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Welcome to Dreams! / Dreams of a accident
April 01, 2004, 14:32:11
I have had this dream about 4 or 5 times now over the course of a year year and a half.  The exact circumstances or differant but the dream is basicly the same.  I am in some type of vehicle and I go off the road and land in a lake large river whatever.  I sink to the bottome and I try to get out.  Some times its just me and my wife and sometimes it me and my kids.  If it was just me I wouldnt be so worried but with kids and wife it bothers me.  We also drive across country to visit relatives and we often cross large rivers and waterways.  Last time I got real nervous driving over bridge.  Well our next trip is in a day and I have to tell you I lost alot of sleep last night worrying about crashing.  Any one have any ideas other than a crash actually happening?
Is there anyone else out there who the majority of the time feels no symptoms?   I mean I have projected before and I have realized I was close alot of times only to realize to think back later that I got next to no pre obe symptoms?   No swirling light No imagry No astral sight No vibrations nada....  Am I alone or are there others?  Or if others feel no symptoms and they didnt know they could project then they wouldnt know they didnt feel anything becouse the never did get out..  Confusing isnt it...

Ginny I was wondering something about a dream I had.  I was in a dream where I knew everyone was dead.  I was talking to a women on the street and was telling her that she was dead and she wouldnt belive me.  I said watch this, and I tried to put my hand through her stomache.  I was suprised that it didnt go through.  I at that point was unsure about my status.  I kinda knew I was dreaming but it didnt totally match.  Well I walked with her along the street talking to her and then we entered a diner type area.  they only had ice cream that is all they served to the deceased.  I got the impression most of the people knew they were dead they wand ere just hanging out not sure what to do next.  I noticed all differant kinds of cloths and material.  I went farther into the back and then some big men came at me and I think they could tell I was differant they started asking me questions and started getting mad at me.  They picked me up and were going to do somethings to me but I pushed mainly with my mind.  I pushed outside and one man still had me in his grasp.  We started talking about GOD and he was saying he doesnt exist and I was saying he did and to prove it as long as I was praying he had to stay down.  Dont ask me why hehe.  Well he got up and then this women who I saw got up she was differant from the others.  that is my main question.  This women who was sitting there had more color not colors but deeper grey color.  Most of the others were like a paste transparent type while she was like filled in solid.  When she thought there was no god she was very upset and she started charging at me and I thought about running but knew I couldnt get away.  I turned and put my hand up told her to stop.

Upon reflection I thought that this was kinda of a waiting place like purgatory.  They are all waiting for god or something or someone to come get them.  They seem angry about being dead.  The one women though was differant.  I was wondering if most of those people were my thought forms or hers and she was the only one who was there.  

What is it.  Its a pain in the butt is what it is.

I have been practicing for years.  I finally learned something this last weekend.  Depending on where I practice I get differant results.  I sometimes go to work on saturdays to catch up on work.  But also if kids are lound ect.  Well it was early and I came to office which is closed on weekends and I practiced.  I did some rope some relaxing and then I started my count.  1.  I feel the vibrations 2.  I feel the vibrations well I fell under the spell of tiredness and fell into a light sleep.  Here is the differant part.  I was becomeing more aware and I heard someone rattling the door to my office its locked so I know no one can come in.  They keep rattling like they are really trying to get in..  I think im in the inbetween space so i slowly try to get up I feel my arms come out and as I try to get torso out I feel my self starting to wake up so I settle back down.  I relax a little more and again I hear the door.  I know no one is there I realize its my mind.  I have realized that I have had this happen like 3 times before.  The other times it was as if someone had come in the door.  And one other time it was as if 2 people were out there talking saying I wonder if he sees us.  Those othere times I was unsure if I was dreaming or if it was real so It took me out of it.

So I came to the conclusion that some part of me myself puts up obsticals so ill have a more difficult time in getting out.  What a jerk my subconscious is.  I mean to keep me from reaching this goal he must be real mean.[:)]  

When I practice at home I bet it just makes me sleep. Or I get the fear response. But how to overcome this obstical?  What can I do to tell my subconscious let me out to play?  

i was what I thot was on the verge of going somewhere.  I had several times reached the Vibrational state like 3 out of 5 or 6 times practicing.  I had family obligations and couldnt practice for 2 days now its been a week with nothing.  Its frustrating why cant I get the vibrations to come back now?

I know it takes patience and practice but geez this is crazy.  this seems to always happen to me.  Ill find something that works but then cant seem to keep it going.

I decided to change my routine a little after not getting much results.  I started listening to the Delta cd and doing mental lowering or falling sensation but wasnt having much success.  My main goal was to induce the vibrations. I wanted to learn this state and if a change presented itself then id go out of body.  

