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Messages - Embodied Words

Hm. Gotta say, I'm kinda jealous. I'm engaged, and I don't have that kind of connection with my fiance.
Very good advice, NoY. ^.^

He's very right there. Usually, your base instinct will be right. Don't try to complicate it with stuff like "Well maybe thats just me thinking that, maybe thats not the other person." I've actually been right before with something, but I chalked it up to me being silly, and ended up looking foolish.

Good luck to both of you!!
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: black hole
February 14, 2009, 09:15:43
Quote from: urakei on February 12, 2009, 21:03:59
I don't know about black hole. But Robert Monroe experimented to go through a faraday cage and got trapped there... here's is his notes from Journey out of Body

I don't remember that being in the book. Perhaps you own a different copy than me? Is there a special edition or something? x.x
There is a video game called "Clive Barkers Jericho," and in it, all the characters you play as have a different supernatural ability, and one of them can Astral Project. It's a very gory game, btw. o.o
xD Adun <3
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: UNDER 18 AP goers
February 06, 2009, 18:41:26
I remember posting in this thread! xD I was 18 at the time, me thinks. Now I am 20. x.x

:: sigh :: Growing older is not fun.
Quote from: ObewanaBe on February 05, 2009, 19:29:51
has anyone ever gone to space? if so tell me about it in some good detail.     also can some1 please give me a really easy technuiqe , not the rope one of the mind awake body asleep. i need something easier

Oh, um, actually, I just described this in another thread.

The first time I did this was maybe on my 5th projection. I've had never gone very far before, I was floating in my room, trying to stay out of body, when it suddenly crossed my mind to go to space. I started floating up very fast, and then just like that, I was "out there."

It was an incredible feeling. Very disorienting, and very overwhelming. Honestly, I felt rather uncomfortable. It makes you feel so SMALL, so miniscule. I only stayed out there for a few moments, I really couldn't handle it for very long.

Um, as for techniques, I don't have any. I tried every technique I've ever heard of, none worked. I just go to sleep sometimes, and I'll "wake up" out of body.

Oh, well, I lied. I guess I do have a technique. Before I go to sleep, I'll tell myself a few times, very forcefully inside my head, that I WILL have an OBE that night. I WILL wake up outside my body.

Sometimes that helps.

xD Good luck!!
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: black hole
February 06, 2009, 18:27:35
Quote from: Lighten on February 05, 2009, 23:56:03


you die

xD That made me lol.
Quote from: Pikmin_Fan on January 19, 2009, 13:36:28
If you want to go into Outer Space, then just propel yourself like a rocket. But be careful when propelling! You might shoot yourself out of the Solar System, maybe even the Galaxy........

Ah, I personally recommend going to space at least once. It is a very awesome feeling, very awe inspiring. I've only done it once, but I will always remember it. It leaves you feeling so miniscule! You ever stood next to a skyscraper or other large object, and felt tiny? Multiply that a couple thousand times. ^.^

Yah, movement is weird. And so is being shaped like a sphere. But the sight was what was really cool.
Perhaps you were projecting, but you were still seeing from your physical body instead of the etheric body.

Being in two places at once is confusing, eh?
Ha ha! You are definitely not the only noob.

And thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one who has had trouble with dark OBE's.
Woo-hoo! lol, I like when people agree with me.
Very soft music in the background, or perhaps a clock or some other noise you can focus on. If you focus on the sound in the background and try to fall asleep simultaneously, then you should be able to reach the mind awake body asleep state fairly easily.

I've never tried this, but it sounds like it would make sense, so maybe I'll give it a whirl myself. xD
I've had my first two OBEs this week (that I'm willing to count), and both times I've woken up with horrible headaches. Does this happen to anyone else?

Also, waking up from the second one was a creepy experience. After I woke up, I walked out of my room and still had the feeling that I was OOB somewhere in my house. I still felt like a part of me was wondering around the living room...

Ha ha. Awesome...
However, unless my friend woke up because of my visit, then sadly no proof.

Heeeeere is what happened.

I laid down to go to sleep at about midnight, I cleared my mind of all conscious thought, while managing to keep just the tiniest portion of myself awake. At some point I realized that my body was very much asleep, and it was a fight to keep my mind awake. I reached the vibrational state for the first time in my life, and I felt myself seperating.

