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Messages - Blue Light Mystic

G'day/night all. I'd love to have a little place on here where we could discuss ways to relieve ourself of pain in a more natural and safe way other than just using prescription drugs and the such.

We can talk about different uses of various natural herbs that could be used instead of that normal Exedrin or antehistamene one uses for their headache or allergies. Or, even other ways we could further boost our immune system to prevent ourself from ever having to come down with any kind of flu during the Winter months.

Well, here's what I'd like to share that I already know of that could help one boost and prevent themself from becoming sick or ever having to come down with the pesky common cold:

Echinacea (?) - this beautiful daisy flower type herb is something that one could buy at nearly any store in the vitamin/health section that can be taken to boost one's immune system and taken to prevent catching the cold as well as not having to get get. This can also be found in the form of tea which can help one rid themself of a cold or flu more quickly if you happen to already have one.

Zinc - this is a vitamin that if taken 50 - 100 mg's of it a day, or one or two tablet(s), one normally could avoid catching the cold. This can work well if taken with echnasea and also can boost one's immune system. You can also buy them in the form of zinc losanges too.

Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) - this is great for the immune system as well. They can also be bought in liquid form and you only need to place one - two drops in a glass of water to drink it. Furthermore, according to a book called, the encyclopedia of Organic Gardening by the editors of Organic Gardening® Magazine, it states, "...its past use in treating mucous membranes," as well as, "When combined with bicarbonate of soda, it can be used to treat sore throats and inflammations of the mouth." Also,  "Goldenseal is still a home remedy for upset stomachs and is used as a laxative." (pgs. 444-5)

(Ah yes, the famous) Vitamin-C - one can just further keep from catching the common cold, flu and so forth during the Winter time if they eat fruits and other foods that contain a lot of vitamin c in them. You also can go to nearly any health store and buy it in powder form, stir it up really good in a full glass of water and just drink it right down. This also can be found in tablet form that actually can taste pretty good where you can put them in your mouth and let them melt.

Well, those are only a few of the many examples of what herbs can do for us to build up the immune system to prevent having to deal with becomeing ill during the winter, more like, sick months. If anyone else would like to share anymore tips on herbs, please feel free to share them on here. ~

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic
G'day/night all. I just wanted to see if maybe we could start a section that discusses mandalas, what they are and what their main purpose is. Has anyone ever heard of making a mandala for another person to help induce healing for the person it's being made for?

Also, if there are any people from Tibet on here, as well as people who love to create mandalas, you're also welcome to talk about them here too. I'm curious to learn more about mandalas as well as how Tibetan monks think and believe about certain life aspects, such as how they view life in general.

I especially love this quote by Terry Clifford, Tibetan Buddhist Medicine and Psychiatry, in Judith Cornell's book, Mandala on page 73:

"The inherent Buddha-nature is said to be like a diamond, indestructible, pure and empty in itself, but luminous in reflecting the manifestation of energies as rainbow light." Terry Clifford

If any of you would be interested in reading more about what a mandala is, do look into this beautifully illustrated book that talks all about them:

Mandala, Luminous Symbols for Healing by Judith Cornell, Ph.D.

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic
G'day/night all. I'd like to include a place where people who like to heal or send healing energy to others that include Reiki Masters as other kind of healers can gather to ask questions and provide advice to those who want to learn more about healing in general.

Well, here's my first question. I've heard that if one doesn't protect themself by at least using white light before trying to send out healing energy to someone, this may form spiritual 'links' with that person who needs the healing and could also somehow get whatever that particular person has! Is this really true? Could a non-protected person actually get what the person they've sent out healing energy to has get? If so, why? How could this possibly be?
G'day/night to you jimbeam. Remeber you and I've talked together a while ago within the chat room on this site? You asked me to give you an artistic analysis on your websites. I have it ready for you and have even tried to
e-mail the responce to you about them, but the e-mail didn't work for some reason...go darn figure, eh?

