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Messages - Conn

Forums Bugs Reports and Questions / "Search" bug
December 29, 2002, 18:20:08

Just a quick note I keep forgetting to post.. when you log into the forum, and attempt to search for anything in the box under your login status, it returns an error.. basically, you need to rename the link from to - or is it a browser problem on my end? I log on via; perhaps is ok?


Hi Adrian,

If you check the Astral Pulse's chatroom page, there's an incorrect link to these forums, ie, it's still linked to Anyway, I guess nobody uses chat anymore, but it's bothering me anyway ;)



I am happy to report that I can now OBE again :) I thought I may as well share the experience, because, ta da! it was the first time I properly entered an astral plane via an entrance structure (the tunnel) and it was the longest OBE to date! (I induced it at about 4am and woke finally at 6am, with full memory!)

As I said, I induced the OBE at about 4am (in fact I was woken at 3am by noise outside and couldn't go back asleep),  using an unusual method. As I lay in bed I suddenly noticed the symptoms of trance, but I was already slowly rising upwards. I went with this and increased the speed, which immediately got me OOB (with the usual sensations). To my contentment I found myself out of body, and as usual went out through the window, which seemed more awkward than usual... the window seemed to be more resistant than usual, but I eventually got out. My astral sight was unusually good, and outside seemed to be accurate (ie, it was dark and cloudy, much like when I woke at 6am). I decided to briefly go back into the house, as my dad was working on the computer in the sitting room. When I went in my dad was there and started talking to me (which started me questioning whether or not I was OOB or really there) and I chatted back a bit. Strangely, my dad's beard was strange, like the hair was computer pixels moving when I focused, but in my peripheral vision he was perfectly real looking (strange!). I kept saying to myself "Keep it objective", trying to clear my mind (stop reality fluctuations). Then, I noticed our cat was there, so I decided to go pet it (since I was aware that cats are supposedly supposed to be adept OOB travellers), but to my shock it started attacking me, like I was an intruder! It stunned me, and I felt it penetrate my hand (but no pain) - still disturbing, however.

I left the house, because of the cat (should stand up for myself! :) and decided to pay a visit to my neighbours next door (why, I don't know, but I was still conscious, and noting it to myself). When I got there I started being dragged as if something was pulling me away from the house (not astral wind, since I managed to overcome it with concentration). I saw the light was on and decided to see who was there, and I saw a shadow being cast on the window  (there was curtains drawn but the light can seep thru), of what appeared to be a parrot. When I went through the glass (strange resistance again), there was no parrot, but another damn cat attacked me! The room appeared to be a toddler's, and was not realistic (there's no toddler's in that house). I left the room and tried the next house, which are new people I don't know. I went in and I suddenly entered what must have been a dream, as it was vaguely recogniseable. It was very hot in the room, and I decided to move along (btw, there was a family of black people there, seemed to be African American since I heard their accent, and something seemed strangely familiar about the whole thing - but I moved on because of the stifling heat). NOTE: They are not my real neighbours, and above the cat was not with my dad :)

I experimented around a bit, and admired the sky (this time I didn't go straight into orbit). I really appreciated how detailed the OBE was, and examined my arms (which were visible!) and tried melting my two hands together, which worked, and seemed particularly impressive - I examined the groove of where the finger entered the other hand, trying to keep things clear (but there seemed to be no problem with tiredness this time).

With many of my usual OBEs, I have the problem of thinking that I should blink, since I'm accustomed to doing it on a day-to-day basis. Any time I bring this to the attention of my conscious mind, I get an overwhelming desire to blink just to appease my mind. I have to admit, this happened again (several times in fact), but I found a sneaky way to overcome this problem :) Whenever I blink during an OBE, the visuals go and don't come back, usually forcing me to get up and get back into trance, like I lost visual contact with the astral double and couldn't project again (ie, if I did rope I would feel nothing). However, I found a way to overcome it (maybe it can help others with the blinking problem? Hehe, maybe its just my problem!) - basically when you unintentionally blink just remember either where you were just as you lost visuals, and grab the nearest object you can remember, or failing that, just pretend you're back above your body, and feel for the nearest wall. EACH time I managed to feel my bedroom wall, and as I did this I immediately regained my vision (albeit I was back in my room, but it didnt break the projection!).

