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Messages - Pearlybear

A friend of mine tries to go out of body and can't because she relaxes so much she actually stops breathing. This also happens during regular sleep and is not only oob related. She has to wake up and think "breathe" before she can breathe. Is there anything she can do?
Do you think it would be better for her to try conscious oobing instead? If so who is an expert or one to consult on that subject?
Thanks in advance!

I was taught by my mother to relax and send my consciousness backwards (about 10 feet ) and then down. I have had some weird experiences and was able to control physical things around me, like moving a cup.
Does anyone know where this would lead in relation to the astral plane and is it bad?
Any ideas are welcome" border=0>

I have heard about these workshops where you try to have an oobe and the experienced person actually goes in you and helps pull you out....has anyone ever done this? Is it really possible?
If so, do you recomend anyone that can truly be trusted?
I really want to make sure before I do this because it is very expensive.
Thanks in advance:-)
Is it possible to have an oobe at the same time as someone else (a willing participant) and go into their body instead of yours and vice versa for them?
Even though it may be possible is there an ehthical problem here?
Tell me what you all think!!
Has anyone ever tried this?  Did it work for you?
Basically you put on headphones and the brainwave generator feeds each side of your brain a different tone and it is supposed to instantly put you in a trance--the depth depends on the presets. (it can also relieve headaches ect.)

I have always been encouraged to begin by relaxing and going through the door, once out think about where you want to be and you'll be there.
Why do you have to go through the door to begin with, why not just pop inside the door to begin with--is it even possible?
Does anyone understand?

When you visualize are you basically looking at the back of your eyelids and expecting to see it or is it more like where you see your dreams?
I may be going way out on a limb here but it seems to me that void is nothing ..absence of light and everything, it isn't that void causes us to lose sense it's just the fact that there isn't anything to sense. Besides once you are there it isn't completely void anymore right? I don't see how we could output void when we are not void, infact the opposit of void and thus somehow harnessing void would seemingly replace us with, or put us in void.... right? Ok now my head hurts if I'm wrong someone please explain it to me too?
Yeah I think I know what your talking about it's kinda like riding on a rollercoaster and knowing that your almost at the top of the big hill, stiffening everything to brace hold your breath!
I did that too, but i've found it easier to "charge forward" so that the action is more caused by you than something you have to react to, does that make sense? It has helped me a lot![^]
Thanks again for your help and concern.
I checked out the website and it turns out she may have Central Sleep Apnea (a neurological disfunction in the brain). The site said it can most likely be treated with medications. She is going to seek professional help. Thank you all! [:)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Happy Easter everyone
April 22, 2003, 09:15:54
Eggs, Eggs, EGGS!...........Where are all the eggs this hunting thing is hard [:o)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Well, this is it.
April 22, 2003, 09:08:20
[:(] stop it, stop it you're all making me cry......I wish you well[;)]
Wow! Such a wealth of information.
Have you ever considered writing a book?
Instructional or experience based, either way I think it would serve as prominetly useful reading.
Just a thought, [;)]
Are you talking about me?
If so sorry for the delay I have been out of the loop for awhile.
I agree, neat though weird to have too bear people!
I haven't much experience though and am myself trying,trying and trying again to obe, sorry I can't be of more help.

I simply keep forgetting to write in one.
When I do remember that I want to write in one I've already forgotten what the experience was to write.  LOL
Guess I'm in trouble huh?

I will try to give it more of an effort though I can see where charting your progress could be of some help:-)

Thank you to all who replied.
I think I will just keep trying on my own, guess I didn't really think that one through.
I'm just afraid the excitement/anticapation will build to be to big to handle.
It is already causing me many troubles.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / ..
July 19, 2002, 16:39:05
WOW!! Sure sent my head spinning.....

Have any of you ever oobee'd to another planet or place in space, that would shed some light it possible to go that far?
The best advice I can give is to just tell yourself repeatedly that you are not afraid.
I think you are right you need to face your fear before you can truly rest.
I wish you only the best{:-)
YES that is the place/generator I was talking about I just wanted to know if it works....see I don't have headphones (which you need or it won't work).
Sorry about the lack of info guys.

Yes I do know of people who have experienced seeing animals in the AP.
I don't know however if they belonged to them before or not, but everytime he would project cats and dogs would just gravitate to him and follow him everywhere he went and at times these animals would stay with him even in the physical. Children would say "look at the kitty" and nothing would be there (to the physical eye anyway).
I hope this helps as far as reaching out to your own pet..... let me know when you find out ok?


Well see the problem is I can never find the door that I'm supposed to be seeing.
I have gotten farther than ever by the advice I've gotten from this forum, which is not the way I learned to begin with.
What it seems like to me is that getting there is more important than how... right?

In the beginning it was for selfish reasons, but along this journey I have learned so much that I know there is so much more to learn, see and do ,how could I quit!!
Besides it is sooooooo much fun--I feel like I can finally breathe!

Thank you for all the responses.
I have been trying to visualize in the black/dark depth behind my eyelids and only been partially successful, I will try it your way and see what happens.
Thanks again!

So far this is the only fear I can report!
I used the "don't expect anything" method and it did get me farther, but fear stopped me.
Last night was the first time I had gotten as far as I did and that was almost out and right back in, Darn it!!!
I started to spin wildly kinda like on an amusement park ride, while it was fun it scared me enough to send me right back!
Anyone have any tips on how to control or stop this?