6-12-03 I read about wake induced lucid dreams and it said to count to 100 and inbetween each count say Im dreaming.  Well I decided to change it to IM in the vibrational state.  I put on my Delta CD and relaxed.  I counted 1 im in the vibrational state.  2 im in the vibrational state.  As im couning and saying the affirmation I do a small mental falling sensation and try to remember what the vibrations felt like last time I had them.  Well I got to like 80 and I felt something very similar to vibrations.  They felt not as strong but they washed over me.  I didnt feel like I could leave body yet but It also kinda broke my concentration.  I continued counting and felt slight energy movments.

6-13-03 I wnt to bed with my intention of doing my new routine.  I counted said my affirmation felt myself sink or lower and tried to recreate the vibrations.  This time I got to 30 and I felt the rush of energy.  This time I didnt think about going out of body at all i just wanted to feel the vibrations.  Well the vibrtions felt like vibrations but they didnt feel as deep.  I didnt feel like I could project.  It felt more than just energy body expansion but I was fairly certian I couldnt go out of body.  They also didnt last long.  Like 2 breaths 3 at the most.  After creating this sensation a few times I treid to roll over but I was still physcial which confirmed to me the vibes werent deep enough.  

Any idea what these pseudo vibes are?  Are they just a swallow version of the deeper vibes?  Am I getting close real close or do I still have a long way to go?  If anyone has experienced this before let me know.  

I thot it was just my energy body expanding a little but I felt more than that.  It was similar the the rush sensation you can get but just wasnt as strong..

I have same of the hemi sync and holo sync tapes.  I have some from dane scott called ultra meditation tapes.  He has alph theta and delta tapes.  Which one to use?  I realize I should pick one and stick with it for a few months but which one?  Delta Is suppose to be same state obes come from but should you follow the tapes in order?  From alph to theta to delta?  Do you think it makes a differance?

I have the hemisync wave 1 series of tapes as well.

I also have holysync cd called immersion.

which one?

I had a headache coming on so i took some pain killers. The pain killers were strong and they made me tired. I went to bed and listened to hemisync focus 10 medition tape.  I played it like 4 times just over and over waiting for my body to fall asleep.  Then the vibrations finally came.  They swept from my head down to my toes.  I felt very floaty and I said lift up lift up in my mind then I felt I dont know what is out there.  then the vibrations stopped.  I must remembe to check my emotions all of them.  I was kinda excited too when  I was saying lift up lift up hehe.  But at least I got the vibrations...

I feel one of the keys to obe is the vibrational state.  I know you dont have to have the vibrations to have obe and I know that the Vibrations dont cause obe but are a byproduct but still if you are in vibrational state usually you can exit.  So I have been concentrating on creating the vibrational state not necessarily the obe.  Well I do relaxation and then I do mental falling.  Now when I do this I feel tingly and warm sensations eventually.  I also start to feel in differant spots tingly some times the spider web effect.  If the mental falling doesnt pull me down to trance state I do rope tech and I almost always feel it.  It feels like im pulling something and I can feel it real tingly and this usually pulls me deeper into myself.  I got feeling of the spider web effect and actually when I pulled on rope I heard a crack in my nasal passage and it opened my nasal passage so I could breath better.  Well my question is how close am I to vibrational state???  

in the question and answer area and in several other spots he mentions trying to get up slowing you may have already split.  On several occasions I have had the distinct feeling that my feet are floating.  Now in his view I have already split but above my legs I feel perfectly normal.  I mean no vibrations nothing.  Can you have your legs out in astral and your head in physcial?  I mean can parts of you split while parts of you dont?  Or does the split occur you are just not aware of it?  
I know I will definatly try to slowly get up next time I feel apart of me has split...

I know that its possible for incarnate spirts to visit the belief system territories but if you go to a very religious one what do they precieve you as?   I mean can you just blink in and they dont realize it or do they think you are evil or what?

My next question is what if you are discarnate spirit.  Can you roam the differant belief systme territories at will or are you restricted.  I mean like if I were to shed my physcial shell and my wife did same and we went to differant places.  I am more open and believe in differant things and she is very religious and goes to another place would I be able to visit her?  She might be trapped in a certain dogma while I am free to explore?

I have found I dont really have to do the rope tech to get to vibrations.  I do mental falling and eventually I feel the vibrations.  I do mental falling with alot of concentration and I feel my feet and legs get tingly then I relax and try to do mental falling as a after thot.  This brings me closer to sleep state.  

This morning I did this and I felt my left foot vibrating it was just my foot.  Then I tried to make it move and it started coming up my legs but only on the surface I felt it in my back also but only on the surface.  it was like someone had a back vibrator or something it didnt penetrate the whole body or torso only on the surface of the skin.  Anyone else get just that?