The next thing I tried, which I have intended to try for a long time, but failed the few times I actually remembered - try to get to the astral plane entrance structure! I willed myself up above the rooftops, then pointed just a few degrees above the horizon. I willed myself to fly as quickly as possible (as Robert Bruce suggests in AD - I think!). Strangely, I seemed to stay stationary, but I felt the movement, although not nearly as visceral as usual. As I was waiting to get to the structure, I noticed some blue sparks in the distance in front of me, which appeared to be moving around, like a blue-lightning whirlwind moving around. I decided to lock on to this and move to it, when I felt a jolt and everything went black! Just as I was about to try my trick above, my visuals suddenly came back and I was in this really cool technicoloured tunnel, moving pretty fast (but not too dizzying). I was amazed how colourful and detailed the tunnel was, and it seemed quite different to how I imagined it as described (despite the fact that if I described it in detail it would match the description in AD - I guess you need to see it to believe it!) Then I noticed instead of wind in my "ears" as I would usually hear if I was travelling fast, there was  a pulsing sound, which seemed to have a melody attached, and seemed to change in pitch every few seconds (or whatever the term is!), and then I noticed the tunnels were leading off in different directions (not just left and right but also above and below, and every position in between. From the few seconds I was in the tunnel I noticed the pattern of sound was changing after I passed each meandering tunnel, so I decided to pick one (because I feared I'd somehow get thrown out for staying too long ;) - but I literally hit a bum note! The sound as I entered the small tunnel seemed to go down in pitch, and was flat, like you hear on TV shows when the contestant gets an answer wrong - seriously! :)

I sensed that I would end up in a (pardon me) crap plane, and I was right :) When I got there my visuals got very hazy and seemed to be tinted greyish-blue. Then I noticed blackish figures, which I realised soon were fish. I was in some sort of indoor swimming pool, which was very murky and dark. I avoided the school of fish and surfaced... indeed I was indoors in what seemed to be a delapadated building. I saw a door nearby and moved thru it (didn't think of opening it at the time) which brought me into another almost identical room with another mucky pool. People were talking on the far side of the room, but to be honest I got really downheartened that my first real visit was to such a boring, dull place, that I left... so boring, in fact, I forgot how I left :)

The next thing I know I'm back home, in the kitchen with my mother. At this point I'm stil conscious, and start thinking that I'm now in a lucid dream. I decide to tell my mother she's dreaming, but I knew if I took the direct approcah it wouldn't work (from reading other's stories). I went up to her, and casually asked... "If you were dreaming now, what would you do?". she stared blankly at me, which frustrated me slightly. I asked her again, but got no reply, as if I was talking rubbish (which ordinarily it would sound I suppose). I said, "If this were a dream, I could break the window, then put it back together"... she replied with something along the lines of "Why would you want to do that?"... getting quite frustrated I broke the window, then told her to watch, as I raised my hand and started willing the fragments to levitate and re-integrate back fully. This was working, and it seemed that it would take a long time (the shards were small), and I turned to her and said, "Do you believe me now that you're dreaming?". Again, she stared blankly and finally started talking, but made excuses... Bah! I gave up, this was going nowhere! But putting the glass back together was fun :)

Some other events happened in which I nearly lost lucidity but somehow (through keeping my mind blank) I kept regaining consciousness... for example I was on the street engaged in a brawl then realised how stupid it was. At this point I still believed I was in a lucid dream (re I believed after leaving the boring plane I entered a lucid dream, as I had no memory of how I left the plane) and I had the same vision problem (consciously thinking of blinking), but again, I succeeded getting back. After I regained vision I was in an unfamiliar place, losing lucidity.. as another bloody cat was chasing me and I was clearly frightened. I seemed to be in a hospital. As the cat drew closer, lucidity hit me again like a ton of bricks.

I consciously thought in this dream/OBE that I was a very long time, and that I better end it soon because I would either lose memories of the cool tunnel OR I would be late for my exams in the morning! I decided to blink for fun, but instead of feeling the wall I opened my eyes, and I immediately woke up! :) It was indeed 6am, I was two hours out of body, 99% of it remembered! My best ever I think.

Note: about halfway through I had a False Awakening in which I entered the previous OBE in my dream journal to safeguard it, then when I became lucid again (damn letters started moving!) I was pretty annoyed since it seemed like I wrote about 3 pages in the dream :)


Robert or anyone sufficiently experienced.. can you please advise me. Was this a mixture of OBE and a lucid dream? Was the tunnel really the entrance structure? Did anyone ever see lightning etc before entering it? Was the horrible pool part of an astral plane, or was it one of my stupid lucid dreams? :) I find it hard to draw a line between what is OBE and what is dream. However, one thing I can say without reservation is that I kept conscious/lucid to the best of my ability, and most of what I wrote here regarding reality fluctuation were observed during the OBE/lucid dream, which would suggest that memories (mine or others) interfered with things that was noticeable to my conscious mind... Thanks for the help :) If you dont have time to answer fully, all I really would like to know is whether I really got to an astral plane structure and plane :) Yes or No?