Maybe PM me an alternate e-mail address and I'll resend you the analysis. Can't wait to see the one that's in English as well! Your color combinations look great too! Just had to include that here now. ~ (*smile*)

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic
G'Day/Night jcsz1! Remember you, I and a few others spoke to each other while in the chat room? I've been lookin' for you and haven't been all that successful...I'd love to talk to you again some time...If you have the time to talk that is...time doesn't necessarily exist or really is an issue like it has to be within the physical realm though, go figure. ~

I've missed you! Or have I? ;) (*smile*)

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic
G' day all. I love how Robert greets people! Anyway, are any of you feelin' a tad bit left out, possibly because you've been trying to find a place where you could talk to other advanced projectors at? Maybe we could gather here a bit and talk to each other, maybe even come up with some kewl astral experiements too. We could also discuss some of the popular problems even the advanced projectors might run into as well and how some of you've come up with ways to get around these projecting problems.

Novice and Intermediate projectors of course, are welcome to talk to us here too. Maybe we could help them out in answering some of their popular questions, such as about why one could get sleep paralysis and the such.

Well, do start gatherin' here a bit and talkin' away! I hope this cute little corner might make some of you feel more at home! ~

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic
Hi & G'day all, Blue Light Mystic here. ~smile~ i would like to maybe include a little folder here about those of us who've discovered new ways to help us astral project or go out-of-body. feel free to post any that you've successfully have come up with during your projections and name them too! this sure would really be a nice way to further help others who are just learning how to do projections!

the other day i used a technique similar to Robert Bruce's "Rope Projection Technique," he's discussed in his book Astral Dynamics. i'd like to call this the "Stepping Latter Technique". i'd say it's a bit like Robert's rope method because one is lying in their physical body and is trying to reach up and grab hold of the object 'astrally' to help one exit out of their body. so, in my technique, one just has to visualize a latter with lots of steps that keeps appearing one after the other in an upward progressing pattern. the steps of this latter will keep appearing above the projector as he/she grabs hold of a step on this latter until he/she has finally succeeded in projecting out of their body into the astral!

this has worked for me very well! one must stay 'focused' and 'believe' on being able to keep grabbing hold of each progressing step of their created latter. this will overall help you leave or exit your body! the longer you grab hold of the step of this latter the closer you'll keep getting to the astral plane! i kept grabbing hold of each step of this latter i had created and knew that after grabbing so many with my 'astral' hands, it would eventually lead me into the astral! and, that's exactly what it did! at the end of this long stepped latter was white light and whenever i kept focusing on it it became an entirely different environment within the astral plane somewhere!

this really is a great technique! do try it, ok? keep taking hold of each step of your 'astral latter' that you create and look for light at its end. the light will appear whenever you're about to leave your physical body! get off of the latter then and enter into this light and you'll be right in the astral plane...

well, hope this helps some of the new projectors more! happy projecting! ~warm smile~

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic

Edited by - Blue Light Mystic on 15 April 2002  19:03:25
G'day all. i'd like to maybe have a little topic here where we can discuss our experience with astral wildlife during your projections. have you been waiting for a place to write about them at? well, here it is! do feel free to share the different kinds of astral wildlife you have seen and have had experiences with and you may also describe what they looked like and how they've behaved. i've come across insects but rarely, animals and even various kinds that don't exist in the physical! this is one of the main things that i've been most focused on learing more about while in the astral realms.

i will share one of the experiences i've had with one this morning a tad bit later. in the mean time, you may start writing about yours! everone's welcome here! -warm smile-
Hi all. i would just like to include a little section here on the discussion about elementals and the fairie critters. has anyone here on the forum ever seen either an elemental or fairie while meditating, obe, astral projecting or maybe even whenever you were taken a little walk inside of a forest while you were awake? i'd love to hear about what you saw and had experienced while you were in their presence.

a bit later on i'll include some of what i've been experiencing with what i feel are some elementals that have been somehow entering into my dreams as well as obe or aps lately.

