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Messages - teejaybird

Welcome to Dreams! / First Lucid Dream
October 21, 2002, 13:48:28
Hi Lucid Dreamers, I tend to read rather than write, but feel that after having my first long semi-lucid dream to check in with you. Many of you have provided interesting and useful information that has helped me so may be I should get started having a say. I have had a number of very brief lucid incidents in dreams, mostly faces and names and then waking up, but my first long lucid dream was a few nights ago. I forget how I got into it but I feel that it was important. I am annoyed at losing that. The main thing though was the incidents were not like my usual dreams. Everything seemed normal. Though there were lots  more people around than usual. Do people come up to you and ask if you are awake and then try to haul you off to hotels? I lost this person and seemed to spend an age asking others where she was and they all knew who she was but I never did find her.I  talked with people whose faces I couldn't see. The last thing was a compulsion to speak to a man in the street who looked up in a puzled way, as though he were asleep, then I woke up. The feel of the dream is with me still. Everything was so vivid and bright, though I did seem to drift in and out of it. I suppose on reflection it seemed like I was dreaming in the usual way but with more awareness, the desire to search for some providing a kind of focus. I had earphoines in my ears which I felt at one point in the dream. I was using Deep Sleep, a Monroe CD. But the thing that strikes me most is that nothing really wierd happened, which is always the case in my normal dreaming. Many thanks for all your input. This is a fun site!

Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / worship
November 18, 2002, 12:49:17
Thanks Jilola, This is the first forum I have ever contributed to. Just as well you might think.

You identified a primary weakness because I miswrote wot I meant. I believe that all humans by nature worship something, humans will worship anything, even themselves in the absence of some kind of God to hang things on,  because of a need we have to give value to life. Worship is about values. Basically religious worship is directed towards that mystery which gave us our nature, which brought us into being, a creator God. By giving worth to that reality, we value ourselves, and we value others. We stand before a beautiful reality that makes our jaws sag, not unlike a young man looking at the girl he has just fallen in love with. We have a tendency to feel worthless before such beauty, to protest our unworthiness when we make comparison with ourselves, to be grateful when she takes our hand and tells us to stop being silly and we know our love is accepted and returned. Worship is a bit like that, it requires lots of love and humility, ie compost in which living things can grow and be nourished. And it takes us out of ourselves. Bit like astral travel really.
Hope this is not too boring!!

Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / worship
November 16, 2002, 14:34:41
I'll throw in my little bit to what is really a very important subject. Worship, I am led to believe simply comes from "worth-ship" meaning something that you  value ie. love, astral travel, self-determination, freedom, justice, the right to pursue happiness etc. maybe even another person, maybe even a God. The worship of organised religions is simply an attempt to find the deepest and most extensive object of this desire of human beings to give value to things, one that the widest and broadest number of human beings can come to some common agreement upon. Human beings by their nature, worship something other than themselves. I thank God that this is so, for while I have a particular kind of value that I quite properly put upon myself I do not make myself the highest expression of my values. I only have to look in the shaving mirror in the morning to realise the foolishness of that. Anyone who has tried the practice of worship seriously knows full well it is nothing to do with grovelling as Gandalf seems to think, anymore than anyone who has put in the serious discipline and hard work that astral travel requires knows it is more than a foolish fantasy -  those who have never attempted the Worship of God and stuck with it and struggled with it for a very long time really know very little of what true worship is.  At the heart of it maybe the fact that so much of the world we have inherited is coming adrift. We all seek something solid on which we can put our trust. If some people find that in seeking the glory of God in a more traditional way what is that to anyone else??  I am a traditional Christian worshipper seeking to explore something of the realms of the spirit in a less than traditional way but when I am together worshipping with others, I am with the broadest, most comprehensive cross-section of hopeless, wonderful, mixed-up, delightful, annoying human beings that I can find anywhere. Wouldn't have it any other way.

Welcome to Dreams! / First Lucid Dream
November 02, 2002, 10:32:58
Hey guys, thanks for your replies. The woo hoo of lucid dreaming sounds rather interesting. It does raise some moral questions if you are married though, as I am. My lucidity was not sufficient for me to recognise my marriage, I was only semi-aware and didn't seek to change anything, but I didn't mind at all being hauled off to a hotel. What puzzles me though is what it means when someone else asks if you are awake, ie. dreaming lucidly as Molly did. It was as though she knew what condition I was in. Does this suggest community dreaming? I have heard of the LD crossroads but barring wishful dreaming can other people enter our dreams for real. All this sure sounds like something that can keep me occupied for the rest of my natural.