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Messages - Vvid1012

So I was laying around today, and I decided to experiment different ways of focusing my sight to see my aura.  What happened was everything in the room got very fuzzy/blurry and dark while some auric light appeared.  I saw a faint wave/vortex of dim light spinning counter-clockwise what looked like 3 fan blades. 

Generally when I do this I immediately feel a dense sensation in my solarlexus which causes me to feel slightly ill.  I really dont know what is going on, if im expending a lot of energy or what.... anybody have any similiar experiences?
I dont believe theres any real direct way to answer this.  I first learned by pretending it way my actual body, however since I had none at the time, It was very hard to move around at times.  I kept falling over--putting too much emphasis on trying to walk.  Other times i'll walk just fine like I had a physical body.  I think it depends mostly on your frame of mind and you strength of will.  Believing things will play out to your intent it a major deal.  That gives us the ability to fly and even change form.  BUt yeah, my first time, I just rolled out of bed'll suddenly become aware during your light sleep that you are not in normal wake mode, yet are awake, and this is when you can easily "seperate"--for starters.  Practice by noticing yourself fall asleep.. the process of fall asleep.
Hey Diana,

I have these voices all the time!  It's usually when im falling asleep or meditating--occuring 'inside' rather than out.  I first noticed this when I began to hear people arguing.  I didn't quite understand them but it was distinct voices and tones.  Sometimes it'll be someone talking to me casually and other times It'll be a bloody scream.  The funny/scary/freaky part about this is, the more you listen, the more you practice, the more you will understand what they say and differentiate certain words.  Sometimes what they say happens to be true.. other times turns up to be a bit of a pain sometimes, and i don't encourage it really, but it is just so fascinating.  I wish i knew the cause of these voices.  Whether they are reminants of the past... echoeing in wave form and only audible at a certain level of mind.  Or if they are really spirits among us chattering away.  Or even our communication's center's way of interpretting the energy around us in an audible mental form.  Maybe its all 3! :)

I kinda sorta relate to what you are saying about the core identity, but not quite that experience.
Hey Fade,  I see occasional writing in text pop up as well.  Only its in english! haha  If you keep practicing noticing images that pop up.. you'll be able to hold that state longer.  I sometimes see images pop 20 seconds after closing my eyes now.  Then the images start becoming dream segments and so on...its very interesting :)

Sounds are pretty common too...after a while of listening to random noise.. they start to say some weird excrement... sometimes true.  I believe its channeling related :)  I would almost recommend straying away from learning to hear people...annoying
wow, i feel this in a completely different's like a pulse coming from my solar plexus. 
iv had a few instances of which you speak.  Little balls of light grow into scenes and people are in there...going about some business.  It's usually green as well.  Once they became so vivid I began to see color...very faded.  The first time that happened to me, i was completely WoW'd.  It was as if i were watching videos of people even! 
Interesting...this one connects with me very clearly.  Thx~   :-D
this is not uncommon...just do a bit of research
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Crop Circle Ship
March 06, 2007, 23:34:47
wow...very interesting, that damn low buzzing sound was a bit creepy though ;)
I agree that killing either for food is morally acceptable...unless you are killing more than you need.

I guess the question you have to ask yourself is...if you are what you eat, do you really want to eat the dumbest animal around...perhaps this is why some cultures eat dog ;)
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: Aura seeing
February 20, 2007, 23:13:50
iv seen this as a technique to help develop auric sight.

I don't necessarily see any auric connection between the two tips (while slightly seperated) but I do find it easy to see the aura then.  I suppose there is a sort of polarity to cause this, however my auric sight isnt that great...

it's best to use a lightly dimmed room and look at a white/grayish wall such as the ceiling. 

I think a trick that helped me to see it is just the knowing it is there, just trying to focus your eyes in a multitude of ways until something pops out around your fingers.
Welcome to Magic! / Re: inform me on magic please
February 14, 2007, 22:50:55
Quote from: the fool on the hill on February 14, 2007, 16:56:28

what are the basics or where is the power (if any) derived from?

I am no master on the subject, however, I would venture to guess..nature

The instances of paranoia are likely derived from a lack of understanding of the situation and/or themself
This man has some interesting points indeed, I shall have to purchase this one :)
Welcome to Magic! / Re: basic principle of magic
February 14, 2007, 00:16:39
Quote from: Hagethuriel on September 25, 2006, 09:12:15
A good resource for learning how to control elemental energies through a practice called Hermetic Magick is Franz Bardon's Initiation into Hermetics .
I just ordered this a few days ago :D ... got great reviews... should be here next week!
quit the body?  :lol:  I tried looking at that site but the language controls don't seem to be working...
The first thing was tiger/lion   :-D
well from a slightly educated guess... everyone has an aura, and a halo is usually connected with those who have acheived nirvana/enlightenment/etc...
Pritchard teaches that mantra in the mysticweb courses only it's just ROAM GOAM... He says to use it to remember dreams.  I've tried it but it's too distracting for me  :|

I think there is something to it...concentrating on it just now puts pressure on my solarplexus.  I shall give it a shot!

err trilocation? yikes, sounds confusing
Quote from: CFTraveler on January 24, 2007, 20:18:09
Not necessarily.  But you should be in trance, or the hypnagogic state.
Someone here came  up with something called the 'triangle' method.  My version of that is listening to the ear hiss.  If I listen long enough I'll start to distinguish a lower tone, and somehow that seems to get me there quicker.  Other than that, wait and don't go to sleep. Yes and then it depends.  When I get vibrations I attempt an exit method.  If I don't I try to loosen my energy body by doing energy work, or try to 'fall into' the vision screen.  Good luck.

what method of energy work do you normally use to loosen... something like NEW or Microcosmic orbit?
well.. I believe radio stations are based off a range of frequencies  :-D 

I would agree that the RTZ is on a frequencies (assuming that's what it is) that is either similar the phsyical plane... OR a harmonic of it..musically--an octave higher or that it resonates well within our dailyness.
wow..awesome find! Im 1/3 through the first link and looks pretty good so far :D
hmm.... Well the question is, how does one know they are in RTZ...I hear you can check by looking at yoursefl while projecting...and if you are wearing the same clothes/are the same... then its RTZ and you can move on.
wow, I wasn't even aware there was a difference.  Im assuming that the person who has an OBE is generally not aware of it while it's happening?  I've had the random occurence of myself getting up to do something where I was..but later flashing back as a dream..very phsyical...I guess that's the difference.  However, isn't it possible to project and then bring yourself to RTZ? 
Quote from: 3588897 on January 18, 2007, 14:35:35
No one is every going to be able to prove astral projection is possible, and if someone does then scientists will mark it as invalid like they have done with things along the lines of this for so long. However, if you really want a link this might be of some use to you:

no one?  Give it time.
Yeah.. that is very much it.  I wonder if it is a result of some shockwave-like effect.  The sound occurs and produces an energetic shockwave that travels faster than sound thus we are able to sense it prior to...  However, we are also beings capable of feeling time, so perhaps it is just a reflex as we feel something will occur very soon.  Those are my thoeries anyhow :)