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Messages - Lumaza

 Greetings Kimona and welcome to the Astral Pulse Forums!  :-)

 I just finished my own "phase soak session", I call it, which is basically Phasing in my bathtub. Phasing is my chosen method of "non-physical exploration".

 It sounds like you got your "sneak peek" and now wish to learn more. Many people get that initial peek at what is, but then they dismiss it as just a "glitch in the Matrix". Others like yourself get that peek and now want to delve fully into learning more. Learning more comes with a bit of work. Not only a bit of work, but many times also a shift in your definition of reality. I wrote a thread years ago here called "Tests, Quests and Challenges". I always suggest to people new to this practice to read it because there are some things that people don't quite understand that may happen down the road. Not only do they not understand, but they may not be prepared or ready to. Changing your mindset, leads to a change in your reality.!/tests-quests-and-challenges/

 Now to the darkness. Embrace that darkness. Play with it. When I first learned how to Phase, I used a "6 pt" directional focus. One time I may focus on the upper part of the darkness. Another it could be the left or the right side of the darkness. I found that each direction had it's own "distinctions". I found patterns. Not just geometrical but patterns in general. This is why it is very useful to have a Journal in the beginning. You will find "patterns" and those patterns will help you further your explorations. The 6pts being, up/down/left right and lastly forward and backwards. This focus technique soon led to experiencing "etheric" motion. Learn how to "passively observe" all that happens and most importantly to "allow" what's going to happen to happen. Relax, release and "let go".

 Do this, close your eyes and just focus on your left hand. Focus on it and only it. Now move that etheric hand side to side just by using your focused intent. Did you feel a "physical impulse" of that direction or movement? Keep doing it and you will.

 What the 6pt focus technique did for me is it taught me how to "hold" my focus on whatever I was currently experiencing. That soon led to being able to either move into or draw the darkness towards me. Both of those have different outcomes. I am not going to share what I see and experience because I want you to have your own experiences. Years ago, here on the Pulse, I used to share many of my experiences. But then I began getting all these PMs from people that were discouraged because they couldn't do or experience what I did. I wanted them to have their own experiences, not mine.

 After a while of experimenting with the above technique, if you wish, you can read a thread I wrote on a Phasing technique that utilizes geometric shapes, etheric motion and "doorways" of all kinds. It shows how my own technique "evolved" over time.!/the-doorway/

 Lastly this isn't an activity or something that you are just doing. This is something you are "becoming" or should I say already are. You are just "remembering" who and what you really are and that is "consciousness" having a "Human experience". All these techniques you read about have the same thing in common and that is they teach you how to hold your focus on something other than your physical body. Once you can do that you will find how easy and quick attaining a "non-physical" focus really is.

Quote from: LightBeam on September 14, 2024, 23:02:28Very true! This principle applies for everything in existence. Whatever you have chosen to be at a given frame, your perception about yourself and the world you know is what you will create as reflections we call experiences. If you want to change your experiences, first you need to change your perception. How do you change your perception? By understanding the above principle and start behaving as who you prefer to be.
I was thinking a bit more about your above words and actually saw this in action last week at my show. A fascinating, courageous lady had come into my booth at my show, and we struck up a conversation on my Crystal Amplifiers/wire Art, which soon led into a great conversation on meditation, lucid dreaming and astral travel. She then told me about her personal miracle.

 I can't remember the reason why, but she said for years she was crippled and could not walk. I figure her to me in either her late twenties or early 30's. I am terrible at figuring out ages anymore, lol. She was not crippled now though. She was a vibrant, full of life, strong lady. She had her daughter with her as well.

 It seems her change came when she started to look for alternative solutions to her paralysis. That soon led her to "Joe Dispensa". I had heard an interview on, I think it was Coast to Coast AM, and was very impressed with his words. Here is a link to his site if you are interested. there are some great things there. All with the positivity to "motivate" and "rescue" a soul in need. That is if that soul is "ready" to be rescued.

 This lady applied what she learned from Joe and it worked. Through meditation and energy work, she healed herself. I love hearing and reading stories like this. Things like this are what should be going "viral" on people's social media accounts. This is not "fake news". This is real life happening now!  :-)

 Her words truly made my day!  :-)
True words to live by Lightbeam. Spoken with elegance!