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic

Edited by - Blue Light Mystic on 12 March 2002  17:43:55

Hi all. i'd like to see if maybe we could start a little section here about those darn problems and concerns one who projects runs into while in the astral or even while projecting out of body. this section will be a place where we can freely discuss any kind of concern or question in regards to what may stump us or even things that may be trying to prevent us from having a smooth and sucessful projection.

i'll start this little section off by saying, all projectors are welcome here, all who are novice, intermediate and advanced. all questions on what may be troubling you while either trying to project or during your projections are welcome to freely discuss here. now, i'm not an absolute expert at answering questions, but i'll do my best in trying. i've been projecting for around 10+ years now and i'm still running into problems! so, i most likely could give a shot at answering novice questions......if you like. -smile-

now, here's something that i've been running into trouble wise for the past few years. i'm use to flying high into the sky during my projections, but for some reason, such as today while attempting to do so, i keep seeing giant black electrical powerlines appearing in the sky that saverely keep frightening me! i feel a great sense of fear coming from them, and feel that if i were to touch them they'd electricute me and would harm me very much! so, in order to avoid being hurt by them, i've just been staying close to the ground in the astral. this really has been frustrating me though because of not being able to fly as high off of the ground as i use to, i'm unable to really have the freedom to go to other places that i use to!

has anyone else on the forum who can project ever run into black electrical powerlines? did you fear them while flying? did you ever touch one? did it hurt you really bad?

later on, i'll post a technique that i've been using that one could use that may indeed help you to avoid having to touch them while you're trying to fly during your projections.........

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic
Hi, i have a strange question here in regards to astral entities and other various astral spirits per say. has anyone on the forum ever astral projected and suddenly found themself looking out of another person's eyes as well as knowing that you were temporarily 'inside' of another person's body or spirit while astral projecting??

i believe that Robert Bruce had talked very briefly about this sort of thing once though i don't really remember what he had said about it all that much. i think that he said this would be considered temporary possession and that it's not good.........unless one could use it to maybe see how a person who was once alive had be victimized and murdered and by, right? are there any other beneficial ways one could do this to another astral entity/spirit, or, should this just not 'ever' be done?

i only believe that i've done this sort of thing only on a few extremely rare occasions. one that i can't ever seem to forget is when i was inside the spirit or astral body of two very young boys who probably were both the same age that was around 8 or 9. the first time i had done this while in the astral, i was inside of a young black boy's spirit/body. i have no idea why i was actually him, but, here's what basically happened.

i seemed to have started out this strange projection at a normal or average looking neighborhood with small house that lined the main street of this place. it was daytime and sunny outside and must have been early in the morning on a summer's day. not only was i inside of this boy's spirit body, i actually was and became this little boy! i had short black hair and wore a white t-shirt with a pair of shorts.

here's the bad part of this experience. as i was walking down the sidewalk, i also had noticed that nobody else was out in this neighborhood except for me! i was calm and happy and was walking down the sidewalk minding my own business in the neighborhood and the next thing i knew, i saw a large, junky looking car that had quickly turned around a corner in front of me that i was walking towards. there probably was around 3 or 4 teenage boys who were inside of it and they had all of the windows down. i believe that these boys were holding large shot guns and they were ranting out of the windows. i can't remember if they were all Caucasian or not but do know that as they were turning the corner on my right hand side, one of them and believe it was the driver shot at me and hit me in my stomach area! i didn't feel any pain but knew that i was just going to lie there bleeding to death on the sidewalk!

why did i temporarily become this young boy? why was he a victim of what must have been a drive by shooting from a small group of teenage boys? was this a spirit who was allowing me to see his story of why he died and how he was a victim? is he trapped in the astral as a ghost who is being forced to have to relive this horrible fate over and over again? does this boy need help, or must he keep reliving this terrible cycle until he relizes he's no longer living? i'm quite sorry for all of the questions, but i just can't understand why i would have been given this kind of opportunity to have to see and experience something like that!

any ideas or suggestions about this? later on i'll also share another one that's about another little boy that seemed to take place inside of a building in a small room where a lecture with adults was being held at.........

