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Messages - new2ap

Thank you for sending healing... I will keep you updated..
My friends sister just got her mammogram test results today, which shows BI-RADS category 4B. She has large tumor > (4x6)cm in her right breast. She will have MRI test tomorrow.

Please send healing to her.

Thank you!
Unfortunately, she passed away! She recovered went back to home from hospital but then after 1 month she was again hospitalized this time she had problem in breathing and low pulse. She was intubated put on ventilator. but unfortunately she could not make it.  :-(   
Thank you so much she has recovered. :-)
Hi, she struggling with intense pain because of dengue. I will keep you updated. Thank you for helping!
Hi,  My friends wife is in ICU, she is suffering form Typhoid and dengue fever. Urgent healing needed for her. Her name is Maira age 26,  please Help!

Thank you
Target: Female, Age around 33yrs
Problem: pain in her left leg and numbness. (suspected, sciatica not diagnosed.)

She is unable to stand for long due to the pain.

Request:  Please send healing and love to her.

Your help will be highly appreciated.

Thank you!

Plz keep sending your blessings

Thank you eveyone, i hope she gets better with your blessings and healing. I dont want anything for me, i just want her problem to be solved. I dont want her to go through the surgery to get her entire utrus and overy removed.  :cry:  someone can take my life but cure her ( Im ready to give my life for her). I want to get her out of this difficult time she is going through.. plz help plz help
..  :cry:
I need your help for my sister suffering from uterian fibrosis and overian cyst approx 10cm in size..

She is in trouble plz help   :cry: :cry:

Your help will be highly appreciated...

Thank you
Quote from: Xanth on January 04, 2014, 12:45:45

It's that one.

His entire book is posted on his website for you to read too.  :)

Thank you Xanth
Quote from: astralee on December 30, 2013, 19:10:23
this happend twice now  iv used robert petersons method on his vizulising an object moving above me i did it at the same time as watching remsleep  images   and with in 30 mintues i was in the non phisical total lucid and it dident fade, the onley time it was when i notice and woke up it was just like projecting from a dream.  and i dident have to  sleep first i just relaxed focused on the object then watched the images  then  focused on the object again  then i phased.  

could you please post a link to read about " Robert Petersons method " you mentioned?  :-D

A month ago, I was feeling a little tired so I was resting on my couch I just closed my eyes and was trying  to meditate, lots of thoughts coming and I was not trying too hard but just looking at them and they fades away. I was aware of my surroundings and hearing noise of vehicles outside and a sound coming from one of my room inside. I would say, maybe I was not fully on meditational state (the point conscious state) in which paranormal experience occurs.

Suddenly, I would say within 10 min. a live image (like I was watching a movie) appears in front of my eyes, it was very vivid very very clear, I mean I was so clear that I have no words to explain its clarity. I have never seen anything with that much clarity with my physical eyes.

I saw someone’s room, books lying on the table guitar and stuffs, also I noticed that this has become my surrounding now. I moved my eyes and I saw day light coming in from the window. I also saw the round clock on off white wall and I could clearly see what time it was. It was amazing, I don’t know but this startled me a little or I got excited as this was the first time I was experiencing anything like this and I said to myself OMG! What is this? What am I experiencing? And BAM!! It started fading away with brown cloud appearing at my vision and then Blackness.. This whole experience lasts for few seconds.

Has anybody experienced anything like this before?

Can anyone shed light on this experience?

Can anyone of you guys give your views on William Buhlman, I was listening his interviews, he seems a really good man and very experienced in OOBE, but he didn't talked much on evil/negative entities.

Also, I didn't get the answer how to send love to negative entities. What should I do exactly ?

Thank you for your response & motivation.  :-)

I was browsing net for getting more info about this topic. And I come across some websites, in which they talk about negative entity that you may bring with you if you are not protected well before inducing astral projection, and many things regarding bad entities like people started seeing negative entities (after their experience with astral projection) in their normal lives and they bother them and touches them and suck energy from them and asking question how to get rid of them.. blah blah blah.. :|

Why I am asking this because I don't want to mess with anything that I am not fully aware of. I don't want to bring something evil I might regret..

My purpose of AP is to know about myself spiritually, and also want to know about my past life and my past karmas, and the purpose of my life here on earth and all..  So, I don't want to bring any bad entity to my life and bonk myself up totally.
I have also read somewhere that some of these entities are your own thoughts manifestations and some of them are really bad one and could bother you. Is this true? and that when you encounter any such bad entity you should send love and they would  go away. But how exactly should I do this , I mean do I come close to it and hug it or should I say I love you, I like you and please don't bother me ?? :? or what? :?

Please refer the following link too.. Is this all true or bogus.?? :?   :-o

I'm just scared. Also I don't fear of death but I don't want anything evil bothering me my whole life until I die. (I know this sounds stupid) :-D
I used to watch scary Japanese and Hollywood movies but I have stopped watching it, so that my mind is clear of scary thoughts.
I need an expert advice, I know you people are very experienced and expert in dealing these situations.  8-)
Maybe I sound totally funny or foolish or hilarious or to be joked about..
I want some real answers please.
Should I continue AP or should I stop it.  :| :?

Thank you

Warm Regards
PLEASE HELP...! My first experience with AP
I have been trying to project since week. But every attempt I made was unsuccessful I couldn't reach the vibrational stage. Until today morning I woke up at around 5:30 I look at the window if was still dark. I thought to project but I waited until 6:30 (as I afraid of dark) lol. I just closed my eyes and drift off to sleep, now I was dreaming about myself in bed and attempting to project and was feeling some sensation back of my head. Suddenly, I realize I was dreaming I woke up but I didn't open my eyes. OMG! I was feeling as If my head was motor and a very large propeller was attached in the very center of the back of my head and was moving. I can hear the sound it was like fluf, fluf, fluf.... I could even sense the direction of the propeller was moving (it was counter clockwise). The feeling was soothing but scary, I knew it was happening and I clearly had the feeling that I'm in a vibrational stage but I doubt it, as it was taking up speed and was moving faster and faster and I started thinking whether it was vibrations or something else was going on (at this point I was feeling as if I'm half sleep and half awake). This scared me and I couldn't think what to do next I started saying stop stop I'm not ready please stop, and the sensation gone after a while, and I  really regret to be scared of this.

I didn't feel the tingling sensation which usually starts in vibrational stage.

Was I really in vibrational stage?
What should I do when I come across this sensation?

Any suggestions??
I also afraid of Dark and the feeling of separation. Please help me motivate. I just want to do it badly but I get scared.
If I do it once, my fear will go away.

Sorry for my really bad English :(

Warm Regards