I just posted in the dreams section today of a thread on faceboon regarding the jade helm military excercise and a question was asked if anyone had been having strange dreams lately. Almost all shared a dream of fire, explosions, asteroids and some are more than firmly convinced it is nibiru. With that being said, does it matter and is it to be believed? Is it even real? Governmental entities rely on fear and confusion to distract and control a populace in my opinion. Bread and circuses.... However, and i'm not any sort of mathmetician, astrologer, astronomer or any of the such, i believe there is a mathematical calculation that can correctly predict with somewhat accurate fashion apocolyptic events. if we take the mayan calendar for instance and look at the accuracy of it, imagine what else could be discovered, tracked and catalogued if we weren't getting wiped out every so often. Constantly finding ancient cities, civilizations, tools, instruments, techniques we don't believe were capable to have been employed in those times. I think it's a bad idea to assume that we "know" from prophecy and or mathematics and science what is and what ain't when we supposedly know more about the surface of the moon than we do of our own oceans. Still believe the answers remain inside of us and that the information is accessible somehow but i'm far from coming into contact with information that would lead to information that would lead me to THE information... If that makes any sense.