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Messages - zipppy2006

you want to live the rest of your days in paradise?  This implies a death, and end, and a paradise, in none of which I understand what you are talking about.
Welcome to Magic! / Re: The validity of Magic
October 08, 2008, 19:17:46
This is an interesting post.  The way I see "learning to manifest" such things would be getting into prayer and intention.  Maybe faith too?  If the world is a consequence of beliefs both consciously and unconsciously, then changing those beliefs in yourself changes the world in some minute way no?
how is the observer beyond both?  The observer ceases to exist when there is no dualism...  The conscious, egotistic 'you' is a result of dualism is it not?
Mostly true, but i don't know that reality as in an objective reality actually exists, but yea that is pretty common stuff in philosophy.
liam123, that sounds identical to my experiences, except I have never had a lucid dream OBE (I have many lucid dreams and have been very close, but I got scared the one time it was there)  How to you usually go about entering the astral from a dream?
From reading some books by Carlos Castenada, mainly "The Art of Dreaming," he talks about the concept of energy.  Everything consists of energy, blah blah you've heard this before.  So the ability to perceive energy directly is something that is sought after.  Although this is hard in the physical world, in dreams or in a projection it is said to be easier.  Carlos says to intend, or will yourself to see energy, by way of simply intending, shouting that you want to see the energy, or pointing your little finger at objects (all in dreams/AP of course).  He says that when you SEE a normal dream object created from your own consciousness, it is "ghost energy" so to say, and will disappear or change into something else, whereas true objective energy (not of your own making) should sustain and emit a glow of some kind.  Although dreams may contain an item or two that is 'real,' most of the items are said to be ghost energy in dreams, whereas in AP I would think that most everything would be sustainable energy.

It's been awhile since I read the book, and I assume some things from it.  For example he never talks about Astral Projection, rather "Dreaming in the waking world."  So some assumptions are made here.
I also believe it was related to suicide, or leaving permanently.  Its hard to see in that small context, but it does seem that is what he was saying.  IS there something wrong with 'condoning' suicide? 
I have been practicing and trying astral projection as well as lucid dreaming a lot as of late.  I can easily achieve 3D Blackness, and I can usually get a mild bodily paralysis where I feel a heavy, floating sensation, but I cannot get anywhere else.  I have been stuck here for a month, and I can't "Cross the Bridge" to lucid dreaming by falling completely asleep, nor can I make any progress concerning astral projection.  I know I get close sometimes, but then I think about what I am doing or become overly-conscious and I lose it.  I also cannot hold the heaviness indefinitely, after awhile I get bored and I wake up, feeling rested.  Energy work seems to work as a catalyst to these sensations, so sometimes I do that.  What are some tips on where to go from here and how to prolong the effect?
I have been trying phasing for awhile with relatively little success.  But the other night I was seeing the hypnogogics when there was a bright light that filled my 'vision' it was like a strobe light, but it accellerated to an amazing speed and then when it seemed like it could not go any faster it just dissappeared.  And it wasn't a focused light, but like a sheet of light over my entire field of vision.  Whats going on there?
So i've been doing energy work and have a pretty good feel for energy and the different chakras.  I've tried several methods including Monroe's "Reaching for the vibrations," the rope method, the spinning log, and simply just relaxing and waiting.  Most of the methods will turn on all of my chakras and get em going pretty strongly, but nothing really seems to happen after that.  When the energy starts flowing like that, my body tenses up and I can't really help it, is this ok or should I be 100% relaxed?  My breathing is also inconsistent when I try an exit technique because I can feel the sensations so much more when I breathe out, so I end up not breathing as regularly.  Any ideas or tips on how to avoid these things or make them work better?
Okay thanks Stookie that makes a lot of sense, guess I'll just keep trying.
Hello, I'm new here and I've read "Journeys out of the Body" and have been doing exercises for a few weeks now.  I've only been trying to feel out the vibrations and get used to the relaxed state.  The vibrations come, and they also go.  I can't seem to control them at all and they come and go as they please, it just feels like warmth, or something like the feeling when circulation gets cut off and your limbs fall asleep.  Until today the only part of my body that really went into paralysis was my hands/forearms.  Today I just waited without any active reaching for the vibrations and they came, after awhile they spread out into my entire body and it felt like I was tipped backwards so that my feet were above my head.  The feeling compounded until it felt as if I was completely vertical.  It was very strange and I was going to try to leave my body but then a woodpecker perched outside my window and started a racquet!!  Could not keep concentration and lost the vibrations and sinking feeling.

How can I hold onto, or control the vibrations?  Also, I was trying to just separate my arm as Robert Monroe talks about when I was doing this, but I reached and such and ended up moving my physical arm just slightly, but couldn't feel anything else.  Any tips on 'reaching' without doing it physically?