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic

Edited by - Blue Light Mystic on 12 March 2002  18:10:01
Hi again all. i was wondering if anyone on the forum knows if either using a ouija board or doing automatic handwriting really works or not. i've gotten a few very bad surprises in attempting to use an ouija board a few times, but have quit because of the terrible things that nealy always seem to occur after using it the very following night! ok, so, i rule out that they do work then!

now, as for doing automatic handwriting, i've gotten a couple of bad surprises from doing this as well over the years. i never seem to be doing this right for some reason though and was wondering if anyone on the forum may know some tips that i could use to help me out a little.

btw, i have been protecting myself -before- attempting to do either the ouija or automatic handwriting over the years......and..... especially since whenever i was starting out doing them and didn't protect myself, (you know, out of foolishness in not believing that something bad -wouldn't- happen), and got those nasty surprises! -grin-

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic
...bye all...have a great astral life...
Hi again all. i was wondering if others would maybe like to come together on this particular forum section, Psychic Self Defense area and discuss ways one could protect/defend oneself if one feels as though they're being attacked by something or someone that is unseen in a -spiritual- sense. there are even many various ways a person even an animal such as your beloved pet could be attacked spiritually as well. i am actually speaking from experience and aren't just blabbing away on here.

now, why would i choose to create this folder here? because -i've- as well as others i know have been attacked a few times in our life in different ways, and have seen this by using astral sight as well as clairvoyantly happening to them or i while meditating or while in an altered state of mind. in seeing this, it has taught me over time how to deal with the attacker. i know of a few ways an attacker could choose to go about attacking or even inflicting physical pain on to their desired and targeted person or animal. how? well, first of all, the attacker could not only be spiritual, but could also be a person who's living in the flesh who may actually know you and they could therefore be wanting to do you harm! in knowing this can be quite beneficial because now you know that they could either be living or deceased and could in rare cases be non-human as well. yes, i said,
non-human! i won't really get into the non-human here, though, as i wish to not upset others on here about saying, i will just stick to the basic -human- attackers.

i will now get started in letting you know how a spiritual attacker may chose to harm another which is quite important in learning how to defend yourself against what they may be trying to do. most attackers normally seem to choose affecting the person or animal either on a spiritual level by draining them of their own personal energy, inflicting severe -physical- pain or even try to influence them in one or more bad ways. in my opinion, if they choose to inflict physical pain, then this probably would normally be called a psychic attack as i've heard. right, do correct me if i'm wrong, i don't mind. -smile- i believe that Robert Bruce has said before that in order for something or someone to be able to cause some kind of harm to another, they/it has to somehow find a way to connect with the individual's "mind" or even create some sort of mind bond in order to attack that person. i as well as other people i know and have known have had their attacker in most cases seem to have chosen to inflict pain on them by causing them to have horrible headaches. i know this because some have told me that's what was happening to them and felt they were causing it and i
on a few rare times have actually been able to see what my attacker had looked like who was causing me to have the extremely horrible headache while being forced to lie down on my bed in major pain.

now, that's all i'd like to say on a few examples of how an attacker whether spiritual or living can choose to harm another person and in what way(s). the next question is, how can we protect ourselves or keep our attackers from accomplishing or more like continue their attack on us, especially if we feel that they are doing this at the time they are? Robert has mentioned a few ways to do this in his Astral Dynamics book and i'm also sure he's mentioned even more in his new upcoming book, but i will give you some techniques that i've been choosing to use that can even stop the attacker from harming you if he/she/it is indeed doing something to you. these techniques may or may not work for you if you try them, but all i know is that in doing these i've been able to stop their attacks and have proven to work quite well for me:

1) what's one of the main ways one can stop any kind of psychic attack? by imagining oneself surrounded by white light! ask God to please surround you with his -pure- white light at least 3 or more times with strong intent in your mind/voice and also strongly -visualize- yourself standing in the very center of it to further help yourself make the protection work faster.