That leads me to an email that I recently received. Mary Jo had a email subscription to "Heron Dance Art Studio". This is the message, words of wisdom that were shared in yesterday's share.
 I use the term often here "remembering what we once knew" because it really is the truth. You can see a number of things, contraptions, concepts throughout time that are getting "re-invented" again. Some people say, "re-inventing the wheel". I wonder how many times the "wheel" has been invented throughout our history, lol! According to what Archeologists seem to be finding, quite a few times!  8-) 
 Amongthestars, it sounds like you are trying to "force" it. Relax, Release and just let go. Learn to do that and you will see the "shift" occurs naturally. At that point, you don't need to do anything but observe until you feel you are in the scenario you are experiencing. Until it becomes "real" or you!

 This is not a race. You will find that this is something you will "become". I say become because it becomes a part of you. It always was. It's just, now you are becoming aware of it!  :|
 That is an excellent video to learn how to "maintain" a focus target for an extended amount of time. Once you learn to do that, you will find that the "shift" has already "naturally" occurred. It is "us" that makes this whole thing so difficult. I always say, "your physical body will fight tooth and nail to keep you focused on it and only it". That is why you need to kind of "rewire" your system to allow a "dual" focus to occur.
 Greetings Amongthestarz and welcome to the Astral Pulse!  :-)

 Just know that your body will fight tooth and nail to keep you focused on it and only it. Whether it be aches and pains, excessive swallowing, etc., it is a challenge. The key is to learn how to quickly "dissociate" yourself from your physical focus. Once you do that, you will find that there is only the NPR (non-physical realms) left to be experienced.

 Recently I shared with another member here, that they might want to look at Robert Bruce's NEW (New Energy Ways). They did and it worked for them. They also were experiencing the "aches and pains" that seem to strengthen by the second, while attempting to have an OBE. I also said that "Phasing" might be the way to go too.

 In the beginning of my own journey into NPR explorations, I too was challenged constantly by swallowing problems, problems with my eyes feeling like they were opening, just as I was finally about to "exit", and then there was the cramping muscles and "pangs". A brief progressive relation technique helped wonders as well!

 Like Lightbeam said, there are many different techniques to be found in the Stickies in the Sub-forums.  Choose one that you think will work for you, then practice, have patience and you will persevere!

 You may find my "Doorway" technique helpful as well. It utilizes techniques to jump start the "dissociative" process almost immediately. It has changed quite a bit from the opening paragraphs. If you want to see the evolution, you can just skip to the last 4 or 5 pages of the thread.!/the-doorway/
 Welcome to the Astral Pulse!

 Dolores Cannon and Gregg Braden are both great teachers. They explain the way consciousness and reality itself works. Experiencing it for yourself leads your true confirmation.  NP (non-physical) exploration will lead you down that path! :-)
Quote from: Volgerle on July 31, 2024, 10:27:52Enough thoughts on this. I decided to do the WB2B method more often from now on. It might get the ball rolling again for me regarding OBEs and retrievals in particular.
Sometimes a block is overcome by moving backwards to go forward. Going back to what used to work is just what is needed.

 In your experience, you began with a strong intent and even literally "demanded" a Retrieval to occur and for that this time you received your wish. Almost every Retrieval experience I have had has come through more of a spontaneous nature. There seemed to be a learning curve that I needed to go through.  After a while it was already known that it was my goal to be an "Invisible Helper" to those that not only needed it, but would accept it as well.

 In almost all of my Retrievals, there seemed to be some kind of "telepathic review" occurring. I was given an insight on the past experiences of the "Retrievee" that led to where they were now. That could be where the "gun" came in. It could have been a past lead into and pertinent to the scenario at hand.

  How did you feel when you awoke?
Quote from: shineling on July 09, 2024, 17:09:44The true definition of "NPR evolution"!


