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Messages - waterbreathing

Originally posted by dovelady:
The only time I have experienced any side effects, is when I neglected to ground myself and discharge any negatives and/or excess energy.  

pray for peace.

I just read about transforming negative energy into positive (in the self defence forum). Is this something you have had any experience with?
I guess that if this were so then wouln´t it actually be a waste to "throw this away".
I´m a child when it comes to this stuff, but one eager to learn" border=0>

Bless you for relieving the pain from those around you!
Love and light,

Originally posted by Jeff_Mash:
While the more practice, the greater your chance of learning through experience, you can always practice by watching yourself fall asleep at night.  This is to give hope to all those who say, "But I don't have time to practice because I work a full time job, I have kids to take care of all day, etc."

Perhaps trying to see the day as dreamlike can be a good way to make all the day into practice, taking the practice of concentration and make it a part of the rest of life, making it fluid and lucid...

Love and light,

Originally posted by Nita:
Hello Winged Wolf
  I have found many books upon energy and how to use it. The information is out there and it is just knowing how to draw different energy types in for the persons use. Converting energy to the persons pattern is just that repatterning it so it is actually attuned to the person. If they can't absorb that then they aren't trying.
  Energy conversion from bad to good is mentioned in buddhist and other magical literature. The information is out there and all people have to do is look for it.

Though this wasn´t written to me it made me curious... is there methods to take someones (human or animal) bad, negative energy and turn it into positive and good energy and then return this to them? In other words helping them gather energy.

Wouldnt this be like a dream come true!!!

Love and light,

Originally posted by SiVA:
I lay down to do my relaxation technique, and once my body is asleep and my mind starts to drift slightly I'll be "jolted" back to reality, like a quick violent jerking movement of my body (Sometimes only a body part, like my Leg or Arm)

Although this is sometimes helpful in keeping me awake, I'm curious as to why this happens and if it's a sign that I'm on my way to an OBE.

Thanks for your thoughts

I also have had these things happening when doing relaxation and accidently falling asleep. Perhaps it could be due to tension releasing. That is a sudden release of some knot of tension or something. Perhaps further relaxing the area in which it happens would help release this deeper tension?
Just questions to "answer" a question" border=0>

Love and light,

Originally posted by Violet:
I was wondering if anyone has ever spontaneously ended up in the future?

So I am wondering.  What is the difference between a vision and a projection into the future.  Can one even have a projection into the future?    

Light and Love to the One and All,

Edited by - Violet on 27 February 2002  03:45:26

I don´t know but i realy would like to thank you for raising the question. I guess much good could be done by using this, if possible, to help people and animals avoid suffering.

Love and light to you all,

Welcome to Metaphysics! / End Times?....
November 06, 2002, 13:49:45

Sorry to bang on about this but this forum I believe was originaly started to talk about sensible discusions abot forms of prophesy and divination that people might find useful in their daily lives and spiritual development but all that seems to be peddled about here is constant references to biblical apocalyptic mythology and end times etc which doesnt really do anyone any good!

Well you might have a point there (I also live in Eurupe) but who knows, if in a couple of years we would be asked to put some microchip in our hands or heads, some of these letters might make someone having read this question it.

I for one dont know very much about these things, but I suspect one can find quite a lot arguments for having this chip inserted. Less robbery since ther's no money. No black money(money laudry) etc.
I would personaly take a look at how much I value my personal freedom but then again, what would my money be worth if I only could pay using this chip.

Then if something very similar was written about in a book years and years before, well then this would be another quite strong argument against it wouldn't it.

So to say that it realy does not do anyone any good... well i guess future will tell.

Take Care,