Edited by - Conn on 18 February 2002  18:16:47

Since I have been missing my OBEs, I thought it
would be nice to hear other people's stories! I
realise that many people think that their OBEs
become too personal over time (perhaps not
"personal", rather of no importance or relevance
to anyone else), but if anyone feels like sharing
a fun or moving story, then feel free. I'll start
the ball rolling by posting my very first
(spontaneous) OBE. It may have not seemed like
much to many people, but for my it was a turning
point in my life, and opened me up to many new
things, spirituality (if I can call it that)
amongst other things. Anyway, here it is:

Morning, 18th May 2001:

Had a pretty strange dream in which I'm in a
shopping mall, standing around waiting for
someone. I woke from the dream at around 2am the
night before, and went back to sleep with the
intention of re-entering the dream. It worked. I
was in the dream again, and I noticed a strange
device probing/watching me. I was getting a
little agitated. I saw a woman standing near me,
and I felt like I was starting to become lucid..
then I tried to wake myself up. The dream visuals
started to fade, but strangely enough an outline
of the woman remained! It seemed to be an
afterimage, and I noticed quite a bit of REM
activity (as I was familiar from WILD attempts).

I then cleared my mind with the attempt of having
an OBE or lucid dream. I pushed thoughts away
passively, which worked, and then suddenly I felt
an incredible upwards rushing sensation! I found
myself hovering above my bed, in semi darkness -
WOW! :)

As I oriented myself, I noticed the room was not
totally accurate - my bed was in another position,
certain objects were missing and others seemed to
be there that I never saw before... strange. I
also noticed that the blind was pulled up (in
reality it was down). I decided to take the
opportunity to move through something, so I
hovered to the window. I looked at my astral arm
and tried pushing to through the window... it felt
cold! Just like a window... There was initial
resistance but I kept calm and pushed it through -
success! I moved the rest of the way out, and
found myself hovering outside my back garden.

I cannot describe in words how I felt at this
point - this was NO dream, it felt 110% real! My
sense of touch was present, I could feel the
window, my sight was clearer than reality
(although fuzzy when I first got out)... amazing.
I also noticed that really uplifting spiritual
music was playing throughout the whole OBE! Then I
looked at my garden - unlike my room, it seemed to
be a perfect match to my real garden. But
something caught my eye - a HUGE city FLOATING in
the sky not too far away! I was amazed at the
sight, and "willed" myself to come closer. I got
there amazingly quickly. When I stoped I was
literally breathless (hmm, wrong word ;) at the
absolute marvel which was this amazing foreign
city. Blinking lights, beautiful buildings (gothic
style I think) - unbelievable!

Then I noticed that I was close to the moon - and
low and behold, I huge telescope was placed in a
large square in the middle of the city! I flew
to it, and looked through the lens. I saw the moon
in incredible detail, much better than any image I
ever saw on TV etc, it totally flabberghasted me!
;) But even more interesting was the fact that I
actually somehow managed to diverge my sight
through the lens, which actually brought me
further into orbit! (OT: visualising a telescope
is a good way to transport quickly to something
straight ahead :)

At this point, hovering god-knows how high above
the planet, the "gravity" of the situation hit me!
:) I shouted out at the top of my lungs
"YESSSS!!!!" which promptly landed me on my butt
and back in my body :) I guess the emotion aborted
the OBE, d'oh!

Anyway that was my OBE... nothing special I guess,
no angels, deities or anything of the like, but
nevertheless it totally changed my perspective on

Now lets hear yours :)


PS, Regarding the constant music I heard during
the OBE, when I woke up from the projection the
music was still playing very clearly in my mind,
and faded after about 10 seconds... cool eh? :)

Edited by - Conn on 16 February 2002  23:37:45

I've been having quite a bit of trouble meditating (and hence projecting) in the last month-and-a-half. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions/ideas to get me out of this little rut? I really miss my OBES! :)

Anyway, basically I can keep my inner dialogue silent quite well, I've done the progressive relaxation exercises, trance induction. I usually have no problem getting into trance after 30 minutes tops (ie, I always start noticing the sudden falling sensation followed by chakra activity which spreads and becomes reminicant of "vibrations")

I have been raising energy via the full-body circuit daily, but not in specific sessions, only during the day in the background (it's pretty automatic by now). I realise Robert says that reduced energy sensations are a good sign, but it's pretty distressing all the same. Every couple of days when I try to get into trance I do the primary circuit, and lately I haven't felt much activity at all, even in the base centre.