Yeah... I'll just skip the lower planes for now. I just don't like it... it's such a depressing state.
There seems to be a kind of "transition" in the practice of NPR experiences. Many people I have spoken to, and my own experiences show this to be somewhat true. The initial sneak peek comes through an OBE, many times with full sleep paralysis. The wish to learn more moves into more of a transition to "Phasing". At this point, the physical body has become an afterthought, with no more need for a classic physical "OBE", climbing out to the body. Lastly comes almost nightly lucid dreams and other "gifts", I guess you could call them. (An extremely strong case of "knowing"). Hence the term "NPR (non-physical reality/realms) evolution".
 Every dream "means something. If you are dreaming and conscious of it, there is a purpose for it.

 You are correct though, those repeating dream scenarios are occurring because you have not yet discerned the message they are attempting to give you. I have found that sometimes, it takes many dreams of the same situations or scenarios to really drive that message home. That and the fact that sometimes a lesson must be taught in steps (breadcrumbs), that may take time for you to understand. What we know of our projections and experiences today may not have been fully understood when we were new to this practice. At least that is the way it works for me.
Quote from: shineling on July 09, 2024, 01:52:17So, while the temptation to separate may still whisper in my ear from time to time, I know that the true path to enlightenment lies within the depths of my own dreams. There, guided by the wisdom of my astral self, I shall continue to explore, to heal, and to unravel the mysteries of the universe, one lucid dream at a time.
The true definition of "NPR evolution"!

 You still have not fully learned to embrace the fear factor though. There is a lot of light to be found in those dark spaces. You just need to see it through. Move into that darkness before you with full faith that there is nothing there that will hurt you. At that point, you are a single point of consciousness!
Quote from: Traveler_2649 on July 01, 2024, 16:58:49Lumaza,

When you talk about acute pain in limbs, how long does it last?

I've done lengthy yoga nidra meditations before, and on multiple occasions I've had excruciating pain in my dominant wrist. On a scale of 1-10, it's all least a 9. It feels like my wrist is being stabbed and crushed at the same time.

I injured it about 6 years ago and it's progressively grown worse over time. I've tried to tough it out, but it just gets worse until I can't ignore it anymore and it disrupts the whole meditation.

Any suggestions?
I know it sounds weird, but put all of your focus on your big toe. You can also cycle up and down your toes, kind of like counting. For me, the pain stops almost immediately, but I have learned how to keep my focus laser sharp on whatever target I wish to. Another great focus target is about 6 inches in front your toes. What you don't want to do is focus on the area that hurts. That seems to intensify the pain.

 I think you might find Robert Bruce's NEW (new energy ways) useful. Before he passed, he created a version 2.

 I have Degenerative Disc Disease (born with it) and Trigeminal Neuralgia (about 10 years now). They are not allowed to hurt me when I am working. I have learned to make a deal with my pain that it cannot interrupt my shows, but afterwards, it can do what it wishes. The day after a show, I feel it though. When it gets too intense, I go into my focusing on my big toe. If that doesn't work, I start using some of the NEW techniques. The only pill I take is Gabapentin. I don't take anything for pain anymore. My body does not allow it. I always get bad reactions, even to Tylenol.
Quote from: Beethoven2024 on July 01, 2024, 09:55:16Phew! You certainly have a lot of patience!
If you want to talk to someone with a lot of patience, talk to "Xanth". In the past, he said here that it took him 10 years before he had his first successful consciously aware experience.  :-o  That takes a lot of patience and I commend him for that!

 The problem that I had earlier in my own practice was that I programmed my mind so much to "notice", that any time I closed my eyes, my mind would instantly click into noticing, even when I wanted to actually go to sleep.

 I find the bed the hardest place to practice. All your life you have programmed your mind that "bed is for sleeping". It's hard to re-wire that instinct. To be successful on a regular basis, there is a lot of re-wiring needed. By changing or altering your mindset, you are also changing and altering your reality!
Quote from: Beethoven2024 on June 29, 2024, 12:03:57Are you saying that you're trying to have an OBE or something similar in the bath???
Yes, in the bathtub. I was surprised to hear a few years ago that "Archimedes" did the same thing.