I have been practicing for years but never really consciously caused the vibrational state.  Partly becouse I didnt feel it the same way most people seemed to experience it.  So I never really knew if I was in it or not.  I had had several lucid dreams alot infact but no conscious seperations.  Well I almost did it here is my experience.

I did the mental falling I always seem to have to concentrate very hard to feel like him falling and on the in breath I always feel like im going back up.  So I tighten the concentration and it can be work.  Well I decided to just do the falling till I feel real deep.  I felt a numbing tingly sensation in my arms and legs and slightly in torso.  I had been doing this for a while so I decided to just let go and relax and concentrate on mental falling after relaxing.  I just in back of my mind almost as a after thot continued the mental falling.  I almost fell asleep as i felt a small jolt and I realized I was close to sleep so i thot about the mental falling and then I felt warm fuzzy tingly numb all throughout my body.  I got real excited I started repeating sit up sit sit up thing astral body will seperate.  I also noticed that I felt a feeling of something growing in intensity it wasnt the vibrations it was almost like emotion it was like a embarrising moment almost u know where you only feel yourself but like i might explode.  
I then envisioned leaving the body and thinking this is it then I focused on my body and it ended.  The vibrational state only lasted like 10 seconds but I finally made it that far.  
I did keep my awarness away from my body I think that is why I didnt get out.
The vibrational state I am more aware of now.  It for me is a tingly numbing type feeling.  I realize now that I can make that feeling come in my arms and legs almost anytime its the rest of my body that needs to feel that way.  Or is it just feeling the energy body expanding in the arms and legs?
Well just wanted to share...

it wouldnt let me reply to the post clicking or popping.  

I wasnt sure what it was until it happened the other day.  I thot maybe it was a physical symptom or something.  It is like in my nasal passage close to where I swallow.  It happens when I do the mental falling tech.  I am finding some difficulty doing the mental falling as when I breath in I feel like im going back up.  I have to hold firmly to stay at a even level then feel falling again on way down.  It gives me a headache after a while.  I never feel deep enough in trance to start pulling on rope.  I always get tired and end up rolling over going to sleep.  If I cant get deep enough into trance I can never pull my self out with rope.  Frustrating.  
Thanks blossom the energy port thing really sounds like the answer.  I know it has to do with the process somehow.  Maybe with it opening then that is my cue to pull on rope even tho I dont feel like im in trance...

I have tried rope tech for a long time.  Id say I tried for 3 years with much effort into it.  I did the mental lowering but never really felt like I was in trance state.  Id try rope and i would never get out.  I usually felt weird things but they never were definite to me at least sensations.  I have had small experiences but really never conscious exits.  Id have several lucid dreams alot of lucid dreams even where id ask for guides for help but they never really seemed to have time for me.  Id always get vauge answers so I decided that maybe I wasnt ready and I concentrated on energy work mostly.  At certain times id hear a rining in my ear that became intense I thought it was just some sort of communication that I didnt understand.  I did feel some energy movment but nothing really strong.  Well in that first 3 years id lay down and do the mental falling and relax and wait and one night there was a loud pop in my nasal cavaty i thot it was a spontanious projection for a min and then after that id get that popping sound alot everytime i breathed out.  id exhale long and slow and toward the end of my breath id feel and hear a pop like suction almost.  After a while I realized it must be something else as id hear popping and no experience would happen.  Well today I thot Id try the mental falling tech again.  I started feeling like i was sinking into my bed on every exhale going deeper and deeper my mind was wandering and i just kept on trying to sink then my mind stopped wandering and i felt energy sensations tingly and movments in arms an legs and in the rump too.  I then had the ringing real loud in ears and I realized I must be going into some level of trance state.  Well I keep the mental falling and there again is the popping I realized it has to be related to the trance state somehow as I havnt had this popping in years.  That made me think that I am at some level of trance but where?  I never really felt any defined level of trance from my bodily sensations so i always questioned my going into trance.  I thot I never did go to trance state but with the ringing in ears and energy sensations i felt then the popping I know I was in trance state.  The question for me is how deep was i?  when i hear the popping am i close?  I then pulled on rope and felt like i was counter acting my falling by pulling up i did feel some sensations but didnt get out.  Anyone else have clicking or popping and used that to get out?

I was doing the full body circut and I am sure I fell into trance state.  I felft very heavy and it was kinda hard to breath like a weight was put on my chest.  This was the first time I really knew I was in trance state when it happened.  I took note of my mind and it was pretty much the same little tired but was ok.  I kept the breathing calm and I just wanted to stay in trance state so I just continued doing full body circut for a while.  Then I came out of it.  I was kinda like filling my body back up.  I felt no vibrations no unusual energy sensations.