2) keep saying and repeating various kinds of chants such as, -Om- or even buy a crystal bowl tape or Om tape that you can purchase at a metaphysical book store. if you feel like you may be being attacked by some kind of unseen influence who may be harming you, play one of these kinds of tapes and chant with the tape or mantra of your choice and close your eyes and watch the results! (if you have astral sight or clairvoyance).

3) maybe try to come up with or develop your own kind of prayer or protective techniques and maybe see which ones may work best for you. also try Robert's suggested protective measures in his book, mine and your own that you may come up with as well and combine and use the ones that you feel work best for you overall.

that is all that i'd like to say for now. if any of you on here know of any other ways that you know of to protect yourself against an unseen attacker whether they're spiritual or living, then do feel free
to post them on here as well. many of us shouldn't stay in the dark or not know about this sort of thing, and i'm sure that Robert as well as others i know who have been attacked one time or another during their life certainly would agree with me on this too!

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic
Hi all. i'm just including this folder here to have a small place to maybe call my own where i'll be recording having any kind of experience, astral sight vision, lucid dream and so forth at. any of you here though may still feel free to reply to me within this folder too. if i have seen or experienced anything in regards to astral projecting, lucid dreaming and so on that may be considered worthy of anyone to read that may contain a message from the experience that i've learned from them or you simply may find interesting then i'll just post 'em right inside here. -kind smile-

Maybe others on the site should also consider creating their own experiences folder as well, unless you'd just want to have your topic of discussion stick out a bit for readers to see more quickly, then that's fine too. hey, no hard feelings here ok? it's just a little suggestion! -nervous smile, with a wink-

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic
Greetings again Robert Bruce, moderators and others on the forum. i love the site's new look! what a very wonderful and well done job in choosing the cool looking and calming color combination choices for the site! i also love all of the different options and links and folders we can no go on on the forum instead of it all just being a bit bunched up like on the other one was. winkle twinkle

well, to start out one of my first posts, i'd love to share with all of you an astral sight experience that i had had sometime this morning as i was beginning to wake up. i saw something that i feel may be a tad bit important for some of us on this forum to know, as well as to others in general. it's about light and darkness. we can not have one without the other as i've heard many others during my life say and have been told by others in person too.

so, what did i see as i was coming back into the waking state? i saw nothing but darkness, the darkness that is very cold and void of light that each and every one of us can see whenever we close out eyes to try to fall asleep.

as i was lying there in my bed this morning, i began to see something very distinct and clear that was suddenly beginning to come into my
astral sight's focus that still surprises me to this very second! i saw a very large and empty cave like place and quickly soon after seeing inside of this large and empty spaced cave and even more surprisingly, what looked like two cave men but they didn't totally look human but were in the main form of one. they had the basic human features such as eyes, ears, hair on their head, nose, arms and legs and so on, but they still kind of looked a little like something else as well. it's a bit difficult to describe on here in mere words but is the best i can do here. what i then had noticed was there were two of the cave men beings who were walking in the darkness of the cave towards the area of the cave that i was at and was lying there viewing. i don't believe that i was really astral projecting or
anything, but do feel that i was just 'viewing' the cave like area as well as the two cave men like beings. they kept walking towards me until they for whatever reason decided to stop, stand and stare down at me with a slightly angry expression within 5 feet of where i was viewing the inside of the dark cave at. maybe they had this angry expression because this was their cave, they were territorial and i
had just showed up there inside of their cave and had upset them.
at the time i was seeing them standing there scowling at me, i wasn't thinking about being there to upset them and just continued to stare right back at them in wonder. i believe that the two of them and i were just staring at one another but didn't necessarily feel threatened by each other's presence and feel that we were all
just curious about looking at each other too. as they were standing there staring down at me, i also had quickly noticed that they were wearing fur like clothing and weren't as hairy as many of us would think a cave man would have looked at one time whenever they were alive. they did have brown hair on their heads and was cut rather short but their faces kind of had a slight non-human look to them.