Perhaps I did energy-work too much in the initial stages? When I started NEW in May 2001 I had success with energy awareness (ie sensing the energy) and projection etc, which peaked when I started the primary circuit. When I started stimulating primaries I had minimal sensations from them, but nevertheless it sparked off daily sleep paralasis and multiple exits per morning (which seemed like a very good thing at the time :)

However, most times I entered trance I felt discomfort when moving energy, sometimes quite painful. But it did'nt really stop me projecting. What does this mean? Does it mean I have an unstable energy-body?

Now I can't even get into trance! Additionally, my dream recall has gone down quite a bit, despite the fact I still write my dreams into my journal daily. To top it all off, I do feel exhausted most days (even if I get a good night's sleep).

Sorry for the mixing of topics (NEW and trance) but I'd rather not write two posts :)


Edited by - Conn on 15 February 2002  21:31:03

I have been mulling over this for a while now. Has any experienced projectors ever held an "astral meeting"? I mean, actually meeting a fellow projector at a pre-arranged time and place? If so, does one meet in an astral plane which is selected or *created*, or even the real-time zone?

Also, I have heard that dream meetings are generally not viable, especially from reading on alt.out-of-body or alt.dreams.lucid - so would astral meetings, provided that they are a reality, prove that lucid dreams (of the WILD variety) are different to OBEs?

Robert, I would like to ask you this: How and when did you discover the plane entrance structures? I have read Robert Monroe's Journeys Out of Body and his accounts of the astral planes don't seem as organised. Do you think that the plane structure is dependant of the belief system of the individual? I mean, what are the chances of a projector finding the entrance structure without prior knowledge of it?

Additionally, Monroe talked about what he calls Locale III, which was entered through a black-hole type structure after rotating when out-of-body. According to him, it was like a mirror universe, except the society evolved quite differently. Also, Monroe was able to inhabit an individual's body while in this plane/universe and caused quite a lot of grief and confusion. Has anyone ever experienced anything remotely similar?

And my final question, would any "seasoned" projectors consider trying out astral meetings? It could prove a valuabe and fun little excursion :)


Hi Frank,

Don't have time to elaborate - the tunnel structure is one of the methods of reaching an astral plane from the real-time zone, similar to the plane entrance structure (on the back cover of AD), but "rolled up" :)

Thanks for the feedback re seperation sensations!


Hi Frank,

You mention your exit sensations feeling like moving from 0-100mph in 1.5 seconds. As I've posted before, that's exactly the same for myself, and I usually have conscious volition of exactly when to actually project. However, interestingly enough (or not!), despite having identical exit sensations to yourself, I've only ever projected directly into the RTZ! I have managed to get to the astral via the tunnel structure, but I've never projected directly to an astral plane.

It just seems odd that we can experience the same sensations but different results, and you say you've projected hundreds of times. In Astral Dynamics I get the impression that the exit sensation should feel like a continual *downward* falling sensation. How come some people (yourself and I included) feel an upward movement? Perhaps we should compare the specific exit sensations more closely, as I get the impression that the individual discrepencies have always been overlooked by projectors/researchers.


Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Help
April 12, 2002, 16:49:27
Hi jucafern,

I think you can relax, you don't need to accept two conflicting viewpoints. What you're implying by car accidents etc. suggest you're talking not about an OBE, but an NDE (Near-Death Experience). Whats the relevence? When an NDE occurs it is not the astral body that seperates, but in fact the etheric body, which is the powerhouse (or the spirit) of the human body. When this leaves the body, physical death occurs (unless it can reintegrate as per NDE).

So, in other words, in accidents etc, the astral body is not escaping, but the "original copy", the etheric (which the astral body is usually copied from according to RB).

SPASTRAL: The best advice is to read Mobius' recommended list of links, and I feel I should add a few :)

Note that these are aimed ad lucid dreams. Arguably it's very similar to OBE, but if you disagree it's still possible to induce OBEs from within a lucid dream.

