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Messages - Woah

I've been considering trying it recently, but I wanted to visit here first for advice.
Does anyone here have any experience using it?
If so, do you recommend it or not?
If not, why?
I look at everything with an open mind, but this is absurd.

Wow, that's pretty interesting.

As with all things like this, I always wonder the following:

1. Does it have three different minds that all want to do different things?
2. If not, which head does it use, or can it transfer its mind between the three heads?
3. Three souls?  :-o

Well, I found this, proving the story false.

Nonetheless, those 3 things I wonder about are applicable for siamese twins, and other animals that have actually been proven to have multiple heads.
The one that baffles me the most is siamese twins, because humans must have a soul, right?
So do they have two, or one?
If they have one, how do the two different.. members of the body.. each have a different personality?
Quote from: Lola on June 13, 2007, 21:59:12
welcome back, i remember you but it was a different avatar, wasn't it?

I think I'd just switched to this one before I left.
I also think I liked the old one(s) better. :)

And now, I put it back to one of my old ones.
I didn't want to because it's from the cover of an album I don't like, but the image is pretty neat sooo here it is.
I don't know if many of you know or will remember me as I was just another regular member on here quite a while ago...

Anyway, I hadn't even thought about anything astral or metaphysical for a long time except for the occasional few minutes here and there, but the other day I picked up a book of mine about OBEs, and started to crave whatever it is I was learning here.
So I came back to the forums, looked around a bit and my interest in all things spiritual came back.

So how is everyone?
Clearly she said she had the feeling since morning, when she was sober.
My latest one... (Third ever)
The fading went bad when I saved as .gif... Oh well.
I love the first person view. I've seen a lot of other people's pivots but no first person. :)

I made my second one a month ago and it was pretty good.
I figured out how to run, so that helped. :P
I never finished it though, or I'd upload it.

EDIT: Well it lags up my computer, how 'bout yours? :P Maybe let it run through without watching a couple times first. But yeah, upping in .gif screws it up.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: amazing dream i had
November 29, 2006, 15:03:45
Sucks how you don't remember technical things like words and names. :)
Quote from: Kazbadan on November 28, 2006, 14:04:25
so let me see if i understand the 1st video: his intention was to put trees on the abyss and then imagine that he was really flying through trees in a forest?

sad and beautiful at the same time

Yep. And he's going to die when he hits the ground. That's how bad he wants to fly like the other birds. :(
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 27, 2006, 15:00:20
It didn't seem like gangta was complaining about moderating, just more about how most people reacted to this in general.

Now that you're back gangta, do you know what those numbers mean? :S
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: dream after image
November 26, 2006, 18:08:38
Quote from: AndrewTheSinger on November 25, 2006, 09:19:27Some religions say that if you see them before falling asleep they are clues of a previous life

Cool, I get them before falling asleep a lot.

I think you all should watch this video.
It's about a little bird who'd give it all...

You won't understand it at first, but then you will.
Have the sound on, it makes it much better.
I don't know why, but I really connected with the little dude.  :-P
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Karma rating?
November 24, 2006, 17:28:25
Peacock escaped from the zoo, sparrows are having a run of bad luck. :D

Just kidding, I really wish I knew. Just want to say it sounds very interesting.
I get this too about every other night. When it happens, don't open your eyes and just look. You should see an image, probably from a dream you were just entering. It's neat and kinda like hypnogogic images, because you see them as if your eyes are open, but they're behind your eyelids. I've been trying to use these images to phase / project to them. I've only tried about 8 times, but every time I can make the image clearer and last longer.
Well since it's a survey, it kind of all needs to be there. But maybe you could represent it visually? (ie. A Graph)
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Karma rating?
November 21, 2006, 20:04:36
Hah TalaNay, no need to complain now. You've jumped to 57 overnight. :P  :|
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: question
November 21, 2006, 15:07:38
Quote from: Bane on November 21, 2006, 08:37:20
thats doesnt help,or answer the question, :roll:

It actually does, because it's true. But, there are general/average meanings for dream symbols of course, but they could be way off. Google what you're looking for and you'll probably find some helpful stuff. If it sounds like it relates to your life or makes sense, then it's probably correct. If it is way off, you'll find TalaNay was right.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 20, 2006, 17:24:37
Quote from: We on November 20, 2006, 17:05:54llac lanif ruo si siht.

That's "This is our final call" backwards.  :roll:

I think if you were really wanting to get us to follow you, and felt this was important, you would give us more information. Not be secretive about it.
Quote from: Bane on November 19, 2006, 23:49:59
im with you on the government conspiracy stuff,one that is blatant that no one can deny without being in a state of complete apathy,or complete brainwashedness,go to google type in satalite veiw of washington d.c. or white house or washington monuments and then draw a line from one monument to the other connecting them to the white house,thogh it very overt you dont need to draw lines, it makes an inverted pentagram(satanic pentagram)any one who denies this as a coinsadence is a fool or a liear,guess who built the washington monuments,the scottish rite masons,anyone with common sence can put two and two togather.

Found this.. so which memorials are you talking about?

Also this...

There's also a pentagram on top of the white house, so they aren't too secretive about it.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 20, 2006, 16:06:10
Hehe alright, I give in, you're right. :P

PS: I'm gonna get you!

PS: Just Kidding
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 20, 2006, 15:56:55
I understand TalaNay, but I find it strange. He seemed to be a great, normal guy before. And to have this happen so suddenly, and with the pretty eerie message this is conveying.. seems pretty strange. But yeah, you've been here longer so you'd know. Maybe his profile was hacked or something. Normally the things like this are by one or two-time posters.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 20, 2006, 15:43:16
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 20, 2006, 15:41:19
Lol, I kinda want to know what 710 017 564 512 means though. :P
Oh well, I guess you're right.