Now here is the interesting part (for me, anywho.) I started to feel like I was in two places at once. I could feel another me somewhere in the room, and I started trying to make THAT me stronger, and the me in the bed weaker. I put my consciousness into the other me, and the scurried out of the room.

But I was blind!! Very blind. I couldn't sense anything, so I started zooming around in different directions screaming "Clarity now!" and "sight now!" like an idiot. xD

Well, I finally got to the point where I could see my hands, but I think I had "zoomed" underground. I felt very closed in, and I couldn't find anything. So I decided to pay a visit to my lovely friend, "Cynthia."

I yelled "Take me to Cynthia!" at the top of my astral lungs, and I thought with all my might about Cynthia, and I felt some very strong rushing movement, but didn't see anything. By now, I had been out a while, and it was a struggle to stay OOB. I finally stopped moving, and I could sense her somewhere very nearby, and I think I managed to cuddle up to her before I finally lost myself and gave up. I made the smart move and decided to return to my body instead of being sent back and not being able to remember anything.

Being in two places at once is a very interesting experience. I believe I felt my physical body snore once or twice while I was fighting my way around underground.

When I'm OOB I don't really have a body. Its more like I'm a tiny little dot of awareness. Like a soap bubble. ^.^ And I always seem to be close to the ground. Like at knee level.
You sound the same I did a few weeks ago, Cami! And then someone gave me some very magical advise, it's very simple, and it works amazingly well. "Stop trying so hard." Relax with it, don't try to force things, and it will take care of itself.

I hope that helps! It did wonders for me.
Ah, this sounds amazing!! Yer vision when OOB seems much clearer than mine. How were you able to fly? I have been OOB a few times, and I've always noticed that I have a very hard time with flying.
Ah, yeah, the "clarity now" trick. I tried using that once or twice during a few lucid dreams, and it always just caused me to wake up. It has a worked a few times, but usually it causes me to become too aware of my body, and thinking about my body causes me to regain consciousness.

Maybe it is different during OBEs though? I dunno. I'll try it and find out. xD
I don't blame you at all for playing the skeptic! In fact, until my mom pointed out a few details, I did the same thing!

First off, my dad isn't in the kitchen often. He's a lazy buttmonkey, and is usually found in front of the t.v. Not only that, but if he wants something to drink, he'd normally get my mom to do it!

Secondly, the timing was perfect. It only takes a few minutes to fix sandwiches, and mom just happened to be fixing them at 10:30.

^.^ I'm pretty sure it was real. I hope it was.
Thank you very much. ^.^ I would like to mention one more thing, the MOVEMENT, was so ODD. It wasn't anything like I thought it would be. At one point I think I was even moving backwards... It felt like it was a struggle to move at first, but the further from my room I got it seemed to get easier.

Is there an easier way to move? Robert Monroe mentioned a "stretching" technique.
I finally had one that I KNOW for a FACT was real!!

I was having some trouble staying asleep, and I remembered someone saying that that is a good condition for an OBE, so I started trying to fall back asleep, but keeping a tiny piece of myself awake. I managed to doze back off, and then I drifted out of my bedroom and into the kitchen. Everything was VERY hazy, and I wasn't SEEING everything so much as SENSING everything. Maybe like how a blind person has a hightened sense of everything, because they are blind? Anyway, I drifted through the walls into the kitchen, and I "saw" my dad standing at the fridge fixing himself a drink, and I "saw" him talking to someone behind me, who was standing at the stove. I "looked" at the clock, and it said 10:30. After that, I don't remember much.

I woke up later, around 11:00, and I walked into the living room, to find my mom still awake watching t.v. I asked her what she was doing at 10:30, and she said she was in the kitchen making sandwiches. I asked her if dad was in the kitchen with her, and she said he came in for a few minutes to refill his glass of coke! I asked her if she was at the stove at the time, and she said yes. Then she looked at me funny, and asked if I was astral projecting, I said yes, and then we both laughed and agreed that it was really cool, and about time. ^.^

I doubt I would have been able to do this if it hadn't been for all the support I've gotten from everyone here. I was trying WAY too hard, when in fact, the process is very simple. Hopefully, now that I've had ONE, I'll be able to have many more, and perhaps they will get clearer.

Thank you everyone!!
I felt the same way when I first got here, Cami. It's a VERY helpful forum, and the people here are usually very friendly. ^.^