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Messages - wantsumrice

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Been away for some time...
February 26, 2008, 07:48:40
Hi all,

It's been a while since I've been on these boards.  A lot of new experiences and lessons learned.  It's good to be back!  I'm eager to share my new found knowledge with you all :)


PS:  For those who were here when Nay was a mod, do you guys remember what happened to her?
Dang that color scheme is hard on the eyes...
I don't mean to be a pessimist, but I would say counseling will offer more than a stone ever could.  The power of human interaction.  There are people here that you could talk to about your worries, as many here are willing to help out.  I don't by any means call myself a psychiatrist but if you do need someone's time, I'm willing to give some of mine up.  I believe that with any sort of problem, people should bring it out into the open privately with someone.
Asthma is on the rise, especially with air pullution these days.  Well, as a reiki practitioner I would suggest taking up reiki and trying that out.  I've been practicing for quite a while now, but got a legit attunement not long ago and I must say, reiki is quite profound.
I myself am in a long distance relationship, my girlfriend/fiance/whatever is 3400 miles away and our one year is coming up.  We've been physically together for only 3 months and 8 months apart.  It's tough, and only for the mentally and emotionally strong.

I hope all goes well!  Good luck!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / subliminal mind power
January 31, 2006, 11:59:57
Well, it's tough for someone to tell about their own experience with subliminal messages because it works at the subconcious level... But if you google subliminal messages you'll come up with a lot of information.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Members Pictures 2006
January 22, 2006, 04:55:20
Me and mah girl :smile:

Well, even if they were to drop the bomb, there isn't a whole lot we can do about it is it  :smile:   With these type of prophesies, I like to believe that whatever we are about to face, we will be ready for when the time comes.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Hypnagogic Hallucinations
January 20, 2006, 06:40:47
You know right before you fall asleep, or if you're lying in bed trying to go to sleep, you might see streaming colors of blue/purple/red?  Is that part of the hypnagogic state?  I've just did some research on the hypnagogic state in hopes to figuring out what it is these colors are, and what they mean.

I haven't had any success in figuring this out, so I'm opening up the question to anyone who might have a clue.
Haha that's a really good pic for haste.  Oh, I'm sure the baby will come when you guys are ready ;)

Here's me and the hottie at prom.
Well, not everything can be done on your own.
Finished reiki 1 attunements the other day, and I don't feel completely different.  However, there is a 21 day cleansing period in which some dramatic changes are supposed to happen in my life, so we shall see how that goes.

My hands always seem to be lit up with reiki energy, and I've been doing reiki treatments to almost everything I eat drink or think.  If you want a remote treatment, just send me a PM and we'll talk.  Always looking for practice  :smile:
The problem seems to be pretty obvious.. "
Quotearound trying SO hard to find my higerself or guide, But with no luck.
You're trying too hard!  Just let it happen.  I find that when I try to do something too hard it never happens.
(There are other dreams I had, but this is an excerpt from the whole account which is at )

Next, I find myself in my bed, at my old house back in Boston.  And I'm dreaming of all these dreams and I finally project out of my body.  I get all the tingle and whatever, and I hear this loud buzzing sound.  I find myself falling deeper and deeper into my body, and I feel as though I fell on the ground.  I try to open my eyes but they won't open, and so I just let my self fall deeper.  I finally open my eyes and I find myself on the floor.  I get up and I can't really see, but I keep seeing a body of myself dragging behind me.  But it goes away for a little bit when I'm aware of what is going on.  My vision is extremely blurred.  It is almost as if I'm just learning how to see.  My room is dark, however, I can see very clearly and I walk to the door.  I try to walk through the door at first, but fail.  Realize that I shouldn't TRY to walk through, and I succeed.  I walk over to my mom's room and find both of my parents in bed.  My dad looks up at the door and says, "I'm going to go check up on Ivan".  So he leaves and I'm worried that maybe, I'm actually awake, just walking around.  After hearing my dad walk downstairs, I walk back into my room and there I am in bed.  I'm safe in my room.  Good.