 Years ago, while in the shower I had a brief extremely eye-opening experience. I was shampooing my hair. I got shampoo in my eyes, so I briefly close them. I then saw that I was teetering on the edge of raging waterfall. Immediately vertigo set in, and I almost pulled my shower curtains down trying to hold onto them as I was falling. It was so vivid and in my face. A few weeks later, I closed my eyes while showering and saw that I was in the middle of a busy city street. I felt my nakedness, but no one else reacted to it there. I then came to realize that there was something unique going on between "frequency shifting" and running water. If you are open to and aware, the "NPR" (non-physical realms) can and will teach you many different things. Not only things that you can use there, but things that you can use here, in this physical realm as well!  :-)

 With Phasing, there is no need to "climb" out of anything. There is no "out of body". It is more like reaching "in to" consciousness. There have been times though that an actual OBE has occurred during one of my Phase sessions. with Phasing, you learn to move into the darkness before eyes. Sometimes, you will start it by imaging a object or action, like shooting hoops, let's say. then somewhere along the line, the scenario begins to take on it's own life and you just follow to where it leads. It could start as an imaginary driving simulation and leads and all of sudden your roads seem to take on their own direction and paths. You follow them to see where they lead. This is where having a strong sense of curiosity becomes a valuable asset.

 Many times, those images will begin grainy or as a fellow member said recently, in "sepia tones and colors". But when you continue to focus on them, they quickly become as real and sometimes even more vivid in color than our physical reality here is. With Phasing, you are moving your awareness from here to there without all the bells and whistles.

 Here is a fantastic Stickied thread that will introduce you to the Art/act of Phasing.!/what-is-phasing-and-how-can-i-do-it/
 Welcome to the Pulse Vivienne!  :-)

 I love Arkansas. Once every few years I do the 15 hour drive to Mount Ida, to do some Crystal mining and to see some of the owners of the Crystal shops that I regularly buy from there. Great people. Great atmosphere.

 I also have read many books by D J Conway. I have Dancing with Dragons, Mystical Dragon Magick, Flying Without a Broom, The Ancient Art of Faerie Magick, Celtic Magick and Elemental Magick. I also have D J's Celtic Dragon Tarot kit. In the past, I studied many forms of Magick. DJ is one of my favorite Authors of that.

 My wife was a great Artist and she created beautiful Dragon sculptures. We based their colors on the Elements and each one of those Elements had a story or "purpose, per se. Each Dragon came with a Scroll that I made, telling the owner what their Dragon represented. We would then Travel around the country and sell them at Renaissance Faires from Minnesota to Texas. We did that for about 15 years. Mary Jo has passed on now, so now I do that myself. I mostly stay around Minnesota though.

 Now I create wire Art that is still based on Elemental Magick. Some of them are Dragons as well I put my own focused will and intent into them and call them "Crystal Amplifiers", since each is adorned with a Crystal of some sort. Most of them have a Quartz Crystal. It seems like there is a lot of "Channeling" going on with this as well. I am constantly being shown new designs to create, like my new "Crystal Pyramid" that was shown to me during 3 nights of Dreams.

 Through DJ's books I learned about the Art of "Scrying". After a few years, Scrying and the results of it, led to me finding this Forum here. I saw the similarities in this practice here. I saw that everything that is done in Art of Magick is based around "focused will and intent", just as this practice and also "prayer" in general is. All the ritual, all the mental preparation is there to create and strengthen that focused will. When you draw a circle, create a brew or other concoction, utilize a special candle, all of it is "mental preparation" for whatever your end goal is. The more ritual, the deeper the focused will intent, and the higher the possibility that your chosen goal or wish will manifest.

 Today I vend at a number of "Wellness", Mind, Body and Spirit shows throughout Minnesota and the surrounding States. I believe that those that purchase them, have already ordered their piece on some level, and I am just the conduit that manifests it for them. I love being surrounded by all of the great like-minded, good natured, Humans and Entities that i come upon at those shows.
Quote from: Beethoven2024 on June 28, 2024, 17:02:23I REALLY want it BUT things can be REALLY tough.
That sounds like life in general!  :-P

QuoteI'll be lying there in the zone feeling like everything is going well, then suddenly a body part will start hurting. I'll try and ignore it but after a while I realise that it's an impossible task and give up.