after a short while as i was curiously staring at them and they were
staring at me, the one who was standing in the front of the other had one very noticeable object that was sitting directly on the middle of his forehead that looked like some kind of large white circle that
glowed very beautifully and brightly in the darkness of the cave. it seemed to behave as though it were some kind of flashlight that the one cave man person was wearing directly on his forehead. maybe this really wasn't a flashlight or object as i had first thought it was was really just there on him to allow me to offer others an important message instead.

now, what could the message be in what i've seen this morning just by
seeing a dark empty cave full of darkness and nothing inside except for two built and tough looking cave men like people? here is the main message i feel that what i was suppose to get from seeing all of that.

darkness is cold, empty and full of nothingness and the light, no matter how small it may be that's within much darkness will always shine through as beautifully as can be.

as for light, it's something more, it can help us see through the
darkness and shows all of us that it's there to help us find our way through our darkest times we are having in our life and it can be there to help us as well if we are willing to embrace and except it.

now, i won't put darkness out of view completely. i've seen darkness
in many many of it's monsterous and even sometimes hideously demonic looking forms including it's one true form over many years now. one must realize though, that it's good to not completely reject or hate
-either- the light or the dark as both are -equally- just as important to have and even know as the other. both sides exist within all of us and is one of the reasons why we should not hate either one as well. in order to fully be able to understand the light one must explore it. in order to understand the dark, one must explore it as well, but in doing this, it wouldn't necessarily be wise to explore the dark too much, as it can lead one to great confusion, it can get one lost and it can even lead one astray, astray from the light and even one's own purpose or path. darkness can be beautiful and even for
awhile, but it can't hold it's beautiful form forever, as it must soon return to it's more true form, which is dark. one should not hate the dark though, and dark should not hate the light. we should learn to at least accept both, as both need one another to exist.

everything that i've now said here is what i know and believe about
light and dark and are just my own personal opinions and feelings on the matter. i'd love to hear how others on the forum as well as others who don't normally post on this forum feel about the two opposing sides. what do you feel you know about the two opposing forces? do you also agree that we should have both and that both need one another to continue to exist? i wonder why both sides can't just find a way to at least respect and accept one another. why must they always have a need to oppose each other and create battles with one another? is there not any way we can find a way to just get along peacefully?

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic

Edited by - Blue Light Mystic on 20 February 2002  07:25:36
Hello Adrian! ~

Thanks for contributing as well as complimenting the topic of discussion here. I've always loved garlic, of course, since I'm not a vampire. [:D] I've also heard, that it can help keep certain harmful disease's away such as cancer too. It doesn't have to always be eaten raw or on food, it could also be taken in the form of a gell caped vitamin. I'm sure you could buy them at any health store. Or, you could just go there and buy some empty gel caps and crush up the garlic and make your own if you don't like eating it raw.

It's always good to eat anything that's a fruit or vegetalble in it's raw and uncooked form though, since their natural vitamin's don't get cooked or boiled out. One of the ways I love eating garlic is by adding olive oil, some chopped up clove's of garlic and clam sauce on spagetti. That's a really wonderful combination, especially if one loves seafood. [:D]

And, thanks for telling me something about red garlic. I never knew there was another kind of it, only the white one. And yes, if one eat's garlic completely raw from the clove, you certainly would have to chew and swallow really fast! It is really hot, well, it is to me anyway. By doing that though, I'm sure it would really help clear up your sinus's really fast too. [:D]
Hello to ye too Bindi!