I look around my room once more, and I try to leap out the window.  At first I fail.  But then eventually succeed.  I sort of lean forward and I feel the cold crisp air, and I'm thinking " OH excrement, I'm gonna get hurt if I fall", and realize that I won't be able to do anything with that kind of attitude, so I say to myself  "You're projecting, you can't possibly get hurt.  Just try to fly."  So I lean my whole body out the window and start to fly across the street!  Once I make it to the road, I look at the sky and it's a full moon out.  I start running down the street, sprinting at a very fast pace and see a bulldozer turn the corner into our street and park in one of the garages.  Next, I try to fly to Callie (my girlfriend who lives 3400miles away), and fail miserably, somehow ending up in my bed one more time.

I get up from my bed, and with much better confidence in my flying abilities, I FLY out the window and I fall straight to the ground.  It's sort of like the Matrix.  I hit the ground, but I'm surprised to feel absolutely no pain.  I get up and look around at the houses, and try to get into one of my neighbors houses.  Somehow I can't bust through the door, so I give up.  (Memory Gap)

I end up back in my bed one more time, and I ask my guide or angel to pull me to Callie's house.  So I start to get dragged by something out the window.  (memory gap)

I find myself in my bed talking to Callie.  Somehow my physical body knew to pick up the phone.  And Callie is talking to me and I tell her "I JUST PROJECTED!"  And she says "yes I know, I did too..."  And I wake up.
I went to bed around 9:30pm and woke up around 11:30. It felt like I slept all night!
Interesting experience lol.  I'm not really an AP'er, nor a LD'er, but is it really hard to control your flying?  Or, do you have limited control over it?

PS:  You shoulda bit his head off  :shock:  :wink:
No, this was not a pay per attunement.  She's a quite serious master, having trained 23 masters in the past 12 years.  She used to travel to taiwan to teach her students.  I know for sure this one is the real deal, however when you guys do look for a master, make sure they are legit.  Gut instincts are important when you choose a master...and so are credentials.  Ask around, try and find people who might know the master.

Quoteim broke, ill stick with online :p
Reputable healers will deal in a sliding scale, so money should'nt be too big of a problem.[/quote]
I met the healer earlier today, and got two attunements.  With this particular healer, she has the student go through four attunements before finishing reiki 1, but nevertheless, I feel a little different.

-The first attunement I had, I didn't feel too much going on, however, my hands felt very very warm.  In fact, throughout the whole day today, my hands have been pulsating with energy, it's quite interesting, and a little annoying.

-The second attunement, she worked on sending my energy up through my body and into my crown chakra, which I believe may have opened my third eye, as I felt a sharp sensation in that area.

After meditating a bit later on, I found it much easier to "see" places, as in with remote viewing, and I also found it much much easier to access the reiki energy.  It was almost as if my reiki reservoir was enlarged allowing me to access more energy with a longer duration.

I was also told by her that the online attunements aren't as effective as having a personal experience with a healer.  So I recommend you guys, if you really think you are going to pursue reiki, look for a master and request for training.
As I said in the free attunement post, I'm meeting with a local reiki master and going through training for reiki 1.  I'll be sure to tell you about it here.
TheDarkChakra, even if you finish reiki 1 this way you still won't be able to see immediate results with your healings.  Reiki isn't magic, it won't suddenly cure cancer, or heal a broken bone.  The healing is gradual.

Anyway, I'm meeting up with a reiki master this sunday to talk about training through reiki 1.  I'll keep you guys posted.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Indigo Children
January 14, 2006, 02:56:33
Does it really matter if you are one? :)
I'm sure if you've already done NEW, you're sensitive enough to energies, so you might not have noticed anything different from the attunement.

I've already had a reiki 1 attunement done on me before from some other site, and I just had my first attunement done from Stefan and I don't notice anything different.  However, once I get to maybe 5-6 I'm sure I'll feel something :)
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Please Read
January 12, 2006, 19:27:07

Read this, then think about your attacks.
QuoteAnd if I didn't help and you still think there is some kind of demon surrounding you and making your life hard to live, instead of taking a stand and MAKE your life happy,
Probably the best advice anyone can give anyone in this forum.  People make their lives happy, in most cases happiness isn't placed in your lap...
First, please read this article:

It will help you understand negative entities better.