Although I've been to the toilet before my practice, I often feel the need to go again because I've been lying there awake for over an hour.
Unfortunately, been there done that. It used to take me a good 45 minutes to an hour and half to find success. I had every nuisance a person could have. I had swallowing/saliva problems. I had the sensation often that my physical eyes were opening. I had the pain in the legs and other body parts. I had the cramping. Basically, every physical challenge one could have was put on me. I handled each of them separately, just like I would any other contention in life. I was a salesman and pitchman for many years. Rule one in sales is learning to handle contentions put before you.

 For the eyes, I started using a sleep mask when I practiced. For the odd sounds, I used earplugs. The saliva was the hardest challenge. How I handled that was to learn to "disassociate" my physical focus as fast I could. That is when I began to create the "Doorway process". After I began using it, I experimented often with ways to improve on it. I realized things that we pre-cursors to my Phase sessions. Most of my Phase sessions are done while in the bathtub. I call them "Phase soak sessi0ons". Just the act of running the water for the tub has already begun to prepare me for what my upcoming phase soak session.

 I then do some mental affirmations and Mantra I found years ago. If needed, I do a bit of the NEW (new energy ways, developed by Robeert Bruce) process and relieve any pain that may be present. If the pain is bit more intense, I can do some "progressive relaxation". That all sounds like a lengthy time-consuming process, but it only takes a few mere moments nowadays. Then I relax. release and let go until my bath water is cold and it is time to end the session. In the early moments, I can mentally move into the darkness before my closed eyes. I can also do a bit more of a mental focus on directions, side to side, forwards, backwards, up or down or even do some mental exercises, like shooting hoops, rowing a boat, etc. By then, my physical body is a memory. I am 6'2 and am cramming my body into a 5ft bathtub. Not only the bathtub, but that is also the size of the walls on both sides. My legs are left climbing the wall, lol. During my Phase soak session, I don't feel the least bit uncomfortable. My focus is laser focused on the current reality before my eyes.

 So yes, it is not easy or should I say, it wasn't in the beginning, until I learned that it was "me" that was getting in the way. Our physical focus will fight tooth and nail to keep you focused on it and only it. Once you learn how to and that it is "okay" to share a dual reality focus, you will find that you can succeed in this practice/Art and much more!  :-) 

Quote from: Beethoven2024 on June 28, 2024, 13:41:51I don't think there's been a time after an experience, mostly lucidity, where I haven't expected to have success the following night. I feel like it's so easy to get conned into thinking that I've found the magic formula only to come crashing back down to Earth when nothing happens for the next 6 months or so.
That is when the "real" work beings. How bad do you want it and what are you going to do achieve your goals? You have been shown a "sneak peek" of what could be. Now comes the practice, the patience and finally the perseverance of achieving that goal. It's a school, just like this one here, with many lessons, where you learn how to evolve!
Quote from: Traveler_2649 on June 28, 2024, 10:47:40At first, I thought this was simply hypnagogic hallucinations, but as they've occurred more frequently, I've realized that they aren't still images.
That "doubt" will knock you out! Experience it now, question it later. Go with the flow of what is occurring. Allow your "curiosity" to be the driver and stay the course!

 This is where many will fail. The constant need to question everything is a huge hinderance there. When was the last time you questioned whether this here physical reality was "real" or not just simply a hypnagogic "hallucination"?
 After watching that video again, I will say I love the concept of the "candle staring", but I wish he wouldn't add all that unnecessary garbage that he does. He takes a simple thing and elongates it to 2 videos of what I see is bad and unnecessary advice. You need to know your audience. These days, most people will only listen to the first couple of minutes of a video. If they aren't impressed by the first couple of minutes, the video gets turned off and now something else will capture their focus.

 You Keep it short and sweet by sharing the following steps

1. Make sure you will be undisturbed for the next hour or so.

2. make your room is as dark as possible. Close the curtains, the doors, whatever you need to make it dark.

3. Put a candle a few feet in front of you. Try to set it so it is parallel with your eyes.

4. Light the candle and stare at the flame and only the flame.

5. Estimate yourself doing that for about 15 minutes or so.

6. Blow out the candle and immediately shut your eyes.

 If you have done this properly, the flame should be imprinted in the darkness before your eyes. Focus on it and only it. When it fades, will it back. Play this "cat and mouse" game for a while and "something" out of the ordinary will occur. You can then return to this forum and check out the sticky on "Exit Symptoms", to see which ones you experienced.!/exit-symptomssignposts/

Quote from: omcasey link=msg=380333 date=1719285786
Lu, that technique you mention ( with the candle ) is called "
url=""]tratak[/url]". It is one of my main spiritual practices. I will never tire of it. In a perfect tratak, ie: concentrated state of focus the eyes do not blink ( exceptional example ). For the readers, any object can be used, and perhaps should be used prior to moving to practicing with a light source. It is a wonderful way to focus not only the gaze, but the attention. When you do advance to the light source and close the eyes, the after-image of the flame begins an internal tratak and advances the tratak into drishti ( true vision ). What those of us here might call the out of body state. Internal awareness is "seeing" rather than the eyes.
Casey, I had no idea it was a "spiritual practice". It doesn't surprise me though! Very interesting. I have been doing what you are talking about for a long time now, unbeknownst to it actually being, what you called "Tratak. I learned the "Art of focus" though from "Scrying". It takes quite a while and patience to finally to be able to "still the mind" enough to see results from "Scrying". At least it did in the beginning. Scrying and Phasing are like one in the same. Both use a focus on what is in front of you whether it is the darkness from the mirror you are using or the darkness that is behind your closed eyes.

I found the "candle staring" from a version of this video here. In the past, he did a version that was more to the point and less about all the energy work. Chakras and things. It was a single video. Now he adds things that I think would confuse a person attempting the "candle staring". Sometimes short and to the point works better for some. A person can learn more about the "nuts and bolts", after they have a successful experience. There is always time to question it later!
 One last thing. Many people come to this Forum because they just had a spontaneous experience, usually accompanied by "sleep paralysis". In the beginning, it seems that our "introduction" to this new phenomenon happens via OBEs.

 But, and this is a big but, after their first OBE experiences, somehow, we all seem to get challenged to think anew. If we wish to continue in this practice, we must find "our own way" of reinventing "our wheel". That is where experimentation comes in handy.

 I hear people say that they wish they could just OBE or Phase at will, without the "bells and the whistles". Those bells and whistles and the challenges we encounter during the consciously aware OBEs, Phasing or even LDS, are necessary. The journey there teaches you many things. You learn "self-control". You have to have self-control in the NPRs, otherwise, your visits there will be very short.

 Like I said above, I used to question everything in this process. Every time I finally was successful, I was told the same thing, to "relax, release and let go" and "passively observe" everything before engaging or reacting. I use this in my almost nightly LDs as well. First I will scope the scene, from a 3rd person perspective. Somewhere along the line, I seem to transfer into 1st person, where now I am "consciously" reacting to the scenario at hand.

 I have had many "spontaneous" OBEs throughout my life. During a few of them I see my physical body lying on the bed. One time I saw my Wife's as well. But she didn't look like MJ. Instead, she was of Native American descent. I told MJ that I thought she was a Tribal Chief's daughter in another lifetime. This kind of confirmed it.

 I have also had many "false awakenings" throughout my life. Those are fun!  :roll:  "Almost" everything is exactly the way it is in this physical life. I am awaking. getting up and going to meet the challenges of the day. Then, all of a sudden, I wake up in bed, completely disoriented. It takes a while to get my bearings!  :-o

 My first totally conscious willful OBE happened during a "Candle Staring" technique that I used. I stared at the candle flame for 15 minutes in a totally dark room. I then blew out the candle and closed my eyes. The candle's flames were "imprinted" in my viewing screen. As it began to fade, I willed it back. I don't know how long I did that for but then all of a sudden, I began to feel vibrations. There was a sound as well. Kind of like a "whirring". The vibrations got so strong I could swear I was in a violent earthquake. The sound, that of a "helicopter" landing my roof. I allowed my curiosity to maintain my focus. Then all of sudden, everything stopped, and I got the visual and sensation of walking down my hallway. I was hooked. I never had anything as awesome as that happen to me.