Thanks for contributing too! ~

Yes, Echinacea does seem to be this way, but I also tend to wonder, if this might also have to do with what we believe in too. Herbs, pills and medications, probably do work differently with each seperate individual, because of what that person believes in. Thought and belief probably also further effect the outcome of whatever it is we take. ~

"(I also read an article in the newspaper a few weeks back on a scientific test they did on Echinacea and had a control group taking Echinacea and some taking a placebo. The ones taking a placebo were sick for less time!) I don;t know if this says something about Echinacea of the power of the mind!" bindi

Yes, see? Our own mind actually has the power to effect the outcomes of many different things in our life, including our illness's. Maybe, an illness, originally resides in our mind in the first place and we have to find a way to rid ourself of our own illness or sickness. I also believe, that pills, medications and herbs only actually do so much for us, and we really are the one's who have to make up our mind to get better in the end. ~

"The St Jons Wort, I took for mild depression and it worked really well....
I have just started reading about Bach flower remdies which basically seems to help the emotional balance which inturn affects the physical.
I've just started my puppy and horse on different remedies and hope to see some result in the near future...
The beauty of these remedies is that there is no bad side effects and I don't believe that you can take too much..." bindi

Well, it really does seem that St. John's Wort works for a lot of people out there, which is really great. It would be much more wise to try to just take a natural alternative such as herbs instead of pills due to them not having as many bad side effects, if any at all as you've said bind as well as chemicals in them.

Thanks again for sharing what you knew here, including what you had mentioned about the Bach flower. ~
G'Day/Night to ye DjM.

I wanted to thank you for contributing here. I never knew about the real effects of eating roots before as well as the potato not actually being a root, but a thickened stem. So, what do you think? Are beets and radishes the only kinds of edible roots we can eat though? Would carrots, dicots and maybe water chestnuts also be considered to be a type of root? I particularly love water chestnuts, so I'd really hope so then! ;) ~

"When one desires to stimulate the thinking process, eat roots (e.g. beets; radishes). Roots achieve this because of the relationship of the plant to the human being." DjM

So, eating different kinds of roots, can help stimulate one's thinking process more? That's great! Thanks, I sure could use some of that sometimes! ~

"There will never be a strong influence on the head if someone cooks flowers in a tea. If you cooked the roots, they will have a strong effect on the head." DjM

Well, once again, thanks for all of your information here. I honestly never knew pretty much anything you said here about potatos, roots or flowers, and their effects on us either. I never really gave this any thought, so thanks for bringing it more to my attention! ~
Thanks for all of the links and your information here Weirdzly. I also recently was given some more links as well and the guy said that it can help people who have allergies to take some of the herbs on this site. They're called, "American Health & Herbs Ministry"


Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic
Hi all. Just thought I'd mention a few good links to some great sites where one could find out more information about herbs and the like. Here are the following links as well as a few good books on the subject you could find more about herbs in:

"Healing Herbs, to keep you out of the Doctor's Office!" a mini magazine by American Media Mini Mags, Inc. written by Sue Kovach

The Green Pharmacy by Dr. James Duke, Ph.D., and botanist

And, here's a great book that could further help one eliminate cancer tumors by cooking and eating fresh herbs as well as avoiding certain chemicals that feed cancer:

The Cure For All Cancers by Hulda Regehr, Ph.D., N.D.

You can buy fresh and organic herbs from the San Francisco Herb & Natural Food Co.:

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic
I don't know about kava kava they yanked it from the health stores here locally because they reported it causing liver damage (40 cases) but who is to say if that is true because many people in hawaii/polynesia country have taken this herb for centuries and the people that took them had liver problems (hepatitis etc..) another alternative probably more safer is Gotu Kola (indians call it bramhi).  It's used for anti-anxiety, they say it actually blocks receptors in brain where the panic area is so it's also a stress buster so technically it'll help the body heal itself in that area (stress is a major cause of slowing down healing), it has other components as well like blood purifier it has been reported to have anticancer/tumor capabilities in vitro, also it enhances the brain bringing more clarity of the mind overall it's an interesting herb I use it now for meditation cause any herb that makes you relax and keep your mind focused/awake is excellent its not like the other sedative herbs that make you want to fall asleep but only caution I never heard of but it's always good to be precautious not to take if you are pregnant/conceiving.  It also raises your body temperature a bit (kills all the nasty bacteria in the blood) while keeping you warm in the winter time.  I've been taking the herb for a week now and it's starting to heal my eczema ever since my body started to warm up it's now itching in the area (skin healing) not burning anymore I will see after a month or so how good it really works.

Thanks so much weagle for sharing what you knew about using Gotu Kola as a better alternative herb than kava kava. And, I also agree with you, that stress can be something that can further slow one's healing process down more. I especially liked what you said in how it can help aid one more in their meditation by making one more relaxed and keep one's mind focused and awake more. ~
I figure since you all are talking of herbs and such, I might as well say a couple of things.  During my childhood years, up to the present time, my mother has treated me with homeopathy.  I stand by this system 100%.  I think it is a wonderful alternative to poisonous prescriptions.

Thanks for sharing your opinion and belief here ninthplanet. Prescriptions have more chemicals than herbs do in them, yes and herbs can indeed be a much healthier alternative. However, some if taken in large quantities as well as too often could be bad too if one is not careful. ~

Within a short amount of time anyone can pick up a few books and remedies and go at it.  What I really like about the system is that it cures the problem, not the symptoms, something that the west has yet to figure out.

Yes, the west still needs to figure this out, that certain medications and even herbs can cure one's problem, but one still needs to find the root of what had created their problem, sickness, disease or illness in the first place, to truly be free of it as well as healed. I agree with you on this too. I also believe that Robert Bruce mentioned this before as well as many others. ~

Also, I think it is befitting I post a certain website.   This website is by far the most informative I have ever come across.  It shines so much light on the fact that the U.S. gov. is just a greedy money machine.  It has so many chapters which talk topics ranging from Ascorbic Acid Is Not Vitamin C to Journey to the center of your colon.  If you like the website please pass it on, I would really like everyone in the world to open their eyes.  Thank you, and happy journeys!


Thanks for providing us with this link ninthplanet and sharing your views and opinions. Many of them I also agreed with you on too, especially the one where one should find the root of their problem so they can ultimately be 'healed' of their problem(s)/symptom(s) instead of just cured. ~

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic
I would think that a good nursery would have some.  I know seed companies carry herb seeds; for example, you can buy St. John's Wort seeds at ...

On the topic of herbal remedies though, I find that they all do next to nothing for me.  If I know I'm coming down with a cold, all the echinacea in the world won't fight it off, but if I get a good day & night of sleep (and keep warm) I can usually avoid the cold altogether.  Heat & rest are the only things my body really wants.

Thanks Jacara for sharing this with us. Yes, sleep, staying warm and eating healty most of the time are the best ways to keep from catching a cold as well as any other kind of virus during the Winter time. I agree with you. But, some herbs such as echinacea and taking around 100 ml of zinc can further help prevent one from coming down with something too. But, what you said is the most important way too not get them as well.

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic
Another question:

Where can you find the different herbs that are living?  Do you think that the local nurseries would have these? Or maybe you could recommend a herb catalog or online site.  I would really appriciate any info.


Hello again Tracy. Well, I'm not sure if I know of any place where one could buy herbs at, maybe try a plant store, such as Walgreen's nursury and crafts. This store normally sells all kinds of plants including packets that have various kinds of herbs. I'll see if my friend could look up and give me that one site that might be more beneficial to you as well...If you'd like to learn even more about different herbs, also try going to your local bookstore and go in the nature section. I'm sure you might be able to fine certain nature field guide books that could be quite valuable, as they can provide one with photos, how to water them, what kind of sunlight they need and so forth.

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic