance, I would vote for Bush. I dont keep up with politics, never have and don't plan to start. So I'll go with what my instincts tell me. There's something about Kerry that I really don't care for. So, using that highly scientific analysis , I'd prefer to keep the current idiot we have, rather than break in a new one. Besides, I'm curious to see if Bush ever finishes what he started.

<To Self: now where did I put that stupid card...>