 Since then, I have still had OBEs. But these were strange. They were all the result of allowing sleep paralysis to do what it wanted. I knew that soon, it would be quiet, the stillness would come. But then, I felt my legs being touched and raised. One time not only were they raised, but I was also pulled upside down and spun through my ceiling. That caused some kind of "overload" on me. It was too much to continue, so I "consciously" aborted it. Most of the time for some reason, I seem to get dragged by my legs, down my hallway and out my patio window. Why this occurs, I have no idea. It definitely gets my attention though. My window seems to act as some kind of "veil" or portal, because on the other side of the glass, there is a new realm or reality to explore.
 Welcome back Beethoven!  :-)

 You have received some excellent advice from some very well versed and experienced members here. At one time, we all experienced "blocks" and "tests of faith", just like you have. We got our "sneak peek" and for some, that was enough. For others, that "fueled" the fire and still here we are today.

 You talk about "motivation". Unfortunately, and what I have found to be true, fortunately, this entire practice is all about "self-motivation". That is lesson in itself. I use the same mental message, mental programming every night, it doesn't matter where I am or how tired I am. I have found that "self-motivation" and "mental discipline" are basically the same thing. They are also the "key" to continued success.

 Mine is very simple and goes like this "By my act of will, I release my focus over my physical body and go to sleep. I am consciously aware in my sleep "knowing" my physical body is asleep safe and sound in my bed. I "learn from", "enjoy" and "remember" my experiences too."
 It is very simple and to the point. 

 I realize that "life happens". I have found a way to merge both Worlds (and many more) together. What I have learned from my non-physical exploration has made me who I am today. Somewhere around the line, it became my "new normal".

 I think this thread here might help you understand that a bit more, for life is all about "tests, quests and challenges", as is the non-physical realities.!/tests-quests-and-challenges/

 As for "what it is" and what is exactly happening in the process", that is not an issue for me now. I used to put a lot of focus on the "nuts and bolts" and the "labels". Just when I thought I knew what was going on, it all changed! After a while, it didn't really matter to me anymore. Nowadays, I just go experience it. I can question it later!
Quote from: Tak on June 14, 2024, 11:53:44To induce this experience, I remembered Lumaza's technique of visualizing himself playing basketball. So, as I like to knit, I decided to imagine the movement of a needle knitting wool, making knots and different movements, the colors, and all the patterns I leave when sewing. Meanwhile feeling my breathing and waiting for this mental movement to trigger the hypnagogic state's geometric patterns. I need to visualize something that has movement, so I don't get bored and my mind doesn't go away from the exercise. The good thing about doing things with your hands for many hours before going to sleep is when you close your eyes, I don't know if this has happened to you, but I continue seeing the movement, if it has been "stuck" inside the retina. And that is why I chose to visualize the weaving as part of the exercise.
Initiating mental motion will almost instantly jump start the process of Phasing into gear. In the past here, (under my former name "Lionheart"), I shared a few great focus targets for utilizing a strong mental motion. A few good ones can be found in this thread here:!/how-exactly-do-you-perform-the-phantom-wiggle-method/

 What you describe with the "imprint" being left in your retina is exactly why the act of "Candle staring" works so well. You don't have to visualize anything. Once you close your eyes you see that the visual is already there in your visual screen. All you need to do is maintain the visual until it morphs anew. This is when a strong sense of curiosity will really help you.

QuoteSuddenly, different colors and shapes start dancing and making undulating movements in front of me, sometimes in a grid pattern. Little by little I concentrate on a particular shape and I get into it, I play with these shapes. I discovered that I can change and manipulate them in a certain way, that makes them grow, their colors and movements increase, they start out being very simple, to gradually become very complex abstract formations, huge and beautiful with thousands of nuances. I really enjoy this moment! Something that is catching my attention the most is that a few months ago, this state was somewhat weaker, that is, if I heard any sound from the street that distracted me, everything would quickly fade away. However, now I can hear any sound or move a little on the bed and continue seeing all this.
That is a fantastic description of the step-by-step process that one endures while Phasing. The colors, the shapes soon will seem to congeal into solid objects. Sometimes it's like looking through a "Kaleidescope", especially if it's a vortex, spinning or not, kind of experience. That's a great time to utilize the intent on your "Happy Place"!  :-)