I wondered if I could ask some more questions?  1.  How do you know when you have a blockage what are the signs?  I often get a headache that starts in back on neck like a stress one and it goes to front of head.  I got the really bad one monday night after extensive full body circut.  I was coming down with a cold and did full body circut hopeing to stop cold in its tracks.  I had been working on opening secondary exchange ports in toes feet ankles kneens and hips and sending energy from legs to storage center.  Well my head hurt so bad I was not sure if it was from cold or energy work.  I had aches all along my neck head back and even into kidneys.  I felt out of it disoritented also I dont think i slept for 2 days.  It wasnt like I was asleep but it wasnt like I was dreaming either.  I play this game and I felt like I was in the game all night not moving just sitting there.  After reading you post I thot that maybe i have cleard some blockages and continue to do the full body circut.  The cold is still there and it comes and goes with severity but mainly it is my nose and throat.  Aslo i always breath thru my nose at night my nose was 1/2 plugged and sometimes this real think mucus that i couldnt get out by blowing or coughing would plug my nose and I would jerk with a start becouse i gasped for air.  I did get it out finally and well when i saw it it reminded me of a implant...  Weird I know.  Well it has been a few days the top of my head is still tender and some muscles are kinda sore still.  I also feel a little differant I cant place it but I feel differant.  I almost feel more psychic even tho nothing has happened sounds strange but that is what i feel.  Does any of this make sense to you?  Could the sore neck muscles be redifined energy path ways?  Any insight would be helpfull.  Oh one other thing I almost forgot.  When doing the legs exercies I would often fall asleep just go out.  I have tried rope but always stay awake and have trouble pulling and letting go like to sleep.  Well I thot what if i pulled on a energy rope and sent it to subnavel storage center that way i would be pulling and would be gathering energy at same time.  Well I was doing that as well monday well all this happened.  It could have been a combination of energy work and energy rope work.  I would pull on rope as i was laying down and feel the end of rope go to subnavel storage area.  I did fall asleep doing this I wasnt feeling all that great before I went to bed either.  Well any insight will be helpfull.


HI I hope some one will respond.  I have been doing the NEW system opening the feet legs and hips area.  I also have done alot of energy raising into subnavel storage aera.  Well I started doing the full body circut.  I started feeling like I was getting a cold so i really got into the full body circut as it says you can do this as much as you want without it hurting you.  I did it for a few hours I started feeling real sick.  I got headache and I couldnt sleep all night I felt like i was disoriented and my head was pounding.  I had to take day off work I even threw up.  It is like 24 since I did the full body circut and if i just touch the top of my head it hurts feels like sunburned.  I often get headaches that start in neck and work they way around.  My first question is does this sound like a blockage or did i damage my energy body.  IF I did either of those what can I do about it.  If it is a blockage should I continue to open it?  Any advice on this would be helpfull


Mobius you mentioned in another post about not feeling vibrations.  I have not really felt anything either.  I think that has been one of my biggest problems is I dont have alot of feelings even for trance state so I lay there and nothing.  How do you know when you can leave if you dont feel anything?  I am unsure what trace feels like becouse the sensations are so mild.  I do feel slight things with the rope technique but i always feel too awake if that sounds correct.  


Who has had a conscious exit using rope technique.  If you have how exacatly did you do it I mean just go right into it?  Did you get close to sleep first?  Where u pulling hard or where you pulling soft?  Where you pulling as you fell asleep so it was almost like in back you your mind?  What sensations did you have?  Any info will help.  I have practiced this alot but I must be doing something wrong..


using sexual desire was great for lucid dreams but not for obe for me anyway.  I was caught in the trap of becoming lucid and looking for sex.  It was great way to get me lucid but then the emotions would take over and that is all id look for.  As soon as you get into the act you wake up becouse you are trying to do a physical act in a non physical way, so after may failed attempts I finally could become lucid and and I feel the sexual desire then Id stop myself usually by self control yelling NO.  Then I would go and do what I really intented to do in the first place which usually meant looking for guides and answers...

To be in trance isnt always enough you need to focus your attention away from your body.  When you focus away from your body your exert pressure on the astral body.  So you can do rope or you can think say lift up, go to front door.  anything to focus yourself away from your body...

A quote from a movie "Fear is the mind killer"  I have always thought that is a true statement.  I still feel fear somtimes and it has ruined many a good experience.  But keep trying and when you feel fear try to calm down.

Remember this every dream you have ever had has been a form of astral travel.  Every night you go out of body every night you just dont remember it.  So just remember you have been out of body thousands of times already.   that always helps me

what about lopsided training.  From what Robert says its dangerous to put energy into the higher storage centers before filling the lower ones.  It could be that the brow is developing faster then the lower ones so the heart center was trying to catch up in energy.  

Robert says you should develope the lower storage centers first and then they filter up to the higher ones.  its slower but safer...

Well at least you get some sypmtoms I get nothing NO vibrations No vision No nothing.  Makes it hard to project when you feel no symptoms...