Another thing: I don't think you can actually pull them out of body. I have heard that if you find them wandering around the astral (or etheric) half-conscious, you can attempt to wake them, but you may not have too much luck (as RB says, they have an annoying habit to fall asleep mid-sentence)

So, basically, when you project, feel for the essence of the person you want to meet, then expect to transport there instantly or you'll find them around the corner etc, and see if you can wake them :)


Hey simusra,

Hey, it's no problem! And by the way, I would classify myself a newbie so don't worry about it :)


Hi Frank,

I think my personal best is 7-10 successive
instances of "false awakenings", each time being
harder to judge whether I was awake or not. I
believe I wrote the entire event (and the OBE
which it followed) about three times, each time
realising afterwards I was still in the astral :)

Anyway, great post Frank. I think the truth about
objectivity is that one must be a master in
mind-control to truly mask the so-called reality
fluctuations, and even then it may not be 100%. As
an example, Franz Bardon's Initiation into
Hermetics places astral projection (although it's
more advanced than plain vanilla OBEs) at Step 9
of 10 (of which can take 30 years or more to get
that far in development). He stresses several
times the importance of projecting, verifying the
accuracy of the immediate environment, and going
back, rinse and repeat no matter how long it
takes, until you're confident it's accurate. So
naturally if a person of such an advanced level of
mind-control needs such practice, I don't think
anyone should feel depressed over the lack of
accuracy of their experiences.


Double posting... sorry

Edited by - Conn on 12 April 2002  17:51:23
Hi sumisra,

A lot of people say that vibrations are necessary
to enable an OBE to occur. However I think this
only applies to external point-shift methods, like
the rope method or roll-out method, etc.

There is in fact a way to achieve an OBE without
vibrations, which involves visualisation of
the target area. I have done this with good
success usually but requires a deeper level of
trance than usual. It ends up the same as a normal
OBE minus the exit sensations (and vibrations


Hi sumisra,

I have experience with the same phenonamen, and I can tell you with relative assurance the eye movements *are* in fact Rapid Eye Movement patterns. They can occur at any time during relaxation or trance, and have occured with myself as well, even without any other distinguishable sensations, like hypnogogia or minds-eye visions. Your level of relaxation is already high enough if you experience vibrations, which would enable REM sleep to begin its cycle.

The best way to overcome this is to gently rub your finger and thumb together, or *slightly* resettle yourself. This will lighten the level of trance (careful not to break it), and immediately stop the REM.


NOTE: I have also experienced sensations like when the muscles on the sides of the eye seem to become stretched and slighyly uncomfortable and could seem to buzz like REM. That happens to me usually if I'm stimulating any energy centres around the area of the eyes, so keep an eye out for that too.

Hey DJ,

I'm sorry but my AIM is disabled currently, but I would suggest you try Astral Chat available on #AstralChat (or the appropriate link on the Astral Pulse site). There's usually a few people in there with a decent knowledge of astral projection and general metaphysics, so fell free to pop in :)


Heya Donni,

Having experience with NEW from May 2001 I must agree with you that secondaries are indeed more favourable. However I found primary stimulation a good booster for times I wanted to project, and triggered a lot of sleep paralysis (which is now virtually gone). Primary centre stimulation has its advantages... think of it like this... by focusing on secondaries you're not really developing your energy centres in a balanced way. Instead work in the order of power. I mean, concentrate most on tertiaries (which are triggered by body awareness anyway), then secondaries (which is your fave), followed sparingly by primaries! If any of the three is too much, then skip it until another "cycle". Thats just my opinion. I can project fine without primary work, but generally speaking it's much easier.

Having said that, I do agree secondaries should gain priority for development reasons. But despite the indirect stimulation, primaries may become dormant to a small degree if you ignore them completely?


PS Re the "fascination principle", it doesn't take primaries for that :) When I woke from my OBE this morning, I must have had full auric sight as there was a very solid-looking lump/coil of red energy floating in front of my eyes... scary ;) (I did no primary work)

Hey Spike and Ladylea,

Thanks for the replies... and as a matter of interest, I had two more OBEs since this one I posted :) The previous was strange as I could not gain my astral sight, but I had great fun going through the maneouveres of a very fast roller-coaster :) The latest one, however, happened last night, from about 12am to 3am... Roughly 2 hours out-of-body again (the other one was dreaming of which I had excellent recall) :) As I went to go to the astral plane entrance structure, I was shown various pictures which appeared to float in front of me :) I can't remember for the life of me what they were... but I'm fairly sure I managed to get to an astral plane. Most of the OBE was in fact navigating through strange houses, and eventually I ended up in a beautiful park, and was greeted by a huge alsation-type dog :)



Yes there is a method called stereoreading in which you use a computer to scroll text at several tens of thousands of words per minute, which the subconscious mind can store. When you have a lucid dream simply set your intention to remember the book/information you stereoread, or even use your creative ability to "watch" the book as a film, in an imaginary cinema! :) I *hear* this works from alt.dream.lucid, but as of yet I have not tried... but you can. Check out

NB I don't think they give instructions to access it via dreams, but it's fairly obvious what you should do, simply set your intent to see/gain access to the information. Let me know how you do!


Hey LadyLea,

Thanks very much for sharing with us! You
mentioned intense feelings of joy, peace and love
- did you feel this in the OBE or in meditation?

All my OBEs indeed have a very spiritual feeling
to them, no matter how boring they may seem on the
surface - anyway, I hope you can get those
feelings back soon! (me too ;)



Regarding the real-time zone, I think there's a
little more than meets the eye. I do believe that
the real-time is objective to a high degree, and
the only way I can demonstrate this to you is
through Near-Death Experiences. Most NDE reports
seem to co-incide with events that really happened
in the physical. I think there are two aspects
which determine the objectivity (and both are not

One, you need to have lots and lots of energy, ie
you must have a powerfully-generated astral
double. Regardless of reality fluctuations or not,
it still is quite hard to stay in the RTZ for long
(in my experience I can't stay more than 5-10
minutes without losing it from exhaustion). This
would explain why NDEs are so objective -
according to popular theory the etheric body is
ejected in an NDE, which is the "generator" in a
sense - ie, you're not projecting with a weak

Two, you need to be adept at concentration. It is
very easy for a wandering mind to become
enraptured with anything in the RTZ, and generally
be put off the initial set objective. As an
example, I wanted to fly to the moon, but I got
distracted by fighting going on at the river
nearby... my curiosity got the better of me, and I
got invloved in a riverside brawl which, although
quite fun, put my off my objective totally.
Additionally, I think it's very possible that the
brawl was not a reality fluctuation, but a dream
(my own or someone else's). ANYWAY, the point is
you need to concentrate and ignore anything that
is not of relevance to your "mission".

Hope this helps you, butI doubt it, I'm more
confused than before I wrote the post... ;)


Welcome to Dreams! / Energy work and Lucid Dreaming
February 16, 2002, 14:11:58
Hey Muzza,

Yes, energy work makes dreams much more vivid. And
yes, this makes Lucid Dreaming easier. But the
reason why it becomes easier is that you recall
more of the dream, and it's clearer, hence you'll
have an increased chance of becoming
conscious/aware that you're deaming. As far as I
know, you still need to practice with Reality
Checks etc (with the exception of WILDs - which
are the best anyway :)

Anyway, the best Lucid Dream FAQ I found is Lars
Lucid Dream FAQ.


Welcome to Metaphysics! / Real-Time Sight
February 16, 2002, 14:05:37

I believe I experienced Real-Time sight perhaps
half a dozen times (again, around the time I
started stimulating primaries).. However, I get
the impression real-time sight is dull? My RT
sight was very clear, but it had a limited range,
like looking through a cardboard box with a hole,
so there's blackness in the periphery (altogether
about 30% of total sight). However the focal point
was clear, and as bright as my astral sight (which
always seems brighter/more vibrant than physical
eyesight). And yes, I would say it's directly
related to stimulating the brow centre. I did the
extra stimulation (the front lobes) which
triggered it.

I've also noticed another visual phenonamon while
raising energy. When doing the full-body circuit
after a few minutes, I can see a strange
glowing/greenish colour on the bottom of the
periphery of my sight, and it seems to glow more
if I raise energy faster or with more effort. Is
this the initial stages of energy sensing?

Robert or any NEW addicts (*cough* Donni *cough*),
have you gotten to the stage of being able to see
the energy through closed eyelids? I thought I
read somewhere that you may actually be able to
see your imagined awareness hands after practice
with them? Or did I imagine that?



Thanks for the replies Donni and Robert, I think I
will try some CIR, and some introspection. I had a
hunch I was in one of those "cycles", re a lot on
my plate to deal with at the moment.

Again, thanks for the help! :)



After reading this I can now proudly say I've been attacked by a neg too =)
Oh well, my one doesnt hurt, in fact I'm thinking of keeping it, it's soo cute ;)


Hey no_skillzz,

My advice to you is to try for an OBE, and really psyche yourself up for one. If you succeed then you'll have much more confidence and your motivation will increase as a result.

However, if you do try to project and have no success, then I suggest you try for WILDs (Wake Induced Lucid Dreams) instead... they're easier than conscious OBEs and are fun! :)
